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There is no greater time than now to begin to live your dreams. You can make
your dreams come true if you put in the effort and make a reasonable plan. All you
have to do is know what you want and take baby steps to be on your path to success.
There will be some bumps along the way, but if you learn from your setbacks, you'll
be even more likely to get what you've always wanted in the end.

1.Be specific about your dream. The first thing you need to do is to be
specific about your dream so you can be on your way to making it happen. One way
to be very specific about your dreams is to write them in your dream journal or in a
notebook. If you don't know what you really want, then you can't achieve However,
you can still start on your path before being 100% sure of what will happen. You just
have to have an idea of what you want to happen and then find a way to narrow it
down as you move closer and closer to your dream.

2. Plan Create a strategic plan of action. You will need to create a strategy for the
accomplishment of your goals; this strategy is usually called a plan or a plan of action.
There is no universal plan of action for everyone; each strategy depends on the
person involved and the goals they wish to accomplish; because of this fact, the key
to creating your own working plan of action lies in you and you need to seek it out.

3. Learn from failure. If you want to achieve your dreams, then you have to be
able to learn from your mistakes and setbacks, and use them to push you forward. If
you've failed at something, then you have to sit back and ask yourself why it
happened, and what you could have done differently.

4. Take action now. Once you have turned your goals into a plan of action
tailored after you, you need to take action and utilize every opportunity that will come
your way. It's time to stop making excuses, and to keep putting off until tomorrow
what can be done today. Sure, there are always great reasons to put off achieving
your dreams, such as having to plan your wedding, going through a busy time at
work, getting embroiled in a complicated relationship, and so on, but if you have this
attitude, you can end up making excuses forever and won't ever get a thing done.

5. Enjoy the journey. The most important thing is not to think that your life is
terrible and that you'll only find happiness once you achieve your dream. This kind of
longing and forward thinking is perfectly normal, so you should enjoy following every
step of the way instead of thinking that you'll only be happy/feel proud of yourself/feel
like your life has meaning after you've achieved your goal. Instead, enjoy every step
of the way and be proud of yourself the whole way through.


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