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» Prel PRE I EL ARTICULO ‘THE’ El articulo determinado ‘THE? se utiliza sin distincién para singular y plurar pues solo el sustantivo y algunos verbos expresan esa diferencia. Se usa esta unica forma para el masculino y el femenino, porque esta diferencia no existe; pues en inglés, solo algunos sustantivos hacen referencia a género y si se trata de masculino 0 femenino biolégico Ejemplos: * thewall —_(lapared) + the books + thebook — (ellibro) + the students * the new book (el libro nuevo) * the oldmen ELARTICULO ‘A’ (un, uno, una) El Articulo indeterminado ‘A’ se escribe antes de un sustantivo o adjetivo, el cual deberd empezar con sonido de consonante. + auniversity (una universidad) + anewnotebook (un cuaderno nuevo) + ablack pen (unlapicero negro) ELARTICULO ‘AN’ (un, uno, una) EI Articulo indeterminado ‘AN se escribe antes de un sustantivo 0 adjetivo, el cual deberd empezar con sonido de vocal. + anarm (un brazo) + anhour (una hora) + anoldwoman (unamujeranciana) Ahora intenta tus propios ejemplos. THE premium english program » Prel « LN3YW AHL Nyls3 éASHL INV LON JMARHL SMARHL JYV AQHL Nos s(vjons (gv) sona LNINY NOA hiyLsa 2 MOA au JON JMNOA SMNOA SMV NOA Mos saqaisn saqaisn LNuY aM, sowos sSowwisa eamauy 1ON 33M auam suv aM (Gv) SONLOSON | (S¥) SONLOSON LNSI LI éusi LON Sill Sul sil saona yisa o714 LNS! SHS é3Hs SI LON SiSHS SHS SI SHS sae ylsa va ANSI 3H eau 4 LON SaH cay ciaH any yisa 13 LNINY NOA saan 2 MOA Ju JON IMNOA SMNOA BMY MOA aud OL visa OL LON Wil Wi wl AOS OA AOLSI OA JAILWDOWSINI AAILWD3H SHOUDWHINOD | JALLWWHIY (was) HsINvas | (uvisa) HsINvds uvisa / Yas = 39 OL (quasedg) 99 OL SUDA sh program Li eng) ium pre: » » Prel TO BE (Past) AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE INTERROGATIVE Iwas | WASN'T WAS 1? YOU WERE YOU WERENT WERE YOU ? HE WAS HE WASN'T WAS HE ? SHE WAS, SHE WASN'T WAS SHE? IT WAS IT WASN'T WAS IT ? WE WERE WE WERENT WERE WE ? THEY WERE THEY WERENT WERE THEY ? PRESENT CONTINUOUS La forma progresiva 0 continua del verbo, formada con el verbo TO BE en presente (am, is, are) mas un verbo en forma basica + ing (terminaciones anda, ...endo) denota que la accién (de la que se habla) estd en proceso, es decir, cuando estamos hablando de situaciones del momento. SUBJECT pronouns | +] TSE | +] VERBO+ING] +| COMPLEMENTO Ejemplos: + Lam writing (now). TIME Yo estoy escribiendo (ahora) €XPRESSIONS: + now + They are dancing and we are watching them. + at this time Ellos estén bailando y nosotros los estamos observando | « ot this moment * right now + Sarah is playing volleyball at school Sarah estd jugande voley en la escuela Ahora intenta tus propios ejemplos: 4 premium ex glish program » Prel « » PAST CONTINUOUS La forma progresiva 0 continua del verbo, formada con el verbo TO BE en pasado (was, were) mas un verbo en forma basica + ing (...ando, ...endo) denota que la accién se estuvo desarrollando en el pasado PRONOUNS |+ | TOBE | +|VERBO+ING |+ | COMPLEMENTO Ejemplos + Iwas writing few minutes ago. Time Yo estuve escriblende hace unos minutos EXPRESSIONS: * yesterday * lost hour, night * few minutes ago + They were dancing last night. Eilos estuvieron bailando anoche + Sarah was playing volleyball at school yesterday. Sarah estuvo jugande véley en la escuela ayer Ahora intenta tus propios ejemplos: T think, you are ready for some premium english program 5 » Prel SUBJECT PRONOUNS / OBJECT PRONOUNS SUBJECT PRONOUNS: | OBJECT PRONOUNS: I YOU HE HER IT us. YOU THEM COMMANDS Write the correct command using the following verbs. 1 2. 10. 1 12 13. 14. Open / close the door! Take out your book! Read aloud! Ralse your hand! Come to the board! Write sentences! Stand up, Have a seat. Pay attention! Continue working! Wait for your turn! Listen carefully! Turn off your celular! Usten to your audio! premium Abre / clerra la puerta. Saca tu libro. Lee en voz alta Levanta tu mano. Acércate a la pizarra Escribe oraciones. Ponte de pie Toma asiento. Presta atencion Continda trabajando. Espera tu turno. Escucha atentamente. Apaga tu celular. Escucha tu audio. » glish rogram » Prel « PRE BASIE | HOMEWORK. ARTICLES or'an’ umbrella 5. easy exam apple 6 difficult problem backpack 7 excellentstudent hour 9. university calculator 10. house Il) Complete these sentences with IS or ARE. Use ‘A or ‘AN' ifneeded. 1 2. 3. 4. 5. Il) Personal information: He student. They lazy students. She old woman, They young men. It good book My name is I'm from, I'm years old. Hive in, Are you married, divorced or single? Ihave | don't have any children. lam IV) Unscramble these questions. 1 2. you/are/tired? teacher /nice/is/your? premium english program 7 » Prel 7 3. 1s/class/large/ your? 4. friendly/are/students/the? 5. your/ teacher /relaxed /is? 6. hungry/you/are? 7. students /are/the / talkative? 8. school/is/your/noisy? 9. classroom/small/is/ your? 10. old/your/is/institute? V) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb ‘To Be’ in Present or Past. 1 you married last year? 2 hea doctor? 3. we happy? 4. she anurse at the hospital? 5. they Peruvian students? 6. youat the club on Saturday? 7 she sad last night? 8. Pauland Mary here yesterday? 9. we nervous during the exam? 10, he at Peter's house last week? 8 premium english program Prel « PRESENT CONTINUOUS 1) Fillin the blanks: 1. She television now. (watch) 2. They on the computer. (work) 3. Rodrigois busy. He Math right now. (study) 4. Vanessa and Susie are the dishes. (do) 5. Thecat its food, (eat) ll) Circle the correct option: 1. (s/are/ does) they going to Tim's party? 2. Michelle (am /is /are) playing at the park. 3. John and Peter (is/are /am) cleaning the house. 4. My parents (him /is/are) making dinner. 5 My brother (are /is/am) riding his bicycle. What are you doing now? PAST CONTINUOUS 1) Complete the sentences using ‘was’ or ‘were’ and the correct form of the verb: a abook yesterday at 6:00p.m. (read) 2. Giselle ‘on anew project. (work) 3. We atPardo's Chicken. (eat) 4. Dennisisa teacher. He his students a lesson, (teach) 5. They atthe disco. (dance) premium english program 9 » Prel cr > PRONOUNS Fill in the blanks using subject pronouns and object pronouns: 1. Mario talks to Maria, = talks to 2. Veronica eats bananas. = eats 3. Elizabeth loves her boyfriend, = loves 4. Claudia and Felipe buy a car. = buy 5. Mysister and | called Ricardo. = called 6. Harry and Luis work with Joshua, = work with 7. Carlos called Paola. = called 8. Davidhitthe tu. = hit. 9. Fredy and Jason paid the bill. = paid 10. Mygrandma helps my mother. helps 11. Jesus told Mary and Jane to study, = told to study. 12. Joshua and! spoke to Rocio. = spoke to 15. Miguelate an apple. = ate 14. Adrian and Luis washed the dishes. washed Well done! Now you are ready for the next step. XN S 10 premium english program » » Pre Ill 7 PRESENT Be, (Am, [s, Are) Become Begin Bite Bleed Break Bring Bulld Bum Buy Catch Come Cost Do Draw Dream Drinks Drive Eat Fall Fight Find Fly Forget Get Give Go Have Know Learn let Make Meet Mstake Pay Run. Say Sell Sing Sleep ‘Smell Speak Swim Take Teach Tel Think Understand Wear win write IRREGULAR VERBS LIST SIMPLE PAST Was, Were Became Began Bt Bled Broke Brought Built Burnt, Burned Bought Caught came Cost Did Drew Dreamt, Dreamed Drank Drove Ate Fell Fought Foune Flew Forgot Got Gave Went Had Knew Learned Let Made Met Mistook Paid Ran Said Sold Sang Slept ‘Smelied, Smelt Spoke swam Took Taught Told Thought Understood Wore Won Wrote PAST PASTICIPLE Been Become Begun Bitten Bled Broken Brought Built Burnt, Burned Brought Caught Come Cost Done Drawn Dreamt, Dreamed Drunks Driven Eaten Fallen Fought Found Flown Forgotten, Forgot Gotten, Got Given Gone Had Known Learnt let Made Met Mistaken Paid Run. Said Sold Sung Slept Smelled, Smelt Spoken swum Taken Taught Told Thought Understood Worn Won Whitten ~\ TRANSLATION Ser o estar Pasar a, volverse Comenzar Morder Sangrar Romper 0 quebrar Traer Construir Quemar Comprar Avaper, agarrar Venir Costar Hacer Dibujar Sonar Beber ‘Conduelr Comer Caer Pelear Encontrar Volar Olvidar Obtener, Conseguir Dar, Entregar Ir Tener Saber Aprender Conceder, permitir Elaborar, hacer Conocer a alguien Equivocarse, confundir Pagar Corer Decir Vender Cantar Dormir Olfatear, percibir Hablar Nagar Tomar Ensefiar Decir Pensar Comprender Usar, vestir Ganar eserbir premium english program »

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