Feasibility LP Sootblowing

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Feasibility of using
low pressure steam
for sootblowing
By A. Kaliazine, D. E. Cormack, H. Tran and I. Jameel

Abstract: With correctly designed fully-expanded nozzles, the sootblower steam pressure in recov-
ery boilers can be reduced from 300 psig (20 bars) to 150 psig (10 bars), without significantly reduc-
ing the deposit removal efficiency. Results of laboratory tests show that a 20% increase in sootblower
A. KALIAZINE steam flow can make a low pressure nozzle (150 psig) more effective than a 300 psig nozzle. Since
The Pulp & Paper Centre low pressure steam can be extracted from downstream of the steam turbine, it is a less expensive
Department of Chemical source of steam for use in sootblowing.
Engineering and Applied
OOTBLOWERS ARE USED to remove fire- of the steam turbine, as shown in Fig. 1b.

University of Toronto side deposits from heat transfer sur- At low pressure, some of the sootblowing seam
Toronto, ON faces in recovery boilers. Effective may condense. The condensation occurs because
sootblowing is vitally important for the steam, after being used in the steam turbine,
achieving a high boiler thermal effi- has not only a reduced pressure, but also a lower
ciency, and for extending boiler runtime between temperature. After passing through a sootblower
plugging shutdowns. It is an expensive operation, nozzle, this low pressure steam may be cooled to
since sootblowers typically consume 5 to 12% of below the dew point as it adiabatically expands.
the high pressure steam produced by the boiler. The presence of condensation may be determined
Due to high energy costs in recent years, alter- on the basis of sootblower steam thermodynamics.
native sources of steam for sootblowers have con- Figure 2 shows the thermodynamic variables
stantly been sought. One such source is the rela- of sootblower steam presented in an
tively low pressure steam, 150 to 300 psi, from a entropy/enthalpy (Mollier) diagram. Steam tem-
D. E. CORMACK steam turbine. The main advantage of using this perature, pressure and moisture content are
The Pulp & Paper Centre source of low pressure steam is that it is much less shown as parametric lines and are uniquely deter-
Department of Chemical valuable than high pressure steam entering the mined by enthalpy and entropy. The
Engineering and Applied steam turbine. The economic gain is primarily entropy/enthalpy diagram is useful, because
Chemistry due to the increase in the additional electric pow- many of the processes taking place as the steam
University of Toronto er generated by passing the feed steam at high passes through the circuit are approximately adi-
Toronto, ON pressure through the turbine generator before it abatic (constant enthalpy) or isentropic (constant
is used for sootblowing. entropy), and are represented on the diagram as
The ability of a sootblower to remove deposits horizontal or vertical lines respectively.
is closely related to the peak impact pressure Steam flow through a pressure reducing pop-
(PIP) of the sootblower jet. If low pressure soot- pet valve is essentially adiabatic because there is
blowers are to be used, they must have a cleaning no significant heat exchange or work done in this
power comparable to high pressure sootblowers. process. For a boiler producing 61 bar, 440°C
This can be accomplished with the use of larger, (900 psi, 825°F) steam, properties are shown at
fully-expanded nozzles that have been modified point A in Fig. 2. After the poppet valve reduces
to achieve optimum performance at a lower pres- the steam pressure to 20.4 bar (300 psi), the
H. TRAN sure. Since low pressure steam is much less steam properties lie at point B.
The Pulp & Paper Centre expensive than high pressure steam, the adverse Steam flow through a fully expanded nozzle is
Department of Chemical effect of the lower pressure on cleaning power almost isentropic, and may be represented in the
Engineering and Applied can be compensated for by increasing the steam diagram as a vertical line extending from the
Chemistry flow through larger nozzles. lance pressure to the ambient pressure (1 bar =
University of Toronto This paper discusses the thermodynamics of 14.7 psi), as is shown by the line BX, Fig. 2. Point
Toronto, ON sootblower steam, the technical and economical X corresponds to a jet steam moisture level of
tranhn@chem-eng.utoronto.ca feasibility of low pressure sootblowing technology, 4%. In reality, since a sootblower nozzle is not
and the results of laboratory experiments that 100% efficient, the steam expansion is not com-
have been conducted to evaluate the performance pletely isentropic. Hence, the lines representing
of high and low pressure sootblower nozzles. steam expansion in real nozzles will deviate to the
right, corresponding to an entropy increase. As a
SOOTBLOWER THERMODYNAMICS result, the jet moisture content will be slightly
In a standard sootblower configuration, Fig. 1a, lower than 4%.
high pressure steam from the recovery boiler Consider now a recovery boiler with sootblow-
passes through a poppet valve to reduce the ers operating on low pressure steam. In the sim-
steam pressure to 250-350 psi before it enters the plest arrangement, steam from the boiler at 900
I. JAMEEL sootblower lance. In an alternative sootblowing psi is directed to the steam turbine where its pres-
Clyde-Bergemann Inc. arrangement, low pressure steam (150-300 psi) sure is reduced to 150 psi, after which the steam
Atlanta, Georgia, USA may be taken directly from the low pressure side goes to the sootblowers. In this case, if the turbine

34 ❘❘❘ 107:4 (2006) T 80 Pulp & Paper Canada


FIG. 1. The supply of sootblower steam: a) standard high pressure arrangement; FIG. 2. Mollier diagram for sootblower
b) low pressure sootblowing; c) mixing of low- and high pressure steam. steam.

is 100% efficient, the steam enthalpy will It is worth mentioning that the erosive generated power. Figure 3 shows the eco-
be converted into electricity isentropically, effect of condensate in the jet from low nomic effect of using low pressure soot-
this process is represented by the vertical pressure sootblowing may not be signifi- blowers as a function of sootblowing steam
line AF in Fig. 2. cant. Heterogeneous steam condensation consumption. No cost has been assigned
In reality, neither the turbine nor the results in extremely small droplets, less to the additional low pressure steam
nozzle will be 100% efficient. Hence the than 0.1 micron [1]. These droplets have required for low pressure sootblowing.
steam expansion deviates from isentropic. very little inertia and thus would not cause The top line in Fig. 3 shows the eco-
For a typical turbine efficiency of 80%, tube erosion. Besides, since the low pres- nomic return that would result if all soot-
the reduction of steam enthalpy in the sure jet has a lower initial velocity, con- blowers were to be converted to the direct
turbine will be 0.8 of that for an ideal tur- densation droplets in this jet are acceler- use of 150 psi turbine extract steam. Since
bine. As a consequence, in the real tur- ated to a lower velocity and the erosive it is unrealistic to deliver this pressure to
bine the path deviates from AF and ends effect of larger droplets would be reduced the sootblower nozzles (see “Pressure
instead at point C on the same isobaric in comparison to similar droplets in a drop in pipes” section later), the eco-
line (P=150 psi) as F, Fig. 2. If this steam high velocity jet. nomic return was calculated also for 300
then expands isentropically through a full psi extract pressure and presented in Fig.
expansion nozzle, it will exit into the boil- ECONOMICS 3 by the thick lower line. Figure 3 shows
er at P=1 bar, with steam properties The basic economic advantage derived the economic return that would result if
defined by point Y. In this case steam con- from using low pressure steam for soot- all sootblowers were to be converted to
tains about 8% moisture. blowing arises from the additional electric the direct use of low pressure steam. If
This analysis indicates that the mois- power generated by passing the high pres- only some of the sootblowers were
ture content in the low pressure (150 psi) sure steam through the generator turbine switched, then the effect would be pro-
steam jet is higher than in the high pres- before it goes to the sootblowers. A com- portionally smaller.
sure (300 psi) jet. This happens because plete economic analysis would require a As was mentioned above, the use of
the temperature of the steam at the exit of thorough steam, heat and electrical bal- post-turbine steam for sootblowing causes
the turbine, point C in Fig. 2, is lower due ance for both standard and low pressure a decrease in jet temperature. This means
to of the energy that has been extracted cases. The exact economic benefit will that the temperature of flue gases mixed
by the turbine. Complete expansion of depend on mill configuration, cost of pur- with the sootblowing steam will be slightly
this steam in the sootblower nozzle causes chased electricity and fuel, and on other reduced in comparison with the standard
its temperature to drop well below the factors. The analysis presented below is sootblowing arrangement, as shown by
dew point. However, it is possible to raise preliminary and intended only to estimate points Y and X in Fig. 2. Therefore, the
the steam temperature by mixing it with a the magnitude of possible economic ben- total steam production capacity of the
certain amount of high pressure steam, as efits from low pressure sootblowing. recovery boiler will be impacted. Calcula-
shown in Fig. 1c. If post-turbine steam is used directly tions show that each additional kilowatt of
Using the Mollier chart, it is possible to for sootblowing, without concern for con- electric energy produced by using soot-
determine the enthalpy required to bring densation, then all the high pressure blower steam causes approximately 0.3
this post-turbine steam to the same isen- steam which was used for sootblowing may kW loss in total steam enthalpy produced
tropic line BX on which the high pressure first be used for the generation of elec- by the boiler. Therefore, taking into
sootblower operates, i.e. from point C on tricity. In this case, the additional gener- account the adverse effect of lower steam
the line AY to point D on the line BX in ated electrical power W is: temperature of sootblowers utilizing post-
Fig. 2. If a low pressure sootblower oper- turbine steam will reduce the economic
ates with this conditioned steam, the W= P/G (1) effect by 30% compared to the data pre-
resulting moisture content at the exit of a sented in Fig. 3. It still, however, will
low pressure nozzle will be the same as where P is the high pressure sootblowing remain significant.
that for the high pressure nozzle (about steam consumption, G is amount of steam
4% moisture for an ideal isentropic noz- required to generate 1 kWh. It can be eas- EXPERIMENTAL SETUP
zle). Hence, it is apparent that high-tem- ily calculated, using Fig. 2 or steam prop- The experimental set-up used to measure
perature steam can be used to condition erty tables, that G=10 kg for 150 psi tur- jet PIP included a scaled nozzle mounted
the post-turbine steam to prevent extra bine extraction pressure and G=15 kg for on a slide, and a Pitot tube with a pressure
condensation. On the other hand, it may 300 psi extraction pressure. transducer, Fig. 4. An assembly with two
also be possible to use the higher mois- The economic effect may be estimated parallel platens could be installed in front
ture content of the unconditioned steam. by assuming a value of $50 MWh for the of the jet in order to test the effect of

Pulp & Paper Canada T 81 107:4 (2006) ❘❘❘ 35


FIG. 3. Economic effect of low pressure sootblowing at FIG. 4. Experimental setup for measuring jet peak impact
$50/MW as a function of sootblowing steam consumption. pressures.

beyond this distance, since it has a higher

TABLE I. Geometric similarity and dimensionless groups for industrial 1” soot- PIP. Therefore, under these conditions,
blower nozzles and lab nozzle at 300 psi. the low pressure sootblower has a larger
Boiler (300 psi) Lab (300 psi) cleaning radius and may be successfully
substituted for the high pressure soot-
Nozzle exit/throat dia 1.70 1.71 blower. Note that a low pressure soot-
Exit Mach number, Ma 2.59 2.61 blower would have nozzles with a throat
Jet/ambient gas density ratio, ␳ex/␳a 2.25 2.37 diameter proportionally scaled to 39.5
mm instead of 25.4 mm.

platens on jet propagation. The arrange- to compensate for the negative effect of PRESSURE DROP IN PIPES
ment reproduced the geometric configu- lower pressure, the throat diameter of the The data presented above suggest that it is
ration of a superheater section at a low pressure nozzle was 7 mm compared feasible to carry out sootblowing using low
reduced scale of 1:4. The inlet nozzle to 4.5 mm for the high pressure nozzle. As pressure steam from the downstream side
pressure was monitored by a pressure a result, the flow rate for the low pressure of a turbine generator. However, the deliv-
transducer. nozzle was about 20% higher than that for ery of low pressure steam to the sootblow-
In order for the results obtained from the high pressure nozzle. ers is a challenging problem, which can-
the model to be applicable to a recovery The measurements of PIP showed that not be accomplished using available
boiler, a rigorous set of geometric and at distances close to the nozzle outlet (less steam pipe systems. The main reason for
aerodynamic conditions must be satisfied than 10 cm) the PIP of nozzle A was high- this is that the higher flow rate required at
for the experimental model. A dimen- er, Fig. 6. However, at greater distances, the lower pressure causes an increase in
sional analysis shows that not only must the effect for the larger flow rate of low frictional pressure losses in the system.
the laboratory model and the actual gen- pressure nozzle B caused the PIP for the For example, consider a steam flow in
erating bank be geometrically similar (i.e. low pressure nozzle to actually exceed a pipe of length L and internal diameter
scaled), but also that the key dimension- that of the high pressure nozzle. Not only d. Pressure drop ⌬p may be calculated
less groups for the laboratory and indus- is the PIP of nozzle B higher at larger dis- from the equation:
trial nozzles (Mach and Reynolds num- tances, but the diameter of the jet is also
bers) must be equal. Another important larger, Fig. 7. In this figure, radial profiles
L ␳V2
parameter which influences jet decay rate are given for both jets at a distance of 20 ⌬p = f — —— (2)
d 2
is the ratio of nozzle exit gas density to the cm from the nozzle.
density of the ambient gas, ␳ex/␳a. The combined effect of higher PIP and
The modified laboratory experimental larger jet diameter at the greater distances where f is the friction factor, ( is steam den-
equipment was designed and constructed increases, by a factor of about two, the sity and V is steam velocity. Since the mass
to achieve close geometrical and fluid total force exerted on a deposit by the low flow rate through the pipe is given by:
mechanics similarity with full scale soot- pressure jet. Hence its ability to remove
blower nozzles, Table I. deposits at larger distances would be
greater than that of the high pressure jet. ␲d2 ␳V
G = —— (3)
COMPARATIVE PERFORMANCE The cross-over distance at which the
OF HIGH AND LOW PRESSURE PIP of the high pressure nozzle drops
NOZZLES below the low pressure nozzle PIP is all Equation 2 may be presented as:
Two air nozzles were designed and used to important in establishing the feasibility of
investigate the effect of upstream supply low pressure sootblowing. The high pres- 2
pressure and nozzle size on the jet peak sure nozzle throat diameter in the labora- 8— —L— —
⌬p = f — G— (4)
impact pressure (PIP). Nozzle parameters tory tests was 4.5 mm. If we scale up the ␲2 d5 ␳
were chosen to model, with an air jet, a laboratory experiments to a full-scale soot-
sootblower steam jet produced at high blower with a 25.4 mm (1 inch) nozzle, The friction factor f is a function of
and low lance pressures. Figure 5 shows the cross-over distance of about 15 cm in Reynolds number and tube wall rough-
the laboratory air jet nozzles and their the laboratory scales to about 85 cm in the ness; for the conditions under considera-
basic dimensions. boiler. Hence, provided that the cleaning tion f is about 0.015.
Nozzles A and B were designed to pro- radius of the high pressure sootblower is Equation 4 shows that the pressure
duce fully expanded jets at 300 and 150 larger than 85 cm, the low pressure soot- loss, ⌬p, through the sootblower lance
psig supply pressure respectively. In order blower is also able to clean up to and increases drastically with decreased pipe

36 ❘❘❘ 107:4 (2006) T 82 Pulp & Paper Canada


FIG. 5. Fully-expanded air nozzles at different pressures.

Nozzle A is high pressure (300 psi). Nozzle B is low pres- FIG. 6. PIP profiles of Nozzles A and B used in laboratory
sure (150 psi). tests.

FIG. 8. Pressure loss of 150 psi sootblower steam per tube

length as a function of tube inner diameter and steam flow
FIG. 7. Radial PIP profiles of Nozzles A and B at 20 cm from rate (2 kg/s = 15.9 kLb/hr, 2.4 kg/s = 19 kLb/hr and 3 kg/s =
the nozzles. 23.8 kLb/hr).

inner diameter, and to a lesser extent, The majority of sootblowers used in the turbine exit needs to be 210 to 230 psi
with decreased steam pressure due to the recovery boilers are equipped with 76.2 or higher. Using lower pressure steam
reduction in steam density ␳. The pres- mm (3 inch) inner diameter lance tubes. requires at least a 3 inch ID pipe to deliv-
sure loss also increases with an increase in Since the sootblower feed tubes are typi- er steam to the sootblowers, as well as larg-
steam flow rate and pipe length. cally 53-58 mm (2.1-2.3 inch) in inner er diameter feed tubes.
Consider a case where a high pressure diameter, the pressure loss for a 6 m long The operation of sootblowers using
sootblower (300 psi) with a steam flow rate feed tube with 2.4 kg/s flow rate will be low pressure steam could provide signifi-
G of 2kg/s (15.9 kLb/hr) is to be convert- 30-40 psi. The control valve accounts for cant savings, even though a 20% increase
ed to a lower pressure sootblower (150 another 20-30 psi pressure loss. If a con- in sootblower steam consumption may be
psi) with a 20% higher steam flow rate, 2.4 servative estimate of losses in the supply required. This increase in steam flow rate
kg/s (19 kLb/hr). At 300 psi, a 50.8 mm tube of 10 psi is assumed, and all pressure would compensate for the power loss
(2 inch) pipe would cause a pressure drop losses are added, the required pressure at caused by the lower peak impact pressure
of 2.6 psi/m (0.8 psi/ft) as the steam pass- the source should be 60-80 psi higher of the low pressure nozzle operating at
es through the pipe, while at 150 psi, a than 150 psi, i.e. at least 210 to 230 psi. the same steam flow rate. Properly
much larger pressure drop, 7.6 psi/m (2.3 Therefore, switching to low pressure designed nozzles with a larger throat
psi/ft), would result. Thus, for a 10 m long nozzles requires a steam source of at least diameter are required for effective low
pipe that connects an individual sootblow- 210 to 230 psi. Using lower pressure pressure sootblowing.
er to the main steam line, the pressure loss sources would require the complete re- The direct use of low pressure steam
would be reasonable, 26 psi, for the high designing of sootblowers, including larger from the steam turbine may result in
pressure sootblower, but would be unac- diameter lances and more expensive “zero about 4% increase in steam moisture con-
ceptably high, 76 psi, for the low pressure pressure loss” valves. This may require tent at the sootblower nozzle exit due to
sootblower. However, this pressure drop substantial capital investments, and thus condensation. However, it is possible to
would be substantially lower, only 1 psi/m, reduce the immediate economic benefits avoid this increased condensation by mix-
if a large inner diameter (76.2 mm or 3 of using low pressure steam. ing the low pressure steam with a small
inch) pipe is used. It is clear that at least 3 amount of high pressure steam.
inch ID steam tubes are required to avoid CONCLUSIONS
unacceptable steam line pressure drops This work has shown that it is feasible to ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
for sootblowers operating at 150 psi. Fig- carry out sootblowing using low pressure This work was part of the research pro-
ure 8 shows the pressure loss as a function steam from the downstream side of a tur- gram on “Increasing the Throughput and
of pipe diameter for 150 psi sootblower bine generator. With the existing soot- Reliability of Recovery Boilers and Lime
steam at different flow rates. blower equipment, the steam pressure at Kilns” jointly supported by Alstom Power

Pulp & Paper Canada T 83 107:4 (2006) ❘❘❘ 37

Inc., Andritz Corporation, Aracruz Celu-
lose S.A., Babcock & Wilcox Company, Résumé: Lorsque les tuyères entièrement étendues sont bien conçues, on peut réduire de 300
Boise Paper Solutions, Bowater Canadian psig (20 bars) à 150 psig (10 bars) la pression de vapeur des souffleurs de suie dans les chaudières
de récupération, tout en continuant d’éliminer les dépôts de manière efficace. Les résultats des
Forest Products Inc., Canfor Inc., Clyde- essais en laboratoire ont démontré qu’une augmentation de 20 % du débit de vapeur peut rendre
Bergemann Inc., Daishowa-Marubeni une tuyère basse pression (150 psig) plus efficace qu’une tuyère de 300 psig. Puisqu’il est possi-
International Ltd., Domtar Inc., Georgia ble d’extraire la vapeur basse pression dans le circuit en aval de la turbine à vapeur, cette source
Pacific Corporation, International Paper de vapeur moins chère peut être utilisée pour le soufflage de la suie.
Company, Irving Pulp & Paper Limited,
Kvaerner Power OY, MeadWestvaco, Stora
Enso Research AB, Tembec Inc., Votoran- Reference: KALIAZINE, A., CORMACK, D.E, TRAN, H., JAMEEL, I. Feasibility of using low
tim Celulose e Papel, and Weyerhaeuser pressure steam for sootblowing. Pulp & Paper Canada 107(4): T80-84 (April, 2006). Paper pre-
sented at the 2004 International Chemical Recovery Conference in Charleston, SC, June 6-10,
Company, and by the Natural Sciences and 2004. Not to be reproduced without permission of PAPTAC. Manuscript received September 06,
Engineering Research Council of Canada. 2004. Revised manuscript approved for publication by the Review Panel on July 28, 2005.

high-speed gas flows. Gordon and Breach Science Pub-
lishers, New York (1989).

38 ❘❘❘ 107:4 (2006) T 84 Pulp & Paper Canada

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