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Part I: Profile of the respondents

Direction: Please put a checkmark (√) on the item that best

corresponds to your answer.

1. Age
__ 16-17 __ 20-21 __ 24-25
__ 18-19 __ 22-23 __ 26- above
2. Gender
__ Male __Female
3. Civil Status
__ Single __ Married
4. Course ____________________________________________
5. Year level
__ First year __Second year
__ Third year __Fourth year
6. Place of Residence___________________________________
7. Students Monthly Allowance
__ 1200-below __1601-2000 __ 2401-2800
__ 1201-1600 __2001-2400 __2801-above
8. Other source of Allowance
__ Part-time job __ relatives
__ None __ others, please specify _____________
9. Parents Monthly Income
__5000-below __5001-10000 __10001-15000
__15001-20000 __20001-25000 __ 250001-above
__ Others, please specify ________________________________
10. Occupation of parents
Father Mother

Government Employee _____ ______

Private Employee _____ ______

Self-employed _____ ______

Others, please specify _____ ______

11. Number of family Members

__ 1-2 __ 5-6
__ 3-4 __ 7-above

Part II. Budget allocated for the following expenses

Direction: Please put a checkmark (√) on the item that best

corresponds to your answer.

1. How much money do you spend for your transportation monthly?

__ 200-below __ 401-600
__ 201-400 __ 601-above
2. How much money do you spend for your food expenses monthly?
__ 600-below __ 801-1000 __1200-1400
__ 601-800 __ 1001-1200 __1400-above
3. How much money do you spend on your school project/research monthly?
__ 200-400 __601-800
__ 401-600 __801-above
4. How much money do you spend for your vices?
__ 100-below __ 201-300 __ 401-above
__ 101-200 __ 301-400
5. How much do you spend for your leisure time? Monthly?
__ 100-200 __ 201-400 __ 401-above

Part III: Budgeting Practices

Direction: Please put a
checkmark (√) on the item that
best corresponds to your

4- Always
3- Sometimes
2- If necessary
1- Never
1 2 3 4
1. I prefer to have a        
photocopy rather than buying a
2. I prefer to cook meals        
rather than to buy outside
3. I prefer to buy ukay-ukay        
rather than buying branded
4. I'd rather made homemade        
snacks than buy outside or
delivered from fast food
5. Whenever there are        
I do canvas before buying
6. whenever I go to market, I        
do list of the things to
buy rather than decide when
I'm on the market to avoid
unnecessary expenses
7. I prefer to use autoload        
rather than prepaid cards
8. I'd rather drink in        
Drinking fountain than buying
bottled water
9. Whenever there Is        
assignment, I'd rather search
in the library than surfing
the internet
10. I prefer to walk rather        
than to ride in going to
school (if it is walking
11. I set aside pocket money        
from my allowances for
emergency purposes
12. I prefer surfing the
internet at home rather than
renting computers in the
computer shop (if available)

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