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Oleh : Arif Johar Taufiq
In Boolean algebra, any Boolean function can be expressed in a canonical form using the dual
concepts of minterms and maxterms. Minterms are called products because they are the logical
AND of a set of variables, and maxterms are called sums because they are the logical OR of a set
of variables (further definition appears in the sections headed Minterms andMaxterms below).
These concepts are called duals because of their complementary-symmetry relationship as
expressed by De Morgan's laws, which state that AND(x,y,z,...) = NOR(x',y',z',...) and OR(x,y,z,...)
= NAND(x',y',z',...) (the apostrophe ' is an abbreviation for logical NOT, thus " x' " represents "
NOT x ", the Boolean usage " x'y + xy' " represents the logical equation " (NOT(x) AND y) OR (x
AND NOT(y)) ").
The dual canonical forms of any Boolean function are a "sum of minterms" and a "product of
maxterms." The term "Sum of Products" or "SoP" is widely used for the canonical form that is a
disjunction (OR) of minterms. Its De Morgan dual is a "Product of Sums" or "PoS" for the
canonical form that is a conjunction (AND) of maxterms. These forms allow for greater analysis
into the simplification of these functions, which is of great importance in the minimization or other
optimization of digital circuits.
The usual purpose of doing Boolean algebra is to simplify the design of a digital circuit that
performs a function, either to minimize the number of gates, or to minimize the time for the value
of the function to settle down after a change in its input(s), or some other practical criterion.
There are sixteen possible functions of two variables, but in digital logic hardware, the simplest
gate circuits implement only four of them: conjunction (AND), disjunction (inclusive OR), and the
complements of those (NAND and NOR).
Most gate circuits accept more than 2 input variables; for example, the spaceborne Apollo
Guidance Computer, which pioneered the application of integrated circuits in the 1960s, was built
with only one type of gate, a 3-input NOR, whose output is true only when all 3 inputs are false.
Functional equivalence
It is apparent that minterm n gives a true value (i.e., 1) for just one combination of the
input variables. For example, minterm 5, a b' c, is true only when a and c both are true
and b is false--the input arrangement where a = 1, b = 0, c = 1 results in 1.
If one is given a truth table of a logical function, it is possible to write the function as a
"sum of products". This is a special form of disjunctive normal form. For example, if
given the truth table for the arithmetic sum bit u of one bit position's logic of an adder
circuit, as a function of x and y from the addends and the carry in, ci:
ci x y u(ci,x,y)
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 1
0 1 1 0
1 0 0 1
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1

Observing that the rows that have an output of 1 are the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, and 8th, we can
write u as a sum of minterms m1,m2,m4, and m7. If we wish to verify this: u(ci, x, y)
=m1 + m2 + m4 + m7 = (ci' x' y) + (ci' x y') + (ci x' y') + (ci x y) evaluated for all 8 combinations of the
three variables will match the table.
Perancangan sederhanan menggunakan gerbang logika dasar seperti AND, OR dan NOT
sebenarnya sudah mengakomodir permasalahan sehari-hari kita.
Contoh kasus:
Suatu Bank HAFINA menerapkan sistem keamanan untuk membuka brangkas penyimpan
uang dengan sistem tiga kunci. Pintu brangkas dapat dibuka jika paling sedikit ada dua
orang yang memasukkan kunci. Kunci dipegang oleh tiga orang yaitu Kepala Bank (A),
Manager Keuangan (B) dan Manager Perkreditan (C). Pintu brangkas tidak akan terbuka
jika hanya satu orang yang memasukkan kunci.
Bagaimana penyelesaian masalah ini?
Dengan menerapkan sistem digital maka perancangan dapat kita diskripsikan sbb:
1. Ada tiga masukan (A, B, C)
2. Kunci masuk = "1", kunci tdk masuk = "0"
3. Pintu brangkas membuka = "1", pintu brangkas tertutup = "0"
Selanjutnya dapat disusun tabel kebenaran sbb:
Tabel 1. Tabel Kebenaran Masalah

Baris warna kuning menunjukkan bahwa paling tidak ada 2 orang yang mambawa kunci
dan memasukkannya sehingga pintu brangkas terbuka (F=1), kaidah penyelesaian  logika
yang kita pakai adalah, kita fokus pada baris yang manghasilkan output F=1, yaitu jika
untuk masukan A, B, C yang kondisinya adalah:
sehingga dapat disusun rangkaian logika

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