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The Impact of Uploading Grades at the Internet

To the College of Accountancy Students of Our lady of the

Pillar College-Cauayan

Bonifacio R. Laciste III

Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology, AY 2014-2015
Our Lady of the Pillar College - Cauayan

Abstract: This article has analyzed the effect of Academic

grades to the quality of academic performance of the College

of Accountancy students. To gather the needed data, I have

chosen 80 respondents from the BSA and BSAT students first

year to fourth year of Our Lady of the Pillar College -

Cauayan and descriptive questionnaire were used. Weighted

mean were computed to analyze the answer of the respondents.

Based on the results that were obtained, the

researcher come up with the following conclusions; majority

of the respondents coming from the College of Accountancy

are ranging from 18-19 years old and most of are female and

single who graduated from public high school, the

respondents strongly agree that students become more active

to their studies, and encouraged to continue and improve

more their academic performance when they got high grades,

excellent grades are the results of the student’s hardship

and interest in their studies, the College of Accountancy

students do not prefer to absent to their classes or tempted

to cheat during quizzes or examinations.


In this era of globalization and technological

revolution, education is considered as a first step for every

human activity. It plays a vital role in the development of human

capital and is linked with an individual’s well-being and

opportunities for better living. It ensures the acquisition of

knowledge and skills that enable individuals to increase their

productivity and improve their quality of life. This increase in

productivity also leads towards new sources of earning which

enhances the economic growth of a country The quality of

students’ performance remains at top priority for educators. It

is meant for making a difference locally, regionally, nationally

and globally. Educators, trainers, and researchers have long

been interested in exploring variables contributing effectively

for quality of performance of learners. These variables are

inside and outside school that affect students’ quality of

academic achievement. These factors may be termed as student

factors, family factors, school factors and peer factors. People

live in a vast environment with unlimited needs and wants. In

order to survive and live a better life, people seek a job to

earn for a living, thus there are many ways to acquire a job. One

way is, you must have finished a bachelor’s degree so that you a

competitive advantage among others to get the job you seek and

also to qualify to the requirements the company or firm you

desire to work for.

Education is one of the most important ventures one should

invest in order to be able to face the current trends in the

economy and, nevertheless, succeed in life. Education in its

general sense is a form of learning in which the knowledge,

skills, and habits of a group of people are transferred from one

generation to the next through teaching, training or research.

Formal education is systems of schools involving

institutionalized teaching and learning.

Teaching is a major task of a teacher to promote learning. A

thriving teacher must not only know what, but also how to teach.

To achieve this, the instructor has to guide the students in

their learning process. The instructors teaching performance play

a vital role in the interest of a student on a certain subject.

Most of the students are observant. They try to find excitement

in every subject to boost their interest on studying such topic.

It is on the way the professor handle the class. Teaching has

always been thought to us as one of the noblest profession. Being

an accountancy student can be a difficult act. It is hard

maintaining cut-off grades to achieve one’s goal. During classes

some of the students appear to be responsive and productive yet

on the other hand, there are also students who are not

participative. With these instances, professors may divide the

class into the fast and inquisitive learner and slow learners.

The fact that professors tend to motivate their students.


Since the study is concerned with the effect of academic

grades to the quality of academic performance of the BSA and BSAT

students, the descriptive method of research was used. The

respondents of the study were the first year, second year, third

year and fourth year BSA and BSAT students of Our Lady of the

Pillar College-Cauayan. The researcher used a structured

questionnaire as a tool for gathering data. In order to analyze

data gathered for this study, frequency count was used to

determine the number of respondents belonging to certain

category. Percentage was utilized to determine the size of the

population of the respondents using the formula.

Statements, Weighted Means and Interpretation to the assessment

of the respondents regarding the effect of academic grades on the

academic performance of the College of Accountancy students

Statement Mean Interpretation

1. Students become more active to 1.44 Strongly Agree
their studies when they got high
2. High grades push students to 1.61 Strongly Agree
continue and improve more their
academic performance.
3. High grades inspire students to 1.55 Strongly Agree
maintain their standing in class.
4. Excellent grades are the results 1.56 Strongly Agree
of the student’s hardship and
interest in his/her studies.
5. Students become more determined 1.69 Strongly Agree
and focused to their studies when
they have high grades to
6. Students lose their interest to 2.66 Agree
study when they get low grades.
7. Students prefer not to attend the 3.61 Neutral
subject where they get low grade.
8. Students are tempted to cheat 3.19 Neutral
during quizzes and examinations
to have a better grade.
9. Students do not give much 3.34 Neutral
attention to the subject where
they get low grades.
10. Low grades decrease the 2.50 Agree
confidence of the students.
11. Students start to strive in 1.86 Strongly Agree
his/her studies to cope with
his/her performance and grades.
12. Low grades motivate 2.00 Agree
students to change or improve
their study habits.
13. Students with low grades 2.06 Agree
were encourage to focus more on
their studies than doing
unnecessary activities like
playing computer games.
14. Students with low grades 1.96 Strongly Agree
start to become active in his/her
class by exerting more effort
than the previous term.
15. Students with low grades 2.21 Agree
start to realize that he/she is
not doing well during the last
semester or period and begin to
manage his time for improving his
academic performance.
16. Students decrease their 2.86 Agree
interest to focus on their
17. Students with high grades 2.74 Agree
get depressed on how to maintain
his/her grades on the next
18. Students with high grades 2.88 Agree
become passive during the
preceding academic periods
because he/she became contented
with his/her prior grades.
19. High grades tempt students 3.39 Neutral
to practice absenteeism.
20. High grades make students 3.14 Neutral
to lessen their study habit
during vacant hours especially at
GRAND MEAN 2.41 Agree

Table 9 shows the statements, weighted means and

interpretation to the assessment of the respondents regarding the

effect of academic grades on the academic performance of the

college of accountancy students.

Based on the table, students strongly agree that they become

more active to their studies when they got high grades, high

grades push students to continue and improve more their academic

performance; high grades inspire students to maintain their

standing in class; excellent grades are the results of the

student’s hardship and interest in his/her studies; students

become more determined and focused to their studies when they

have high grades to maintain; students start to strive in his/her

studies to cope with his/her performance and grades; students

with low grades start to become active in his/her class by

exerting more effort than the previous term. It also shows that

students agrees that students lose their interest to study when

they get low grades; low grades decrease the confidence of the

students; low grades motivate students to change or improve their

study habits; students with low grades were encourage to focus

more on their studies than doing unnecessary activities like

playing computer games; students with low grades start to realize

that he/she is not doing well during the last semester or period

and begin to manage his time for improving his academic

performance; students decrease their interest to focus on their

studies; students with high grades get depressed on how to

maintain his/her grades on the next grading; students with high

grades become passive during the preceding academic periods

because he/she became contented with his/her prior grades.

Though, the respondents decided to be neutral to the following

statements: Students prefer not to attend the subject where they

get low grade; Students are tempted to cheat during quizzes and

examinations to have a better grade; Students do not give much

attention to the subject where they get low grades; High grades

tempt students to practice absenteeism; High grades make students

to lessen their study habit during vacant hours especially at

home. However, the students’ overall preference has a grand mean

of 2.41 with a description of “Agree”.


Most of the BSA and BSAT students have agreed that grades do

affect their academic performance. The results showed that

students become more active to their studies when they got high

grades. The respondents also agree that high grades inspire them

to maintain their standing in class. And some decided to be

neutral when they are asked if do students are really tempted to

cheat during quizzes and examinations to have a better grade?

The result of the study pointed that the BSA and BSAT

students have different interpretations or point of view

regarding to their grades and how it affect their quality of

academic performance. Majority of them agreed that when they get

high grades it has a positive impact on their academic

performance, and also some of the respondents agreed that when

they get unsatisfactory grades they make room for improvements

and do their best to cope up and understand their lesson for the

betterment of their grades and performance.

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