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Monday | December 14, 2020



Lawsuit ‘Still going strong’

threatens to
block medical
Madison mayor
opposed Initiative 65
because it limits cities’
ability to regulate the
location of medical
marijuana businesses
The Associated Press

JACKSON — A court fight

threatens to block a Mississippi
medical marijuana program before
the program even gets started.
Voters on Nov. 3 approved a
medical marijuana initiative by a
wide margin — about 58 percent,
according to certified results. The
initiative amends the state constitu-
tion, requiring the Health Depart-
ment to set regulations and begin
the program by mid-2021.
Madison Mayor Mary Hawkins
Butler opposed Initiative 65 be-
cause it limits cities’ ability to reg-
ulate the location of medical mari-
juana businesses. The Republican Zack Plair/Dispatch Staff
mayor sued the state days before Rose Coffey Graham poses at McKee Park in Starkville on Friday. Since 1984, she has led the Generations 4-H
the election, arguing that the initia- Clubs in Oktibbeha County, as well as helped with various other community efforts in both Maben and Starkville.
tive was not properly on the ballot
because of the number of signa-
tures gathered.
Oktibbeha 4-H leader pushes herself, club the floor a short distance in front of
her and try to walk to it unassisted.
The Mississippi Supreme Court
told attorneys for both sides of the members to keep serving amid pandemic If she fell, she would crawl to the
chair, pull herself up and try again.
lawsuit to submit written argu- BY ZACK PLAIR Each night she met her goal, she
getting around on a walker, making
ments. moved the chair farther away the
it back to meetings for her clubs
In a Dec. 8 filing, Butler’s attor- next night.

whose members range in age from
neys asked justices to declare that stroke in April 2018 tempo- By February 2019, Graham, now
5 to 18. Graham had started to
Initiative 65 is invalid, even though rarily relegated Rose Coffey wonder how permanent the walker 54, was walking independently
it has been approved by voters. The Graham to “working from the would be, when from the mouth of again. In ways both literally and
attorneys argued that if justices do bed.” one of her youngest 4-H members figuratively, she’s been doing that
that, legislators could still “heed She still had plenty to do. came a challenge. most of her life.
the will of the majority” and enact Living near Oktibbeha Coun- “This 5-year-old 4-H-er comes up When she was still a student at
a state law to create a medical mar- ty Lake, approximately halfway to me and says, ‘Ms. Rose, I don’t Maben High School, she was first
ijuana program. between Maben and Starkville, like seeing you on that walker,’” introduced to 4-H when Oktibbeha
State attorneys defending the she has volunteered with several Graham said. “And I thought, ‘If this County Extension Service Agent
medical marijuana initiative have a initiatives and organizations in both young girl has that much faith that Grenell Rogers taught a cooking
Dec. 28 deadline to file arguments communities for decades. Possibly I can get off this walker, then I have workshop to the church group of a
in response. her best-known contribution is lead- to show I have that much faith too.’” friend Graham was visiting.
Here’s the central issue: Section ing Oktibbeha County’s Controllers Each night for a few months Graham didn’t use that inspira-
273 of the Mississippi Constitu- 4-H clubs. afterward, Graham said, when tion to join a 4-H Club. She wanted
tion creates the initiative process, Not too long after her stroke, everyone else in her home had gone to start a new one.
and it says initiative sponsors have Graham recalls, she had started to bed, she would set a chair out on See GRAHAM, 6A
one year to gather signatures from
registered voters. It specifies that

Aldermen to consider a new recycling program Mary Love Tagert,

president of the Missis-
sippi Recycling Coalition,
Scooter company Bird looking at MSU associate professor
of architecture Alexis Greg-
explains to the Starkville
board of aldermen Friday
Starkville; Lime left the city in 2019 ory spoke at the work ses-
sion on behalf of an ad hoc
what a functional city-run
recycling program needs,
including continuous
BY TESS VRBIN the Waste Pro USA office committee that formed last community education ef- in Columbus to establish a year with the goal of improv- forts. The aldermen will
drop-off site at the sanitation ing the recycling program likely vote Tuesday on a
Two months after sus- building on North Washing- at the time. The committee new recycling program
pending its recycling pro- ton Street. The city had con- determined that the city through a contract with
gram, Starkville might get a sidered partnering with Mis- needed to educate the public the Waste Pro USA office
new one Tuesday that is not in Columbus. Tagert is
sissippi State University in about the benefits of recy- also an assistant MSU
expected to be the financial its contract with Waste Pro, cling and remove barriers to Extension professor in
burden to the city that the but those discussions “hit the program. the Department of Ag-
previous one was. a wall” in November, Ward “Barriers of access (in- ricultural and Biological
Aldermen will likely vote 5 Alderman Hamp Beatty cluded) how to sign up for Engineering.
Tuesday on a contract with said. See ALDERMEN, 6A Tess Vrbin/Dispatch Staff


1 What number follows the word “Refinery” to com- Tuesday and Dec. 22 MEETINGS
plete the name of an online lifestyles resource that Dec. 15: Lown-
■ Holiday Fun at 501: Bring your lunch and
was viewed for 50 million hours in 2016? des County
2 The annual Stuck at Prom contest inspires high enjoy sounds of the season 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
schoolers to construct outfits made entirely out of at the Columbus Arts Council, 501 Main St. Board of Super-
what sticky product? Drinks, live music and holiday fun provided. visors meeting,
3 What European country introduced oyster vend- Free. Music by: Dec. 15-Jace Ferraez; Dec. 9 a.m., Lown-
Jax Clark ing machines in 2017? 22-Suzuki Strings. 662-328-2787.
4 What podcast from the creators of “Serial” about des County
Third grade, Caledonia
an eccentric man from Alabama was downloaded Courthouse,
Saturday and Sunday
49 Low 27
10 million times in its first four days of release, in
High 2017? ■ Christmas at the Blues Museum: More
5 What did daredevil Erendire Wallenda use to LowndesCoun-
Turning sunny, cooler than 18 trees decorated by businesses,
hang onto an aerial hoop over Niagara Falls in churches and schools are up at the future tyMississippi/
Full forecast on 2017, setting the world record for the feat?
page 3A. Black Prairie Blues Museum in downtown Dec. 15:
Answers, 6B
West Point, open on days listed from 1-4 Columbus City
p.m., and upon request on weekdays. Take Council, 5 p.m.,
pictures in the Santa Room and enjoy hot
INSIDE chocolate and cookies. 662-494-5121 or
Municipal Com-
plex, facebook.
Classifieds 6B Dear Abby 4B email for details Ben Sweet, who lives in
Comics 4B Obituaries 5A or to request a special opening. (Masks Crawford, recently killed a 6-point com/CityofCo-
141st Year, No. 236 Crossword 3B Opinions 4A required.) buck while deer hunting. lumbusMS/


2A MONDAY, DECEMBER 14 2020 The Dispatch •

Electors meeting to formally

choose Biden as next president
Biden planning
Biden aides hope Electoral College vote is GOP turning point
to address nation THE ASSOCIATED PRESS demic and staving off economic tumult.
after electors WILMINGTON, Del. — Joe Biden’s
Republicans, by and large, have
stood by Trump as he’s made unsub-
have voted aides have a message for President
Donald Trump and his supporters: It’s
stantiated claims of a rigged election,
and they show no signs they’ll give
BY MARK SHERMAN long past time to move on. Biden the semblance of a honeymoon
The Associated Press With the Electoral College set to for- period. Biden will come to power with
mally elect Biden as president on Mon- a narrowly divided Senate — next
WASHINGTON — day, his aides say they hope Republi- month’s runoff elections in Georgia
Presidential electors are cans will consider their own long-term will decide who will control the Senate
meeting across the Unit- interests (and the country’s), accept — and a thinned Democratic majority
ed States on Monday to Trump’s defeat and focus their atten- in the House as Republicans picked up
formally choose Joe Biden tion on fighting the coronavirus pan- seats even as Trump lost.
as the nation’s next presi-
Monday is the day set Biden is planning to by judges, Trump and arrangement in July.
by law for the meeting of address the nation Mon- Republican allies tried to Electors almost always
the Electoral College. In day night, after the elec- persuade the Supreme vote for the state winner
reality, electors meet in tors have voted. Trump, Court last week to set anyway because they gen-
all 50 states and the Dis- meanwhile, is clinging aside 62 electoral votes erally are devoted to their
trict of Columbia to cast to his false claims that for Biden in four states, political party. There’s no
their ballots. The results he won the election, but which might have thrown reason to expect any de-
will be sent to Washing- also undermining Biden’s the outcome into doubt. fections this year.
ton and tallied in a Jan. 6 presidency even before The justices rejected
joint session of Congress it begins. “No, I worry the effort on Friday.
over which Vice President about the country having Biden won 306 elector-
Mike Pence will preside. an illegitimate president, al votes to 232 votes for
The electors’ votes that’s what I worry about. Trump. It takes 270 votes
have drawn more atten- A president that lost and to be elected.
tion than usual this year lost badly,” Trump said in In 32 states and the
because President Don- a Fox News interview that District of Columbia, laws
ald Trump has refused to was taped Saturday. require electors to vote
concede the election and Following weeks of Re- for the popular-vote win-
continued to make base- publican legal challenges ner. The Supreme Court
less allegations of fraud. that were easily dismissed unanimously upheld this

Trump raises China concerns

as reason to veto defense bill
BY DARLENE SUPERVILLE Senate leader, and Rep. gest winner in the defense
The Associated Press Mike Gallagher of Wis- bill is false. Reed also not-
consin, a member of the ed the shifting explana-
WASHINGTON — House Armed Services tions Trump has given for
President Donald Trump Committee, have tweeted the veto threats.
offered a new rationale that the bill would count- “President Trump
Sunday for threatening to er threats from countries clearly hasn’t read the bill,
veto the annual defense such as China. nor does he understand
policy bill that covers Sen. Jack Reed of what’s in it,” Reed said.
the military’s budget for Rhode Island, the top “There are several biparti-
equipment and pay raises Democrat on the Senate san provisions in here that
for service members: Chi- Armed Services Commit- get tougher on China than
na. He did not outline his tee, said Trump’s declara- the Trump Administration
concerns. tion that China is the big- has ever been.”
Republican and Demo-
cratic lawmakers say the
wide-ranging defense pol-
icy bill, which the Senate
sent to the president on
Friday, would be tough on
China and must become
law as soon as possible.
Both the House and
Senate passed the mea-
sure by margins large
enough to override a po-
tential veto from the pres-
ident, who has a history of
failing to carry out actions
he has threatened.
“The biggest winner
of our new defense bill is
China! I will veto!” Trump
said in a new tweet.
The White House did
not immediately respond
to an emailed request for
comment on Trump’s spe-
cific concerns about Chi-
Senate Majority Leader
Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.,
has said the bill would help
deter Chinese aggression.
Other GOP backers of the
measure, including Sen.
John Thune of South Da-
kota, the second-ranking
The Dispatch • MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2020 3A

The following arrests

were made by Lowndes
Army Corps report
County Sheriff’s Office:
n Cassady Bovee, 26,
was charged with posses-
supports Mississippi
sion with intent to distrib-
ute, two counts possession
of a controlled substance,
Bovee Brooks Gann James McClinton McCoy
flood-control pumps
possession of cocaine and
possession of metham-
Corps’ reports reverse previous
n Adolphus Brooks, 32,
stance that pumping out
was charged with fraudu-
lent use of I.D. and failure
floodwater would harm wetlands
n Mark Gann, 34, was The Associated Press
charged with two counts
Owings Snell Stafford Blanton Robinson Chandler JACKSON — The U.S. Army Corps of En-
felony conspiracy to com-
mit a crime, possession of way, failure to yield to possession gineers issued another report Friday favoring
of methamphetamine, blue light, failure to have of metham- agribusinesses over environmentalists in a de-
attempt to commit an of- vehicle under control, no phetamine. cades-long battle over a massive flood control proj-
fense and two counts pos- insurance, disobeying ect in the south Mississippi Delta.
session of a weapon by a traffic control device, driv- The fol- The Corps published a final supplement to a
felon. ing on wrong side of the lowing ar- draft environmental impact statement it released
n Stephen James, 38, road, reckless driving, two rests were in October. Both reports reverse the Corps’ own
was charged with felony counts suspended drivers made by the previous stance that pumping out floodwater
D. Lucious Q. Lucious Massey
conspiracy to commit a license, and no insurance. Ok t ibbeha would harm wetlands. They say that pumps would
crime. n Bruce Owings, 59, County Sher- counts burglary of a vehi- decrease the depth and duration of flooding in
n Anthony McClinton, was charged with grand iff’s Office: cle. the rural Yazoo Backwater Area, and that rainfall
28, was charged with pos- larceny. n Mahlon Robinson, n Quavontae Lucious, would keep this part of the Delta from drying out.
session of methamphet- n Alexia Snell, 25, was 24, was charged with re- 19, was charged with four “These changes are not anticipated to convert
amine and probation vio- charged with grand larce- ceiving stolen property. counts burglary of a vehi- any wetlands to non-wetlands, because precipita-
lation. ny. n Tikorrian Chandler, cle, resisting arrest and tion is the driving force in sustaining wetlands in
n Sammy McCoy, 39, n Bobby Stafford; 41, 20, was charged with pos- assault on an officer. the Yazoo Study Area,” the new report says.
was charged with traffick- was charged with posses- session of marijuana. n Jo Massey, 43, was The reports note the area’s significant flooding
ing controlled substanc- sion of stolen property. n Dontavious Lucious, charged with grand larce- during nine of the past 10 years, including a 2019
es, failure to yield right n Tammy Blanton, 49, 19, was charged with six ny. flood that lasted several months.
Federally funded flood control for the Yazoo
Backwater Area has been debated for decades.
The Environmental Protection Agency vetoed a

plan in 2008, but the current EPA administrator
said in April 2019 that the agency would reconsid-
er that decision. An EPA regional administrator in
Continued from Page 1A Atlanta wrote Nov. 30 that the current version of
the project is not subject to the agency’s 2008 veto.
no more than one-fifth of because petition sponsors when the Legislature fails protect voter ID and em-
the signatures may come had enough signatures to act,” Butler’s attorneys inent domain if the Su- The current proposal calls for pumps near
from any congressional from each of the five old wrote. preme Court invalidates Deer Creek north of Vicksburg, while a previous
district. Mississippi had districts. In 2011, Mississippi the medical marijuana proposal would have put them elsewhere.
five congressional dis- In their Dec. 8 filing, voters approved two other initiative. Mississippi’s congressional delegation has
tricts when that process Butler’s attorneys made initiatives that landed on “For Voter ID, the State been pushing the Trump administration to act
was written in the early an argument about the the ballot under the attor- has spent significant re- on the project that’s estimated to cost more than
1990s. The state dropped separation of executive ney general’s guidance. sources implementing its $400 million. Environmental and conservation
to four districts after the and legislative powers in Sponsors gathered sig- requirements, and count- groups remain opposed, saying the project would
2000 Census, but the lan- state government. They natures from the five old less elections have tak- hurt wetlands to help agribusiness. It’s unclear
guage in the constitution said legislators have congressional districts af- en place since its enact- how the project will fare under the Biden admin-
remained. known for years about ter the state had only four ment,” Butler’s attorneys istration.
Butler argues that the the problem in the ini- districts. wrote. “For Eminent Do- Thousands of people and groups submitted
constitution creates a tiative process but have Initiative 27 requires main, the State has struc- comments for and against the draft report, and
mathematical impossibil- killed multiple proposals voters to show govern- tured its takings over the the final supplement was published less than two
ity: With four districts, to fix it. The attorneys ment-issued photo iden- last nine years to comply. weeks after the comment period ended.
more than one-fifth of said the secretary of state tification at the polls. ... The existence of these American Rivers, Audubon Mississippi,
the signatures must come should not have relied Initiative 31 restricts gov- two other voter-initiative Healthy Gulf and Mississippi Sierra Club said in a
from each. on an attorney general’s ernments from using the amendments is no bar to joint statement Friday that the Corps’ new report
The state attorney gen- opinion about signatures eminent domain process the Court’s review of this shows an “appalling breach of trust by a federal
eral’s office issued a legal coming from the five to take land for private de- challenge to the sufficien- agency to expedite a sham process driven by poli-
opinion in 2009 saying outdated congressional velopments. cy of the Initiative Mea- tics rather than due public process and respect for
that initiative sponsors districts — that’s one ex- Supporters of medical sure No. 65 petition.” bedrock environmental laws.”
should collect signatures ecutive-branch agency marijuana say Butler wait-
from the five districts listening to another, when ed too long to challenge
used in the 1990s. In Sep- decisions should be made Initiative 65. Butler’s
tember 2019, then-Sec- by the legislative branch. attorneys say their com-
retary of State Delbert “It simply is not the role plaint was filed on time,
Hosemann said the med- of the Secretary of State but they also say the legal
ical marijuana initiative or the Attorney General principle that requires a
qualified for the ballot to amend the Constitution timely challenge could


MSU works with community college president, Mary Graham, recently
signed a memorandum of understand-
for agriculture degree ing at the college’s George County Cen-
LUCEDALE — Mississippi Gulf ter, the Mississippi Press reported.
Coast Community College and Missis- The four-year pathway begins with
sippi State University are working to- two years at the college’s George Coun-
gether so students can earn associate’s ty campus, followed by two years at
and bachelor’s degrees in agricultural the university in Starkville. After com-
science. pleting the first 30 hours of degree
The university’s president, Mark work, students can be enrolled in both
Keenum, and the community college schools.

The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Mon. Tue.
Major 12:36a 1:36a
Minor 8:23a 9:27a
Major 1:06p 2:06p
Minor 6:43p —
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

The Dispatch
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 Website:
Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc.,
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
Report a news tip:
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

As Christmases
come and go
“If for whatever reason,
you find yourself not enjoy-
ing the holidays to the fullest,
let a little child lead you.”
— Sarah Ban Breath-
nach’s Mrs. Sharp’s Tradi-

It wasn’t until the

middle of the 1800s that
Christmas was celebrat-
ed by most of the people
living in America with Shannon Bardwell
typical Dutch, English and
German traditions of yule logs, caroling, ever-
green decorations, church services and a feast on
Christmas day. Christmas developed slowly across
the country as the winter holiday, birth of the
Christ child, and Santa Claus were being accept-
ed. Clement Clarke Moore’s poem “A Visit from
St. Nicholas,” also known as “The Night Before
Christmas,” went a long way in 1823 to promote
the joy of the holiday. In 1836 Alabama was the
first state to declare Christmas a public holiday. In
1870 President Ulysses S. Grant signed into law
that Dec. 25 would be a federal holiday known as
Christmas-translation of the mass of Christ. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
In 1930, the beginning of the Great Depression,
my mother was 9 nine years old. Her momma and little hometown, where his parents and impact he refused because he
daddy and about nine siblings lived on a Missis- Discouraged after attempting still call home. “You know, you said he will not go there after dark
sippi farm. Her daddy owned the town’s hardware to resolve dilapidated housing couldn’t live with yourself if you because of the Klan.
store. She said they never really knew there was a situations didn’t do your part,” Will reminded Mr. Imes, be inclusive, offer
depression because they grew their own food, had My entire life, I have tried to me. some conservative opinion writers
chickens, pigs and cows. They lived like everyone live by the Martin Luther King Will knows I am embarrassing- to let the readers decide for them-
around them. Very often her daddy came home quote “Our lives begin to end the ly emotional about good govern- selves and learn the other opin-
with extra food as payment by the hardware store’s day we become silent about things ment. See, I am an overly optimis- ions. Open eyes to see life good or
customers. There was a lot of bartering. Momma that matter” and do meaningful tic, true believer in the democratic bad. Teach these young writers to
always said, “About ten of us kids,” because extra things. process and still believe one get history on these drama queens
kids would move in with them and that’s just the City leaders are calling me a person can make a difference and before stirring and setting the city
way things were. “complainer” and “negative” for create change. And a committed on fire with outside groups that
Christmas on the farm meant waking up on speaking out and raising aware- group can change the world or at just want to stir up. Let outsiders
a cold morning and running to the big room ness about the mismanagement of least Columbus. see a southern charm and relaxed
where the children saw the Christmas tree for this city of ours, Columbus. They Please tell me you haven’t given community that is open to all peo-
the first time. The tree was part of the present on conveniently left out that my hus- up. Will you join our “A Better Co- ple of this nation.
Christmas day and not before. The tree was lit all band (Will) and I have spent two lumbus” movement? We’re doing Pauline Redmond
over with real candles. It was beautiful, she said. years trying to work with them, things that matter and seeking Columbus
“Daddy cut the tree and he and Momma decorated and they were not interested. It is solutions. I’d like to hear from you:
it while we slept”.
She told of getting a doll once. Stockings, often
my hope the citizens of Columbus
Leslie Sorrell
Republic or democracy?
understand our efforts are out of In a recent column, Mr. Em-
socks, had fruit, candy and a quarter. Fruit was determination to make this town Columbus merich states: A popular vote can
hard to come by and much appreciated. There a better place to call home for be overturned in many ways, but
was church and Christmas dinner. It was a happy everyone. Believes supervisor Brooks Trump has failed to muster the
household. I thought I was making an easy
Then came Christmas 1941, mother was ask when I contacted the city two
deserves criticism too firepower to make it happen.
The last few months I have Instead of firepower, it should
married and midway through her first pregnancy. years ago asking them to make endured this nonstop drama that be enough proof to prove it was
That Christmas brought uncertainty, but she never secure a dilapidated and vacant reinforces the idea this is a third fraud involved, according to the
complained. I wonder if in her quiet moments she home owned by Fannie Mae. world country. The Imes have Supreme Court.
thought of Mary, the mother of Jesus, pregnant The property was being used by reported on this city’s history In all my searches in the news,
and uncertain. She never complained. She was vagrants and others participating and local politics for years and for I haven’t found any that mentions a
bringing forth her first-born son. in illicit behavior. Instead, the some reason, I have watched this republic, only democracy.
Following came Christmas 1942. The boychild nightmare began. The City has paper become nothing more than The Orlando Sentinel apologiz-
was now eight months old and they were living codes and employs code enforce- an AP liberal sounding board. es to their readers for endorsing
with her mother on the farm. Her husband had in- ment officers intended to address Journalism has died in our so- Michael Waltz in the 2020 election
sisted she and the boy move in with her mother. It such issues. ciety. A press that allows for equal for Congress.
wouldn’t be right to leave a mother and child alone Will and I travel frequently, so opposing thoughts and real inves- We had no idea, no way of
while he was a soldier away. That Christmas was we resorted to watching council tigation of people’s allegations is knowing at the time, that Waltz
somber and mostly celebrated by women and chil- meetings and reading the minutes essential. This paper would garner was not committed to democracy.
dren. She never complained. The next four Christ- to stay informed on this code en- respect and knowledge if it were A GOP Hill staffer who works
mases would be the same. She never complained. forcement matter. In the process, open and honest. So, as I write for one of the 126 Congressman
And here it is Christmas 2020, our COVID pan- we discovered how dysfunctional this, I am going to set some things trying to overturn the election:
demic year. This will be a different year for most of the city operates on every level. straight with this feud between Never thought my work would in-
us. May our celebrations be meaningful, slow and We wanted to help! Harry and Leroy that has gone on clude trying to destroy democracy.
simple. May our hearts and minds be open. If ab- We offered our expertise. We for years and really has nothing These 126 House Republicans
sence makes the heart grow fonder, may our love spent countless hours researching to do with Harry’s racist rant this are trying to undermine our
of friends and family increase all the more. what other cities have done to be summer. democracy, includes two from
Shannon Rule Bardwell is a writer, who lives in successful in eliminating dilapidat-
the Prairie. Her e-mail is Harry probably believes what Mississippi, Rep. Guest and Rep.
ed properties. We sent them what he said, but Leroy has done and Kelly.
other cities have done to create said things just as bad. When When people lose faith in the
new businesses and recruit talent. District 4 fire department wanted electoral process, they are losing
We presented plans and offered to a second station near Plymouth the most important part of democ-
do the heavy lifting in implement- Bluff, Leroy said even though racy, Dragomir says.
ing them. We met with several they were in his district he did not Trump’s refusal to accept the
people in the city administration, care what they wanted or needed results of the election is just not
including our councilman. They because they were all rich white weakening American democra-
listened politely. And nothing people. There was no outcry from cy, Fruedenstein says, but also
happened. Harry or this community because democratic governments all over
Meanwhile, when we returned it was Leroy being Leroy. Leroy’s the world.
from travels, another house beside statements were not used to push Texas messed with democracy
us became a nuisance property. an agenda like Harry’s were this and lost.
We had over 30 inbred, feral cats summer. The Supreme Court was
removed. In that process, we Leroy stands on his soapbox Trump’s last chance to make an
learned that animal control was stating he will not work with Har- end run around democracy.
understaffed and short on traps. ry. In the almost 18 years I have Disinformation endangering
Did I mention that we have learned lived here Leroy has repeatedly democracy all over the world.
about dysfunction at every level-to been the least accommodating And here’s one I will never
the minor to major in trying to get member. I watched Leroy read a forget: When Bush took us to
the city to act? newspaper while experts spoke war with Iraq, he says when Iraq
We painfully watched people
TODAY IN HISTORY receiving notices of code enforce-
to the board on a subject he didn’t
agree with.
becomes a democracy like our
government, they will like it so
ment violations for the minor Leroy throws the premise that much, the other Arab countries
Today is Monday, Dec. 14, the 349th day of offence of overgrown grass and Harry has repeatedly blocked a will want it too.
2020. There are 17 days left in the year. yet seemed indifferent about our Black member of being offered Keeping on looking for a repub-
alarming situation. We were deal- the position of President ever. In lic.
Today’s Highlight in History: ing with vagrants partying and 2001, 2004, 2008 and 2012, Leroy James Hodges
On Dec. 14, 2012, a gunman with a semi-auto- pooping (yes, literally) and the was nominated for president of Steens
matic rifle killed 20 first-graders and six educators city viewed us as “complainers” the board of supervisors and each
at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, and “tired of hearing from us.” time he eventually declined the A letter to the editor is an
Connecticut, then committed suicide as police These once-charming homes nomination, stating he stood no excellent way to participate in your
arrived; the 20-year-old had also fatally shot his now need to be demolished. Our chance of getting it. community. We request the tone
mother at their home before carrying out the once owner-occupied street is no Leroy has blocked and delayed of your letters be constructive and
attack on the school. longer the same. The properties projects because it benefited a respectful and the length be limited
across the street are all vacant and different district, I heard him to 450 words. We reserve the right
On this date: have sat on the market for years. It say publicly people who live in to edit letters for clarity, grammar
In 1799, the first president of the United States, seemed there was no hope. I was Caledonia are all Klan members, and length. We welcome all letters
George Washington, died at his Mount Vernon, ready to leave Columbus. It’s the and when he was asked to attend emailed to
Virginia, home at age 67. easy thing to do. a meeting in Caledonia about a or mailed to The Dispatch, Attn:
In 1819, Alabama joined the Union as the 22nd But, Will asked me to stay and project for water treatment needs Letters to the Editor, PO Box 511,
state. help turn things around in his to explain his concerns of cost Columbus, MS 39703-0511.
The Dispatch • MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2020 5A

COVID-19 vaccine shipments begin in historic US effort

The rollout of the Pfizer vaccine ushers in the Quick transport is key for
the vaccine, especially since
ids, where the first cargo plane
took off amid what airport offi-
older sister, Queen, died after
she contracted the coronavirus
biggest vaccination effort in U.S. history this one must be stored at ex-
tremely low temperatures —
cials called a “jubilant” mood.
“This is a historic day,” said
in May. She was hospitalized in
Georgia one day after he saw
BY MARTHA IRVINE The rollout of the Pfizer vac- about 94 degrees below zero. Richard W. Smith, who over- her on a video chat, and they
AND MORRY GASH cine, the first to be approved Early Sunday, workers at Pfiz- sees operations in the Ameri-
The Associated Press
never spoke again.
by the Food and Drug Admin- er — dressed in fluorescent cas for FedEx Express, which “I think she would be ecstat-
istration, ushers in the biggest yellow clothing, hard hats and is delivering 630-some pack-
PORTAGE, Michigan — The ic to know that something that
vaccination effort in U.S. histo- gloves — wasted no time as ages of vaccine to distribution
first of many freezer-packed ry — one that health officials has ravaged our family — that
they packed vials into boxes. sites across the country. Unit-
COVID-19 vaccine vials made hope the American public will They scanned the packages ed Parcel Service also is trans- a family member is going to
their way to distribution sites embrace, even as some have and then placed them into porting a share of the vaccine. be part of such a big project,”
across the United States on voiced initial skepticism or freezer cases with dry ice. The Helping with the transport said Smith, 58, whose nephew,
Sunday, as the nation’s pan- worry. Shots are expected to vaccines were then taken from of the vaccine has special Queen’s son, also got sick and
demic deaths approached the be given to health care workers Pfizer’s Portage, Michigan, fa- meaning to Bruce Smith, a is still undergoing therapy for
horrifying new milestone of and nursing home residents be- cility to Gerald R. Ford Inter- FedEx package handler at the stroke-like symptoms. “It is
300,000. ginning Monday. national Airport in Grand Rap- Grand Rapids airport, whose very, very important.”

Mississippi requiring hospitals to halt elective surgeries

State health officer: Intensive care Tuesday, at least until Dec.
23. The list of procedures
states and hospitals have
postponed such treat-
continue to wear masks,
wash hands and avoid
tion’s President Dr. Mark
Horne, Board of Trustees
unit beds are full and he expects more include colonoscopies,
knee replacements and
ments since the corona-
virus pandemic began
social gatherings. It was
signed by Mississippi
Member Dr. Jennifer Bry-
an and Executive Director
hospitalizations of virus patients certain cancer surgeries.
The number of Missis-
because of a crush of
COVID-19 patients and
State Medical Associa- Dr. Claude D. Brunson.

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS the state’s intensive care sippians hospitalized with limited hospital beds and
unit beds are full and he the COVID-19 disease staff.
JACKSON — As Mis- expects more hospitaliza- caused by the coronavirus During a conversation
sissippi’s coronavirus tions of coronavirus pa- reached a peak of 1,166 pa- with the Mississippi State
hospitalizations continue tients. tients Thursday, up from Medical Association,
to surpass records, the 863 on Nov. 19. Dobbs said Friday after-
“Beginning next Tues
state’s top health official Elective surgeries in- noon that the decision to
elective surgeries that re-
said Friday that hospitals volve procedures that delay elective procedures
quire hospitalization must
full with COVID-19 pa- aren’t immediately re- was made after doctors
tients can no longer han- be delayed — statewide,”
quired to save a life, but and hospital officials be-
dle elective surgeries, and Dobbs said in his tweet.
can sometimes be critical gan calling him saying
he’s ordering the facilities An order issued by to treating serious con- they were overwhelmed.
to start postponing many Dobbs later Friday con- ditions that can worsen “When that happens,
of the procedures next firmed the move and without the surgery. you know it’s bad,” he said.
week. spelled out the details: Health officials worry Earlier in the day,
Dr. Thomas Dobbs, A specific list of elective that delays in such types three prominent Missis-
Mississippi’s state health surgery types that require of procedures can cause sippi doctors released an
officer, announced the de- overnight hospitalization long-term damage to pa- open letter to the state’s
cision on Twitter, saying must be delayed starting tients’ care, but several residents urging them to

COMMERCIAL DISPATCH Mr. Wheeler was Jerry Gordon Corkren, Al Lewis and
OBITUARY POLICY born Dec. 13, 1961, in Paul Corkren all of Ver-
Obituaries with basic informa- COLUMBUS — Jer-
tion including visitation and
Vernon, Alabama, to ry Gordon, 68, died non; siblings, Deborah
service times, are provided the late James Lowell Dec. 14, 2020, at Baptist Corkren Swanigan John-
free of charge. Extended Wheeler Sr. and Jessie Memorial Hospi- son and Keith Corkren;
obituaries with a photograph, Mae Shelton Wheeler. tal-Golden Triangle. and four grandchildren.
detailed biographical informa- In addition to his Arrangements are
tion and other details families parents, he was pre- incomplete and will be
may wish to include, are avail-
ceded in death by his announced by Lown-
able for a fee. Obituaries must
be submitted through funeral
sister, Vickie Reed. des Funeral Home of
homes unless the deceased’s He is survived by his Columbus.
body has been donated to sister, Cheryl Sizemore
science. If the deceased’s of Sulligent, Alabama.
body was donated to science, Timothy Corkren
VERNON, Ala. —
the family must provide official
proof of death. Please submit Sally Authier Timothy Corkren, 65,
all obituaries on the form pro- died Dec. 12, 2020, at
vided by The Commercial Dis- Sara Virginia “Sally” DCH Regional Medical
patch. Free notices must be Authier, 84, died Dec. Center of Tuscaloosa.
submitted to the newspaper 12, 2020, at her resi- A memorial service
no later than 3 p.m. the day
dence. will be held at a later
prior for publication Tuesday
through Friday; no later than 4
Services will be date. Chandler Funeral
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday at 11 a.m. Tuesday, Home of Vernon is in
edition; and no later than 7:30 at Memorial Gunter charge of arrange-
a.m. for the Monday edition. Peel Funeral Home ments.
Incomplete notices must be re- and Crematory, with Mr. Corkren was
ceived no later than 7:30 a.m. Larry Ferguson and
for the Monday through Friday born March 29, 1955, in
editions. Paid notices must be
Charlie Box officiating. Haleyville, Alabama, to
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion Burial will follow in the late Pete Corkren
the next day Monday through Greenwood Cemetery and Faylene Rawls
Thursday; and on Friday by 3 of West Point. Visita- Corken Dempsey. He
p.m. for Sunday and Monday tion will be one hour was formerly employed
publication. For more informa- prior to services at the as a truck driver.
tion, call 662-328-2471.
funeral home. Memori- In addition to his par-
al Gunter Peel Funeral ents, he was preceded in
Monique Spohn Home and Crematory, death by his stepfather,
COLUMBUS — Second Avenue North Paul Dempsey.
Monique Spohn, 30, location is in charge of He is survived by
died Dec. 11, 2020, in arrangements. his wife, Barbara Ann
Aberdeen. Mrs. Authier was Corkren; children,
Arrangements are born Jan. 25, 1936, in Nicky Denman, Allison
incomplete and will be Clay County, to the late
announced by Lown- Arthur Benjamin and
des Funeral Home of Mary Lasley Dill Harri-
Columbus. son. She was formerly
employed as a business
Jimmy Wheeler owner and was a mem-
VERNON, Ala. — ber of Columbus First
James “Jimmy” Lowell Christian Church.
Wheeler Jr., 58, died In addition to her
Dec. 3, 2020, at North parents, she was pre-
Mississippi Medical ceded in death by her
Center-Gilmore. husband, Darryl Au-
Funeral services thier; and son, Harold
are at 2 p.m. today, in Benjamin Burges.
the chapel of Chandler She is survived by Charlie Upton
Funeral Home, with her children, Amy 2nd Ave. N. Location
Stuart Vail officiating. Fondren of Mathiston,
Burial will follow in Dottie Taggart of West Sally Authier
Furnace Hill Cemetery. Point, Charla Jowers of Visitation:
Visitation is one hour Preston, Phillip Sand- Tuesday, Dec. 15 • 10-11 AM
2nd Ave. N. Location
prior to services at the ers of Columbus and Services:
funeral home. Chan- Todd Sanders of West Tuesday, Dec. 15 • 11 AM
2nd Ave. N. Location
dler Funeral Home of Point; and sister, Betty Burial
Vernon is in charge of Price of Hot Springs Greenwood Cemetery
arrangements. 2nd Ave. N. Location
Village, Arkansas.
6A MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2020 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 1A
“I thought, ‘Why can’t we get this in The clubs meet virtually at least once
our community?” Graham recalled. a month and members keep a calendar
She was too young to lead a club of activities they complete on their own
under her own name, so Rogers took as they can. They also utilize social
Graham under her wing to help her media more than ever.
start the first Controllers Club in 1984. When they do get together for a
By that time, Graham was a student at project or workshop in public, they
Mississippi State University. always wear masks and practice social
The first club dissolved as members distancing.
aged out. But in 2011, Graham started “We’re still going strong,” Graham
the Controllers Generation II Club, said.
followed by Controllers Generation III Franco Shields has two prevailing
in 2018. The two clubs today boast a memories of his time in the first gener-
combined membership of about 60, she ation of Controllers 4-H: his mom and
said, and that number is growing. overcoming his fear of public speaking.
“Even with the pandemic going, peo- Shields, now associate minister at
ple are still wanting to join,” she said. “I Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church
have applications to turn in right now.” in Starkville, is Graham’s eldest child.
The clubs’ general format includes He also is a counselor for the Control-
monthly meetings, along with club lers Generations II and III clubs.
projects and workshops in the commu- “One of my earliest memories of 4-H
nity. Members meet firefighters, police was Mom loading a bunch of us up and
officers and community leaders; take taking toys for Christmas to kids who
part in awareness programs for health didn’t have any,” Shields said. “... My
issues like diabetes and breast cancer; mom gets motivated by helping people.
and partner with various organizations If she couldn’t help people, she would
for community projects. probably go into a depression.”
Recently, they volunteered with the For Graham, it’s about leaving a
Starkville chapter of United Way’s “Unit- legacy worthy of whatever time she has
ed We Read” and “United We Feed” on Earth.
programs — distributing donated books “I know one day I am going to leave
to children at the spring and summer this world, and I just want somebody to
Community Farmers Market and stock- be able to say of something positive they
ing a local food pantry with donated do, ‘I learned that from Ms. Rose.’”
canned goods. In the meantime, and as long as
Last year, they partnered with the Graham is still around, 4-H stands to
Mayor’s Health Council to start Maben’s continue featuring prominently in her
first community garden. work.
The COVID-19 pandemic has defi- “Learning never stops, so why should
nitely changed the way the Controllers I stop?” she said. “Before it’s over, we’re
clubs operate, but it hasn’t curtailed going to have Controllers Generation
their desire to learn and make a differ- Four. If I live to be 100, there may be a
ence, Graham said. Generation 10.”

Continued from Page 1A
recycling, when we had apply for and receive a va- ties, such as Columbus,
a $2 fee and were using riety of grant funds, such Ohio; Austin, Texas and
green bins,” Gregory as a Solid Waste Assis- Columbia, Missouri. The
said. “That is obviously tance Grant from the Mis- company is trying to form
not an issue anymore, but sissippi Department of a partnership with an enti-
now we have the drop-off Environmental Quality, to ty in the city that it cannot
at the sanitation depart- cover costs like recycling reveal yet, Covato said.
ment. We (want) a more bins and public relations A similar company,
organized and better-de- campaigns, Tagert said. Lime, brought both scoot-
veloped drop-off, and we She also said continu- ers and bicycles to the city
want to make sure that ous community education in fall 2018 after it brought
doesn’t create any barri- efforts are key to keep- bikes to MSU. Lime with-
ers to recycling.” ing a recycling program drew from the Starkville
Starkville previously alive, both for community market in February 2019
had a contract with Waste participation and for mini- when MSU did not allow
Management to haul the mizing contamination and its scooters on campus.
collected recyclables to non-recyclable products. Mayor Lynn Spruill
Tupelo, and the cost went “It doesn’t matter how told The Dispatch she
up from about $40,000 to big or how small your “hated to see them go.”
about $60,000 this year program is,” Tagert said. “There are certain ele-
while revenue totaled “You must have education ments of safety that need
only about $24,000, said to be successful.” to be con-
Ward 2 Alderman Sandra Only about 1,000 peo- sidered, but
Sistrunk, who started the ple signed up for the pre- I do think
ad hoc committee. vious program, and Ward (s c oot e r s)
The spike in cost came 1 Alderman Ben Carver are not just
from an increase in con- said most people he has fun but
taminated or non-recy- talked to about recycling also an al-
clable materials after the do not participate in it. ternative
city suspended curbside Gregory told The means of Spruill
pickup in March due to Dispatch after the work transporta-
the COVID-19 pandemic. session that while many tion for people who don’t
Aldermen voted in Sep- Starkville citizens were necessarily have the abil-
tember to indefinitely sus- not aware the previous re- ity to wait on the SMART
pend the city’s recycling cycling program existed, bus, because it might not
program as of Oct. 1 and she has spoken to Ward be going where they’re
did not include it in the 1 residents who do want going, or they don’t have
Fiscal Year 2021 budget. the city to reinstate the a car,” Spruill said, re-
Waste Pro has pro- program. ferring to the Starkville-
posed a $350 hauling fee City employees would MSU Area Rapid Transit
per load, and cardboard be stationed at the drop- bus system.
will likely make up the off site to check mate- Covato said scooters
majority of the materials rials for contamination are just as safe to use as
the city receives, said or food waste during set bicycles and both the
Sistrunk, the board’s bud- hours, and the city would city and drivers should
get chairperson. install a fence at the site treat them as such. It is
“We’re talking about to prevent people from up to Bird to decide how
two and a half to three dropping things off after many scooters to bring
hauls a hours, Sistrunk said. to Starkville if the com-
month until Environmental Ser- munity partnership goes
the program vices director Calvin forward, and Covato said
becomes Ware and Ward 7 Alder- it might start with 100,
more es- man Henry Vaughn both since the density of the
t abl ished,” said recycling should be fleet partially determines
she said. an entity outside the city’s whether scooters become
“... Once sanitation and environ- a reliable form of trans-
we’re past Sistrunk mental services depart- portation.
those start- ment. “Having too few scoot-
up costs, a program that Beatty said the cost ers is just as bad as hav-
we’re talking about with of reinstating a recycling ing too many,” he said. “I
drop-off, accepting things program would be “mi- believe Starkville could
where (there is) a ready nuscule” compared to probably support a fleet
market, my guess is that how much the city pays of 500, maybe 600 scoot-
it’s going to cost about for solid waste disposal. ers realistically based on
$11,000 or $12,000 for the “I can’t imagine an demographic data and the
remainder of this fiscal SEC college town, or a size and population, but
year. That’s manageable progressive town any- I certainly think it’s way
within our current reve- where of our size and with too many to start with.”
nue stream.” our potential, without a Spruill said the city
Starting the program basic recycling program,” can give Bird a privilege
in early 2021 will give the Beatty said. license to operate and
city enough time to work can enact requirements
the program into the Fis- to keep the scooters out
cal Year 2022 budget if it Bird scooters of streets and sidewalks
is effective, Sistrunk said. interested in Starkville when they are not being
Recycling programs The scooter ride-shar- used.
usually do not make a ing service Bird wants “If they do that, we
profit, said Mary Love to establish itself in won’t have an issue and
Tagert, an assistant MSU Starkville, senior account we won’t have any cause
Extension professor in executive Michael Covato to withdraw their privi-
the Department of Agri- told the board of alder- lege license or fine them,”
cultural and Biological men Friday. she said. “I think it will be
Engineering and the pres- Bird has a presence a learning exercise, but I
ident of the Mississippi in several cities through- think they serve a need
Recycling Coalition. out the country that are for both ease of access
However, the city could home to major universi- and entertainment.”

Auburn fires football coach Gus Malzahn after 8 seasons

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Tigers also were immediately for a coach national championship rett Stidham and Jeremy but has been inconsis-
upset by a struggling that can help the Auburn game. Johnson. tent in his two seasons
Auburn fired football South Carolina, which program consistently Auburn said Greene Nick Saban, coach of and hasn’t appeared
coach Gus Malzahn, wound up firing coach compete at the highest recommended the firing rival Alabama, said Mal- to progress much as a
ending an eight-year run Will Muschamp during level.”” to President Jay Gogue zahn was among those sophomore. Other quar-
that began with a trip to the season. Defensive coordina- after conducting a “thor- “at the forefront of” a terbacks have trans-
the national champion- “A f ter tor Kevin Steele will ough analysis” of the move to up-tempo of- ferred, including Malik
ship game. eva luat i ng be interim coach. Au- program. fenses that even the top- Willis (Liberty), Joey
Athletic director Al- the state of burn will owe Malzahn Known for his ranked Crimson Tide Gatewood (Kentucky)
len Greene announced the Auburn a $21.45 million buyout up-tempo, no-huddle of- has adopted — with and Woody Barrett
the firing Sunday, a football for the remaining four fenses that have since great success. (Kent State).
day after the Tigers fin- program, years of a seven-year, become more preva- “I guess playing The Tigers are tied
ished the regular sea- we’ve de- $49 million deal. lent, Malzahn was of- against those guys, you for 86th in scoring
son with a 24-10 victory cided that The school must pay fensive coordinator in almost get to the point this season, averaging
over Mississippi State. it was time Malzahn half of that within 30 2010 when quarterback where you say if you can’t 25.7 points per game.
Auburn is 6 -4 in a pan- to make a days. Cam Newton won the beat them you might as They’re 80th in passing
demic-shortened sea- change in leadership,” Malzahn went 68-35 Heisman Trophy and led well join them,” Saban at 212.3 yards a game,
son of all Southeastern Greene said in a state- in eight seasons and was the Tigers to the nation- said. “I guess that’s why despite having playmak-
Conference opponents, ment. “We appreciate 39-27 against SEC oppo- al title. He called offen- we’ve changed some of ing receivers like Seth
losing by double digits everything that Gus did nents. He led the Tigers sive plays for much of the things we do around Williams and Anthony
to highly ranked teams for the program over to an SEC title in 2013, his tenure, but he strug- here.” Schwartz, along with
Alabama, Georgia and the last eight seasons. his first season, losing gled to develop other Current starter Bo freshman tailback Tank
Texas A&M. We will begin a search to Florida State in the passers, including Jar- Nix was a prized recruit See AUBURN, 3B

Caledonia Mississippi State Football Analysis

senior Zoe
signs to play
Despite two wins, MSU is almost a
volleyball at
MUW lock for a bowl game in 2020

Hansen was sitting in
French class when she
got the email.
On the first day of her
second semester, the
Caledonia High School
junior opened the mes-
sage and started crying
from happiness.
Hansen had received
an offer to play volley-
ball at Mississippi Uni-
versity for Women, and
she knew she would
take it.
“I love being at home
and just playing a sport
that I love,” Hansen said
Friday morning — near-
ly a year after that mo-
ment — as she signed
her national letter of
intent to play for the
Hansen became the
See MUW, 3B

cruises into
SEC title
game, Gators
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Mississippi State athletics
Despite a 2-7 record and a game against Missouri slated for next weekend, all signs point to the Bulldogs playing in a postseason
Alabama did its part contest following Mike Leach’s up-and-down first season in Starkville.
to set up a Southeastern
Conference champion- BY BEN PORTNOY nity for our team to work and it a virtual lock MSU will ap- despite potential postseason
ship game between two continue to build.” pear in a postseason game. opportunities.
College Football Playoff At present, the South- Given MSU’s spot at the Speaking with reporters
contenders. STARK VILLE — Missis- eastern Conference’s bowl bottom of the SEC standings following the Auburn loss
No. 11 Florida didn’t sippi State is likely headed picture has become slightly heading into the final week of Saturday, both senior line-
hold up its own end, bowling. clearer after LSU announced the season, MSU’s most likely backer Erroll Thompson and
stumbling to an upset Despite a 2-7 record and it is self-imposing a bowl ban destinations are the Liberty junior receiver Austin Wil-
loss to LSU in a game a game against Missouri due to an ongoing NCA A in- Bowl (Memphis), Gasparilla liams voiced that the Bull-
settled on dueling long slated for next weekend, all vestigation. With the Tigers Bowl (St. Petersburg, Florida) dogs would more than likely
field goals and a costly signs point to the Bulldogs out of the picture, that leaves and the Birmingham Bowl. be excited about the prospect
penalty. playing in a postseason con- nine bowl games plus the Col- However, Leach’s deep Tex- of a bowl game. Leach noted
Now the unanimous test following Mike Leach’s lege Football Playoff and New as roots that date back to his it would be a chance to make
No. 1-ranked Crimson up-and-down first season in Year’s Six games as potential time as the head coach at Tex- up for the lost spring given
Tide (10 -0) confronts a Starkville. landing spots for SEC squads. as Tech could make the Bull- the extra practices it would
Florida team trying to Following MSU’s loss to Assuming things hold dogs a pull in the Texas Bowl afford.
overcome an emotion- Auburn on Saturday, Leach through the final week of the or Armed Forces Bowl, which “We want to play,” Williams
al hangover from that addressed speculation re- season, it’s expected Alabama are both played in the Lone said. “You know, another op-
loss. It dealt a poten- garding a bowl game, noting will make the playoff should Star State. portunity to get better, de-
tially fatal blow to the he’d be excited about the pros- it down Florida in the SEC While the Bulldogs are an velop, grow, prepare guys for
Gators’ hopes of mak- pect of doing so but that it re- championship game Saturday, almost guarantee to be select- next season, give guys more
ing the College Football mains a day-to-day discussion while the Gators, Texas A&M ed to a bowl game, it remains film if they want to go to the
Playoffs. as far as where MSU could go and Georgia should all be in to be seen whether MSU (NFL). Whatever it might be,
“I expect us to have a assuming they’re invited. the running for New Year’s would actually accept such an we want to play. It’s not a ques-
great week of practice, “It’s kind of a moving tar- Six appearances. Presumably, invite. Given the COVID-19 tion. If we’ve got a chance to
have a lot of energy and get,” Leach said. “I don’t know three of those four teams at pandemic, consistent testing roll the ball out, get after it,
a lot of excitement,” the details on it. I don’t know most will end up in the New and the general stress players I’m all for it.”
Florida coach Dan Mul- that it’s been decided yet with Year’s Six and CFP, leaving have been under this season “We want to play a bowl
len said Sunday. “This regards to that. If we have a nine slots open for the SEC’s outside the normal realm of game, of course,” Thomp-
is what you work for, the chance to play another game, remaining 10 teams, sans football-related endeavors, son added. “... We came here
opportunity to go play no matter what form it comes LSU. Presumably winless teams like Boston College, to play football, so why not?
in this game. in, I’d be thrilled to do it be- Vanderbilt is out on any kind Virginia and Pittsburgh have We might as well finish it out
cause it’d be a great opportu- of bowl trip this year, making all opted to end their seasons strong.”
2B MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2020 The Dispatch •

Saints sunken by ‘flat’ half and play call Payton wants back
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS momentum was gone. quarterback,” said Hill, trip to Philadelphia in ly, a little bit too late. arrived in Philadelphia.
Soon after, so was their who fell to 3-1 as a fill- Week 14. “Obviously frus- Then the Eagles had
When the Saints winning streak, which in starter for the injured Now New Orleans trating, but for us, our two. Hurts rushed for
needed 2 yards on ended at nine games. Drew Brees. “This one must finish one game goals are very much still 102 yards. Running back
fourth down to extend a Also gone was their hold does sting a little bit be- better than Green Bay alive,” Jenkins added.
fourth-quarter drive and Miles Sanders rushed
on the top spot in the cause we knew what was during both clubs’ final “It’s really about making
potentially take the lead, NFC. at stake and we worked three games to earn a sure that we make the for 126 yards, high-
coach Sean Payton went It was a stunning re- really hard to put our- first-round playoff bye – corrections and show up lighted by his 82-yard
for broke. sult considering how well selves in a situation to now given only to the top better next week.” touchdown run when
Quarterback Taysom New Orleans had played be in the driver’s seat seed in each conference They’ll likely need to the Saints were trying
Hill rolled right looking since October, and how where we could control under the NFL’s new 14- be considerably better. to keep their deficit at 10
downfield, far beyond much the Eagles had our own destiny.” team playoff format. They host defending Su- with less than two min-
the short yardage New struggled in losing their The anemic first half “The biggest thing is per Bowl champion and utes to go in the half.
Orleans needed. He was four previous games. for the Saints’ offense we didn’t execute early, current AFC contender
“We didn’t play disci-
caught from behind by But that failed fourth included an interception so it’s hard to generate Kansas City next Sun-
Eagles defensive end down was merely one of on a pass that bounced energy. It’s hard to gen- plined enough football
Josh Sweat, ending what many regrets the Saints off of running back Alvin erate momentum when Containing Chiefs QB that first half,” Saints
until then had looked had on Sunday. Payton Kamara’s hands and a you’re not playing well Patrick Mahomes and defensive end Cameron
like a promising posses- said the Saints “were missed 45-yard field goal and that leads to looking Co. will be a struggle for Jordan said.
sion across midfield. flat” in a first half in by Wil Lutz flat,” Saints safety Mal- the Saints if they look as “Next week, we have
“It was more of an ag- which they fell into a 17-0 The loss dropped the colm Jenkins said. “For uncharacteristically po- to tighten up. That first
gressive call by me. A hole that they couldn’t Saints (10-3) behind us, it’s just homing in on rous and undisciplined half we let some big runs
shot play,” Payton said. quite overcome in a 24- Green Bay (10-3) by vir- the details. Make sure on defense as they did go, something that we
“And it’s one of those 21 loss. tue of the fact that the everybody does their against Eagles rookie Ja-
haven’t seen the last cou-
where I’ll want that back His players agreed. Packers won their head- job, not trying to do too len Hurts and Philadel-
relative to the timing in “We should have to-head meeting in Week much and then make the phia’s running game. ple years,” Jordan added.
the game. We had the played better in the first 3, which also happened plays that come to you The Saints had not al- “We dug a hole for our-
momentum.” half. And I’ve got to take to be the last time the without forcing. We got lowed a 100-yard rusher selves and that can’t hap-
After that, the Saints’ some blame for that as a Saints lost before their to that later, but obvious- in 55 games when they pen.”

AP Top 25: Coastal breaks into top 10; Alabama still No. 1
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS five spots after losing IN-N-OUT phone interview. “I think onship game against Boi- SEC — 4 (Nos. 1, 5,
in bizarre and dramatic This pandemic-al- it’s awesome for these se State at Boyd Stadium 10, 11).
The first top-10 shake- fashion to LSU in the fog players. I think it’s awe- on Saturday. Big Ten — 4 (Nos. 3,
tered season has helped
up in more than a month Saturday night. some for these player “This is really a neat 7, 15, 18).
create some opportuni-
pushed Coastal Carolina Miami plummeted 10 that can look at how hard thing for our players to
ties for teams that have Big 12 — 3 (Nos. 8,
to No. 9 in The Associat- spots to No. 19 after get- they worked. How they feel that sense of pride
not been ranked in a 12, 21).
ed Press college football ting blown out by North persevered through all and that sense of ex-
while — or ever before, American — 2 (Nos.
poll Sunday. Carolina. The Tar Heels like Coastal Carolina — kinds of challenges.” citement, of like, we’ve
Alabama was a unan- moved up four spots to This San Jose State worked really hard for 6, 20).
to get into the Top 25.
imous No. 1, followed No. 16. team showed progress this and we’ve overcome Sun Belt — 2 (Nos. 9,
No. 25 San Jose State
by Notre Dame, Ohio is this week’s upstart. last year, going 5-7 after so much and we’re get- 17).
State, Clemson and Tex- POLL POINTS The Spartans improved winning three games to- ting recognition on a Pac-12 — 1 (No. 13).
as A&M as those teams Alabama has been to 6 -0 and earned a spot tal in Brennan’s first two national level,” Brennan MAC — 1 (No. 23).
held their spots for a ranked in 211 consecu- in the Mountain West seasons. said of the ranking. Mountain West — 1
sixth straight week. tive polls, matching Flor- title game for the first The pandemic shut- Also moving back into (No. 25).
Surprising losses by ida State (1989-2001) time with a second-half down scattered his team the rankings was No. 24
Independent — 2
Florida and Miami shuf- for the second-longest rally against Nevada on in the spring and local North Carolina State (8-
3). The Wolfpack com- (Nos. 14, 22).
fled the rest of the top 10. streak in poll history. Friday night. COVID-19 restrictions
No. 6 Cincinnati and No. The Crimson Tide will The last time San Jose have made the season a pleted their season last
7 Indiana each moved up likely move into second State was ranked was challenge at every turn. week. CHAMPIONSHIP
one spot and No. 8 Iowa all by themselves after 2012, when the Spartans San Jose State had to re- Falling out were Col- WEEKEND
State jumped two. the Southeastern Con- moved into the rankings locate to practice at first orado, which lost for the
Nine of the 10 FBS
Then come the un- ference championship after the regular season and then to play. first time this season,
and Wisconsin, which conference champion-
beaten Chanticleers game next week. To pass was complete and fin- The team and staff
lost for the third time ship games will feature
(11-0), the first Sun Belt Nebraska’s record of 348 ished No. 21 in the final is currently staying at a
Conference team to consecutive poll appear- hotel in Las Vegas after and finally got the boot. at least one ranked team
crack the AP’s top 10. ances from 1981-2002, “Love it. Love it, man. playing Nevada at Boyd and six will match Top-
Georgia landed at No. Alabama will need about It’s awesome,” fourth- Stadium on Friday. The CONFERENCE CALL 25 teams. Conference
10 ahead of Florida at eight more seasons in year coach Brent Bren- Spartans will “host” the ACC — 5 (Nos. 2, 4, USA is the only one with
11. The Gators dropped the Top 25. nan to AP Sunday in a Mountain West champi- 16, 19, 24) no ranked teams.

Hilton, Taylor lead Colts’ rout of Raiders

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS for 244 yards as the Colts start against the Raiders
scored on seven of their and beat them for the 19th
LAS VEGAS — Frank first eight drives in their time, both the most by
Reich found himself reg- fourth victory in five any opponent in Raiders
ularly amazed while he games. history.
watched everything his “You hope you’re play- Rivers isn’t the only
Indianapolis Colts accom- ing your best ball here in quarterback picking
plished in their first trip to the fourth quarter (of the apart this Raiders defense
Sin City. season), and that’s what down the stretch, howev-
The coach couldn’t we’re going to have to do er: Las Vegas has given
believe Kenny Moore’s to give ourselves a chance up 150 points in its last
one-handed, diving end- in the playoffs here,” Riv- four games, with the em-
zone interception. He also ers said. “We’re built to battled Guenther’s unit
marveled at the break- be efficient and dink-and- yielding an average of 399
away speed of Jonathan dunk it and grind out the yards per game in that
Taylor, who outran the 4-yard runs, but there’s no stretch.
Raiders’ entire secondary question what big plays Only a last-second
on a 62-yard TD sprint. do for you. It’s huge.” comeback against the
At the final whistle on Safety Khari Willis winless Jets has prevent-
a 44-27 victory Sunday, clinched the win with a ed Las Vegas from going
Reich was still extremely 53-yard interception re- 0-4 since its 6-3 start to
impressed with his team turn for his first career the season.
and its potential. touchdown with 5:22 to “We were in a situation
“I believed that we can play. Indianapolis stayed where we had to score a
be that good, but obvious- securely in one of the touchdown every time we
ly this was a big day,” Re- conference’s wild-card had the ball, it seemed,”
ich said. spots and remained atop Gruden said. “You get to
Indianapolis racked up the AFC South alongside the point where you sec-
456 total yards, includ- Tennessee, which has a ond-guess everything
ing a whopping 212 on better divisional record you’re doing offensively
the ground, in its high- for now. every time you punt. It’s
est-scoring performance Derek Carr passed for tough right now, but you
in its three seasons un- 316 yards with two touch- have to stay confident that
der Reich, and its biggest downs and two intercep- your players are going to
since 2014 overall. Their tions for the Raiders (7- put it together.”
offensive superlatives 6), who have lost three of Both offenses started
prompted the Raiders to four after a strong start to superbly at new Allegiant
fire defensive coordinator their relocation season. Stadium, where the Raid-
Paul Guenther less than Foster Moreau and ers are 2-4.
three hours after the final Nelson Agholor made TD Moreau eluded two
whistle. catches in the first half, defenders on a 47-yard
While the Colts (9-4) but the offense couldn’t catch-and-run TD shortly
haven’t clinched their sec- keep up while Indianapo- before Agholor’s 21-yard
ond playoff berth in Re- lis marched up and down TD reception put the
ich’s three seasons, they the field to little resis- Raiders up 14-10 early in
appear to be in elite form tance. Coach Jon Gruden the second quarter.
as they head down the addressed the defense’s Hilton’s 41-yard TD
postseason stretch. woes by firing Guenther, catch put Indianapolis
“It’s hard to put up who had been Gruden’s back in front moments
those numbers in this defensive coordinator later. A touchdown-saving
league, but we did it to- since he took over the tackle by Vegas’ Trayvon
day, and we have the per- franchise in Oakland in Mullen with 1 second left
sonnel to do that,” Reich 2018, even though the in the first half limited the
said. “We have the per- Raiders have another Colts’ halftime lead to 20-
sonnel to be dominant in game Thursday. 14.
the run game and we have “When you need a win Taylor surpassed 1,000
the personnel to be domi- against a team you’re bat- yards from scrimmage in
nant in the pass game.” tling with for a playoff his rookie season in the
T.Y. Hilton caught spot and you don’t get it, it third quarter on his long
two touchdown passes really rips your heart out,” touchdown run.
from Philip Rivers, while Carr said. “Getting a bit of fresh
Taylor rushed for a ca- Rivers, the longtime air was definitely fulfill-
reer-best 150 yards and Chargers quarterback, ing,” Taylor said with a
two scores. Rivers passed made his 29th career laugh.
The Dispatch • MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2020 3B

Mahomes, Chiefs clinch AFC West with 33-27 win over Dolphins
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS homes’ two interceptions. fense.
“We won the Super Bowl here Chris Jones sacked the rookie
MIAMI GARDENS, Fla. — and just clinched the AFC West for a safety for a 30 -10 lead, and
Patrick Mahomes took a 30 -yard — it seems every time we leave the Chiefs set a team record with
sack before he got the Kansas this stadium we have a hat about their 10th road win in a row.
City Chiefs going in the right di- something we accomplished,” “Glad to get the win and get
rection. Mahomes said. “The (bad) part, out of here,” coach Andy Reid
The Chiefs overcame a 10 -point it seems, is like I have half my in- said. “That’s a good football
deficit and four turnovers Sunday terceptions at this stadium.” team.”
to clinch their fifth consecutive With Miami’s loss, the Pitts- Kansas City reached 12 wins
AFC West title by beating Miami burgh Steelers clinched a playoff for the third consecutive season,
33-27. spot. the longest streak in club histo-
Mahomes took the longest Tyreek Hill ran through the ry, and has the best 13-game re-
sack in the NFL in five years Dolphins’ secondary and behind cord in franchise history, good
and was picked off three times, it, scoring on a 32-yard run and for another division title.

his first multi-interception game a 44-yard reception when Ma- “It’s a great accomplishment, YESTERDAY’S ANSWER
in more than two years. But he homes hit him in stride at the fifth time in a row,” Chiefs chair-
threw for 393 yards and two
goal line. man Clark Hunt said. “One of
scores to help the Chiefs (12-1) Travis Kelce had eight catches our goals going back a decade or
Sudoku is a number- Sunday’s answer
placing puzzle based on
earn their eighth consecutive vic- for 136 yards and a touchdown, so was to build a team that could Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis witha several
num- 4 1 6 5 7 3 9 8 2
tory. Mecole Hardman scored un- consistently compete for champi- ber-placing
given numbers.puzzleThe object 9 2 3 8 4 1 5 7 6

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

It was the Chiefs’ second con- touched on a 67-yard punt return, onships, and Andy and his staff based onthe a 9x9 8 5 7 6 2 9 4 1 3
is to place numbers
secutive comeback at Hard Rock and Kansas City’s defense was have done a great job. There’s a grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 7 6 8 2 1 4 3 9 5
Stadium, where they won the Su- stout against Tua Tagovailoa and lot still in front of us, but today given
per Bowl in February despite Ma- so that numbers.
each row, eachThe 1 9 5 3 6 7 2 4 8
the Dolphins’ injury-riddled of- was a big step.” object
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box 2 3 4 9 5 8 7 6 1
contains the1same to 9 number
the empty spaces so 5 8 2 4 9 6 1 3 7

only once. The difficulty 6 7 9 1 3 2 8 5 4
that each row, each
level increases from
column and each 3 4 1 7 8 5 6 2 9
3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 12/12

Continued from Page 1B the same number only once. The difficulty level
sixth Caledonia player our area an opportunity,” as far as keeping the ball Drew Pack was voted increases from Monday to Sunday.
in the past five years to the coach said. in play, even putting the young male referee of
join the squad at MUW. Now among them is ball away.” the year. Micah Zellner
Savannah Thomas, Ha- Hansen, who overcame Brooks said Hansen was selected as TOP Soc-
ley McMurphey and technical difficulties to will be a great addition to cer Buddy of the Year.
Cheyenne Ruth all pre- put her name to paper The W’s team and could TOP Soccer is CSO’s
viously played for the Friday: The pen laid out be poised to provide val- adaptive soccer program
Owls, and Camryn John- for her signing refused ue in another sense soon: for players with special
son and Maddy Suggs to write. Hansen is majoring in needs. Buddies work
are currently on the “That’s not good,” education and hopes to with individual players to
team. Hansen observed quiet- coach volleyball at the help them play the game.
Hansen, close with ly. high school level some- Zellner is in his second Sunday’s Cryptoquote:
both Johnson and Suggs Still, the senior man- day. year with TOP Soccer.
during their high school aged to honor the com- “She’ll definitely be an In addition to a certifi-
days at Caledonia, be- mitment she made to asset as a coach as well,” cate, each award winner
gan to realize something her sport since she was Brooks said. was given a $20 gift card
when the duo commit- young. Introduced to vol- Brooks said she plans courtesy of CSO sponsor
ted to play for the Owls: leyball around age 6 or 7 to take her team to watch Dick’s Sporting Goods.
“Maybe this is a good when her sister, Allison Hansen join Johnson and For more information
opportunity for me, too.” Garrett, played for Cale- Suggs on the court next regarding CSO visit:
MUW coach Brooke donia’s high school team, fall, showing the Cavs’ https://columbusmssoc-
Beasley Carter — Han- Hansen began to attend next generation what
sen’s coach with the practices and shag balls their next step can be.
“I’m just really proud
Level Elite club team for the older girls.
of her and really proud
McMurdy, Noland make
— helped the Cavaliers’ “I was like, ‘Wow, this
outside hitter realize is so cool,’” she said. for her,” Brooks said of holes in one at Elm
that, too. Hansen offi- “That’s what kind of Hansen. “We’re going to Lake — less than an
cially set her decision in started me.” miss her tremendously.” hour apart
stone no more than two Hansen began playing Holes in one have
months after receiving volleyball in fifth grade, CSO announces fall been all the rage at Elm
her offer. honing her skills by com- award winners Lake Golf Course over
“Coach Brooke just re- peting year round with Columbus Soccer the past week.
ally made me want to go both the high school Organization recently After Mitch McCul-
to The W,” Hansen said. team and Level Elite. honored individuals who ley aced the third hole
Hansen’s signing so- Brooks said Hansen contributed to its fall rec- on Dec. 5, both Tom Mc-
lidifies a local connec- developed into a player reational soccer season. Murdy and Greg Noland
tion that has been in with great court sense Jason Spears was voted did the same within an
place ever since MUW who understands the male recreational coach hour of each other on
brought sports back game well. of the year. He coached Friday.
starting with the 2017-18 “She’s worked hard to two boys teams at U8 McMurdy’s hole in
school year. Caledonia achieve all the goals she and U6. The mother and one was witnessed by
coach Samantha Brooks, set for herself,” Brooks daughter coaching team Sonny Miles, George
who played for the Owls said. “She’s helped our of Aven and Ashley Mat- Geer and Chuck Putt. ACROSS
in the 1990s, is glad to team achieve goals. thews were voted female Noland’s shot was wit- 1 Hawaiian
see that. She’s one of those play- recreational coaches of nessed by Brison Flynt, greeting
“I love that (Carter) ers who a coach wants the year. Amaria McCray Greg Arinder, David Du- 6 Sanctioned
recruits locally because on her roster because was voted young female plechein and Doug Mur- 11 TV’s O’Brien
it gives so many girls in she’s an effective player referee of the year, while rah. 12 Make blank
13 Nasal sound

Alabama 14 Christens
15 Slimming plan
17 Parrot or
Continued from Page 1B
“So I don’t know how much of in that situation.” “They can do it in the short 18 Good at
an effect that will have on us.” The game Saturday in Atlanta passing game where they’re get- sports
Florida (8-2) did lose in painful won’t quite pit two Top 10 teams ting their athletes in space and 22 On the house
fashion. against each other, but it match- let them go make big plays. Or 23 Din
The Gators fell 37-34 to the es up explosive offenses and they can do it with shots deep 27 Engine
Tigers after Cade York’s 57-yard Heisman Trophy candidates at down the field.” booster Sunday’s answer
field goal with 23 seconds re- quarterback. Saban, in understated fashion, 29 Asp or adder
30 Some cars 3 “Not — dare!” Planet
maining amid a dense fog. Flor- Kyle Trask, who had three on the Gators: “They’ve certain-
32 Sink problem 4 Mustache type 25 Tom Joad, for
ida’s Marco Wilson was flagged turnovers in the second quarter ly made their share of explosive
33 Drives back 5 Harmon of TV one
for throwing tight end Kole Tay- against LSU, directs the nation’s plays this year, that’s for sure.”
lor’s shoe down the field after 35 Decline 6 Soup veggies 26 Workout
top passing offense. Mac Jones But now the Gators and Wilson
what would have been a big third- and Alabama have the No. 6 pass- 38 Lawyer’s job 7 S&L offering count
have to regroup and repair their 8 Scout’s base 28 Words on a
down stop. ing team. psyches after their second three-
39 Steer clear
Florida still had a chance to The Tide is third in scoring 41 In the know 9 Words of penny
point loss of the season. Mullen understanding 31 Relaxing
tie, but Evan McPherson’s 51- and the Gators 12th. 45 Two-dot
said there was plenty of blame to 10 Exam resort
yard field goal attempt went wide It’s a reprisal of the 2008 and character
go around besides Wilson’s lapse 16 Series-ending 34 Grammar
left on the final play. 2009 Florida-Alabama title games 46 Letter after
in judgment. abbr. topic
Alabama had no such drama in that featured 1 versus 2 match- beta
“That’s certainly not the rea- 18 P.M. times: 35 Religious
polishing off the regular season ups. The teams split them, with 47 Online mes-
with a 52-3 romp over Arkansas Florida winning 31-20 and then son we lost the game,” he said. sage Abbr. group
to remain on track for a certain Alabama getting even, 32-13. “There were many, many factors 48 Live 19 Factual 36 State frankly
playoff berth with a win — and Each time the winner went on that went into that.” DOWN 20 Grazing 37 Strong wind
maybe even a competitive loss. to win the national title. Those Both teams are hoping to get 1 Play division group 40 Buck’s mate
“I feared that our players might scores seem like defensive strug- injured players back. Florida star 2 Near the 21 Wick’s sur- 42 French friend
be looking forward to the SEC gles given how explosive both of- tight end Kyle Pitts missed the ground rounder 43 Apt. ad abbr.
Championship game in terms fenses are. LSU game with an undisclosed 24 The Red 44 Have lunch
of playing up at Arkansas,” Tide “Obviously they’ve got talent at injury.
coach Nick Saban said. “I was re- every position all over the field,” “Talking to our trainers, they
ally pleased that ... we didn’t start Mullen said. “There aren’t a lot of expect him to be cleared to play
out great, but we played pretty weaknesses in any aspect of their this week,” Mullen said.
well in the game. game. Obviously, they can put up Saban is hoping that lineback-
“I think it’s a challenge for any a lot of points offensively. They er Christian Harris can return
coach with any team when you’re can do it in their running game. from a shoulder injury.

Continued from Page 1B
Bigsby and a second-year starter in 2013. But they lost at least four day, Dec. 6. “But under the cir-
in Nix. games in each of his remaining cumstances of being an inexperi-
Besides the South Carolina seven seasons, despite making it enced team, having a couple inju-
loss, Auburn wilted against No. to the SEC championship game in ries, not having a nonconference
10 Georgia (27-6), No. 1 Alabama 2017 after knocking off No. 1 Ala-
schedule — which, in the past,
(42-13) and No. 5 Texas A&M (31- bama in the Iron Bowl.
we’ve been very good in noncon-
20). Malzahn was already pointing
Malzahn started his tenure in to next season after the loss to ference. But make no mistake,
impressive fashion, leading the Texas A&M. our goal is to win championships.
Tigers to a turnaround from 3-9 “We’re not happy with a six- “I will say this: I’m extremely
in Gene Chizik’s final year to 12-2 win season,” he said the next excited about next year.”
4B MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2020 The Dispatch •

Rodgers-led Packers beat Lions 31-24, clinch NFC North

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS format — and maybe to Matthew Stafford in the vante Adams also broke a opening minute of the Chase Daniel re-
the Super Bowl. fourth quarter with a rib franchise record. second quarter. Tight end placed Stafford and led
DETROIT — Aaron “To have the whole injury, but their latest set- He extended his touch- Robert Tonyan made his a drive that ended with
Rodgers has played for thing come through back was tied to their in- down reception streak to ninth TD reception early Matt Prater’s 32-yard
the NFC championship Green Bay is something ability to stop Rodgers. eight games, turning a in the fourth quarter. field goal with 1:49 left
four times without having we’ve talked about for a The two-time MVP short pass from Rodgers Stafford went toward to pull the Lions within
his cleats in the turf at long time,” Rodgers said. and one-time Super Bowl into a 56-yard touchdown the team’s locker room seven points. The Lions’
Lambeau Field once. “That would definitely champion completed his to pull into a 7-7 tie in the in the fourth period, re- comeback hopes were
He hopes to change be in our favor with the first eight passes for 119 first quarter. Adams broke turned to the field to dashed when the ensu-
that fact next month. weather that we have in yards and two scores. the franchise record set throw some passes, then ing onside kick didn’t
Rodgers ran for a tie- Green Bay. Rodgers finished 26 of 33 by Hall of Famer Don retreated out of view go 10 yards and Rodgers
breaking score in the “That’s definitely in for 290 yards, three TDs Hutson, who had a pair again. Lions interim completed a pass to con-
third quarter and threw play now.” and did not throw an inter- of seven-game streaks in coach Darrell Bevell said vert a third down on his
three touchdown pass- The New Orleans ception for a third straight the 1940s. He finished it was too early to know final possession.
es, lifting the Green Bay Saints lost to Philadelphia game. with seven catches for 115 how significant Stafford’s Rodgers directed a 14-
Packers to a 31-24 win over to fall back into a tie with “He should be the yards. injury was, adding the play, 8:49 possession and
the Detroit Lions to clinch Green Bay atop the NFC, front-runner for the MVP,” “He’s such a difference team would know more took advantage of penal-
the NFC North title. and they would lose a po- Green Bay coach Matt La- maker and commands so Monday after X-rays. ties to open the second
The Packers (10-3) also tential tiebreaker because Fleur said. much respect and dic- “He’s one of the tough- half and his 6 -yard run
moved into the top spot in they lost to the Packers Rodgers ran 6 yards tates coverage,” Rodgers est kids in this league,” gave Green Bay a 21-14
the NFC. That gives them earlier this season. Green untouched to put the Pack- said. Bevell said. lead. The Packers ran
a shot to have home-field Bay repeated as division ers ahead 21-14 for his Rodgers also threw a Stafford was 24 of 34 21 plays in the third pe-
advantage on a potential champion with its win and 30th career rushing TD to 14-yard TD pass to Mar- for 244 yards with a 1-yard riod for 143 yards, while
path to the conference’s Minnesota’s loss to Tampa break Tobin Rote’s team quez Valdes-Scantling’s TD pass to T.J. Hocken- the Lions had just three
only bye in the NFL’s pan- Bay earlier in the day. record for a quarterback. back shoulder to put the son to cap the opening snaps on offense and
demic-altered postseason The Lions (5-8) lost Green Bay receiver Da- Packers ahead 14-7 in the drive. gained just 4 yards.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: — ANNIVERSARY smell. I have researched the
I have been SADNESS topic, and I don’t think there’s
married to my DEAR ANNI- anything that can be done to
husband 25 years VERSARY SAD- address the incontinence issue
as of today. (We’ve NESS: If the only due to her age and other medical
been a couple time your husband issues. However, I think if she
for 32 years.) shows you any drank more fluids so her urine
He has done kind of affection- wouldn’t be so concentrated, the
absolutely nothing ate attention is smell wouldn’t be so bad. I have
to commemorate when he is drunk, talked to her about drinking more
this. I reminded you have bigger water for other reasons, but she
him months ago to problems than doesn’t want to because then
save for something the fact that he she would need to urinate more.
ZITS because it was “forgets” special I really love my MIL, but I
very important to occasions. Is this can’t stand to be near her. I feel
me. My friends the way you want like I’m only the daughter-in-law
would have happily Dear Abby to spend the next and that any discussions should
helped him do 25 years of your come from her children, but they
something. life? don’t want to bring it up with her.
Every year it’s the same old Receiving gifts does not What can be done? — KEEPING
nothing. He asked me to remind make a person “worthy.” You MY DISTANCE
him and I did, but it made no need to work on your level of DEAR KEEPING: Has your
difference. Same with my birth- self-esteem. As expensive as a mother-in-law seen a urologist
day. Yes, we have been in better celebration might have been, a and been told nothing can be
positions financially than now. gift you could both benefit from done about her incontinence
But if something was important would be couples counseling. problem, or is she so embar-
to him, he always saved for it. I DEAR ABBY: I have a wonder- rassed she hasn’t seen one?
have money put away we could ful mother-in-law who recently Because her children refuse to
GARFIELD have used, and he knew this. Yet turned 92. For the past five or so discuss this with their mother,
nothing. years, she has struggled with uri- the ball is in your court. Please
The only time he shows me nary incontinence and uses adult talk to her and urge her to see
any kind of emotion or love/sex is diapers. However, her urine really a doctor. Because when people
when he’s drunk. But he swears stinks. I don’t think she changes age their sense of smell can
he loves me. I don’t suspect her diaper often enough, and the diminish, she may not be aware
cheating. He doesn’t care what smell is really strong throughout that she has the problem you’re
he looks like when we go places. the day. I’m also afraid that by describing.
I always try to look my best. not changing often enough, she She does need to drink more
I’m at the end of my rope. may get an infection. water and change her diaper
This 25th anniversary really hurt Her children refuse to discuss more often than she’s doing. Her
me. He said we’ll do something the issue with her, so nothing mental and physical health could
when he can. I can’t take it is being done to change the depend upon it. But she also
anymore. I feel worthy of nothing, situation. I find myself distancing needs to see a urologist.
like I don’t matter. What do I do? from her since I can’t stand the
TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Dec. anything. eye their way, and then welcome
14). You’ll uplift those you love. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). the divine fuel injection that will
Ironically, it’s the thankless Good-fortune move: Drum up power your next act of grace.
jobs that produce the treasures gratitude for the unchanging LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Feel-
of your life. Acting from the pillars of your current day to day. ings of grandeur (which all are
core of your character, you’re Like statues you can visit any sometimes prone to) can inspire
repaid in a currency beyond time, under varying weather and fantasy, provide momentary
worldly significance. You grow in light, they remain, faces fixed escape and point the way to
power and wisdom, but you’re on the same horizon. your next move. Even so, they
not above enjoying the many GEMINI (May 21-June 21). are best indulged briefly, kept
frivolous delights that spice up It is not selfish to focus on your private and then brought down
your days. Gemini and Capricorn own satisfaction. It is also not to Earth.
BABY BLUES adore you. Your lucky numbers easily accomplished, as real VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
are: 16, 39, 4, 31 and 12. satisfaction is highly personal You fear that, were you to give
ARIES (March 21-April 19). and takes introspection and in to an attraction, you’d be off
To you, seeing someone you work to accomplish -- all well track with your agenda. These
love mess up or experience worth the effort. two parts of you, the attracted
loss or pain is far worse than CANCER (June 22-July 22). and the task master, needn’t
experiencing those things your- They were doing the best they be at war. Brainstorm. There’s a
self. And yet, when you think could when they made those way to integrate them.
about it, you wouldn’t trade mistakes that harshly affected LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
the lessons you’ve learned for you. Turn a soft heart and a kind There is a difference between
retreating to hide out and re-
treating to regroup. You are not
afraid of what’s going on, but
you need time to process it and
come up with a plan.
You’ll deal with a complicated
situation. You haven’t struck
the answer yet, but you will.
Keep trying to put yourself in
the shoes of different people
involved. This one will unravel
with patience and empathy.
21). Surround yourself with the
sacred and the day takes on a
hallowed tone. It’s worth dipping
into, but don’t be surprised if
you have a low tolerance for the
gravity. When it’s time, let the
MALLARD FILLMORE pendulum swing, guilt-free into
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). Though you are a single
individual, you play a role in the
trajectory of human evolution.
Advances will occur, as they
always have — sporadically
at first, with individuals at the
forefront. Why not you?
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). Reaffirm that you are your
own authority. It will clarify and
quiet your inner conversation
— no more wondering whom to
follow — and will eliminate the
FAMILY CIRCUS outside competition for your
attention and allegiance.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). Sunshine and exercise,
more water, less worry: It’s easy
to say, harder to remember to
do. Consider this your reminder.
You are important. People need
you to be the best you can be.

Rhythm and blues

The Dispatch • MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2020 5B
To place ads starting at only $12,
call 662-328-2424 or visit

Apts For Rent: West

CALL US: 662-328-2424
Legal Notices Apartments & Houses Firewood / Fuel
2 Bedroooms
Various lengths.
SALE 3 Bedrooms General Merchandise
On July 19, 2013, JOHNNY Furnished & Unfurnished Pre moving sale: Table, 4
TYLER and wife, IDA MAE
1, 2, & 3 Baths
TYLER, Grantors, executed and chairs, china cabinet Oak
delivered to George M. Vaughn, $650. Twin bed complete
Trustee, for the use and bene- Lease, Deposit $50. Night stand $20.
MAN (incorrectly identified as & Credit Check Dresser $25. Rocker $25.
2 bar stools $40. Old trunk
Patricia Holliman Hankins in
the deed of trust), a deed of $40. Cedar wardrobe $30.

trust covering the property de-
Chest of drawers $25.
scribed herein which is recor- Serious inquiries only.
ded in Mortgage Book 2013 at 662−570−1730
Page 20654 in the land re- Apts For Rent: Other
cords of Lowndes County, Mis- Roper Washing Machine,
sissippi. standard size, good
There was a default in the pay-
condition, $200.
ment of the indebtedness se- 662−312−6617.
cured by the deed of trust, and
the owner and holder of the TABLE SAW & FURNITURE
deed of trust requested the un- Craftsman table saw. 10"
dersigned to foreclose the $100. Craftsman
deed of trust and sell the prop- compound miter saw. 12"
erty described herein for collec-
tion of the indebtedness se- $100. "Tell City" 70" table
cured and other allowed ex- w/ extensions rumford
penses. finish. Six chairs. $600.
"Ethan Allen" china cabinet
On February 17, 2020, Patricia w/ hutch. 66" cherry finish.
H. Holliman passed away. Her $600. "Ethan Allen"
estate has been probated in highboy dresser. mahogany
the Chancery Court of Lowndes 76" height. $400.
County, Mississippi, as Cause
No. 2020-0038-JNS, and Gene
Call 662−368−6779
Douglas Holliman, Jr. and Dar- Sporting Goods
ren Lee Holliman were named
as Co-Executors.
The owner and holder of the Open for season!
deed of trust appointed the un- Tue−Fri: 9−5 & Sat: 9−12
dersigned ELIZABETH F. JONES Over 50 years experience!
as the substituted trustee by The Military Square
Apartments are now Repairs, cleaning, refin−
instrument dated October 16, ishing, scopes mounted &
2020, recorded in Mortgage accepting applicants!
zeroed, handmade knives.
Book 2020 at page 27017 of We have 1, 2, and 3
the land records of Lowndes bedroom units available. Located: Hwy 45 Alt, North
County, Mississippi, prior to All apartments are newly of West Point, turn right on
the posting and first publica- Yokahama Blvd, 8mi & turn
tion of the Notice of Foreclos-
remodeled, and include:
left on Darracott Rd, will General Help Wanted
ure Sale.
New Washer/Dryer, New
Refrigerator, New A/C Unit! see sign, 2.5mi ahead
shop on left.
On October 16, 2020, the Es- 662−494−6218.
tate of Patricia H. Holliman, De- We also offer rent
ceased, assigned its interest in discounts for:
the aforementioned Deed of −Active Military
Trust to Gene Douglas Holli- −Veterans
man, Jr., Denise Holliman Gat- −Seniors
lin, Dolores Holliman Davis, Call us at: 662−205−0005
Donna Holliman Vaughn, and
Darren Lee Holliman, said As-
signment being recorded in
Mortgage Book 2020 at Page
27019, in the land records of
the Chancery Clerk of Lowndes RENTALS Classes / Training For Sale Miscellaneous
County, Mississippi.
Notice is given that I will on the 1 BEDROOM GRAM! Train ONLINE to get the skills to ING for one flat rate. To order your Receive maximum value of write off for
22nd day of December, 2020,
within the legal hours (between
2 BEDROOMS You’ll find the best deals become a Computer and Help Desk statewide classified ad, call Mississippi your taxes. Running or not! All condi-
Professional now! Grants and
11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.), of- 3 BEDROOMS when you advertise Scholarships available for certain pro-
Press Services at 601-981-3060. tions accepted. Free pickup. Call for
details. 855-400-8263
fer for sale and will sell at pub-
and shop here! Home Improvement
lic auction to the highest and LEASE, grams for qualified applicants. Call CTI
© The Dispatch

best bidder for cash, at the for details! 833-992-0228 (M-F 8am- Services-General
Lowndes County Courthouse in 6pm ET) EVER! LeafFilter, the most advanced DIRECTV - Every live football game,
Columbus, Mississippi, the AND PHARMACY TECHNICIAN TRAINING debris-blocking gutter protection. every Sunday - anywhere - on your
property described herein
which is situated in Lowndes
CREDIT CHECK PROGRAMS From Ultimate Medical Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate today. favorite device. Restrictions apply. Call IVS
Academy Offer Quality Healthcare
County, Mississippi, and more 15% off Entire Purchase. 10% Senior & - Call 1-855-978-3110
particularly described as fol-
662-329-2323 Education to Students 100% online.-
Ultimate Medical Academy: 1-866-664-
Military Discounts. Call 1-866-479-1028 DISH NETWORK. $59.99 for 190
Channels! Blazing Fast Internet,
A tract of land being situated in 2411 HWY 45 N 4140 Insurance $19.99/mo. (where available.) Switch &
the Northeast Quarter of Sec- ADS STARTING AT $12
tion 33, Township 17 South, COLUMBUS, MS Employment ATTENTION SMALL BUSINESS OWN- Get a FREE $100 Visa Gift Card. FREE
Range 17 West, Lowndes Good Things To Eat ERS! Are you protected in case of prop- Voice Remote. FREE HD DVR. FREE
County, Mississippi and more Houses For Rent: North L. E. TUCKER & SON, INC. - CDL erty damage or if you have an interrup- Streaming on ALL Devices. Call today! 1-
particularly described as fol- DRIVERS needed to run from S.E. to 877-628-3143
lows: COLONIAL TOWNHOUSES. tion in service due to a property event?
West Coast. Experienced Singles and Business Owner Property insurance IS
2 & 3 bedroom w/ 2−3
Commencing at the point mark- bath townhouses. $650 to Teams. Check out our new pay package. AFFORDABLE and WILL PROTECT YOU
ing the Northeast corner of Singles, 41 cents per mile for 60 day pro-
said Section 33; run thence
$750. 662−549−9555. when the unexpected happens! For free
North 87 degrees 52 minutes Ask for Glenn or text. bationary period. 46 cents per mile there- quote, call 855-933-1267 (M-F 7:30 am-
West a distance of 1324.7 feet after. Teams, 50 cents per mile for 60 day 9:30 pm ET)
Mobile Homes for Rent
to an iron pin; run thence probationary period. 55 cents per mile AUTO INSURANCE STARTING AT
South 41 degrees 39 minutes thereafter. Late model conventional trac-
West a distance of 418.2 feet 3BR/2BA MH in New Hope. $49/ MONTH! Call for your fee rate
to the point of beginning of the $650 dep + $650/mo. No tors. Home weekly. Benefits package. comparison to see how much you can
herein described tract: pets, quiet area. Leave full Pearl, MS. 601-939-8088. save! Call: 833-678-0500
name & message, DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians
Continue thence South 41 de- 205−712−6697.
grees 39 minutes West a dis- Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage
tance of 315.1 feet to a point; For Sale
RENT A CAMPER! for 350 plus procedures. Real dental
run thence North 36 degrees
32 minutes West a distance of CHEAPER THAN A MOTEL! ENJOY 100% guaranteed, delivered insurance - NOT just a discount plan. Do
136.5 feet to a point; run Utilities & cable included, to-the-door Omaha Steaks! Get 4 not wait! Call now! Get your FREE
thence North 46 degrees 28 from $145/wk − $535/mo FREE Pork Chops and 4 FREE CHICKEN Dental Information Kit with all the
minutes West a distance of Columbus & County School
170.9 feet to a point on the BREAST. Order the Omaha Steaks Classic details! 1-855-397-7045
locations. 662−242−7653 - ONLY $129.99. Call 1-855-398-5977
East right-of-way of Blaylock
or 601−940−1397. #6258
Road; run thence North 44 de- and use code 66762MGH or visit UP TO $15,000.00 of GUARANTEED
grees 02 minutes East along
said East right-of-way, a dis- Life Insurance! No medical exam or
GENERAC STANDBY GENERATORS. health questions. Cash to help pay funer- STATEWIDE RATES:
tance of 247.7 feet to an iron
pin; continue thence along said The weather is increasingly unpredictable. al and other final expenses.Call
East right-of-way North 42 de-
Be prepared for power outages. FREE 7- Physicians Life Insurance Company- 844-
Up to 25 words...........$210
grees 04 minutes East a dis-
tance of 33.9 feet to a point; year extended warranty ($695 value). 439-8447 or visit 1 col. x 2 inch.............$525
ADS STARTING AT $25 Lost & Found Pets
run thence South 48 degrees
21 minutes East a distance of
Schedule your in-home assessment today. 1 col. x 3 inch.............$785
Call 1-844-316-8630. Special financing
293.8 feet to the point of be-
ginning and containing 2.0
grey pit bull with white on for qualified customers. Medical Supplies 1 col. x 4 inch...........$1050
acres, more or less.
1.75 ACRE LOTS Good/ chest & feet. Answers to THE GENERAC PWRcell, a solar plus ATTENTION DIABETICS! Save money
Storm. Reward if found. battery storage system. SAVE money,
Title to the property is believed
to be good, but I will sell only
Bad Credit Options. Good
credit as low as 20% down, Call 662−364−0478. reduce your reliance on the grid, prepare
on your diabetic supplies! Convenient
home shipping for monitors, test strips,
Call MS Press Services
such title as is vested in me. $499/mo. Eaton Land, for power outages and power your home.
Witness my signature on this
662−361−7711. Five Questions: Full installation services available. $0
insulin pumps, catheters and more! To
learn more, call now! 877-368-0628
the 19th day of November, Down Financing Option. Request a FREE, VIAGRA and CIALIS USERS! 50 Pills
Approx. 7 acres located no obligation, quote today. Call 1-844-
1 29
between Dale Road and SPECIAL $99.00 FREE Shipping! 100%
355-7099 guaranteed. CALL NOW! 844-821-3242
/s/ Elizabeth F. Jones Buck Egger Road. Access Week of December 13, 2020
ELIZABETH F. JONES, Trustee off either road. $30,000.
PUBLISH: 2 Duct tape

November 30, 2020 Mobile Homes for Sale
December 7, 2020
December 14, 2020
3 France
2019 Clayton Mobile Home
December 21, 2020 Brand new, never lived in.
Fully furnished, perfect for
an older couple or person.
4 “S-Town”
Attached front porch with
roof. May have to be
moved unless lease is
approved by land owner.
ADS STARTING AT $25 $40,000. 828−674−8659 5 Her teeth Carpet & Flooring General Services General Services Lawn Care / Landscaping



Need a Bucket truck & stump
removal. Free est.
Phone: 662−549−1878
1 & 2 BR near hospital.
$595−$645 monthly.
new car? Serving Columbus
since 1987. Senior
Landscaping, Property
Clean Up, Plant Care,
Military discount, pet area, citizen disc. Call Alvin @ Bush Hogging,
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corporate apts. "We’ll go out on a limb for
24−HOUR PROFESSIONAL you!" Painting & Papering
ON SITE MANAGEMENT. 4 ROOMS − $100 & Bonded. Carpentry, minor SERVICE
24−HOUR CAMERA 1 Room − $50 electrical, minor plumbing, Special Prices.
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Ashleigh, 662−386−4446. 3 Rooms − $90 lition, gutters cleaned, 662−435−6528
Carpet−Rugs−Tile−Cars pressure washing, land−
DAVID’S CARPET & scaping, cleanup work.
UPHOLSTERY 662−242−3608.
Start in the classifieds section for Call for more info! Lawn Care / Landscaping
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Have a rental property? LAWN SERVICE
If you don’t advertise Mowing, cleanup, tree
List it here for fast results. your business, cutting, landscaping, Ads starting at $12 for one week! how are they gonna know? Got leaky pipes? Find a plumber sodding & bush hogging.
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fast in the classifieds. 662−356−6525

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