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Module 2

Course director
Dr Michael D. Klein, MD
Medical Director of the Heart Station at
Boston Medical Center,
Clinical Professor of Medicine
Boston University School of Medicine,
Boston MA

Course Code: E.PPDiplomaCE13P2



Course Information
Need for the program
The wide prevalence of cardiovascular diseases in population, more so in uninvestigated forms, put individuals at high risk of an
emergency episode. This risk will in fact be exceedingly high seeing lifestyle aberrations in population in epidemic proportions.
Cardiovascular emergencies are lifethreatening disorders, which require prompt diagnosis to avoid delay in treatment so that the
associated morbidity and mortality can be minimized. Patients may come to an emergency with varied presentations such as severe
hypertension, chest pain, dysrhythmia, or cardiopulmonary arrest. Such an occurrence of these episodes makes it imperative that
clinicians have updated knowledge about concepts related to these cardiovascular emergencies and their manifestations, and diagnosis
and management strategies related to them. This will help in considerably increasing the survival rates given that most sudden deaths
in such emergencies occur during initial hours of the onset of symptoms.

This program in “Cardiac emergencies in general practice” is designed to improve clinical skills of clinicians related to cardiology
while encountering common cardiovascular emergencies. The program is available in print format and starts with explaining in detail
finer points about the conditions, their pathogenesis and identification based on clinical presentations, and pertinent management
approaches. It is expected that the training program will inculcate the art of identifying, diagnosing, and managing confidently
common cardiovascular emergencies.

Program objectives
1. Identify different types of ventricular arrhythmias seen in clinical practice and become familiar with their management approach
2. Know the mechanisms and causes of sudden cardiac death, and be updated on its risk stratification paradigms and prevention
3. Understand the concept of post-cardiac arrest syndrome and diagnostic and management strategies in post-cardiac arrest
survivors who have received resuscitation
4. Become familiar with doses and indications of common drugs used in emergency cardiovascular care

Course director
Dr Michael D. Klein, MD
Medical Director of the Heart Station at
Boston Medical Center,
Clinical Professor of Medicine
Boston University School of Medicine,
Boston, MA

Dr Pankaj Tikku
Medical Director
Passi HealthCom


Method of participation in the program

•• Register for the program when prompted
•• Study all parts of the educational activity available in online format
•• The complete program, including two course modules, will be followed by an evaluation. Successful candidates (those who
score more than 70% in the evaluation) will be issued a certificate of participation







Section 1
Ventricular tachyarrhythmias 6

Section 2
sudden cardiac death 19

Section 3
Post-cardiac arrest syndrome 30

Section 4
Pharmacology in emergency cardioVascular care 39

Case studies
a case of sudden cardiac syncoPe secondary
to Prior myocardial infarction 45

sudden cardiac arrest in a 59-year old male

without heart disease 46

a 74-year old man with chest Pain 48




Ventricular tachyarrhythmias
Course Director
Dr Michael D. Klein, MD
Medical Director of the Heart Station at
Boston Medical Center,
Clinical Professor of Medicine
Boston University School of Medicine,
Boston, MA

• to know the different types of ventricular tachyarrhythmias and treatment approach in patients
presenting with these arrhythmias
• to discuss in brief the different treatment options for ventricular tachyarrhythmias, including
pharmacological agents, ICD and radiofrequency ablation


cardiac arrhythmias: focus on Vt Figure 1 Monomorphic VT (A) and polymorphic VT (B) on

Cardiac arrhythmias are disorders caused by perturbation
in normal electrical activity of the heart resulting in its
disorganized rhythm. They may occur in healthy individuals
with an anatomically normal heart or may be associated with
an underlying cardiac disorder. Cardiac arrhythmias are widely
prevalent and may manifest with an array of clinical symptoms, B
although a subset of affected patients remain asymptomatic.1
Commonly encountered arrhythmias include, although are
not limited to, atrial flutter and fibrillation, supraventricular
tachycardias (Svt) and ventricular tachyarrhythmias (vt).
Many arrhythmias among these have a sudden unexpected based on information from: Koplan BA, Stevenson Wg. ventricular tachycardia
onset and often foster risk of sudden cardiac death (SCD). and sudden cardiac death. Mayo Clin Proc. 2009 Mar;84(3):289-97.
treatment of these arrhythmias can often be challenging and
should be based on the mechanism of their development. pointes is a type of polymorphic vt that is associated with a
Early diagnosis and aggressive management of potentially fatal prolonged Qt interval and twisting of the peaks of the QrS
arrhythmias should be attempted in the intensive care unit
complexes around the isoelectric line.5 Bidirectional vt is
(ICU) with the aim to terminate the arrhythmic episode and
rarely seen in cardiology clinics and involves alternating QrS
obviate risk of SCD.2
axis morphology with rotation of 180°on a beat-to-beat basis;
ventricular tachyarrhythmias (vt) are among the originally described in association with digitalis toxicity,
commonly seen arrhythmias. The spectrum of ventricular bidirectional vt is now known to be a manifestation of many
arrhythmias include premature ventricular complex (PvC), other disorders.6
sustained monomorphic vt, polymorphic vt, and ventricular
fibrillation (vf). As with other arrhythmias, they can be
non-sustained Vt (nsVt): their
detected in healthy individuals and in those with a heart
disorder. While occasionally occurring ventricular ectopics releVance in Practice
in healthy individuals do not engender much concern, ventricular ectopics are not uncommon in cardiology practice.
sustained rapid vt can compromise the hemodynamic status Premature ventricular complexes (PvC) and non-sustained
and even degenerate into vf. ventricular tachycardias are ventricular tachyarrhythmias (nSvt) are two forms of
commonly seen in the settings of a coronary artery disease ventricular ectopics which are seen in healthy individuals
(CAD) and contribute to considerable morbidity and and in those with heart disorders. Although their occasional
mortality, particularly during the acute ischemic episode. occurrence in healthy individuals, particularly when detected
Development of implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICD) at rest, may not be considered alarming, their association
and radiofrequency ablation techniques have significantly with a silent ischemic heart disease (IHD), an underlying
improved survival rates in life-threatening vt. Effectiveness of cardiomyopathy and risk of SCD cannot be discounted. The
antiarrhythmic drugs, however, remains questionable.3,4 PvC usually arises from an ectopic pacemaker located in the
ventricles and is a reflection of automatically or localized
classification of Vt reentry of this part of the ventricle. Many pathological factors
various methods of classifying vt have been proposed. on can trigger increase in automaticity of the ectopic ventricular
the basis of their duration, vt are divided into non-sustained pacemaker; important causes among them include ischemia,
and sustained vt. While non-sustained vt are usually of dyselectrolytemia and changes in the autonomic response (as
short duration and terminate spontaneously in < 30 seconds, in athletes). Besides being an isolated phenomenon, PvC can
sustained vt are clinically more significant and last for > 30 also occur in repetitive bursts. occurrence of three or more
seconds. on the basis of ECg morphology, vt (non-sustained PvCs at a rate greater than 100 beats per minute characterizes
and sustained) are further subdivided into monomorphic a nSvt. Wide heterogeneity in clinical presentation of PvC
and polymorphic vts. In monomorphic vt, each QrS and/or nSvt has been noted. Most individuals with isolated
complex resembles the next. In contrast, polymorphic vt PvC and/or nSvt are asymptomatic and these ectopics are
have changing QrS morphology (figure 1). Torsades de incidentally detected on their ECg; occasionally they may be



associated with symptoms, especially when they complicate a of nSvt (≥10 beat runs) are more robust predictor of poor
cardiac disorder. Commonly reported symptoms of PvC and prognosis in dilated cardiomyopathy.14 limited data is available
nSvt include very localized discrete chest pain, palpitations, on prognostic significance of PvC and nSvt in other non-
pre-syncopal attacks (such as dizziness, light headedness) and ischemic cardiac diseases and idiopathic arrhythmogenic
rarely, syncopal episodes.7 conditions (described in section of sustained vt).
The prognostic significance of PvC and nSvt remains
obscure, although their frequency and the clinical situation approach in patients with PVc and nsVt
in which they occur may be significant contributors to their Usually PvC and nSvt are considered low-risk arrhythmias,
outcome. In apparently healthy individuals with an otherwise especially in healthy individuals, and there is little information
normal heart, ventricular ectopics can occur at rest or during about how they should be treated. Majority of patients with
exercises.8 While most investigators emphasize that occasional these ectopics are either asymptomatic or report minimal
ectopics in healthy individuals should be viewed as an innocuous symptoms, such as “occasionally missing a beat”. Sometimes,
occurence,9 some have shown that in adults more than 30 years pre-syncopal attacks and syncopal episodes may also occur. A
of age these ectopics should be viewed with greater concern as 12-lead resting ECg is often sufficient to detect a premature
they may portend risk of ischemic heart disease (IHD) or SCD ectopic. In these patients, a comprehensive history should
in these subset of individuals.10 In contrast, PvC and nSvt be taken enquiring about symptoms, their frequency and
induced during exercises is often associated with increase in duration. family history of SCD and presence of risk factors
risk of mortality and attempt should be made to look for an for CAD should be noted.1
underlying cardiac etiology in these cases.11 The risk of SCD in
Management of PvC and nSvt should be attempted
exercise-induced nSvt is relatively lower in patients without
keeping into consideration the clinical situation in which these
an underlying structural heart disease compared to those with
arrhythmias occur. In patients with PvC/nSvt, the primary
a cardiac disorder. Usually most ventricular ectopics identified
aim should be to identify an underlying cardiac disorder,
during exercises are either a result of ischemia, heart failure or
if present, and mitigate risk of SCD. Most asymptomatic
are idiopathic vt (see section on sustained vt).12
patients with occasional occurrence of PvC can be reassured
other than in healthy individuals, nSvt is also detected and followed-up at regular intervals for signs of deterioration.
in patients with heart diseases, both ischemic as well as non- Patients with exercise-induced nSvt should be subjected
ischemic. In these patients nSvt is more likely to pursue a to further investigations to rule out an underlying heart
fulminant course. Investigators have confirmed that frequent disorder. young individuals < 40 years of age with nSvt
runs of nSvt in patients with an underlying cardiac disorder should be evaluated for non-ischemic heart diseases while
increases mortality risk,9 the magnitude of which varies with those > 40 years of age should be screened for an underlying
the nature and extent of the cardiac disorder. In patients with IHD. An underlying cardiac disorder, if identified, should be
CAD, the prognostic implication of nSvt may be dependent managed accordingly. Symptomatic individuals with nSvt
on the timing of its occurrence. Among patients with need treatment with beta-blockers with/without immediate
myocardial infarction (MI), episodes of nSvt in the first 24 cardioversion. Antiarrhythmic drugs may be chosen after
hours of the ischemic episode may not be a predictor of long- weighing their benefits/risks in these patients (figure 2).7,8,15
term mortality, although these ventricular ectopics may have
a detrimental effect in increasing SCD risk when they occur sustained Vt: the Potentially fatal
after 24 hours of infarction. Still other studies have highlighted
the prognostic significance of left ventricular ejection fraction
(lvEf) in CAD patients. Their results show that reduced In contrast to PvC and nSvt, sustained vt, monomorphic
lvEf in CAD may worsen the outcome of nSvt. Usually, and polymorphic, are potentially fatal cardiac arrhythmias
patients with lvEf < 40% have a high risk of arrhythmia- which can present either with or without hemodynamic
related deaths and SCD, although the risk in patients with compromise. In most patients, sustained vt is associated with
lvEf > 40% remains equivocal.8 an underlying structural heart disease, although its detection
In contrast to IHD, long-term outcome of nSvt in in apparently healthy individuals is also known.5
patients with non-ischemic heart diseases appears to have A number of cardiac disorders, both ischemic and non-
been understudied. Substantial increase in risk of SCD has ischemic, are complicated by sustained vt. Among them,
been shown with occurrence of nSvt in hypertrophic CAD appears to be most commonly linked to these fatal
cardiomyopathy at a young age.13 In contrast, frequent runs ventricular arrhythmias. Sustained vt can occur either during


Figure 2 Management approach in patients with PVC or NSVT

PVC/NSVT (detected on ECG)

Asymptomatic Symptomatic

• Stress testing
PVC/NSVT at rest Exercise-induced PVC/NSVT • *EP testing (?)

• Stress testing
Reassure and follow-up
• *EP testing (?)
Underlying heart disease not detected

Underlying heart disease not detected Underlying heart disease detected Cardioversion ±

Follow-up Treat underlying disorder

*EP = electrophysiological testing (required in some patients)

based on information from:

1. Sheldon SH, gard JJ, Asirvatham SJ. Premature ventricular Contractions and non-sustained ventricular tachycardia: Association with Sudden Cardiac Death, risk
Stratification, and Management Strategies. Indian Pacing Electrophysiol J. 2010 Aug 15;10(8):357-71.
2. Katritsis Dg, Camm AJ. review nonsustained ventricular tachycardia: where do we stand? Eur Heart J. 2004 Jul; 25(13):1093-9.
3. Katritsis Dg, Zareba W, Camm AJ. nonsustained ventricular tachycardia. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2012 nov 13;60(20):1993-2004.

the acute MI episode or may develop many years after the torsades de pointes. Although uncommonly occurring, these
primary heart attack.5 Both monomorphic and polymorphic polymorphic vt can frequently progress to vf and SCD.
vts can develop in the settings of acute ischemia; they are Torsades de pointes can be congenital or acquired, the latter
usually preceded by ventricular ectopics in MI patients. Hence, form occurring either secondary to an electrolyte abnormality
presence of ventricular ectopics in patients with acute MI can (such as hypokalemia) or after administration of some class I
be alarming as they may augur subsequent occurrence of major and class III antiarrhythmic drugs, and other drugs that can
arrhythmias.16 Polymorphic vt are more likely to develop prolong the Qt interval.17 of note, sustained vt/vf are
during acute MI due to ensuing abnormalities in the ventricular encountered more commonly in patients with St-elevation MI
repolarization during the ischemic episode. Some of these (StEMI) compared to non-St elevation MI (nStEMI) and
polymorphic vt degenerate to vf, which may result in SCD increase short- and long-term mortality rates in them.18,19 The
during the postinfarction period.5,16 It is worth remembering incidence of sustained vt/vf in the settings of StEMI has
that in most patients with acute ischemia, polymorphic vt been reported to be 5-10% while their cumulative incidence in
is associated with a normal Qt interval. This is in contrast nStEMI patients in a recently concluded study18 was shown
to another form of polymorphic vt which has a “long Qt to be 0.9-1.5%. Monomorphic vt, although known to occur
interval”, indicating prolonged repolarization. Polymorphic during acute ischemia, is more commonly seen in patients
vt with long Qt interval are characterized by a gradual with a previous MI episode wherein the old myocardial scar
change in the amplitude and twisting of the QrS complexes provides an ideal anatomic substrate for reentrant excitation,
around the isoelectric line and are commonly referred to as hence precipitating a monomorphic vt.5



Although CAD is by far the most common heart disease and can have self-termination of their vt episodes.17
associated with sustained vt, it is not uncommon to Symptoms of recurrent vt, when present, include palpitation,
encounter these arrhythmias in patients with non-ischemic chest pain, dyspnea, syncopal episodes and near-syncopal
cardiac disorders, including hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, attacks. Although most patients with sustained vt have severe
dilated cardiomyopathy and arrhythmogenic right ventricular symptoms, in some cases mild symptoms may be present. These
dysplasia.5 Additionally, sustained vt can be detected after patients often present a diagnostic challenge and are frequently
cardiac surgeries and increases risk of death in the immediate misdiagnosed and treated as Svt. Since management options
postoperative period (within 30 days). reduced lvEf (< for Svt are different from vt, it is prudent to differentiate the
35%) is a strong risk factor favoring occurrence of vt in two arrhythmias strictly on the basis of findings on a 12-lead
postoperative patients.20 An often understudied cause of vt ECg without getting influenced by the patients’ symptom
is inherited channelopathies. Catecholaminergic polymorphic severity.26
ventricular tachycardia (CPvt) is an inherited cardiac ion Some patients with an apparent good health and
channel disorder associated with sudden onset of recurrent anatomically normal heart can develop vt, the cause of which
syncopal episodes due to polymorphic vt, usually following remains unidentified. These patients are usually young and have
exercises or periods of acute emotion, in individuals without no evidence of any structural heart disease, inherited causes
a known structural heart disease. Some CPvt episodes may of vt or dyselectrolytemia. This form of vt is referred to as
terminate in SCD.21 The usual age of occurrence of CPvt idiopathic vt. Most idiopathic vt are monomorphic. owing
is between 7-9 years, although it has been seen in the adults to preserved cardiac functions, these patients tolerate the
as well. Diagnosis can often be challenging due to a normal tachycardia well and their overall prognosis is good, although
resting ECg pattern in the absence of symptoms; evidence of risk of sudden death in some individuals cannot be discounted.
bidirectional vt may be seen in some patients. In suspected two broad subgroups of idiopathic vt have been recognized;
patients, exercise treadmill testing may induce arrhythmia and outflow tract vt and idiopathic fascicular vt. outflow tract
validate diagnosis of CPvt.21,22 The underlying cause of CPvt vt can originate from the right or left ventricular outflow
is being investigated. Mutation in the ryanodine receptor 2 tracts, the majority usually arising from the right ventricular
(ryr2) genes has been found to be an underlying cause in outflow tract. These vt usually occur as repetitive runs of
almost half of dominantly-inherited forms of CPvt. Aberration ventricular ectopics and nSvt (repetitive monomorphic
in calsequestrin 2 (CASQ2) genes has been reported as an vt).5,27 A small subgroup of patients have idiopathic fascicular
underlying cause in its autosomal recessive form. recently vt wherein reentry seems to be the chief operative mechanism
investigators have identified two mutations in the CAlM1 for arrhythmia. These patients demonstrate evidence of right
genes, which encode for calmodulin, and may also underlie – bundle branch block QrS configuration with a left or right
at least partly – the pathogenesis of this disorder.23 The long axis deviation.28
Qt syndrome is another form of inherited channelopathy
associated with vt which engenders considerable concern approach in patients with sustained Vt
because of its association with torsades de pointes (described In patients with suspected vt, a baseline resting 12-lead
previously); it can result in syncope and sudden death. The ECg should be advised. findings of a wide QrS complex
diagnosis is primarily based on presence of Qt prolongation tachycardia (QrS 120 msec or greater) at a rate of 100 beats
on the ECg.24 Brugada syndrome, a disorder arising from per minute or greater is usually indicative of vt. It is worth
mutational defect in the cardiac sodium channels, is another noting that although vt is the most common etiological cause
inherited cardiac disorder characterized by syncopal episodes of a “wide QrS complex tachycardia”, accounting for almost
and/or sudden death due to vt in patients with a structurally 80% of these cases, some patients with broad QrS complex
normal heart. The ECg in these patients is characteristic and can have an underlying Svt with aberrancy or a preexcited
demonstrates rapid polymorphic vt, a pattern of right bundle tachycardia. Differentiating these arrhythmias may be crucial
branch block with an St-segment elevation in leads v1 to v3. for guiding therapy. History of a structural heart disease, CAD
While sustained vt/vf occurrence in these patients may or previous MI episode, a positive family history of SCD
predispose to a sudden cardiac arrest, spontaneous termination and evidence of Av dissociation on examination (variable
may culminate in a syncopal attack.25 intensity of first heart sound and intermittently seen cannon A
Patients with sustained vt can have variable clinical wave due to simultaneous contraction of atria and ventricles)
presentation. Most patients are symptomatic although a small should strongly suggest a diagnosis of vt. furthermore, an
subset of patients with sustained vt may be asymptomatic echocardiogram should be included in the diagnostic approach


Figure 3 Management approach in patients with sustained VT

Sustained VT*

Monomorphic VT Polymorphic VT

Stable Unstable Stable Unstable

(without hemodynamic (with hemodynamic (without hemodynamic (with hemodynamic
compromise) compromise) compromise) compromise)

Antiarrhythmic drugs Direct cardioversion Usually terminate Direct cardioversion

IV Procainamide spontaneously; if
or does not, treat as
IV Ajmaline monomorphic VT
Recurrent VT Recurrent VT
Recurrent VT

IV Amiodarone Normal EF Low EF Baseline QT Baseline QT interval

or interval normal** prolonged
IV Beta-blocker

IV Procainamide IV Amiodarone

Normal EF Low EF

Correct ischemia Correct ischemia Correct electrolyte

Correct electrolyte Correct abnormality
abnormality electrolyte +
+ abnormality IV Magnesium
IV Beta-blocker + sulphate
IV Amiodarone or
Overdrive pacing

*If an underlying heart disease is present, treat accordingly; in patients with acute MI, sustained vt may be managed with Iv lidocaine or Iv ajmaline
** Iv Isoproterenol can also be used

based on information from:

1. trappe HJ. treating critical supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias. J Emerg Trauma Shock. 2010 Apr;3(2):143-52.
2. Collopy Kt. Stable or unstable? Assessment and management of ventricular tachycardia with pulses. EMS Mag. 2009 Jun;38(6):42-8; quiz 49.
3. Zipes DP, Camm AJ, Borggrefe M, et al.; American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association task force; European Society of Cardiology Committee for
Practice guidelines; European Heart rhythm Association and the Heart rhythm Society. ACC/AHA/ESC 2006 guidelines for management of patients with ventricular
arrhythmias and the prevention of sudden cardiac death--executive summary: A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association task force
and the European Society of Cardiology Committee for Practice guidelines (Writing Committee to Develop guidelines for Management of Patients with ventricular
Arrhythmias and the Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death) Developed in collaboration with the European Heart rhythm Association and the Heart rhythm Society.
Circulation. 2006;114:e385-e484.



of patients with vt to rule out a structural heart disease and Isoproterenol can also be used. It should be administered Iv
evaluate ventricular functions, including the ejection fraction at a dose of 1-4 mcg/minute, given as infusion. Atropine can
(Ef). Stress testing is also important for identifying an be given at a dose of 0.5-1.0 mg Iv, maximum 0.04 mg/kg. If
underlying silent CAD. Evidence of electrolyte abnormality amiodarone is chosen, it is recommended to be used at a dose
should also be looked for. Invasive electrophysiologic testing of 150-300 mg Iv, followed by infusion of 1020 mg/day.2 In
should be recommended to substantiate a diagnosis of vt, patients with suspected ischemia, prompt coronary angiography
especially in a subset of patients in whom differentiation can also be considered. Management of polymorphic vt with
between vt and Svt remains difficult.29,30 a prolonged Qt interval should be primarily attempted with
In patients diagnosed with sustained vt, the initial Iv magnesium sulphate. In patients with torsades de pointes,
management approach depends primarily on the patients’ correction of electrolyte abnormality and withdrawal of the
hemodynamic status. Patients who are hemodynamically offending drug is important. Magnesium sulphate should be
stable can be managed with antiarrhythmic drugs. However, administered at a dose of 2 g Iv; another dose of 2 g Iv can be
hemodynamically unstable patients are ideal candidates for repeated after 15 minutes in case of no response. This should
prompt cardioversion and defibrillation; antiarrhythmic drugs be followed by Iv infusion of 500 mg/hr. overdrive pacing
can be used in case of no response.31 Some investigators have or general anesthesia may be considered for patients with
recently opined that since many hemodynamically stable patients frequently recurring or incessant vt (figure 3).33
with vt have high recurrence rates which increases their risk
of SCD, they should also be offered implantable cardioversion Ventricular fibrillations: the
along with pharmacological antiarrhythmic therapy to reduce medical emergency
their arrhythmia recurrence risk.32 The guidelines of the
ventricular fibrillations (vf) are characterized by a very rapid
American College of Cardiology (ACC)/American Heart
heart rate (usually more than 300 beats per minute) and chaotic
Association (AHA) task force and the European Society of
disorganized electrical activity of the heart. Marked variability
Cardiology (ESC)33 outlines the choice of antiarrhythmic
in QrS cycle length, morphology, and amplitude characterizes
drugs for patients with vt. These guidelines recommend Iv
the ECg findings of patients with vf.33 Its unpredictable
procainamide (or ajmaline) for initial management of stable
onset makes vf a significant contributor to SCD in clinical
sustained monomorphic vt with a normal Ef.33 While
practice.34 It is rarely self-limiting and rapidly progresses to
procainamide is recommended to be given at a dose of 10 mg/
kg Iv, ajmaline, if required, should be administered at a dose unconsciousness and pulselessness. These attributes confer vf
of 50-100 mg Iv over 5 minutes. Alternatively, these patients the status of a medical emergency which warrants immediate
can also be managed with amiodarone, given Iv 150-300 mg in attention and aggressive resuscitative management. Despite
5 minutes, followed by infusion of 1050 mg/day.2 In unstable extensive work done, the exact mechanism underlying the
patients with monomorphic vt, ACC/AHA/ESC guidelines33 development of vf remains unknown. However, it appears
recommend immediate direct current cardioversion with probable that vf may be triggered secondary to rapid impulse
appropriate sedation as the initial management approach; formation and development of multiple, unstable reentry
for patients demonstrating recurrence despite cardioversion, circuits.35
Iv procainamide (if Ef is normal) or Iv amiodarone (if Ef In cardiology practice, vf occurs most commonly in
is reduced) may be considered.33 for patients with sustained the settings of a CAD, usually during an acute MI episode.
monomorphic vt with an associated CAD, Iv lidocaine In hospitalized patients with MI, vf has been demonstrated
(100-150 mg Iv) was the preferred antiarrhythmic drug in the in 5-10% of cases.36 Although long-term outcome of these
past, although more recently Iv ajmaline is recommended as a patients still needs to be established, significantly poor
first-line drug in these settings (see section on antiarrhythmic prognosis of patients with vf in the immediate postinfarction
drugs).2 period has been unambiguously proven. In patients with
Most patients with sustained polymorphic vt present acute MI, occurrence of vf considerably increases risk of in-
with a hemodynamic compromise (unstable polymorphic hospital mortality and accounts for most deaths in the first 2
vt). These patients should be offered immediate direct hours of postinfarction period.35,37 other than acute MI, many
current cardioversion with appropriate sedation initially. Those other causes of vf have been identified, including hypoxia,
with recurrent polymorphic vt with normal Qt interval acidosis, severe left ventricular hypertrophy (lvH) and
often have a coassociated ischemia; these patients should be advanced structural heart diseases with poor lv or rv systolic
managed preferentially with a beta-blocker or amiodarone.33 function.35


Figure 4 Emergency management approach in patients with pulseless VT/VF

Pulseless VT/VF

Oxygenation + CPR Biphasic shock 120-200 J

I shock Monophasic shock 360 J

Continue CPR 5 cycles/2 minutes


Shockable rhythm, no response Asystole

Repeat I shock Treat accordingly

Epinephrine 1 mg IV (can be repeated in 3-5 minutes)
Vasopressin 40 IU IV (can replace 1st or 2nd dose of epinephrine)

Continue CPR 5 cycles/2 minutes


Shockable rhythm, no response Asystole

Repeat 1 shock Treat accordingly

Antiarrhythmic drugs
• Amiodarone 300 mg IV, followed by 150 mg
IV in case of no response
• Lidocaine (in case of acute MI) 1-1.5 mg/kg
IV followed by 0.75-3 mg/kg

Continue CPR and reassess

Continue till sinus rhythm restored

based on information from:

Zipes DP, Camm AJ, Borggrefe M, et al.; American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association task force; European Society of Cardiology Committee for Practice
guidelines; European Heart rhythm Association and the Heart rhythm Society. ACC/AHA/ESC 2006 guidelines for management of patients with ventricular arrhythmias
and the prevention of sudden cardiac death--executive summary: A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association task force and the European
Society of Cardiology Committee for Practice guidelines (Writing Committee to Develop guidelines for Management of Patients with ventricular Arrhythmias and the
Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death) Developed in collaboration with the European Heart rhythm Association and the Heart rhythm Society. Circulation. 2006;114:e385-



approach in patients with pulseless Vf be delivered. In non-responding patients, epinephrine (1 mg)

should be rapidly pushed Iv/Io, which can be repeated after
Most patients with vf present in the emergency with cardiac
3-5 minutes. Alternatively, Iv/Io vasopressin (40 IU) can be
arrest and are pulseless. Immediate defibrillation and initiation
given. Subsequent to administering vasopressors, CPr should
of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPr) is required in them
again be continued for 5 cycles or 2 minutes and patient then
to restore sinus rhythm and reduce risk of death. Defibrillators
have traditionally used monophasic waveforms to deliver reevaluated. If no response, another shock may be given. It is
shocks in patients with cardiac arrest. Most ICDs and many important to rule out asystolic arrest in patients who show no
external defibrillators now deliver shock as biphasic waveforms. response. Administration of an antiarrhythmic drug should
Biphasic shocks appear beneficial as they require lower currents also be considered in non-responding patients. These patients
than monophasic shocks to terminate vf episode.38 can be given amiodarone (5 mg/kg or 300 mg) by rapid Iv/
All patients with vf who present without a pulse should be Io push, followed by 150 mg Iv/Io in patients who still do
oxygenated and CPr should be promptly initiated after checking not revert to sinus rhythm. In patients with vf in the settings
the airways. Simultaneously direct current defibrillation should of acute MI, Iv lidocaine 1-1.5 mg/kg can be given; dose of
be attempted. At the outset, one shock (ideally biphasic) should 0.75 mg up to 3 mg/kg can be repeated in them. Patients who
be given; recommended energy dose for biphasic shock is 120- remain refractory to amiodarone/lidocaine may also be given
200 J and for monophasic shock is 360 J. Immediately after Iv magnesium (1-2 g). In these patients CPr for 5 cycles or
delivering one shock, CPr should be resumed and continued 2 minutes followed by revaluation and deliverance of shocks/
for 5 cycles or 2 minutes. If the patient remains without a vasopressors should be continued till normalcy in the sinus
pulse and sinus rhythm is not restored, a second shock may rhythm is restored (figure 4).33

eValuate yourself
Q1. In a patient with stable sustained monomorphic vt secondary to a non-ischemic cardiomyopathy with a normal lvEf,
which of the following treatment options should be opted first?
F Cardioversion
F Wait and watch
F Procainamide
F lidocaine

Q2. In patients with vf who have a sudden cardiac arrest, the recommended energy dose for providing biphasic shock is
F 80-120 J
F 120-200 J
F 200-300 J
F 300-420 J

Q3. In patients with torsades de pointes, the following treatment option can be successful in normalizing rhythm
F lidocaine
F Procainamide
F Magnesium sulphate
F Atropine


insight into different treatment Table 1 Antiarrhythmic drug classes

oPtions for Vt
Class Drugs
antiarrhythmic drugs 1A Procainamide
In the past, antiarrhythmic drugs were among the most Disopyramide
popular treatment options for terminating vt episode 1B Lidocaine
and preventing its recurrence. They were, and remain, the
1C Flecainide
mainstay of treatment for stable vt. However for unstable Propafenone
vt, immediate cardioversion/defibrillation should be opted
II Beta-blockers
first, followed by antiarrhythmic drugs in non-responding
patients.31 A wide range of antiarrhythmic drugs are now III Amiodarone
available and they have been variously classified; one such Ibutilide
system of classification of these drugs is shown in table 1. Dofetilide
over the last few years some shortcomings of antiarrhythmic IV Verapamil
drugs have emerged which now deters many physicians from Diltiazem
choosing these agents as a front-line treatment option for vt.
IV-like Adenosine
Antiarrhythmic drugs have a relatively narrow therapeutic
index which calls for strict adherence to their recommended
based on information from:
doses and continuous monitoring when administering these DiMarco JP, gersh BJ, opie lH. Antiarrhythmic Drugs and Strategies. Chapter 8. In:
agents. Another cause of concern with their use has been the opie lH, gersh BJ. Drugs for the Heart. 6th Edition. Elsevier Saunders;2005.218-
potential of many of these drugs to induce fatal arrhythmias, 274.
such as torsades de pointes due to class IA and III agents and
wide-QrS vt due to class IC agents.39,40 Moreover, advent
of improvised non-pharmacological treatment options, such hypotension however necessitates restricting its use to patients
as ICD, have further stacked the odds against these agents by with a normal Ef. lidocaine is a class IB antiarrhythmic
providing the clinicians with more effective and safer options to drug. It was notable for its effectiveness in terminating
manage vt. Studies performed in the past have shown greater monomorphic and polymorphic vts associated with acute MI.
effectiveness of ICDs compared to antiarrhythmic drugs in
However, more recently investigators have started restricting
reducing mortality rates in patients with vt. follow-up of
its use in these settings in light of evidence that it may favor
patients with vt and low Ef (<40%) in the Antiarrhythmics
degeneration of monomorphic vt into vf. Ajmaline, another
versus Implantable Defibrillators (AvID) study41 revealed
class I antiarrhythmic drug, is preferred in these patients.2
longer survival time of patients treated with a cardioverter-
Propafenone and flecainide are class IC antiarrhythmic drugs
defibrillator (89% at 1 year, 82% at 2 years, 75% at 3 years)
which have been found beneficial in managing vt. Their
compared to those treated with class III antiarrhythmic drugs
(82% at 1 year, 75% at 2 years, 64% at 3 years). This, and many efficacy is however reduced in patients with organic heart
other similar studies, provides robust evidence favoring the disease.43 Among class III antiarrhythmic drugs, amiodarone,
use of ICD over antiarrhythmic drugs in patients with vt and is one of the most commonly used pharmacological agent
hemodynamic compromise. revised treatment strategies for for managing vt. Its effectiveness has been documented in
vt now recommend antiarrhythmic drugs in stable patients most sustained vt; it may be preferred to procainamide in
with vt and as an adjunctive treatment option with ICD in vt associated with low Ef. Additionally, amiodarone can be
unstable patients. When used along with ICD, antiarrhythmic considered in vf patients when defibrillation fails. Sotalol,
drugs are expected to reduce the number of vt/vf episodes another class III antiarrhythmic drug, also effectively manages
and also reduce the requirement of ICD shocks, some of which vt. Its benefits in emergencies may be questionable owing to
can inadvertently increase mortality risk in the patients.42 the need to infuse it slowly.2
Procainamide, a class IA antiarrhythmic drug, has been Beta-blockers are another class of drugs which have been
widely used in patients with vt. It is one of the recommended extensively used worldwide for managing vt. They also
drugs for management of sustained monomorphic vt and reduce risk of recurrent vt and improve long-term outcome.
recurrent monomorphic vt. Its potential to cause precipitous Administration of high dose of beta-blockers to patients



with ischemic cardiomyopathy in the Multicenter Automatic of SCD is high. today, ICD is being indicated for primary
Defibrillator Implantation trial-II (MADIt-II)44 resulted in prevention of SCD in selected patients with CAD and non-
a significant reduction in the risk for vt/vf requiring ICD ischemic cardiomyopathy. It is also being recommended for
therapy. It is noteworthy that among different antiarrhythmic secondary prevention of SCD among cardiac arrest survivors
drugs, these agents have the best supporting evidence for who suffered vt/vf.49
improving survival rates in patients with symptomatic vt Another method of delivering defibrillating shocks in
and vf.45 Along with nondihydropyridine calcium channel cardiology practice is transthoracic electrical defibrillation.
blockers, beta-blockers have also been found effective for In this technique, electrical pulse is applied to the surface of
managing idiopathic vt.5 the thorax through a pair of electrodes. While most external
defibrillators in the past were built to deliver monophasic
implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (icd) damped sine waveform shocks, it became increasingly
and transthoracic defibrillation evident over time that a comparable or even higher rate of
till a few years back, antiarrhythmic drugs were the only cardioversion can be achieved with biphasic shocks. Most
viable treatment options available to the cardiologists for implantable defibrillators (ICD) are designed to deliver
managing fulminant vt. They are still used, though not as biphasic waveforms.50 These waveforms are now increasingly
commonly as in the past. Class I antiarrhythmic drugs have being used in external defibrillators as well. Studies have shown
been shown to be associated with many adverse effects. Class that biphasic waveforms require lower energies for inducing
III antiarrhythmic drugs (amiodarone and sotalol included) comparable defibrillation to monophasic waveforms. They are
demonstrate greater effectiveness than class I antiarrhythmic therefore likely to incur lesser post-shock myocardial injury.51
drugs, although recurrent vt and risk of SCD remains a major
concern even with their use. Cardioversion and defibrillation radiofrequency ablation
are two additional techniques which are being routinely used Despite extensive benefits, ICD is nevertheless associated
in cardiology practice to terminate, though not prevent, life- with certain limitations. It does not prevent vt recurrence
threatening arrhythmias. While in cardioversion energy is and repetitive shocks can adversely affect quality of life of
usually synchronized with the QrS complex, defibrillation individuals.52 radiofrequency ablation (rfA) has gradually
involves nonsynchronized delivery of energy during any phase emerged as an effective non-pharmacological treatment
of the cardiac cycle. The introduction of ICD has revolutionized option for vt in the absence of a structural heart disease.
treatment approach for fatal vt. These portable devices are
The procedure can be performed in an outpatient setting and
implanted similar to cardiac pacemakers. They monitor rate
involves establishing a vascular access, inducing arrhythmia and
and rhythm of the heart and can deliver electrical shocks when
performing mapping to identify the source of arrhythmia. This
arrhythmia is detected. Many studies have confirmed their
is followed by ablation of the arrhythmic source. Satisfactory
superior efficacy to antiarrhythmic drugs in terminating fatal
cardiac perfusion is a prerequisite for rfA. Mapping for
vt/vf events.46
locating an arrhythmogenic source can be performed only in
In the AvID trial,41 patients with near fatal vt/vf treated hemodynamically stable patients. Unmappable vt present a
with a cardioverter-defibrillator had longer survival compared challenge as rfA is difficult in these patients.53 The procedure
to those managed with amiodarone. These results were in is specialized and hence is being performed in selected centers,
line with those of the Canadian Implantable Defibrillator with expertise in performing this procedure. Currently rfA is
Study (CIDS)47 which included patients with resuscitated being recommended in patients with recurrent vt episodes,
vt/vf and those with unmonitored syncope. Patients who symptomatic idiopathic vt, incessant vt and bundle branch
received ICD showed a 20% relative risk reduction in all-cause reentry vt.53,54
mortality and a 33% reduction in arrhythmia-related mortality
compared to those who received amiodarone. results of the
Cardiac Arrest Study Hamburg (CASH) trial,48 published
around the same time as CIDS, showed that survivors of vt- ventricular tachyarrhythmias are one of the most lethal
induced cardiac arrest managed with ICD had a 23% reduction among all arrhythmias and can impose a significant risk of
in all-cause mortality rates compared to those treated with SCD. While occasional ventricular ectopics detected at rest
amiodarone/metoprolol. These studies have encouraged in healthy individuals may not be viewed with much concern,
investigators to choose ICD preferentially as a front-line PvC and nSvt during exercises and those in patients with
treatment option for fatal/near fatal vt where imminent risk an underlying heart disease may portend risk of subsequent


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over the last few years and their front-line use is restricted to Pollack Cv Jr, Montalescot g, van de Werf f, gibson CM, giugliano rP,
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Section 2
Sudden cardiac death

Course Director
Dr Michael D. Klein, MD
Medical Director of the Heart Station at
Boston Medical Center,
Clinical Professor of Medicine
Boston University School of Medicine,
Boston, MA

• to understand sudden cardiac death and know the factors and cardiac disorders which
increase its risk
• to get familiar with the mechanism of sudden cardiac death and know the markers which can
be used for its risk stratification
• to understand the diagnostic and management approach in survivors of sudden cardiac



introduction Table 1 Factors which increase risk of SCD

The concept of sudden cardiac death (SCD) is not new to Age, race, gender
mankind. Awareness of its occurrence dates back to time
Physical activity (exercises)
immemorial. Evidence to this effect can be found in the texts
CAD risk factors (hypertension, glucose intolerance, high
of the ancient Egyptian medical papyrus (Ebers papyrus)
cholesterol, smoking)
in which it was stated: ‘‘If a patient has pain in the arm and
Hereditary factors
left side of the chest, there is a threat of death.’’ today, SCD
has become one of the greatest challenges to physicians and Chronic kidney disease
cardiologists owing to its common occurrence (more than Others
300,000 cases per year occurred in the US alone), unexpected
based on information from:
nature, and huge economic and social impact.1 1. Zipes DP, Wellens HJ. Sudden cardiac death. Circulation. 1998 nov
By definition, SCD is an unexpected natural death occurring 24;98(21):2334-51.
from a cardiac cause, usually within 1 hour of symptom onset. 2. Kannel WB, gagnon Dr, Cupples lA. Epidemiology of sudden coronary
death: population at risk. Can J Cardiol. 1990 Dec; 6(10):439-44.
It can occur in patients with and without an underlying heart 3. Poulikakos D, Banerjee D, Malik M. risk of Sudden Cardiac Death in Chronic
disease.1-3 Coronary artery diseases (CAD) are overwhelmingly Kidney Disease. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2013 nov 20.
the commonest cause, although SCD is also known to occur 4. Arking DE, Sotoodehnia n. The genetics of sudden cardiac death. Annu Rev
Genomics Hum Genet. 2012;13:223-39.
in patients with non-ischemic cardiomyopathies and in
those with some rare inherited cardiac disorders.1 According
to available statistics, 80% of SCD occur in patients with awareness of CAD and institution of screening strategies for its
CAD. other important etiological causes of SCD include early detection, the prevalence of SCD in patients with CAD
dilated cardiomyopathy and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, appears to have reduced little over the last few years. This may be
followed by rare cardiac disorders, including congenital heart attributable to suboptimal management of risk factors such as
defects and genetically-determined ion channel anomalies.2 hypertension, diabetes and dyslipidemia in the community and
In patients with CAD, sudden deaths can be the first, and frequently silent occurrence of CAD. In a recently performed
oftentimes, only clinical presentation.3 In most cardiac retrospective evaluation5 of clinic records and autopsy findings
disorders the commonest electrophysiological mechanism of patients who had suffered SCD, suboptimally treated
which immediately precedes SCD is ventricular arrhythmia. hypertension and hyperlipidemia were found to be present in
However, severe bradyarrhythmias may also precipitate SCD 27% and 25% of cases, respectively. Postmortem reports also
in a small number of patients.1 Despite significant advancement showed high-grade coronary stenoses in 80% of cases and
in our understanding of its pathophysiologic mechanisms and evidence of a previous silent MI in 34% cases. These findings
designing novel strategies for preventing its occurrence, SCD highlight the need for time-to-time screening of risk factors
remains an enigma in contemporary cardiology. for CAD in the community. Efforts should also be made to
intensify screening strategies for silent coronary heart disease
factors Promoting risk of scd (CHD), which often presages unexpected occurrence of a
There are multiple risk factors which predispose to SCD malignant vt/vf, and precipitation of SCD.
(table 1). Since majority of SCD occur in patients with CAD, In addition to CAD risk factors, age, gender and ethnicity
traditional risk factors for CAD may expectably increase also influences risk of SCD. Although SCD is known to occur
risk of SCD as well. Indeed, for more than two decades, in all ages, its risk progressively increases with advancing age.
risk factors for CAD, such as systolic blood pressure, serum During the lifespan, two peaks in the incidence of SCD have
cholesterol, cigarette smoking and relative weight, have been been recorded, one in infants and the other in the elderly (>
known to variably influence risk of SCD in asymptomatic 60 years of age). However, the predominant underlying cause
individuals. However, in patients with manifest CAD, extent of SCD varies with age. The commonest cause of SCD in
of atherosclerosis and ischemic damage to the myocardium, individuals > 40 years of age is usually a CHD, while in younger
rather than these traditional risk factors, appear to play a individuals (< 40 years), non-ischemic cardiac disorders such
more dominant role in modulating SCD risk.4 Additionally, as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and rare cardiac disorders
it has now become evident that complications of acute MI, such as congenital heart diseases, valvular heart diseases and
such as reduced ejection fraction (Ef) and heart failure, may arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia are more likely the
also contribute to SCD risk. Unfortunately, despite growing precipitating causes. There is also evidence of gender difference


in risk of CAD. Men are 3-4 times more predisposed to SCD have been identified, some still undergoing assessment in
compared to women.6 Despite this, the risk of SCD in women, clinical trials for their accuracy in predicting risk of sudden
howsoever small, cannot be discounted, particularly during death.
the peripartum and postmenopausal periods. As women grow Many studies performed recently have attempted to
older, their risk of SCD increases. In fact, the incidence of SCD uncover a genetic link to SCD. reports citing occurrence
in elderly postmenopausal women (> 80 years of age) has of SCD in inherited cardiac disorders, including Brugada
been found to be comparable to men due to their increased syndrome, long Qt syndrome and CPvt, validate the
susceptibility to atherosclerotic disease.7 Ethnic disparities veracity of this association. furthermore, many familial studies
also influence SCD risk, with blacks appearing to be more have suggested an increase in risk for SCD if one first-degree
susceptible to sudden deaths compared to whites.8 other relative has suffered SCD.10 Uncovering molecular aberrations
than age, gender and ethnicity, exercises may also variably which increase genetic susceptibility to SCD may be crucial
modulate SCD risk. While moderate exercises are deemed to for improving risk stratification and identifying candidates for
be cardioprotective and may reduce risk of SCD, strenuous primary prevention with implantable cardioverter-defibrillator
exercises, particularly in untrained individuals, often increase (ICD) treatment.
the risk.3 More recently, investigators have suggested a possible
role of renal impairment in increasing risk of arrhythmias
mechanism of scd
and SCD. fatal arrhythmias and SCD are known to occur in
patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Intriguingly, Despite extensive research, the precise mechanism underlying
the magnitude of risk has been found to be independent to occurrence of SCD continues to elude the wisdom of most
the stage of CKD, with studies reporting sudden deaths even investigators. It is however known that the immediate precipitant
in early stages of CKD. However, the risk of SCD increases of SCD in most patients is a ventricular tachyarrhythmia (vt)
thereafter as renal function deteriorates. Though the underlying which rapidly degenerates into vf, and subsequently culminates
mechanisms of SCD in patients with CKD remains obscure, in SCD. Based on conclusion drawn from various studies, it is
it is plausible that electrolyte abnormality and autonomic conceivable that a prerequisite for fatal vt/vf in most cases is
imbalance may be important pathological factors promoting a vulnerable myocardium. factors which make a myocardium
this risk.9 Many other factors which may increase SCD risk vulnerable to fatal arrhythmias include ischemia/infarction,

Figure 1 Basic mechanism underlying occurrence of SCD

Genetic predisposition

Left ventricular dysfunction Myocardial ischemia or infarction


Transient risk factors Increased susceptibility to

• Dyselectrolytemia
• Metabolic disturbances
• Drugs Sudden cardiac death
• Increased sympathetic activity

based on information from:

Bayés de luna A, Elosua r. Sudden death. Rev Esp Cardiol (Engl Ed). 2012 nov;65(11):1039-52.



left ventricular (lv) dysfunction, and genetic predisposition Table 2 Cardiac disease states which increase myocardial
(figure 1).1 Therefore, SCD occurs in the settings of a wide range susceptibility to arrhythmia
of cardiac disorders which impart arrhythmogenic susceptibility
Coronary artery disease
to the myocardium, including CAD, cardiomyopathies,
valvular heart diseases, congenital heart diseases and cardiac
diseases with primary electrophysiological abnormalities Valvular heart diseases
(table 2).3 It is noteworthy that a susceptible myocardium Congenital heart diseases
provides an ideal anatomical or functional substrate on which Primary electrophysiological abnormalities
various transient modulators/triggers (dyselectrolytemia, Other cardiovascular causes
increased sympathetic activity, metabolic disturbances, drugs)
act and precipitate a lethal vt/vf episode; figure 1.1 based on information from:
Zipes DP, Wellens HJ. Sudden cardiac death. Circulation. 1998 nov 24;98(21):
Ischemia is one of the most important pathological factors 2334-51.
which enhances myocardial susceptibility to arrhythmia. During
acute phase of MI, vf accounts for a considerable percentage
of deaths. Ischemia is known to affect electrophysiological
properties of the myocardium, including its refractory and
risk stratification for scd
conduction properties. Invariably during acute ischemia growing awareness of SCD and its unexpected nature of
membrane depolarization occurs in the myocardium which onset makes it one of the most perplexing issue in cardiology
leads to slow conduction and increased refractoriness. This today. risk stratification for SCD is widely recommended
promotes development of reentrant circuits, a predominant to detect fatal arrhythmias early and reduce risk of SCD.
cause of vt in acute MI. In addition, there is also evidence rather unfortunately, despite identification of many risk
of automatic and/or triggered firing in the myocardium markers, none appears to have a significantly high potential
secondary to ischemia, which further facilitates occurrence for accurately predicting SCD risk. As a result, most risk
of fatal vt/vf episodes.11 other than ischemia, heart failure stratification paradigms based on these markers appear to be
due to ventricular dysfunction also promotes occurrence inept in accurately predicting SCD risk.13 nevertheless risk
of arrhythmia and SCD. More SCD events occur in patients stratification for SCD is currently a widely accepted strategy,
with systolic heart failure than in those with diastolic heart especially in patients with CAD, for timely recognition of
failure. While vt/vf are the most common precipitants of lethal vt/vf episodes and early implementation of preventive
SCD in mild to moderate heart failure (nyHA class II and III strategies. Most investigators currently prefer risk stratification
heart failure), bradyarrhythmia is the immediate preceding for SCD using three sets of markers; markers of abnormal
electrophysiological abnormality in severe heart failure myocardial substrate or structural heart disease; markers of
(nyHA class Iv heart failure).1 The mechanism of arrhythmia abnormalities in the cardiac autonomic response; markers of
development in heart failure is variable and may depend on its abnormal repolarization or electrical instability of the heart.14
etiological cause.
finally, how hereditary factors render myocardium markers of abnormal myocardial substrate or
susceptible to arrhythmia is intriguing and has been a subject structural heart disease
of debate for long. However, based on current evidence it
appears plausible that multipronged mechanisms may account traditionally left ventricular ejection fraction (lvEf) has
for development of arrhythmia in these cases. In disorders been considered one of the most useful prognostic indicators
involving molecular aberrations in genes encoding cardiac of mortality, particularly in patients with acute MI. Several
proteins, such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, ventricular clinical trials have shown that patients with lvEf < 35-40%
arrhythmias are a result of multiple interlinked mechanisms, have high mortality risk due to major arrhythmias and they are
including intraventricular dispersion and inhomogeneity considered appropriate candidates for receiving ICD therapy.
of ventricular conduction due to variable cardiomyocyte Although prognostic significance of lvEf continues to remain
size, providing ideal substrate for reentry circuits.12 In ionic undeniable, it has recently become evident that when used
channelopathies, abnormalities in formation of action potential alone, it may not be a sufficiently robust predictor of SCD,
and regional heterogeneities in ventricular excitation promotes as believed earlier, especially in light of evidence showing
development of reentry circuits and leads to the development occurrence of SCD even in patients without reduced lvEf.14,15
of fatal vf.1 Another risk stratification tool which has rapidly gained


popularity for predicting SCD risk is non-sustained ventricular prognostication, although recent studies have challenged its
tachyarrhythmia (nSvt). Several studies have shown that prognostic significance and have shown that it may have only
repetitive runs of these ventricular ectopics may increase risk a low potential for predicting SCD risk.19 Another marker of
of major arrhythmias, and therefore increase the likelihood autonomic response which has been extensively used is BrS.
of SCD, particularly in individuals with an underlying heart Similar to reduced Hrv, decreased BrS also portends poor
disease.16 prognosis and may be used to identify patients at high risk of
Based on these observations, combined Ef and nSvt SCD.20 Some investigators have indicated that BrS may be a
evaluation would appear a useful strategy to improve better predictor of arrhythmic events while Hrv may be more
predictability of SCD risk. However it has been shown by some accurate for predicting risk of deaths. Expectably, combined
investigators that both Ef and nSvt, although acceptable assessment of Hrv and BrS may enhance potential for
risk markers for increased mortality, may not be accurate predicting post-arrhythmic mortality, particularly when used
predictors for SCD risk. These investigators conducted a along with Ef assessment.21
study17 in which they evaluated patients with acute MI for
finding risk predictors of arrhythmias and death in them. They markers of abnormal repolarization and
demonstrated that positive predictive accuracy of low Ef and electrical instability
nSvt for SCD (8% and 12%, respectively) was lower than Electrophysiological abnormalities, such as abnormal
that for predicting non-SCD (15% and 15%, respectively). ventricular repolarization, and electrical instability are also
Despite these inconsistencies, both these markers are being considered important contributors to arrhythmogenesis. It is
widely used for predicting risk of SCD, although robustness of conceivable that these repolarization abnormalities combine
their predictive potential in these settings remains equivocal. with changes in autonomic activity in predisposed individuals
to facilitate vt/vf development.22 various indicators of
markers of abnormal cardiac autonomic abnormal ventricular repolarization on ECg, such as St-wave
response depression and Qt prolongation, have become established
The autonomic nervous system has an intricate relationship markers of mortality. Another evidence of repolarization
with cardiac function. Abnormalities in autonomic response abnormality which has been extensively evaluated for
portend risk of arrhythmia and subsequent occurrence of assessing SCD risk predictability is t-wave alternans.
SCD. Multiple autonomic remodeling mechanisms have been This ECg phenomenon is considered a direct measure of
identified which may contribute to an arrhythmogenic substrate ventricular repolarization instability and involves periodic
and therefore increase risk of fatal arrhythmias. During recent beat-to-beat variation in the amplitude or shape of the t wave
years, non-invasive methods for evaluating cardiac autonomic on surface ECg. It has become a sensitive risk stratifier for
response and predicting SCD risk have been developed. two lethal arrhythmias and SCD.23 Although its role in predicting
tests which are being widely used are analysis of heart rate arrhythmias and SCD in selected high-risk individuals has
variability (Hrv) and determination of baroreflex-sensitivity been attested, it may be worthwhile to design more clinical
(BrS).14 trials which can establish its role for routine risk stratification
in healthy individuals.
Anecdotal reports in the past suggested that many ischemic
and non-ischemic cardiac disorders induced alterations in
significance of late potentials
autonomic response. There were reports of reduced cardiac
parasympathetic activity in patients with acute MI, which More recently the prognostic significance of ventricular
owing to its inability to counter excess sympathetic activity, late potentials has been widely appreciated. These small-
promoted risk of fatal arrhythmic episodes. These assumptions amplitude, short-duration waves occur immediately after the
aroused interest among investigators to assess Hrv in high- QrS complex and are believed to be a marker of an ischemic
risk individuals for predicting risk of SCD. over the years myocardial substrate, which provides an ideal trigger for vf.
assessment of Hrv through Holter monitoring has become Because late potentials are of very low amplitude, they are
an established risk stratification procedure in many cardiac frequently obscured by noises on a regular surface ECg. The
disorders, particularly in acute MI. reduced Hrv in the post- signal-averaged electrocardiography (SAECg) has emerged
MI period has been linked to poor prognosis.14,18 Based on as a highly amplified and signal-processed ECg tool that can
its risk prediction potential, particularly in patients with MI detect these late potentials, and predict risk of arrhythmia and
and heart failure, Hrv was extensively used in the past for SCD.14



eValuate yourself
Q1. The most common cause of sudden cardiac deaths has been found to be
F Cardiomyopathies
F Coronary artery disease
F valvular heart diseases
F Congenital heart diseases

Q2. Which of the following statements about SCD is true?

F Men are at a lower risk of SCD than women
F Infants (children less than 1 year of age) have the lowest risk of SCD
F risk of SCD in chronic kidney disease is usually evident only in advanced stages
F risk of SCD is high if one first-degree relative has suffered a SCD event

Q3. Which of the following patients is at a significantly high risk of SCD?

F A post-MI patient with lvEf of 45%
F A healthy looking individual with incidental detection of occasional ventricular ectopics on surface ECg
F A patient with reduced Hrv in the post-MI period
F All the above are at significantly high risk of SCD

diagnostic inVestigations in that of the left ventricles. Presence of valvular abnormalities

surViVors of sudden cardiac can also be identified on an echocardiogram. The reference
imaging modality for cardiac anatomy and function, cardiac
arrest MrI, is being widely recommended now-a-days in most
Sudden cardiac deaths account for considerable mortality survivors of cardiac arrest after an MI episode for quantifying
around the world and therefore are rapidly becoming a myocardial scar and fibrosis.25 treadmill-exercise testing and
significant health problem worldwide. Survivors of SCD cardiac catheterization with coronary angiography may also
often pose a diagnostic and treatment challenge to clinicians. be indicated in some patients.24 Invasive electrophysiological
A diligent work-up of these patients is warranted to arrive at testing may be recommended in some patients at high risk of
the underlying etiological cause of cardiac arrest. The objective SCD, including those with acute MI, lv dysfunction and those
of diagnostic work-up should be to identify the underlying with repetitive runs of nSvt.26
arrhythmogenic substrate and trigger factors that precipitated
sudden cardiac arrest. An in-depth history should be taken in PreVention of scd and
all patients. They should be further subjected to a meticulous
management in surViVors
physical and systemic examination, including that of the
cardiovascular system.24 family history is essential to rule out a In patients who suffer sudden cardiac arrest, initiating prompt
hereditary cause. A detailed drug history should also be sought resuscitation is the key to survival, especially because there
as many fatal arrhythmias are precipitated by medications. is evidence that success rate of resuscitation reduces by
Investigations required in these patients include a 12-lead 8-10% every minute following cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrests
resting surface ECg and a 24-hour Holter ECg recording. occurring after vf are most responsive to defibrillation.
Signal-averaged ECg (SAECg) can be performed to detect When vf deteriorates into asystole, which is oftentimes the
late potentials at the end of QrS complexes. Echocardiography case, defibrillation becomes ineffective. Automated external
is advisable to identify the cardiac size and function, including defibrillators (AED) are often useful for providing early


defibrillation in patients who suffer an out-of-hospital cardiac patients with advanced heart failure. It is indicated in heart
arrest and may enhance chances of survival in them. once failure patients (nyHA class III or ambulatory class Iv)
resuscitated, patients are stabilized and transferred to an with lvEf of < 35% and QrS duration > 120 ms (i.e. with
intensive care unit (ICU) where further management starts.27 ventricular dyssynchrony), in whom symptoms persist despite
optimal medical therapy.30 The role of Crt, however, in
implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (icd) managing heart failure with a narrow QrS complex remains
questionable, with a recent study showing that when used in
The implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) has gradually
patients with systolic heart failure and a QrS duration < 130
emerged as a well-accepted therapy for primary and secondary
msec, Crt did not reduce rate of hospitalization and death.
prevention of SCD, although its use is recommended in selected
In fact, its use in the study participants was associated with
patient population. It is currently being used for primary
increase in mortality.31 Hence, currently it appears prudent to
prevention of SCD in patients who have suffered a prior MI
restrict use of Crt to heart failure patients with reduced Ef
and have lvEf ≤ 30-35%; however, its implantation in these
(< 35%) and ventricular dyssynchrony, i.e. those with a wide
patients should be deferred till 40 days postinfarction. It is also
QrS complex (> 120msec) only.
being recommended in patients with non-ischemic dilated
cardiomyopathy with a lvEf ≤ 35% and in those with mild to
Pharmacological therapy
moderate heart failure (nyHA classes II or III). A consideration
for primary prevention strategy with ICD may be expanded to Despite rapid advances in cardiovascular medicine over the last
include patients with other non-ischemic cardiomyopathies few decades, not much success has been achieved in prevention
with reduced Ef, provided they remain in nyHA functional of SCD through drug therapy. numerous clinical trials have
classes II or III heart failure despite receiving optimal medical evaluated survival benefits of different antiarrhythmic drugs
therapy.28,29 Additionally, ICD is also being recommended in in patients with ischemic and non-ischemic cardiac disorders.
cardiac arrest survivors as a secondary prevention strategy, Unfortunately, other than beta-blockers, and to an extent, renin-
particularly in light of evidence that fatal vt/vf often recurs angiotensin system (RAS) blockers and statins, no other class
and therefore patients who have had a cardiac arrest in the past of drugs has been found to be effective in reducing incidence of
are at a risk of another such event in the future. Currently ICD sudden deaths. While some class III antiarrhythmic agents have
is being recommended for secondary prevention of SCD in demonstrated potential to reduce vt recurrence, most have
survivors of a prior cardiac arrest or sustained vt, regardless been found wanting in reducing mortality rates. furthermore,
of the type of underlying structural heart disease.28 It may class I antiarrhythmic agents may increase mortality in patients
also be recommended for secondary prevention in other less with vt and prior MI.32
common cardiac disorders, such as congenital heart disorders Beta-blockers probably have the best evidence for
and inherited cardiac disorders.29 risk reduction of SCD. These drugs have invariably
demonstrated greater reduction in mortality compared to
cardiac resynchronization therapy other pharmacological agents. When deciding to choose beta-
ventricular dyssynchrony is lack of synchronous activation blockers, choice of agent is important. There is incontrovertible
and contraction of ventricles making them out of sync with evidence favoring preferential use of lipophilic beta-blockers
each other. It frequently leads to reduction in cardiac efficiency as these agents have been found to be more beneficial than
and promotes development of heart failure. Alongside it often hydrophilic beta-blockers in these settings. These agents are
worsens valvular regurgitation. ventricular dyssynchrony being recommended in various indications, including MI and
is frequently associated with left ventricular dysfunction. heart failure.33 A recently published study34 in heart failure
Statistics show that about 33% of patients with systolic patients, including those with post-MI heart failure, showed
heart failure in nyHA classes III and Iv have an underlying that beta-blockers reduced risk of SCD by 31% and all-cause
dyssynchronous ventricular contraction. oftentimes QrS mortality by 33%, underpinning their survival benefits in these
duration of > 120 ms on a 12-lead ECg is regarded as a sensitive patients.
marker of ventricular dyssynchrony. Cardiac resynchronization Another class of drugs which has shown some benefits
therapy (Crt) is a newly introduced technique that attempts in reducing risk of SCD is RAS blockers. reports in the
biventricular pacing of the ventricles, resynchronizing their past linked vt, occurring in patients with reduced lvEf,
contraction and improving overall cardiac efficiency. With to RAS activation. Although the precise mechanism of
time, Crt has established itself as a therapy of choice in arrhythmogenesis due to RAS activation remains obscure,



Figure 2 Diagnostic and management approach in high-risk patients for reducing risk of SCD

Patients with ischemic or non-ischemic cardiomyopathy having a low ejection fraction (EF ≤ 35%)

• First step is to see if ICD is indicated for secondary prevention of SCD; ideal candidates would be:
» Patients who had an unexplained syncope
» Cardiac arrest survivors from VT/VF
» Patients who had unstable sustained VT
» Patients who survive cardiac arrest due to rare arrhythmogenic cardiac disorders, such as long QT syndrome,
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and Brugada syndrome
• Also see if ICD is contraindicated; these candidates include:
» Patients with NYHA class IV heart failure
» Patients suffering from diseases associated with < 1 year of survival
» Patients with cardiogenic shock or hypotension
• In patients who are not ideal candidates for secondary prevention with ICD and in whom ICD is NOT contraindicated,
go to the next box

In these patients evaluate for class of heart failure (NYHA I-IV) and also note for presence or
absence of previous MI episode or if PCI/CABG has been recently performed; now identify
candidates who require ICD for primary prevention

Patients who should receive ICD for primary prevention

• Patients who had MI episode ≥ 40 days back and are having EF ≤ 30% with NYHA class I heart failure
• Patients in whom PCI/CABG was performed > 3 months back and are having EF ≤ 30% with NYHA class I heart failure
• Patients who had MI episode within 40 days or in whom PCI/CABG was performed within previous 3 months, and
these patients continue to have low EF and are in NYHA class I heart failure → medical management followed by
reevaluation → EF remains ≤ 30% (or ≤ 35% with NYHA class II or III heart failure)
• Patients with ischemic and non-ischemic cardiomyopathy with low EF and who are having EF ≤ 35% despite receiving
optimal medical therapy for minimum 3 months
• Patients in advanced heart failure (NYHA class III and IV) with low EF and having QRS ≥ 120 msec, cardiac
resynchronization with defibrillation should be done (with or without ICD)

based on information from:

1. Herzog E, Aziz Ef, Kukin M, Steinberg JS, Mittal S. novel pathway for sudden cardiac death prevention. Crit Pathw Cardiol. 2009; 8:1–6.
2. Aziz Ef, Javed f, Pratap B, Herzog E. Strategies for the prevention and treatment of sudden cardiac death. Open Access Emerg Med. 2010 December ; 2010(2): 99–114.


cardiac hypertrophy, fibrosis, and heterogeneity of the cardiac novel pathway for low Ejection fraction and Sudden Cardiac
tissue are considered prime players in arrhythmia development. death Awareness and Prevention Eligibility, which outlined
over the years, many additional electrophysiological effects of systematic diagnostic and management approach of high-risk
RAS activation have been unraveled which may also contribute patients based on lvEf, heart failure functional class, and
to an arrhythmogenic effect. notwithstanding the underlying evidence of a prior MI or CAD. Excerpts from recommendations
mechanism, reports of a link between RAS activation and provided in this pathway are shown in figure 2.40,41
arrhythmia development propelled investigators to evaluate
effects of RAS inhibition in preventing vt/vf development.35 therapeutic hypothermia as a novel
Studies have confirmed that ACE inhibitors may be promising
treatment option for cardiac arrest survivors
in reducing SCD events, especially when used in patients after
an MI episode.36 More recently, the Eplerenone Post-Acute Death in a large majority of patients who suffer cardiac arrest
Myocardial Infarction Heart failure Efficacy and Survival Study is due to neurological damage, possibly as a result of ischemic-
(EPHESUS)37 evaluated aldosterone receptor antagonist, reperfusion injury. one of the ways of ameliorating it is
eplerenone, at a dose of 25 mg/day in post MI patients with therapeutic hypothermia. The mechanism by which therapeutic
reduced lvEf (≤ 40%), when started 3 to 14 days after acute hypothermia counteracts and improves deleterious effects of
MI; the results of EPHESUS showed that eplerenone reduced ischemia-reperfusion injury after cardiac arrest are less well-
risk of Cv mortality by 32% and SCD by 37%, making it understood, although it now appears conceivable that they may
another promising agent with expected benefits in reducing be partly related to inhibition of cellular catabolic processes
SCD risk. occurring during the reperfusion period, hence resulting in
finally, statins have also been found to be of some benefit reduced cellular oxygen and glucose consumption.42 Studies
in reducing SCD risk and can be incorporated as a part of the have demonstrated improved outcomes with therapeutic
treatment armamentarium for SCD prevention in high-risk hypothermia in survivors of cardiac arrest who received
cases. A recently performed meta-analysis showed that statin resuscitation, attesting their possible role in mitigating
treatment was associated with a 19% risk reduction for SCD.38 derangements during the postresuscitation period. It is now
Importantly, statins incur comparable survival benefits in known that application of mild hypothermia may improve
patients with non-ischemic and ischemic cardiomyopathy.39 short-term neurological outcome of resuscitated patients after
sudden cardiac arrest. What effect this novel interventional
a simplified management approach for strategy is likely to have on long-term neurological outcome
preventing scd of these patients remains to be established.43,44 Despite these
The issue of SCD risk prevention and management is complex. limitations, therapeutic hypothermia is rapidly becoming a
Multiple pathways have been designed to address the issue. popular treatment strategy in postcardiac arrest period and
Herzog and colleagues40 developed a novel diagnostic and should be further evaluated for its perceived benefits in this
management pathway called ESCAPE, an evidence-based indication.

eValuate yourself
Q1. Which of the following patients are not candidates for ICD therapy?
F Post-MI patients with reduced Ef (< 35%) on 15th day of postischemic episode
F Patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in nyHA class III heart failure with Ef < 30% despite 3 months
of medical therapy
F Post-MI patients with reduced Ef (< 30%) and nyHA class II heart failure despite PCI performed 4 months
F Cardiac arrest survivors due to sustained vt



Q2. Which of the following drugs has documented benefits in reducing risk of SCD?
F Amiodarone
F Procainamide
F Metoprolol
F Mexiletine
Q3. The following is an indication for cardiac resynchronization therapy
F Systolic heart failure patients with Ef = 45% and QrS complex < 120 msec
F Systolic heart failure patients with reduced Ef (≤ 35%) in nyHA grade II heart failure with QrS complex <
120 msec
F Systolic heart failure patients with reduced Ef (≤ 35%) in grade Iv heart failure with QrS complex > 120
F none of these

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Section 3
Post-cardiac arrest syndrome

Course Director
Dr Michael D. Klein, MD
Medical Director of the Heart Station at
Boston Medical Center,
Clinical Professor of Medicine
Boston University School of Medicine,
Boston, MA

• to understand the concept of post-cardiac arrest syndrome and get familiar with mechanisms
of brain injury and myocardial dysfunction in resuscitated patients post-cardiac arrest
• to know the management approach during the post-cardiac arrest phase


what is Post-cardiac arrest Figure 1 Different phases of the post-cardiac arrest period
Sudden cardiac arrests are unfortunate terminal events of a ROSC
number of cardiac and non-cardiac disorders. Survival rates of Immediate post-arrest phase
individuals who suffer cardiac arrests, particularly those who 20 minutes
suffer out-of-hospital cardiac arrests, are dismally low, although Early post-arrest phase
6-12 hours
rapid advances in resuscitation care over the last few decades Intermediate post-arrest phase
has contributed to improvement in survival of these patients.1 72 hours
Recovery phase
notwithstanding these nuanced survival benefits, overall
outcome of patients resuscitated after cardiac arrest subsequent
to resumption of spontaneous circulation (roSC) continues based on information from:
to remain poor.2 Dr vladimir negovsky is credited as one of the neumar rW, nolan JP, Adrie C, Aibiki M, Berg RA, Böttiger BW, Callaway C, Clark
rS, geocadin rg, Jauch EC, Kern KB, laurent I, longstreth Wt Jr, Merchant rM,
first investigators who recognized this paradox and attempted Morley P, Morrison lJ, nadkarni v, Peberdy MA, rivers EP, rodriguez-nunez A,
to delineate the basic pathology underlying it. He named this Sellke fW, Spaulding C, Sunde K, vanden Hoek t. Post-cardiac arrest syndrome:
epidemiology, pathophysiology, treatment, and prognostication. A consensus
state as “post-resuscitation disease,” a pathophysiological state statement from the International liaison Committee on resuscitation (American
which develops subsequent to successful cardiopulmonary Heart Association, Australian and new Zealand Council on resuscitation, European
resuscitation (CPr).3 recently, this post-resuscitation phase resuscitation Council, Heart and Stroke foundation of Canada, InterAmerican
Heart foundation, resuscitation Council of Asia, and the resuscitation Council of
was renamed in a scientific statement by the International Southern Africa); the American Heart Association Emergency Cardiovascular Care
liaison Committee on resuscitation as post-cardiac arrest Committee; the Council on Cardiovascular Surgery and Anesthesia; the Council
syndrome.4 Post-cardiac arrest syndrome is a constellation on Cardiopulmonary, Perioperative, and Critical Care; the Council on Clinical
Cardiology; and the Stroke Council. Circulation. 2008 Dec 2;118(23):2452-83.
of different pathological states, including hypoxic/anoxic
brain injury, myocardial dysfunction, widespread systemic
inflammation along with rapidly developing multiple organ
failure. Its occurrence post-resuscitation increases risk of death which precipitates the systemic manifestations of this
and portends poor outcome among survivors.5 pathophysiological state. These manifestations of post-cardiac
for improving standardization and prognostication, the arrest syndrome include hypoxic/anoxic brain injury, post-
post-cardiac arrest period has been divided into four phases arrest myocardial dysfunction, systemic ischemia/reperfusion
(figure 1) based on the time elapsed after roSC. The first injury and persistent precipitating pathology (table 1).4
phase is the immediate post-arrest phase, defined as first 20 onset of widespread cellular injury is triggered in
minutes after roSC. It is followed by an early post-arrest cardiac arrest survivors when ischemia due to interruption
phase extending from 20 minutes to 6-12 hours after roSC. of circulation occurs long enough to deplete cellular oxygen
Early interventions applied during this phase largely influence stores. various factors can account for poor tissue perfusion
the final outcome of the resuscitated patients. The third phase and ischemic cellular injury during the post-resuscitation
is an intermediate post-arrest phase, starting from 6-12 hours period. Some of these factors include compensatory increase in
and continuing till 72 hours post-roSC. During this phase systemic oxygen extraction during CPr, post-arrest myocardial
injury pathways are still active and can be influenced by further dysfunction and hemodynamic instability, which frequently
interventions. The final phase is the recovery phase which occurs during this period.4 Although the predominant cause of
occurs after 3 days of roSC. Prognostication of patients can ischemia in these patients remains debatable, it is plausible that
be most reliably done during this phase.4 multiple critical pathways of cellular destruction, including
depletion of cellular AtP synthesis, alteration in membrane
PathoPhysiology of Post-cardiac depolarization and increase in intracytoplasmic calcium
concentration, are activated secondary to ischemia, resulting
arrest syndrome
in extensive cellular and tissue injury. With reperfusion
The mechanism of development of post-cardiac arrest and roSC, paradoxically, tissue injury gets aggravated
syndrome is complex and still incompletely understood. further due to widespread formation of free radicals which
However, it is widely agreed that prolonged ischemia creates a systemic prooxidant state. Many free radicals are
after cardiac arrest followed by reperfusion at the time by themselves cytotoxic, and further augment structural and
of resuscitation triggers a cascade of events, interplay of functional cellular perturbations, accelerating cell death. A



Table 1 Different pathological components of the post- Figure 2 Contribution of neurological injury to deaths
cardiac arrest syndrome after in-hospital cardiac arrest and out-of
-hospital cardiac arrest
Hypoxic/anoxic brain injury
Post-arrest myocardial dysfunction 68

neurological injury (%)

Patients death due to
Systemic ischemia/reperfusion injury 60
Persistent precipitating pathology 50
based on information from: 30 23
neumar rW, nolan JP, Adrie C, Aibiki M, Berg RA, Böttiger BW, Callaway C, Clark 20
rS, geocadin rg, Jauch EC, Kern KB, laurent I, longstreth Wt Jr, Merchant rM, 10
Morley P, Morrison lJ, nadkarni v, Peberdy MA, rivers EP, rodriguez-nunez A,
Sellke fW, Spaulding C, Sunde K, vanden Hoek t. Post-cardiac arrest syndrome: 0
epidemiology, pathophysiology, treatment, and prognostication. A consensus In-hospital Out-of hospital
statement from the International liaison Committee on resuscitation (American cardiac arrest cardiac arrest
Heart Association, Australian and new Zealand Council on resuscitation, European
resuscitation Council, Heart and Stroke foundation of Canada, InterAmerican based on information from:
Heart foundation, resuscitation Council of Asia, and the resuscitation Council of laver S, farrow C, turner D, nolan J. Mode of death after admission to an intensive
Southern Africa); the American Heart Association Emergency Cardiovascular Care care unit following cardiac arrest. Intensive Care Med. 2004 nov;30(11):2126-8.
Committee; the Council on Cardiovascular Surgery and Anesthesia; the Council
on Cardiopulmonary, Perioperative, and Critical Care; the Council on Clinical
Cardiology; and the Stroke Council. Circulation. 2008 Dec 2;118(23):2452-83.
including neurocognitive dysfunction, seizures, myoclonus
and coma. Brain death eventually ensues.4
systemic inflammatory state ensues, with increased production The mechanism of brain injury in resuscitated patients
of proinflammatory cytokines, complement activation, is complex and multifactorial (figure 3). Immediately
expression of chemoattractants and adhesion molecules on the after cardiac arrest, a series of pathological events unfold
endothelial cell surface and local recruitment of inflammatory which incur ischemic injury to the brain. resuscitation and
cells.6 furthermore, while widespread systemic inflammation subsequent roSC, although expected to mitigate these
facilitates development of a procoagulant state without effects, ironically aggravate them further, inducing a spectrum
concomitant activation of endogenous fibrinolysis, thrombin of changes which characterize hypoxic/anoxic brain injury in
generated during intravascular coagulation reciprocally resuscitated patients. In patients who suffer a cardiac arrest,
aggravates inflammation due to its proinflammatory effects. early evidence of ischemic neuronal damage is witnessed in
This vicious cycle constitutes a sepsis-like syndrome and often large parts of the brain. These cellular changes in the neurons,
culminates in multiple organ failure, infection and death.6,7 as has been described earlier, include cellular AtP depletion,
intracellular calcium accumulation and widespread neuronal
mechanism of hypoxemic/anoxic brain injury membrane breakdown. furthermore, release of glutamate
neurons require uninterrupted circulation for maintaining and some other neurotransmitters induces excitotoxic injury
their structural and functional integrity, an attribute which to the neurons. Hypoxemia occurring during the ischemic
makes them highly susceptible to hypoxemia.8 Hypoxemic phase can also adversely affect cerebral autoregulation, which
injury to the brain is one of the most common causes of in turn reduces cerebral perfusion.10 During the early periods
mortality in patients who are resuscitated from prolonged of reperfusion after roSC, cerebral circulation becomes
cardiac arrest. A retrospective review9 of medical records of markedly hyperemic, probably as a result of impaired cerebral
patients who suffered and survived an initial episode of cardiac autoregulation, facilitating extensive free radical formation,
arrest showed brain injury to be the cause of subsequent death induction of neuronal apoptotic pathways and mitochondrial
in 23% of patients who suffered an in-hospital cardiac arrest dysfunction.8 These cellular processes have neurotoxic
and 68% patients who suffered out-of-hospital cardiac arrest effects. Additionally, hyperemic circulation also results in
(figure 2). Thus, in view of the adverse impact of brain injury, cerebral edema which can impair cerebral perfusion pressure.
including its contribution to overall mortality and unfavorable Intracranial pressure increases, although the extent to which it
neurologic outcomes among cardiac arrest survivors, it contributes to brain injury during the post-resuscitation period
becomes imperative to incorporate various neuroprotective remains arguable. rapidly developing myocardial dysfunction,
strategies in post-resuscitation care. A range of neurological systemic hemodynamic compromise, hypotension and
deficits may indicate to ischemic brain injury in these patients, obstruction of cerebral microcirculation by thrombi in the later


Figure 3 Mechanism of brain injury in post-cardiac arrest syndrome

Prolonged cardiac arrest

Interruption of circulation Resuscitation and ROSC

Altered cerebral
Ischemia hypoxia Hyperemic reperfusion

Cerebral edema

Intracellular Impaired Apoptotic Free

Membrane Excitotoxic Other Other
calcium cerebral pathways radical
depolarization injury mechanisms mechanisms
accumulation perfusion stimulated trauma

Brain injury

based on information from:

1. neumar rW, nolan JP, Adrie C, Aibiki M, Berg RA, Böttiger BW, Callaway C, Clark rS, geocadin rg, Jauch EC, Kern KB, laurent I, longstreth Wt Jr, Merchant rM,
Morley P, Morrison lJ, nadkarni v, Peberdy MA, rivers EP, rodriguez-nunez A, Sellke fW, Spaulding C, Sunde K, vanden Hoek t. Post-cardiac arrest syndrome:
epidemiology, pathophysiology, treatment, and prognostication. A consensus statement from the International liaison Committee on resuscitation (American Heart
Association, Australian and new Zealand Council on resuscitation, European resuscitation Council, Heart and Stroke foundation of Canada, InterAmerican Heart
foundation, resuscitation Council of Asia, and the resuscitation Council of Southern Africa); the American Heart Association Emergency Cardiovascular Care
Committee; the Council on Cardiovascular Surgery and Anesthesia; the Council on Cardiopulmonary, Perioperative, and Critical Care; the Council on Clinical
Cardiology; and the Stroke Council. Circulation. 2008 Dec 2;118(23):2452-83.
2. reynolds JC, lawner BJ. Management of the post-cardiac arrest syndrome. J Emerg Med. 2012 Apr;42(4):440-9.
3. geocadin rg, Koenig MA, Jia X, Stevens rD, Peberdy MA. Management of brain injury after resuscitation from cardiac arrest. Neurol Clin. 2008 May;26(2):487-506.

stages of reperfusion may also exacerbate brain hypoxemia and underlying myocardial dysfunction.11 It has both systolic and
result in secondary ischemic damage. Concurrence of pyrexia, diastolic components and is completely reversible in the first
hyperglycemia and seizures in the post-resuscitation period 48-72 hours.11,12 It is noteworthy that severe vasodilatation
can contribute to deterioration in CnS functions. These as a result of widespread systemic inflammation also occurs
pathologies, when detected, should be promptly managed.4 after prolonged cardiac arrest and resuscitation, which along
with myocardial dysfunction, contributes to hypotension
mechanism of myocardial dysfunction and a shock-like state during this period. This necessitates
Myocardial dysfunction, which is reversible in nature and institution of vasopressor support along with inotropes in the
amenable to treatment with inotropes and vasodilators, is also post-resuscitation period to optimize patients’ hemodynamic
known to frequently occur in the post-resuscitation period. functions.6
Along with neuronal dysfunction, it is also an important cause various putative mechanisms have been proposed which
of mortality during the post-resuscitation phase. occurrence may contribute to myocardial dysfunction in the post-
of myocardial dysfunction is often an early event after roSC resuscitation phase. Though most mechanisms need to be
and is characterized by hemodynamic lability, with fluctuating confirmed in well-designed clinical trials, it appears plausible
heart rate and blood pressure of the patients.4 low cardiac that initial catecholamine surge, myocardial stunning and
index is seen within 24 hours post-resuscitation and signifies global hypokinesis after prolonged cardiac arrest may be



chief contributors to this pathology.8 The cause of myocardial induced hypothermia, predispose them to increased risk of
stunning in the post-resuscitation period remains obscure, infections. Development of infectious complications further
although it may be a result of contractile dysfunction due to impact their prognosis adversely.4,6
free radical damage and increase in intracellular calcium.13
Underlying coronary artery disease (CAD), which is Persistent precipitating pathology
commonly present in many patients who suffer cardiac arrest,
can also adversely impact myocardial functioning.8 The pathophysiology of post-cardiac arrest syndrome is
often complicated by disorders which precipitate cardiac
systemic ischemia-reperfusion response arrest. Some of the commonly known causes include sepsis,
In cardiac arrest, tissue perfusion and oxygenation gets pulmonary embolism and CAD. Coronary artery disease,
disrupted, which does not improve much in the subsequent symptomatic or asymptomatic, is a particularly common cause
period of reperfusion due to impaired vasoregulation. Coupled of cardiac arrest.4 In an evaluation15 of patients who suffered
with increase in peripheral oxygen extraction in the immediate cardiac arrest due to no obvious non-cardiac pathology,
post-resuscitation phase, a gradually evolving oxygen debt angiography revealed evidence of coronary artery occlusion
develops in most tissues which triggers widespread systemic in 48% patients. Similar were findings of another study,16
inflammation.4 These suggestions have been validated by which evaluated patients who suffered out-of-hospital cardiac
observations of increase in levels of cytokines and endotoxins in arrest and were resuscitated, and showed ECg and enzymatic
survivors of cardiac arrest who were successfully resuscitated.14
evidence of acute MI in almost 50% patients. In view of the
Parallel to widespread systemic inflammation, activation of
above, it appears prudent to perform a 12-lead ECg in all
coagulation pathways also occurs, both increasing the risk of
multiple organ failure.7 furthermore, emergency procedures patients who are resuscitated from cardiac arrest to look for
that many of these patients undergo in the ICU, including evidence of MI. Emergent management through angiography
interventions for obtaining airway and vascular access and and percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is warranted if
therapeutic modalities such as mechanical ventilation and an underlying acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is detected.4

eValuate yourself

Q1. Which of the following appears to be the most common cause of death during the post-resuscitation period?
F Brain injury
F Myocardial dysfunction
F Systemic ischemia/reperfusion response
F none of these

Q2. Which of these statements about post-cardiac arrest syndrome is false?

F It is associated with widespread inflammation and coagulopathy
F Myocardial dysfunction after 24 hours of roSC is irreversible
F Injury pathways remain effective in the intermediate post-arrest phase
F Evidence of MI should be looked for in all conscious patients who are successfully resuscitated after cardiac

Q3. The following has not been conclusively proven to be a cause of brain injury in the post-resuscitation period
F Ischemic neuronal injury due to interruption of circulation in cardiac arrest
F Excitotoxic neuronal injury due to release of glutamate
F neuronal injury due to free radical formation during reperfusion
F neuronal injury due to increase in intracranial pressure as a result of cerebral edema


management and Post- repeated 1 mg Iv doses of epinephrine can restore circulation

resuscitation care as efficiently as 5 mg Iv doses. vasopressin 40 IU single dose
may be administered as an alternative to epinephrine in shock
Patients who are successfully resuscitated after prolonged states.18 Dobutamine may also be used, particularly in patients
ischemia due to cardiac arrest are prone to develop post-cardiac with post-MI cardiac arrest.1 Its starting dose is 3-5 mcg/kg/
arrest syndrome. Management of these patients should aim minute, with subsequent titration required according to the
to provide hemodynamic stability, improve tissue perfusion, desired effect.17 In patients in whom fluid resuscitation and
resurrect systemic derangements and attempt recovery of vasoactive drugs prove insufficient for restoring circulation,
neurological functions. A multipronged diagnostic and use of mechanical devices, such as intra-aortic balloon pump,
management approach is instituted to achieve these objectives may be considered.4,19
(figure 4).
oxygenation and hemodynamic stabilization In patients who suffer cardiac arrest, MI is frequently found
In patients who are successfully resuscitated from cardiac to be an underlying cause. It therefore appears prudent to
arrest, immediate priority should be to provide oxygenation obtain a 12-lead ECg in all patients resuscitated for cardiac
and hemodynamic stabilization. These patients should be arrest after roSC. Evidence for St-elevation MI (StEMI)
ventilated with 100% oxygen initially, and subsequent titration should be specifically looked for. In patients with StEMI, an
can be done in the ICU to achieve and maintain peripheral emergent angiography followed by PCI should be performed.
oxygen saturation of > 94%. Both hypoxia and hyperoxia can In fact, considering the huge burden of asymptomatic coronary
have detrimental health consequences and therefore should be artery disease (CAD) in the community which often remains
prevented in these patients.5 Additionally, PaCo2 should also undetected, it may be advisable to consider emergent coronary
be maintained within the reference range. Patients who suffer angiography in all patients who survive a cardiac arrest and are
out-of-hospital cardiac arrests should be optimally ventilated, resuscitated, even in the absence of evidence for StEMI. 17
particularly in light of the fact that overzealous hyperventilation
in them, which is often the case, can further compromise
therapeutic hypothermia: a neuroprotective
systemic hemodynamic stability and reduce cerebral blood strategy
flow. It is advisable to start ventilation in them by providing over the past decade, therapeutic hypothermia has gradually
10-12 breaths per minute initially, and subsequently titrating emerged as one of the most successful treatment strategy for
in the ICU to achieve PaCo2 of 40-45 mm Hg.17 patients who survive a cardiac arrest but remain comatose.
Many patients who suffer cardiac arrest and are resuscitated This treatment modality benefits by increasing the likelihood
successfully are hypotensive after roSC. It is imperative to of survival after cardiac arrest and improving neurological
provide cardiovascular support to improve circulation and outcome in these patients. In an evaluation20 of patients who
optimize their tissue perfusion. Establishing an emergent remained unconscious after resuscitation from out-of-hospital
intravascular (Iv) access is crucial to provide rapid Iv fluid cardiac arrest, application of moderate hypothermia was
boluses. Hemodynamic stabilization can be best achieved using shown to be associated with survival in 49% patients compared
inotropes and vasopressor agents.5,6,17 These classes of drugs to 26% patients who were provided normothermia. In another
have rapidly evolved in contemporary medicine to become study21 done by the Hypothermia After Cardiac Arrest Study
cornerstone of management of several cardiac emergencies, group, which evaluated patients resuscitated after cardiac
including shock. In patients resuscitated for cardiac arrest, arrest due to vf, mortality rates at 6 months were found to
doses of inotropes and vasopressors in the post-resuscitation be 41% in the group assigned to hypothermia compared to
period should be titrated to achieve a minimum systolic 55% in the patient group which was provided normothermia.
blood pressure of ≥90 mm Hg or a mean arterial pressure Additionally, this study also showed improved neurological
of ≥65 mm Hg.17 Epinephrine rapidly increases diastolic outcome after roSC in greater number of patients who
blood pressure and facilitates coronary perfusion. It also received therapeutic hypothermia compared to those who
restores myocardial contractility through its inotrope effects. received normothermia (55% vs 39%, respectively). It is worth
Epinephrine is however associated with increase in oxygen mentioning that while robust evidence supports beneficial role
consumption, which may be a hindrance to its use in some of induced hypothermia in patients who suffer out-of-hospital
situations. Many patients in shock respond to 1 mg Iv dose cardiac arrest due to a shockable rhythm (vt/vf), its role in
of epinephrine, which can be repeated. It has been shown that patients with asystole cardiac arrest remains equivocal.4



Figure 4 Practical diagnostic and management approach to post-cardiac arrest syndrome

Cardiac arrest and resuscitation


Attempt to achieve hemodynamic stability + oxygenation

Is patient conscious?

Yes No

ECG Therapeutic hypothermia


Yes No

PCI Supportive management

based on information from:

1. Stub D, Bernard S, Duffy SJ, Kaye DM. Post Cardiac Arrest Syndrome: A review of Therapeutic Strategies. Circulation. 2011;123:1428-1435.
2. Mongardon n, Dumas f, ricome S, grimaldi D, Hissem t, Pène f, Cariou A. Postcardiac arrest syndrome: from immediate resuscitation to long-term outcome. Ann
Intensive Care. 2011 nov 3;1(1):45
3. Peberdy MA, Callaway CW, neumar rW, geocadin rg, Zimmerman Jl, Donnino M, gabrielli A, Silvers SM, Zaritsky Al, Merchant r, vanden Hoek tl, Kronick
Sl; American Heart Association. Part 9: post-cardiac arrest care: 2010 American Heart Association guidelines for Cardiopulmonary resuscitation and Emergency
Cardiovascular Care. Circulation. 2010 nov 2;122(18 Suppl 3):S768-86.

The mechanism by which hypothermia affords benefits in who suffer out-of-hospital cardiac arrest with initial pulseless
the post-cardiac arrest state is multifactorial. It decreases the electrical activity or asystole and in those who suffer in-hospital
cerebral metabolic rate and hence improves cerebral perfusion. cardiac arrest of any rhythm. Methods which can be used to
Additionally, hypothermia suppresses neuronal excitotoxic state provide therapeutic hypothermia includes surface cooling,
and decreases mitochondrial dysfunction, both factors known endovascular cooling catheters, cold packs, among others.
to contribute to neuronal injury. Many other mechanisms of Monitoring the patients’ core temperature simultaneously
benefits have also been proposed, although their veracity still is recommended. Despite its benefits, hypothermia may be
remains questionable.22 Currently, application of therapeutic associated with some concurrent adverse effects, including
hypothermia (32-340 C) for 12-24 hours is recommended for arrhythmias, coagulopathy and increased risk of infections.
all patients who suffer out-of-hospital cardiac arrest with vf. These should be kept into consideration when adopting this
This treatment strategy can also be considered for patients technique.17


other treatment options Seizures can also accentuate neurological injury after cardiac
arrest. They can be managed using phenytoin. A few clinical
Since maximizing neuronal recovery is an important objective
trials have also evaluated the neuroprotective role of thiopental
of post-resuscitation care, factors which aggravate neuronal
and magnesium in these clinical settings but have not been
injury in the post-resuscitation period should be managed
effectively. neuronal injury after roSC increases with seizures, able to conclude unequivocally on their effectiveness. finally,
hyperglycemia and pyrexia.4 Hyperglycemia is known to pyrexia, which can also develop in the post-resuscitation
develop in the post-resuscitation period due to highly stressful phase secondary to systemic inflammation, is known to impair
state and adversely impacts cerebral outcomes. It is advisable neurological functions; the extent to which antipyretics and
to institute prompt treatment of hyperglycemia, if detected, “controlled normothermia” improves pyrexia in these patients
and optimize blood glucose to below 180 mg/dl; a lower remains to be evaluated. other than these factors, underlying
blood glucose target may increase the risk of hypoglycemia, pathology of cardiac arrest should also be identified and organ-
which can also have adverse neurological consequences.19 specific investigations and management instituted.4

eValuate yourself
Q1. In post-cardiac arrest syndrome presenting as hypotensive shock on day 1 after roSC, the dose of inotropes and
vasodilators should be titrated to achieve a minimum systolic pressure of
F > 75 mm Hg
F > 80 mm Hg
F > 85 mm Hg
F > 90 mm Hg

Q2. A patient had an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, was resuscitated and transported to a nearby hospital. He was unconscious
at the time he was wheeled into the emergency. His peripheral oxygen saturation (on oxygen) was 90%, pulse rate was rapid
and thready and blood pressure was 80/56 mm Hg. He was not following commands. to improve his neurological outcomes
after initial hemodynamic stabilization which of the following treatment option appears to be most effective?
F Thiopental
F Magnesium
F Induced hypothermia

Q3. In survivors of cardiac arrest after resuscitation, random blood sugar in the immediate post-resuscitation period was
found to be 256 mg/dl. The target concentration below which blood glucose should be kept to improve neurological
outcomes is
F Below 100 mg/dl
F Below 130 mg/dl
F Below 150 mg/dl
F Below 180 mg/dl



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A. Postcardiac arrest syndrome: from immediate resuscitation to long-term
develops in many patients who are successfully resuscitated outcome. Ann Intensive Care. 2011 nov 3;1(1):45
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Section 4
Pharmacology in emergency
cardiovascular care

Course Director
Dr Michael D. Klein, MD
Medical Director of the Heart Station at
Boston Medical Center,
Clinical Professor of Medicine
Boston University School of Medicine,
Boston, MA

• to get familiar with the doses of different pharmacological agents used in emergency
cardiovascular care
• to know the indications in which these drugs are commonly used



Drug Drug class Indications Dosing schedule1-31

Norepinephrine1,2,3 Sympathomimetic • Vasodilatory/cardiogenic shock • Acute cardiac failure, continuous IV
(potent a1 adrenergic with low vascular resistance infusion 0.01-0.03 mcg/kg/minute,
vascular agonist and (systolic BP < 70 mm Hg) maximum 0.1 mcg/kg/minute
modest b agonist • As an adjunct in the treatment of • Post-cardiac arrest, starting dose 0.1–0.5
myocardial activity) cardiac arrest mcg/kg/minute IV to attain systolic BP
≥ 90 mm Hg or mean arterial pressure
≥ 65 mm Hg, titrated to effect
Dopamine1,2,3 Sympathomimetic • Cardiogenic shock • Refractory cardiac failure, starting dose
(potent a1, b1, b2 and • Hypotension complicating acute 0.5-1 mcg/kg/minute IV infusion, which
dopamine receptor myocardial infarction (MI) in the may be increased to 2-20 mcg/kg/minute
agonist) presence of shock to achieve desired effects
• Post-cardiac arrest • Post-cardiac arrest, starting dose 5-10
• Symptomatic bradycardia mcg/kg/minute IV infusion to achieve
unresponsive to atropine or pacing systolic BP ≥ 90 mm Hg or mean arterial
pressure ≥ 65 mm Hg, titrated to effect
Dobutamine1,2 Synthetic • Decompensated cardiac failure 2-20 mcg/kg/minute continuous IV infusion
sympathomimetic • Hypotension complicating acute (maximum 40 mcg/kg/minute).
(strong affinity for both MI in the absence of signs and
b1 and b2 receptors symptoms of shock
and a1 adrenergic • Shock with high systemic
receptors; no dopamine resistance
receptor activity)
• Sepsis-induced myocardial
• Symptomatic bradycardia
unresponsive to atropine or pacing
• Post-cardiac arrest
Vasopressin1,4,5 Vasopressor (agonist • Norepinephrine-resistant • 40 IU IV bolus in patients refractory to
activity on V1 receptors vasodilatory shock countershock cardiac arrest. Hypotension,
of vascular smooth • Resuscitation of cardiac arrest 0.2 - 2.0 milliunits/kg/minute; IV infusion
muscles and V2 patients of 0.01 - 0.1 IU/minute
receptors of renal
collecting duct system)
Nitroglycerin6,7,8,9 Antianginal and • Stable/unstable angina and acute • Antianginal, 0.3-0.6 mg sublingual
antihypertensive MI (S/L) tablet every 5 minutes until pain
• Hypertensive emergency relief, with maximum of 3 doses. Sprays
associated with acute pulmonary containing 0.4 mg/metered dose may be
edema and acute coronary used, with dosing schedule similar to S/L
syndrome (ACS) tablets
• Perioperative hypertension • If despite S/L tablets or sprays, anginal
pain persists, initiate IV nitroglycerin 5-10
mcg/minute, increasing the dose at the
rate of 10 mcg/minute every 3-5 minutes
until pain resolves or systolic BP falls <100
mm Hg. Of note, in patients with ACS,
S/L tablets or sprays should invariably be
followed by IV nitroglycerin infusion
• Hypertensive emergencies, IV infusion
of 5 mcg/minute initially, with 5-20 mcg/
minute increments every 3-5 minutes
until desired response is achieved
(maximum infusion 100-200 mcg/minute)
• Acute pulmonary edema, S/L tablets 0.8-
2.4 mg every 5-10 minutes or IV infusion
>200 mcg/minute


Nitroprusside3,7,9 Arterial and venous • Severe acute low output left-sided • Initial IV infusion of 0.25-0.5 mcg/kg/
vasodilator cardiac failure due to mitral or minute, with dose titration every 1-2
aortic regurgitation minutes until desired effects are achieved;
• Hypertensive emergency maximum dose 8 mcg/kg/minute. Since it
• Dissecting aneurysm is light sensitive, cover the drug reservoir
with opaque material
• Perioperative hypertension
• Acute pulmonary edema • Change solution every 24 hours
• Shock or low cardiac output with
high vascular resistance
Hydralazine3,7,9 Direct-acting arteriolar • Hypertension without cardiac Oral 50-75 mg every 6-8 hours or 3-20 mg
vasodilator complications (as during slow IV push every 20-60 minutes
• Perioperative hypertension
• Alternative to RAAS inhibitor in
chronic systolic heart failure with
reduced ejection fraction
• Eclampsia and preeclampsia
Labetalol7,10 Beta-blocker with • Hypertensive emergency • Initial loading dose (LD) of 20 mg IV
additional a blocking (hypertension in ischemic heart over 2 minutes followed by incremental
activity disease with tachycardia, aortic doses of 20-80 mg every 10 minutes until
dissection, acute ischemic stroke) desired BP is achieved, or
• Hypertension in • LD of 20 mg IV over 2 minutes, followed
pheochromocytoma by IV infusion initiated at 1-2 mg/minute,
• Perioperative hypertension during with upward titration until desired BP is
cardiac surgery achieved. Of note, maximum cumulative
dose is 300 mg over 24 hours
• Eclampsia/preeclampsia
Amiodarone11,12,13 Class III antiarrhythmic • Restoration of sinus rhythm in • AF, 150 mg IV
atrial fibrillation (AF) • Rate control in AF, 300 mg IV bolus
• Rate control in AF with rapid followed by 45 mg/hour x 24 hours
ventricular response • Stable monomorphic VT, 150-300 mg
• Sustained hemodynamically IV bolus over 5 minutes followed by IV
stable monomorphic ventricular infusion of 1050 mg/day
tachyarrhythmia (VT) • Polymorphic VT, 150-300 mg IV bolus over
• Polymorphic VT 5 minutes followed by 1020 mg/day
• Of note, it is the drug of choice for • Prevention of post-infarct arrhythmia, oral
unstable VT/VF having low ejection 400-1200 mg/day for 7 days, then taper to
fraction in the settings of failed 100-300 mg/day
defibrillation • Oral LD for arrhythmias, 1200-1600 mg
• Prevention of post-infarct followed by maintenance dose (MD) of
arrhythmias 200-400 mg daily
Lidocaine12,14 Class IB antiarrhythmic • Stable sustained monomorphic VT, • VT/pulseless VT, 1-1.5 mg/kg IV/IO loading
specifically associated with acute dose followed by 20-50 mcg\kg\minute
MI infusion
• Polymorphic VT, specifically • Repeat bolus if infusion started > 15
associated with acute MI minutes after initial bolus
• Cardiac arrest due to VF
• May be considered for patients
presenting with long QT syndrome
type 3 and torsades de pointes



Verapamil11,13,15,16 • Nondihydropyridine • Ischemic heart disease (IHD) • For supraventricular arrhythmia, 5-10 mg
calcium channel • Control of ventricular rate in AF by slow IV push over 2-3 minutes that can
blocker (CCB) with rapid ventricular response be repeated at 10-15 minute interval with
• Class IV 10 mg dose. Oral, 120-480 mg/day in 3-4
• Hemodynamically stable patients
antiarrhythmic divided doses
with supraventricular arrhythmia
• For IHD, slow release oral preparations
• Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
180-240 mg/day
Procainamide11-13,17 Class IA antiarrhythmic • Initial treatment of stable • In VT, 10 mg/kg IV (100 mg IV bolus) over
sustained monomorphic VT 2 minutes with rate of administration 40-
• Repetitive monomorphic VT in 50 mg/minute, or
coronary artery disease (CAD) or • Oral LD of 1 g followed by up to 500 mg
idiopathic VT 3-hourly
• Recurrent or incessant • Atrial tachyarrhythmia, 500-1200 mg IV
polymorphic VT due to acute MI over 30-60 minutes
• Supraventricular tachycardia • Chronic oral therapy, 500-1000 mg every
• Control of ventricular rate in 6 hour
patients with preexcitation and
atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter
Ajmaline11,12,18,19 Class IA antiarrhythmic • Sustained hemodynamically stable • As antiarrhythmic, 50-100 mg IV over 5
monomorphic VT minutes
• Repetitive monomorphic VT in the • Ajmaline test, 10 mg over 2 minutes up to
settings of MI a target dose of 1 mg/kg
• To unmask Brugada syndrome
(atypical right bundle branch block
and right precordial ST elevation)
Diazepam20,21 Benzodiazepine • Sedative for elective cardioversion • Sedation, 5-10 mg oral tablet, or
of arrhythmias, cardiac • 5–10 mg IV bolus followed by 5–10 mg/
catheterization and coronary minute to a maximum of 70 mg
Midazolam20,21,22 Benzodiazepine • IV sedation for elective IV bolus of 5 mg followed by 1–2 mg/minute
cardioversion of arrhythmias, up to a maximum of 30 mg
cardiac catheterization and
coronary angiography
• In combination with ketamine for
sedation and pain relief in patients
with shock and cardiovascular
Ketamine22,23 Anesthetic (related • Sedation, induction and • For induction of anesthesia: 0.5–1.5 mg/
to phencyclidine maintenance of general anesthesia kg IV or 4–10 mg/kg IM
hallucinogen) for cardiac catheterization. • Maintenance of anesthesia: 10–30 mcg/
However, caution needs to be kg/minute as IV infusion
practiced in the situations of
• Sedation and analgesia: 0.2–0.75 mg/kg IV
limited right ventricular functional
or 2–4 mg/kg IM, followed by continuous
reserve and increased pulmonary
infusion of 5–20 mcg/kg/minute
vascular resistance
• Induction and maintenance of
anesthesia in patients with cardiac
• For sedation and pain relief
in patients with shock and
cardiovascular instability


Fenoldopam7,24 DA1 selective agonist • Hypertensive emergencies An initial dose of 0.1 mcg/kg/minute,
(systemic and renal • Perioperative hypertension during increased by 0.05-0.1 mcg/kg/minute to a
vasodilator) cardiac surgery maximum of 1.6 mcg/kg/minute
• Hypertensive encephalopathy
• Sympathetic crisis
Clevidipine25,26,27,28 Third-generation IV • Hypertensive emergencies and • Initial dose: 1-2 mg/hour IV infusion
dihydropyridine CCB urgencies when oral therapy is not • Dose titration: The initial dose may be
feasible or desirable doubled at short intervals (90-second)
• Perioperative hypertension during initially. As target BP is approached, the
cardiac surgery dose increase should be lowered to less
• Acute postoperative hypertension than double and the interval between
in cardiac surgery patients these escalations should be increased to
every 5-10 minutes. Of note, an increase
of 1-2 mg/hour will generally produce an
additional 2-4 mm Hg decrease in systolic
• Maintenance dose: The target BP is
generally achieved at the dose of 4-6 mg/
hour. Nevertheless, higher doses may be
required for severe hypertension
• Maximum dose: 16-21 mg/hour
Nicardipine 7,9,29,30
Dihydropyridine CCB • Hypertensive emergency and Initial dose at 5 mg/hour IV, increased every
(short-acting) urgency 5 minutes by 2.5 mg/hour until target
• Perioperative hypertension during range BP is achieved. Maximum dose is 15
cardiac surgery mg/hour. If target BP is reached within 30
• Stroke with hypertension minutes, the infusion rate may be lowered to
3 mg/hour with subsequent adjustments to
• Patients with ACS and congestive
maintain target range BP
cardiac failure
• Eclampsia/preeclampsia
• Sympathetic crisis
Enalaprilat 7
ACE inhibitor • Hypertension with congestive 1.25 mg IV over 5 minutes every 6 hours,
cardiac failure with increase of 1.25 mg at 12-24 hour
• Patients with severe hypertension interval up to a maximum of 5 mg every 6
who are at risk of cerebral hourly
• Prevention of worsening of renal
function in patients with diabetic
and non-diabetic nephropathy
• Perioperative hypertension
Esmolol 7,9
Cardioselective beta- • Acute MI LD of 500–1000 mcg/kg IV over 1 minute,
blocker • Perioperative hypertension followed by an infusion starting at 25-50
mcg/kg/minute that can be increased up
• Severe postoperative hypertension
to 300 mcg/kg/minute to achieve desirable
when cardiac output, heart rate
and BP are increased



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case studies
Case study 1
A case of sudden cardiac syncope
secondary to prior myocardial infarction

A 67-year old male was seen following a syncopal episode lasting 10-15 seconds. It occurred on a warm day while he was
standing talking to a friend. There was no accompanying chest discomfort, shortness of breath, or palpitations. fourteen
years earlier he has sustained a large anterior myocardial infarction (MI) with right ventricular apical involvement. His
medications included: losartan, metoprolol succinate, furosemide, spironolactone, low dose digoxin, low dose aspirin, atorvastatin,
warfarin, and lantus insulin. He had stable AHA class II heart failure symptoms. He has been compliant with medications. Post
infarction transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) showed an lvEf of 35%. Seven years later repeat TTE revealed lvEf of 30%, grade
1 lv diastolic dysfunction, normal rv size and systolic function, and normal biatrial size.
on physical examination, the weight was 64.7 kg and stable, the BP was 100/66 mm Hg RA sitting and 94/64 mm Hg RA
standing without postural dizziness, Hr was 73/minute, o2 was 99% and S3 was audible, with wide split S2. There was no jugular
venous distension ( JvD), hepatojugular reflux (HJr), ankle edema or abdominal distention. An ECg showed sinus rhythm,
left atrial enlargement, right bundle branch delay with QrS width of 174 msec, left anteriorhemiblock and frequent premature
ventricular beats; Q waves in v1-4 were indicative of the old anterior infarction (see ECg). An ICD without resynchronization
was installed.



Q1. The patient did not receive an ICD after his previous MI because:
A) He did not have sustained vt
B) He did not have vf with his acute MI
C) His lvEf of 35%, 40 days after his MI did not qualify him
D) He did not have a long Qt syndrome

Q2. When the ICD was implanted 14 years after his MI, resynchronization was not done (3rd electrode) because:
A) His Qt interval was not wide enough
B) He did not have documented vt or vf
C) His heart failure symptoms were not severe enough
D) His ECg showed a very wide QrS but with right as opposed to left bundle branch block

Answers: Q1 C; Q2 D

Case study 2

Sudden cardiac arrest in a 59-year

old male without heart disease

A 59-year old male in previously normal health collapsed while shopping in a pharmacy. Bystander CPr was initiated and
emergency medical services (EMS) summoned. They arrived within 10 minutes. A quick look ECg revealed ventricular
fibrillation (vf) and a 200 J DC countershock delivered with restoration of sinus rhythm. The patient was awake but
agitated and appeared to be moving all 4 extremities. He was conveyed rapidly to the hospital emergency department where his BP
was 140/90 mm Hg and Hr 110/minute, rr was 18/minute and the temp 99° f.
Exam showed no evidence of CHf or focal neurologic abnormalities. Blood tests were normal, except for a troponin I level of
2.6 (normal < 0.025). An ECg showed sinus tachycardia at 110/minute with normal Pr, QrS, Qtc intervals. St-t waves were
normal, except for 0.5 mm St elevation in v4-6. no premature beats were evident. The patient was initially confused but became
normally oriented over 48 hours. A transthoracic echocardiogram showed normal cardiac chamber sizes and cardiac valves. lvEf
was 65% with normal diastolic function; lv mass was normal. repeat ECg showed sinus rhythm at 79/minute with a pattern of
early repolarization anteriorly. J-waves were evident in the outer distal leads (see ECg). further history revealed sudden death in a
paternal uncle and cousin. At cardiac catheterization, left and right sided cardiac pressures were normal and there was no coronary
atherosclerosis. An implantable cardiac defibrillator was installed.


Q1. This case represents an example of:

A) Brugada Syndrome
B) Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia
C) long Qt syndrome
D) Primary coronary disease
E) J-wave, related early repolarization with primary ventricular fibrillation

Q2. J-waves are attributable to:

A) An increase in net repolarization current due to a decrease of inward currents or an increase of outward currents during early
repolarization (phase 2 of the action potential)
B) Prominent Ito epicardial mediated notch in the action potential
C) Bradycardia, offsetting slow recovery from an activation of Ito
D) Can be unmasked by sodium or calcium channel blocker drugs
Answers: Q1 E; Q2 A-D



Case study 3

A 74-year old man with chest pain

A 74-year old man called for emergency medical services (EMS) because of chest pain which had been present for 1-2 hours
intermittently. Initial BP was 150/70 mm Hg, Pr was 81/minute and rr was 20/minute. ECg revealed sinus rhythm
with anteroseptal St elevation and inferolateral St depression (see ECg 1). to this patient, ASA, beta-blocker, heparin
and lidocaine were administered and he was rapidly transported to the emergency department. The cardiac catheterization team,
which had been alerted, performed emergency coronary angiography and a drug eluting stent (DES) was positioned in his left
anterior descending coronary (lAD) artery after which he was transported to the cardiac care unit (CCU). In the CCU, wide
complex tachycardia with QrS of 160 msec, lBBB configuration, r to S nadir of > 60 msec and small Q-wave in v6 was noted
(see ECg 2).
lidocaine infusion was stopped and amiodarone 150 mg Iv bolus followed by 1mg/minute over 6 hours and then 0.5 mg/
minute over 18 hours was given. ventricular ectopy gradually subsided over this time interval. ACE inhibitor, beta-blocker, ASA,
statin and heparin for 48 hours were continued or initiated. A predischarge transthoracic echocardiogram showed lvEf of 45%
with septal hypokinesia.

ecg 1


ecg 2

Q1. If a wide QRS ventricular tachycardia develops in the setting of an acute MI with or without a cardiac arrest, the
preferred antiarrhythmic drug would be
A) Iv bolus and infusion of lidocaine
B) Iv bolus and infusion of procainamide
C) Iv bolus and infusion of sotalol
D) Iv bolus and infusion of amiodarone

Q2. An implantable defibrillator is indicated for this patient:

A) Before hospital discharge
B) 40 days after hospital discharge
C) Is not indicated
D) 40 days after hospital discharge, if monitoring by Holter recorder or ECg shows 3 beat ventricular tachycardia

Answers: Q1 D; Q2 C




Ventricular tachyarrhythmias
Ventricular arrhythmias include a wide spectrum of arrhythmias
ranging from single ectopics to sustained ventricular tachycardias Echocardiography, cardiac CT,
(VT) and ventricular fibrillations (VF). With time mechanisms cardiac magnetic resonance
of VT, particularly those associated with structural heart diseases imaging (CMR), and nuclear
have been better understood and therefore a wide array of
studies are being actively used
investigation modalities (both non-invasive and invasive), many
of them recently developed, are being used in their diagnostic in work-up for ventricular
and management approach. Echocardiography, cardiac CT, arrhythmias
cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR), and nuclear
studies are being actively used in work-up for ventricular
arrhythmias; with cardiac CT and CMR-derived scar data
correlating well with electroanatomic mapping reconstructions.
Regarding pharmacotherapy, amiodarone, procainamide and to clinical contraindications or when patients remain undecided
lidocaine continue to be preferred in the emergency settings about having an ICD, the ZOLL® LifeVest may be considered
for terminating ventricular arrhythmias; recently IV sotalol as a bridge to ICD implantation or until the arrhythmic risk
was shown to be more promising than lidocaine in terminating subsides.3 Additionally, ICD also remains the mainstay of
sustained VT acutely.1 prevention of SCD in ventricular arrhythmias. However, it
is noteworthy that while ICD should be strongly considered
for primary prevention of SCD in patients at highest risk,
Sudden cardiac death pharmacological treatment may be considered for prevention
Regarding sudden cardiac death (SCD), left ventricular ejection of SCD in select channelopathies; flecainide may be considered
fraction (LVEF) has been recognized as a useful prognostic in Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia
marker for SCD over the years, although more recently it has (CPVT) [surgical left cardiac sympathetic denervation in
been shown to have limited sensitivity and specificity as a risk refractory cases], beta-blockers in long QT syndrome (LQTS),
stratification marker for SCD. Many novel SCD risk predictors and quinidine for treatment of recurrent ventricular arrhythmias
(including race/ethnicity, genomics, vulnerable myocardium, in ICD-supported patients with Brugada syndrome.2 The
and environmental triggers) have been identified, best when 2017 American College of Cardiology/American Heart
used in combination, and may identify “high-risk” patients for Association/Heart Rhythm Society (ACC/AHA/HRS)
SCD.2 An implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) remains guidelines4 on management of ventricular arrhythmias and the
the standard treatment of patients who survive an out-of-hospital prevention of SCD have been recently provided. Some of the
cardiac arrest; however if ICD implantation is not possible due prominent features are enumerated below:


failure despite guideline-directed management and therapy,

an ICD is recommended if meaningful survival of > 1 year
Regarding management of is expected (primary prevention of SCD) (COR I; LOE A)
•• In patients of ischemic heart disease with resultant LVEF
patients with hemodynamically
of < 30% who are at least 40 days’ post-MI and at least 90
stable VT, IV procainamide can be days’ post-revascularization, and with NYHA class I heart
useful to attempt to terminate the failure despite guideline-directed management and therapy,
episode; in these subset of patients, an ICD is recommended if meaningful survival of > 1 year
is expected (primary prevention of SCD) (COR I; LOE A)
administration of IV amiodarone
•• In patients with NSVT due to prior myocardial infarction,
or sotalol may also be considered LVEF of < 40% and inducible sustained VT/VF at
to attempt to terminate VT electrophysiological study, an ICD is recommended if
meaningful survival of > 1 year is expected (primary
prevention of SCD) (COR I; LOE B-R).4
(Abbreviations: COR - Class of recommendation; LOE – Level of evidence. For a complete
review of the guidelines, COR, and LOE, please visit: Al-Khatib SM, Stevenson WG,
•• In patients with known or suspected ventricular arrhythmias Ackerman MJ, Bryant WJ, Callans DJ, Curtis AB, Deal BJ, Dickfeld T, Field ME, Fonarow
GC, Gillis AM, Granger CB, Hammill SC, Hlatky MA, Joglar JA, Kay GN, Matlock DD,
that may be associated with structural heart disease or risk Myerburg RJ, Page RL. 2017 AHA/ACC/HRS guideline for management of patients with
of sudden cardiac arrest, echocardiography can be useful ventricular arrhythmias and the prevention of sudden cardiac death: Executive summary:
for outlining structural and functional characteristics of A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task
Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines and the Heart Rhythm Society. Heart Rhythm. 2018
the heart (COR I; LOE B-NR); if structural heart disease is Oct;15(10):e190-e252. doi: 10.1016/j.hrthm.2017.10.035. Epub 2017 Oct 30.)
suspected, CMR or cardiac CT can detect and characterize
underlying heart disorder (COR IIa; LOE C-EO). Also, in
patients with known structural heart disease, measurement Post-cardiac arrest syndrome
of natriuretic peptides (BNP or N-terminal pro-BNP) may Cardiac arrest can have multiple causes. Following return
provide added prognostic information for predicting SCD of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) after a cardiac arrest,
(COR IIa; LOE B-NR) all efforts should be made to identify the cause of arrest and
•• Regarding management of patients with hemodynamically manage it immediately.5 Since acute myocardial infarction (MI)
stable VT, IV procainamide can be useful to attempt to is an important cause, early invasive coronary angiography
terminate the episode (COR IIa; LOE A); in these subset should be considered to identify and treat coronary artery
of patients, administration of IV amiodarone or sotalol may obstructive disease.6 Most patients in the post-ROSC phase
also be considered to attempt to terminate VT (COR IIb; are hemodynamically unstable; efforts should be made to
•• On the other hand patients presenting with ventricular
arrhythmia and hemodynamic instability should undergo
direct current cardioversion (COR I; LOE A); if in
patients of ventricular arrhythmia and hemodynamic Most patients in the post-ROSC
instability, disturbance in ventricular rhythm persists or
recur after a maximal energy shock, IV amiodarone should phase are hemodynamically
be administered to achieve stable rhythm after further unstable; efforts should be made
defibrillation (COR I; LOE A) to avoid hypotension and achieve
•• In polymorphic VT due to myocardial ischemia, treatment a systolic blood pressure of at
with IV beta-blockers can be useful (COR IIa; LOE B-R)
least 90 mmHg or a mean arterial
Recommendations for prevention of SCD in patients with ischemic pressure of 65 mmHg following
heart disease
•• In patients of ischemic heart disease with resultant LVEF of
< 35% who are at least 40 days’ post-MI and at least 90 days’
post-revascularization, and with NYHA class II or III heart



avoid hypotension and achieve a systolic blood pressure of References

at least 90 mmHg or a mean arterial pressure of 65 mmHg
1. Batul SA, Olshansky B, Fisher JD, Gopinathannair R. Recent advances in the
following resuscitation. Supplemental oxygen is recommended management of ventricular tachyarrhythmias. Version 1. F1000Res. 2017; 6: 1027.
to maintain SpO2 of 94%–98%. Judicious use of IV fluids and 2. Chugh SS. Sudden Cardiac Death in 2017: Spotlight on Prediction and Prevention.
inotropic drugs to optimise blood pressure, cardiac output and Int J Cardiol. 2017 Jun 15; 237: 2–5.
urine output is necessary. Cardiac output, tissue perfusion and 3. Srinivasan NT, Schilling RJ. Sudden Cardiac Death and Arrhythmias. Arrhythm
oxygen delivery should be optimized to achieve an ScvO2 ≥ 70%. Electrophysiol Rev. 2018 Jun; 7(2): 111–117.
Targeted temperature management (temperature of 33°C–36°C 4. Al-Khatib SM, Stevenson WG, Ackerman MJ, Bryant WJ, Callans DJ, Curtis AB, Deal
BJ, Dickfeld T, Field ME, Fonarow GC, Gillis AM, Granger CB, Hammill SC, Hlatky
and maintained for at least 24 hours) after ROSC may confer
MA, Joglar JA, Kay GN, Matlock DD, Myerburg RJ, Page RL. 2017 AHA/ACC/HRS
neuroprotection and improved neurological outcomes. 5 guideline for management of patients with ventricular arrhythmias and the prevention
However, maximum target temperature should not exceed of sudden cardiac death: Executive summary: A Report of the American College of
36°C.6 It is also advisable to maintain blood glucose between Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines
6–10 mmol/L through regular blood glucose monitoring and the Heart Rhythm Society. Heart Rhythm. 2018 Oct;15(10):e190-e252. doi:
10.1016/j.hrthm.2017.10.035. Epub 2017 Oct 30.
and insulin therapy.5 Although prophylactic anticonvulsant is
5. Pothiawala S, Post-resuscitation care. Singapore Med J. 2017 Jul; 58(7): 404–407.
not beneficial, seizures, if they occur, should be treated with
6. Kang Y. Management of post-cardiac arrest syndrome. Acute Crit Care. 2019 Aug;
benzodiazepines and anticonvulsant drugs.6 34(3): 173–178.



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