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The Renaissance was a cultural movement of activity, spirit, or time of the humanistic
revival of classical art, literature, and learning. Originating in Italy in the 14th century and
extending to the 17th century, its influence was felt in literature, philosophy, art, architecture,
music, politics, science, religion, and other aspects of intellectual inquiry, marking the transition
from the medieval to the modern world.

Italy, Cradle of the Renaissance

The artistic, economic and social changes that are associated with the Renaissance first
began in the Italian city of Florence. In 1425, Florence was a self-governed, independent city-
state with a population of 60,000. Surrounded by land, the city had no sea trade, but artist
guilds and banking made Florence a money-making success. Many of Florence's families also
built their fortunes on banking. The gold coin of Florence, called the florin, was so consistently
pure that it became the standard currency of Europe.

Medici and Florence

The Medici family, originally farmers, made their fortune in banking, in Florence, in the
beginning of the 15th century. Cosimo de Medici (1389-1464), Florence's wealthiest and most
influential citizen, delighted in discussing humanist issues and was extremely generous in his
support of scholars and artists such as Brunelleschi. He founded the famous Medici Library and
organized the Plato Academy, where intellectuals would gather to discuss ideas concerning the
Greek classics. The academy continued even after Cosimo's death.
Florence's wealth and success, guided by rich patrons like the Medici’s and the
artists they supported, became a new model for society in Europe. The middle Ages, where
cities and states were ruled by kings, emperors and dukes, gradually gave way to governments
led by wealthy merchants and bankers, The Renaissance values that grew from the ideas they
supported, spread from Florence to other Italian cities and north to the Netherlands.


The renaissance architecture style, originated in Florence in the early 15 th century, and
then spread throughout Europe replacing the medieval gothic style by the end of 16 th century.
Renaissance architecture marked the rebirth of classical culture, using many ancient roman
forms, including the column and round arch, and the dome. Renaissance architect study the
theory and practice of the roman predecessors. They read vitreous on architecture by roman
architect Vitruvius and examine ancient ruins in Italy, France and Spain to develop their style.
Classical antiquity and renaissance architecture used order a system of traditional architectural
elements as the basis of design. Five orders were used during the renaissance Tuscan, Doric,
Ionic, Corinthian and Composite. The architects of the early renaissance used the ornate
Corinthian order the most. While the simple and strong Doric was more prevalent during the
high renaissance. Renaissance architect sought to achieve beauty through proportion as
classical architect had before them. These characteristics differentiate the renaissance style
from the gothic.

Gothic to Renaissance
At the end of the fourteenth century, the impressiveness of Gothic architecture began
to wear off. Europe was coming out of the middle ages, and into the Renaissance. The
architects of the time changed their architecture to fit the era. They revived many of the ideas
from classical (Greek and Roman) architecture. They did, however, use materials not associated
with Greek and Roman architecture such as brick, and the color red became common. Artists
and architects worked together much more, and many renaissance buildings have statues,
murals, and much more artwork to go with them.
The construction of a dome on top of Florence's cathedral, called the church of
Santa Maria Del Fiore, marks the beginning of Renaissance architecture. Filippo Brunelleschi
received a commission to build the first dome in Florence on a cathedral built in the Gothic
style over one hundred years earlier. Brunelleschi went to Rome to study ancient Greek designs
and proportions, and he borrowed ideas from what he saw there to create a new architectural
marvel - the dome. Brunelleschi's achievement in Florence became a symbol of the
Renaissance; blending old Greek designs with modern engineering and artistic ideas to create a
new Renaissance style.


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