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Technology in Society 64 (2021) 101454

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Scientific mapping to identify competencies required by industry 4.0

Liane Mahlmann Kipper a, b, *, Sandra Iepsen a, Ana Julia Dal Forno d, 1, Rejane Frozza a,
Leonardo Furstenau a, Jéssica Agnes b, Danielli Cossul c
Graduate Program in Systems and Industrial Processes (PPGSPI), University of Santa Cruz do Sul, Av. Independencia, 2293, Predio 53 (PPGSPI), Santa Cruz do Sul,
Rio Grande do Sul, CEP 96815-900, Brazil
Graduate Program in Psychology (PPGPSI), University of Santa Cruz do Sul, Santa Cruz do Sul, Brazil
Degree in Psychology, University of Santa Cruz do Sul, Santa Cruz do Sul, Brazil
Federal University of Catarina (UFSC), Blumenau Campus, Brazil


Keywords: The objective of this study was to identify what competencies are identified in the literature as necessary for
Industry 4.0 Industry 4.0 by conducting a survey of the literature and a scientific mapping of the evolution of the issues
Smart manufacturing related to the qualification of professionals for Industry 4.0 and possible paths for research and education. A
Learning factory
search was conducted on the Scopus, Web of Science and Science Direct databases for the interval from 2010 to
Survey of the literature
Science mapping
2018. This systematic review revealed topics and authors currently specialized in the field and allowed mapping
Skills the field of study. The identification of journals and keywords useful in future studies was also an object of this
study. SciMAT software was used for the systematic literature review. The results are highlighted by the set of
competencies (knowledge and skills) that must be developed in professional education to accompany the new
industrial revolution, as well as the importance of integrating efforts by companies, governments and univer­
sities. These efforts should focus on creating “learning factories”, which are understood to be environments that
provide practical experiences to these professionals, preparing them in the best way possible for the requirements
of Industry 4.0. This conceptual map showed that the main competencies needed include skills: (leadership,
strategic vision of knowledge, self-organization, giving and receiving feedback, pro-activity, creativity, problem
solving, interdisciplinarity, teamwork, collaborative work, initiative, communication, innovation, adaptability,
flexibility and self-management) and knowledge of contemporary fields (information and communication
technology, algorithms, automation, software development and security, data analysis, general systems theory
and sustainable development theory).

1. Introduction worker education must be adapted with new teaching and learning
models that focus on developing interdisciplinary competencies and
Innovations stimulated by the fourth industrial revolution continue expanding the capacities of youth to solve problems and confront the
to alter products, services and production systems and require pro­ challenges presented by the fourth industrial revolution [4]. This
fessionals who are capable of continuously developing new knowledge, adaptation of worker training requires a new model for teaching and
technological trends [1] and skills [2]. This process will drastically learning that focuses on the development of interdisciplinary skills and
impact workers’ careers [3] since manual activities and low-skilled jobs the expansion of young people’s capacities to solve problems and face
will be sharply reduced due to the automation of processes. Therefore, the challenges presented by the fourth industrial revolution. Meanwhile,

* Corresponding author. Graduate Program in Psychology (PPGPSI) and Program in Systems and Industrial Processes (PPGSPI), University of Santa Cruz do Sul,
Santa Cruz do Sul, Brazil.
E-mail addresses: (L.M. Kipper), (S. Iepsen), (A.J. Dal Forno), (R. Frozza), (L. Furstenau), (J. Agnes), (D. Cossul).
Adjunct Professor of Engineering at the Federal University of Catarina (UFSC) - Blumenau campus and vice-director of the same institution until December 17,
2020. Collaborator of PGTEX - Master in Textile Engineering (2019). She holds a PhD in Production Engineering (UFSC-2014), where she also holds a PhD from the
same University and made a sandwich at the Technische Universität Berlin (TUB - Germany). Master in Production Engineering from UFSC (2008). Research focus:
Lean Product and Process Development Management, Innovation Management, Benchmarking, Lean Manufacturing, Process Improvement. Lean and Industry 4.0.
Received 13 November 2019; Received in revised form 16 October 2020; Accepted 5 November 2020
Available online 4 December 2020
0160-791X/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L.M. Kipper et al. Technology in Society 64 (2021) 101454

technologies can enhance workers’ skills, safety and help them execute increased life expectancy allow people to work later in life, increasing
risky tasks and help companies improve their efficiency and perfor­ the age range of the work force [19]. For this reason, these authors claim
mance by increasing flexibility in production processes, speeding up the that companies need to develop competencies and skills in employees
launch of new products and services in the market. And in this context, through training and innovation to remain attentive to the opportunities
additive manufacturing becomes a facilitator in industry 4.0 [5]. offered by Industry 4.0 and minimize the impacts caused by disruptive
Ananiadou & Claro [6], in their study about the competencies and social and economic consequences [4]. However, Benešová & Tupa [20]
skills needed in the twenty-first century, addressed the concepts of believe that the transition to sophisticated production will not be
competency and skill and provided distinctive definitions. 1) Skill is the immediately possible due to the high financial costs, and a lack of
capacity of the human being to execute tasks and resolve problems. 2) qualified employees capable of working with these technologies.
Competency involves the capacity of the human being to meet complex Although the Reference Architecture Model Industry 4.0 (RAMI 4.0)
demands, going beyond cognitive elements and functional aspects to having been developed by associations in Germany, recent studies show
include interpersonal attributes and ethical values (including skill, that the literature on Industry 4.0 is not consensual or is not yet defined,
knowledge and attitude). Competency can be supported by intelligence in addition there is no standard for the application and use of technol­
and personality and can provide social value to an individual and eco­ ogies [21]. These authors show in their study that the most represen­
nomic value to a company. Research shows that human errors affect the tative technologies for Industry 4.0 are CPS, IoT and big data. The
reliability of the value chain, have a strong impact on quality and integration of technologies will assist problem solving, facilitate pro­
directly affect production due to lost time, increased costs, an increased duction flexibility and increase efficiency at companies. Motyl et al. [22]
rate of non-compliant products and a consequent need for rework consider that nine emerging high-level technologies compose the pillars
and/or an increase in waste. These errors may be associated to a lack of of Industry 4.0: Big data, autonomous robots, simulation, integrated
knowledge or skills, excessive workloads that cause fatigue or stress, systems, IoT, cybersecurity, cloud computing, additive manufacturing
repetitive processes or even to the environments to which workers are and augmented reality. For Zhong et al. [23] five technologies are key to
exposed [7,8]. Cyber-physical-systems involve dynamic integration be­ intelligent manufacturing: IoT, CPS, cloud computing, big data analytics
tween physical processes, software and networks [9]. They are multi­ and information and communication technologies (ICT).
disciplinary systems that provide modelling, design and analysis Regardless of which and how many emerging technologies sustain it,
techniques, facilitating the control of processes through an integration the purpose of Industry 4.0 is to analyze large amounts of data to assist
between man and machines. In this context, the main area of human decision making, obtain quick responses, make production flexible and
influence occurs through their cognitive capacity, predictable behavior efficient, to obtain high quality products and cost reductions, enabling
and motivation in the intention to predict and minimize human error the promotion and growth of productivity and cost savings, and to
[8]. Artificial Intelligence is another technology that can assist decision modify the workforce profile [22,24]. To work effectively with new
making and the resolution of complex problems using databases built technologies, companies must rethink the way they address human
from specialist systems [10,11]. factors, since collaborators need to develop their skills to maximize the
Güller and Büyüközkan [12] present a decision-making model based improvements that these technologies can bring to their performance
on Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM), fuzzy logic, Analytic Hier­ [25].
archy Process (AHP), and Axiomatic Design (AD) and applied it to a In this uncertain context, the objective of this study was to identify
banking sector case study. Sellitto et al. [10] also found that human which competencies the literature considers employees must have to
failure to control the process occurs mainly due to the human inability to adapt to Industry 4.0, by conducting a systematic review of the literature
discern very small variations in operational conditions. Fuzzy control­ and a scientific mapping to verify the evolution of the key themes related
lers can handle control problems when an accurate model of a process is to the qualification of professionals in Industry 4.0 and possible paths for
not available. Sellitto et al. [10] applied them at a cement company and research and education. The study also sought to discuss current topics
obtained productivity and energy gains. Pasquale et al. [13] systemati­ and highlight the authors who are specialized in the field to create a map
cally evaluated the literature on human reliability analysis in assembly of the field of study. Another object of this study was to identify com­
systems. They identified 12 approaches to human reliability assessment petencies (knowledge and skills) needed to work with Industry 4.0 as
that were applied in assembly systems, but there are still several areas well as journals and keywords to be used in future studies.
that can be explored for further research considering the large quantity
and high complexity of variables that affect human error probability. 2. Materials and methods
Jirgl, Bradac and Fiedler [8] presented a brief overview of
cyber-physical systems (CPS), emphasizing the role of humans in Here we present the materials and methods used to meet the objec­
cooperation with CPS. Such systems are often called Human-in-the-Loop tives of the study. First the research criteria were defined, such as the
CyberPhysical Systems (HiLCPSs). Data obtained via real pilots was used data bases, keywords, time periods, and the criteria for inclusion and
for these purposes and the results indicated that probable human exclusion of documents.
behavior can be predicted based on measurements and modelling. The research method involved a survey of the literature conducted in
According to Oztemel & Gursev [14], machinery will not substitute the Scopus, Web of Science and Science Direct databases within the time
human beings at companies, although they affirm that unemployment interval 2010 to 2018. According to Webster and Watson [26], a sys­
will inevitably be caused by technological change. This will encourage tematic review of the literature should have steps defined and planned
professionals to assume new opportunities and responsibilities that with pre-established protocol and objectives. The systematic review of
prepare them for the future. As a complement, companies will have to the literature was highlighted by defining the review strategy, critically
adopt new approaches, assisting their professionals to develop skills evaluating the documents, studies, their formal results, research about a
such as: problem solving, analysis of failure, flexibility for dealing with certain subject, and criteria for reproduction and clarity in the choice of
constant changes and complex new tasks, interconnectivity, innovation, studies [27]. This study used the criteria presented below:
as well as knowledge of technological components and digital trans­
formation [15]. I - Criteria for choice of the data bases: the data bases used were:
Industry 4.0 presents challenges in the social sphere, requiring Scopus, Web of Science (WoS) and Science Direct and were chosen
companies to develop the highest levels of competencies in their pro­ because of their importance to the academic environment. The
fessionals and to attract new talents capable of dealing with the Scopus database has 55 million registers, more than 21 million titles
increased complexity of new technologies [16–18]. Moreover, factors and 5 thousand publishers, and is the world’s largest source of aca­
such as demographic changes, national regulations, late retirement and demic abstracts and citations [28]. The WoS is published by

L.M. Kipper et al. Technology in Society 64 (2021) 101454

Thomson Reuters, and currently includes 15 different databases, 2nd step – Visualization of themes and thematic connections.
with approximately 2.6 million publications [29]. Science Direct The themes obtained through the clusters were plotted in bidimen­
comprises one-quarter of the world’s scientific and technical publi­ sional diagrams with four quadrants, based on values for density (y
cations including nearly 2500 journals, more than 30,000 books and axis) and centrality (x axis). Density measures the internal strength
approximately 13.4 million articles [30]. of the connection, while centrality measures the intensity of the
II – Criteria for choice of the period: The period defined for the connection of a cluster with other clusters [37]. In this context, the
study was from 2010 until 2018, because the first article found about research themes can be classified in four groups:
the theme is from 2010. a) Motor themes or Prominent themes (upper right quadrant), these
III - Criteria for the choice of search terms: the search terms used are themes considered to be well developed and important for
were: “industry 4.0”, “industrie 4.0”, “the fourth industrial revolu­ scientific research, they have a strong centrality and high density.
tion”, “the 4th industrial revolution”, “smart manufacturing”, “smart They are themes largely related to other conceptually related
production”, “smart factory” and “smart factories”. These terms were themes;
also used in systematic reviews conducted by Buer, Strandhagen & b) Basic and transversal themes (lower right quadrants), these are
Chan [31]; and Liao et al. [32]. The connector “OR” was used with themes important for scientific research but that have not yet
these search terms to identify pertinent documents (6715). been developed;
IV - Criteria of choice of the types of documents: When using c) Emergent or declining themes (lower left quadrants), these are
SciMAT, the filter was used to find documents that present the well developed themes but that are considered marginal. They
research terms in the title, abstract and keywords to not exclude represent both emerging and declining themes. They have high
studies related to the proposed theme. The type of documents density and low centrality and;
included were articles, forthcoming articles or reviews to avoid d) Highly developed and isolated themes (upper left quadrants) are
leaving out important literature [33]. well-developed in their own right but not important for the
V – Criteria for choosing the bibliometric software: The SciMAT research field because they are very specific and peripheral [34,
(Science Mapping Analysis Software Tool) software developed by 37].
Cobo et al. [34] was used, whose characteristics include: the com­ 3rd step – Discovery of thematic fields: this step analyzed the
plete bibliometric process; free downloading; allowing the incorpo­ evolution of research themes to reveal the main areas that evolved in
ration of methods, algorithms and measures for all the steps of a given period of time and identify their origins and inter-relations.
scientific mapping, from pre-processing to visualization of the re­ To do so, a map of evolution was constructed with the inclusion
sults. Fig. 1 presents the scientific mapping conducted in this study index [34]. In the third phase, it was possible to analyze the general
with the help of SciMAT. overlapping.
4th step – Performance analysis: This step measured the contri­
The method using SciMAT can be described in 4 steps: bution of the entire research field (quantitatively and qualitatively)
to identify the quality of the clusters and determine which were the
1st step – Detection of the research themes: this step involved more productive subfields with greater impact. In addition, some
bibliometric analysis of 6715 documents. The items analyzed were bibliometric indicators were used such as the number of publica­
keywords and the extraction of relevant information considered the tions, the number of citations and the h-index as used by Alonso et al.
frequency of co-occurrence of the keywords, that is, the number of [40] and Cobo et al. [34].
documents in which the words appear together [35,36]. To calculate
the similarity, the equivalence index was used, which calculates the Pre-processing of the data
strength of connection between clusters [36,37]. The clustering al­ The data were collected from the three data bases on October 29,
gorithm used for detecting the themes was the simple center algo­ 2018. The data frequently had errors, so it was necessary to conduct a
rithm, which demonstrates the strength of the connection between pre-processing to guarantee quality results [34]. Firstly, the 6715 doc­
clusters [38,39]. It was also necessary to apply a data reduction, uments selected for bibliometric analysis were exported from the Sco­
which was conducted manually in SciMAT due to the large quantity pus, Web of Science and Science Direct databases, and had a total of 18,
of keywords identified. The results of this reduction are described in 567 keywords. From these, 391 words were selected that were aligned
the pre-processing. with the purpose of this study. Then 5599 documents were excluded,
which were not related to the research objective because they did not

Fig. 1. Structure of scientific mapping by SciMAT (adapted by Ref. [34]).

L.M. Kipper et al. Technology in Society 64 (2021) 101454

have keywords associated to these documents, leaving 1116 documents. 3.2. Analysis and discussion about the strategic diagrams
Then, the words were grouped into 119 clusters, and duplicated docu­
ments were excluded, leaving a total of 659 documents associated to the In the first sub period (2010–2015) 59 documents were identified
keywords selected (391). Words with spelling mistakes were corrected and only 11 were considered to be associated documents. This reveals
and some keywords were grouped because they represented the same that these documents are present in at least two groups of documents
concept such as “Skill” and “Skills”. The scientific mapping for this study [39]. The “learning factory” and “training” clusters are main motor
was conducted for the period: (2010–2018) and was divided into 5 sub themes and located in the top right quadrant. It is common to see
periods: 2010–2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. companies that become dependent on their employees, and for this
Based on a pre-processing of the data found using SciMAT, motor reason it is important for universities and corporations to remodel the
themes were chosen about skills required for the field of Industry 4.0 to learning process and develop interdisciplinary competencies. The
conduct the qualitative review of the literature. The data were organized objective is to expand young engineers’ capacity for problem solving,
in tables that arranged the articles used in this qualitative review of the creativity and capacity to innovate [60]. Perini et al. [61] comment that
literature and that relate the competencies found in this study. professionals are still not qualified to face the changes caused by In­
dustry 4.0. For these authors, this indicates the importance of training in
3. Analysis of the data and discussions skills that will be demanded of future generations of employees, and
offering continuing education to those already in the labor market,
3.1. Document analysis with SciMAT software generating a dynamic cycle of learning.
In the second sub period (2016) two motor themes can be observed:
The documents found with the use of SciMAT software were divided “human-resource-management” and “curriculum”. The purpose of
into 4 sub periods. Due to the low number of publications about the effective human resources management is to develop people and teams,
theme addressed in the first sub period the years 2010–2015 were to improve the efficiency and performance of the company, develop
combined. Each sub period encompasses respectively 59(2010–2015), competencies (knowledge and skills) and reinforce human capital
102(2016), 182(2017) and 311(2018) documents, totaling 654 docu­ (personal, collective and organizational development) [62,63]. The
ments. Fig. 2 indicates that the number of studies related to Industry 4.0 study conducted by Shen, Benson & Huang [64] identifies that the use of
has been growing over time. It can be seen that since the first sub period human resources management leads to obtaining new employees and
there was an increase of approximately 70% in the number of documents higher levels of organizational commitment. To meet companies’ needs,
published in the following years (see Fig. 3). it is necessary to review the current curriculum given that specialized
A first analysis of the documents on SciMAT indicated that, the work with repetitive tasks is decreasing. Therefore, according to Sackey
following authors stand out in the period (2010–2108), with more than & Bester [65], workers are preparing to assume new challenges, based
10 citations: [41]; Davis et al. [42]; Shafiq et al. [43]; Siemieniuch, on complex systems, skills in advanced analyses and simulation,
Sinclair & Henshaw [44]; Yao, Jin & Zhang [45]; Bauer et al. [2]; Ola­ man-machine interfaces, and information and communication technol­
niyi & Reidolf [46]; Wuest et al. [47]; Yang, Zhang & Chen [48]; Turner ogies. The authors also warn about data conversion and analysis, which
et al. [49]; Li, D. [50]; Condry & Nelson [51]; Pirvu, Zamfirescu & become increasingly important to preparing workers for Industry 4.0.
Gorecky [52]; Alexopoulos et al. [53]; Hirsch-Kreinsen, H. [4]; Gan­ Of the 182 documents found, 37 are associated documents that
zarain & Errasti [19]; Rogalewicz, M., & Sika [54]; Wu et al. [55]; compose the strategic diagram and third sub period (2017). The clusters
Pacaux-Lemoine et al. [56]; Chiang, Lu & Castillo [57]; Gorecky, Khamis “vocational education and training”, “human machine interaction”,
& Mura [1]; Bokrantz et al. [17]; Li, L. [58] and Cheng et al. [59]. “employees” and “e-learning” were the motor themes of this sub period.
It was then possible to determine which journals had the most doc­ Learning factories are applicable in different situations and are
uments published about this theme, which are: ZWF Zeitschrift fuer becoming strong allies in the training of workers by using practical
Wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Procedia methods and virtual training, allowing approximation to the innovation
Manufacturing, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, IEEE Access, environment required by the market, creating new products and pro­
Manufacturing Letters, Computers and Industrial Engineering, Elek­ totypes and the use of new technologies [60]. One of the challenges of
trotechnik und Informationstechnik, AI and Society and International the factory of the future is the collaborative man-machine process that
Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing. leads to the concepts of mutual learning (intelligent men and machines).
The next section discusses the motor themes, which are those with a The application of these concepts directly influences the results of ac­
high internal strength of connection and an intense connection with tivities, such as data collection and quality control, improving already
external clusters and are considered relevant to this study [39]. existing concepts about interdisciplinary competencies and skills to
improve company earnings [66].
In the fourth sub period (2018) 311 documents were identified and
60 were considered to be associated documents. The “skill”, “engi­
neering education” and “human performance” clusters appear as motor
themes. This sub period will be detailed in the following section.

3.2.1. Discussion of the motor themes “human performance”, “engineering-

education” and “skill”
Based on the motor themes, a qualitative review of the literature was
conducted using the articles cited, that is, 18 documents related to the
cluster “engineering-education” and 11 documents related to the “skill”
cluster and 1 document related to the “human performance” cluster
(Appendix 1). An effort was made to identify the competencies pro­
fessionals need to remain in the market in the face of the transformations
provoked by Industry 4.0 (Table 1) and the possible relations existing
between the clusters “engineering-education”, “skill” and “human
Fig. 2. Number of publications in the data bases over time The rise of new digital industrial technologies will influence the
(2010–2018) (SciMAT). academic formation of technicians and engineers, provoking changes in

L.M. Kipper et al. Technology in Society 64 (2021) 101454

Fig. 3. Strategic Diagrams per sub period (SciMAT).

higher education and demanding that students constantly develop new stored in cloud services, which requires deeper knowledge of informa­
“soft skills”, “hard skills”, “technical skills” and “digital skills” [22,65, tion and communication technology (ICT), software development and
67,68]. Likewise, connectivity between intelligent systems will allow security and digitalization of manufacturing.
industrial processes to become more efficient and productive when New skills are also required, and those most cited by the authors
responding to customer demands, which makes workers feel threatened studied were: interdisciplinary thinking, problem solving, adaptability/
and drives them to seek new skills [69]. These changes have proved to be flexibility and creativity. The need for interdisciplinary thinking is a
important given the rise of new opportunities and business models. consequence of the high complexity of knowledge (tacit and explicit) at
Partnerships between companies and educational institutions are companies [70]. Activities realized jointly by humans and robots
another important factor that can strengthen both parties [22] by (electronic devices) require a high degree of adaptability and flexibility
steering the development of professional skills [70]. as well as skills for solving complex problems, given that intelligent
Analyzing Table 1 we can observe the existence of sets of necessary factories adopt advanced and complex technologies, such as: big data,
skills and knowledge, considering the transformations caused by In­ neural networks, algorithms and modelling [86]. Caruso [85] affirms
dustry 4.0. Wahl [70] affirms that we are living in an era of knowledge. that decentralized production rises along with the internet economy,
The implementation of electronic devices and integrated circuits ex­ changing the nature of industrial production, in which workers come to
pands the need to improve our knowledge of industrial automation, have more autonomy, creativity and freedom in decision making. With
which is a basic concept that can leverage the integration between these changes, they acquire fast skills such as problem solving and
technologies such as IoT and CPS, by connecting operations within creativity, and cognitive and social skills gain greater importance within
physical and virtual realities [9,76]. One of the challenges created by an organization.
this connectivity is the need to protect the integrity and security of data

L.M. Kipper et al. Technology in Society 64 (2021) 101454

Table 1
Competencies (knowledge + skills) required by Industry 4.0. Notes: 1 = Industrial automation, 2 = Associated to practical reality, 3 = Engineering sciences, 4 =
Techniques, 5 = Information and Communication Technology (ICT), 6 = Software development and security, 7 = Digital proficiency, 8 = Adaptability/Flexibility, 9
= Data analysis, 10 = Continuous learning, 11 = Self-evaluation, 12 = Self-direction, 13 = Self-management, 14 = Self-organization, 15 = Analytical capacity, 16 =
Learning capacity, 17 = Capacity to give and receive feedback, 18 = Collaboration, 19 = Communication, 20 = Cooperation, 21 = Creativity, 22 = Virtual ed­
ucation, 23 = Cognitive, personal, linguistic and social, 24 = Initiative, 25 = Innovation, 26 = Interdisciplinary, 27 = Intuition, 28 = Leadership, 29 = Multi­
disciplinary, 30 = Persuasion, 31 = Pro-activity, 32 = Interpersonal, 33 = Problem solving, 34 = Solving complex problems (virtual), 35 = Decision making, 36 =
Team work, and 37 = Strategic vision of knowledge. (Fiaidhi [71]; Angrisani [72]; Sharp [73]; Toquica [74]; O’donovan [75]; Oztemel [14]; Rao [76]; Ahutt-Garza
[77]; Tuptuk [78]; Gitelman [79]; Nyikes [80]; Birglen [81]; Kergroach [82]; Carter [68]; Perini [61]; Dahlmann [102]; Vila [83]; Motyl [22]; Garbie [84]; Caruso
[85]; Xu [86]; Baena [87]; Wu [55]; Richert [67]; Wang [88]; Egorov [89]; Sackey [65]; Hirsch-Kreinsen [4]; Wahl [70]).

4. Discussion of the results technologies and innovations to undertake work in real technological
locations, with for example the FabLAB. The purpose of “Factory Lab­
The implementation of the concepts of Industry 4.0 at companies will oratories” is to support startups that can intensify global competitive­
require conditions that allow cooperation, not only at a global level, but ness. These laboratories provide young engineers not only technological
also at a regional level, by strengthening relations between government, knowledge, but also knowledge about trends and multidisciplinary in­
industry and universities [72,90]. For Leydesdorff [91] and Etzkowitz & novations, and stimulate skills needed in new businesses, preparing
Zhou [92] this relationship between universities, industry and govern­ them for the labor market. In this context, technology parks located at
ments forms the “triple helix” of innovation and entrepreneurship, universities have much to contribute through the creation of learning
which are critical to economic growth and social development based on factories that can provide ideal environments for the practical devel­
knowledge, which also allows how technologically integrated an inno­ opment of professionals in a wide variety of fields.
vation system is. However, Veza, Gjeldum & Mladineo [90] highlight Based on the study of the fourth sub period (2018), referring to the
the lack of the actors that promote relationships between universities, clusters “skills”, “engineering-education” and “human performance”
companies and governments. This can be resolved by creating Learning (Appendix B), it was possible to create a concept map (Fig. 4), that is, a
Factories (LF), which are characterized by the selective simplification or hierarchical and dimensional diagram that shows the structure of
gradual reduction of complex and large-scale production processes [93]. knowledge in a given context [99]. In this study, the conceptual map
They are used as models of real factories to educate and train people to sought to highlight the main currents of transformation caused by the
develop new skills [18,94,95]. The Learning Factory approaches have a implementation of technologies. To facilitate organizing the content,
strong impact on methodological, social and personal competencies of Cmap Tools® was used, which is open source software developed by the
employees [96]. Thus, Learning Factories provide greater qualification Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC) in Florida under the
of employees in terms of their practical knowledge about their activities supervision of Alberto J. Cañas [100].
and workplaces, which is essential to the implementation of Industry 4.0 Technologies are increasingly present in the life of humans, and in
[97,98]. companies where Big Data, IoT, CPS, and Additive Manufacturing are
Angrisani et al. [72] address how important it is for manufacturers of gaining space. The connectivity between different technologies and their

L.M. Kipper et al. Technology in Society 64 (2021) 101454

Fig. 4. Conceptual map– transformations for industry 4.0.

ability to learn brings new opportunities to companies. Barriers to sales individuals perform specific functions efficiently. In this context, inte­
for a wide variety of products and services have been overcome, giving gration between companies and universities is important for reformu­
rise to a new competitive profile. Workers also benefit from innovation lating curriculums and preparing professionals.
given that intelligent machines can perform tasks that are risky to in­ This systematic review of the literature will serve as a foundation for
dividual health and well-being. This man-machine interaction, techno­ a field study whose objective is to understand the importance and in­
logical connectivity and the learning acquired between both are what fluence of the university-company-government alliance on the devel­
gives shape to the so-called Industry 4.0. opment of professionals who work in innovation environments and the
With this technology and a highly competitive market, professionals benefits of this union.
need to adapt, transform and change to remain in the job market. An Based on the qualitative analysis presented, as future work we sug­
important step can be the restructuring of professional and academic gest in-depth study using derivations of the keyword “skill” such as:
curricula by improving competencies, that is, knowledge and skills. “Demand for skills”; “Development of skills and qualifications”; “Digital
Technical knowledge, or hard skills such as data analysis and soft­ skills”; “Industry 4.0 skills”; “Skills” and “Student skills”. Another sug­
ware development, and knowledge of security issues, general systems gestion is to examine the correlation between the themes “Machine
theory, sustainable development techniques, and others will enable learning” and “engineering-education”.
professionals to improve their technological capacity, while behavioral
developments are also necessary. Soft skills such as adaptability, flexi­ Credit author statement
bility, creativity and interdisciplinary are also important for work in
environments that are constantly innovating. Liane Mahlman Kipper (LMK) and Sandra Iepsen (SI) developed the
In this context, Learning Factories can connect universities and planning of the scientific mapping, elaborated the study design, as well
companies, and help develop the technical knowledge and skills as applied the tests, made the analysis, data interpretation and writing of
inherent to each individual, providing workers and students a learning the manuscript. Ana Julia Dal Forno (AJDF), guided the preparation of
environment that simulates a real work environment. the study design, contributed to the analysis and interpretation of data,
in addition to writing the critical review of the manuscript for important
5. Conclusion intellectual content. Rejane Frozza (RF), guided the preparation of the
study design, contributed to the analysis and interpretation of data, in
The analysis of the scientific mapping carried out revealed the in­ addition to writing the critical review of the manuscript for important
fluence of individual skills in the use and implementation of technolo­ intellectual content. Danielli Cossul, Leonardo Furstenau and Jéssica
gies proposed by Industry 4.0 such as CPS, Iota, big data, and others. Agnes contributed to the analysis and interpretation of data and writing
Connectivity, collaborative work, and man-machine interfaces will and critical review of the manuscript.
support learning by both parties, this benefits companies by making
them more competitive and effective, and workers, who will no longer Acknowledgements
perform repetitive tasks and will work with knowledge.
We identified a growing relationship between innovation environ­ This study was conducted with support from the Coordenação de
ments (Learning Factories) and the management and development of the Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior [Coordination for
workforce for industry 4.0, through the creation of real environments for Improvement of Personnel in Higher Education] - Brazil (CAPES) –
learning. We also found a need to improve education by creating envi­ Financing Code 001. The authors would also like to thank the National
ronments conducive to technical and behavioral learning by developing Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), Brazil
competencies (knowledge and skills) that are essential to allowing (process number 303934/2019-0) and FAPERGS for their financial

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