Lesson 3.1. Lonely Planet

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Lesson 3.1.

Lonely planet
1. picturesque – picturesque place is pretty and interesting in an old-fashioned way
1. tranquil – pleasantly calm, quiet, and peaceful
2. bustling – a bustling place is very busy
3. magnificent – very good or beautiful, and very impressive
4. ancient – belonging to a time long ago in history, especially thousands of years ago
5. deserted – empty and quiet because no people are there
6. run-down – a building or area that is run-down is in very bad condition
7. unspoilt – an unspoilt place is beautiful because it has not changed for a long time and does
not have a lot of new buildings
8. shabby – shabby clothes, places, or objects are untidy and in bad condition because they
have been used for a long time
9. dilapidated – a dilapidated building, vehicle etc. is old and in very bad condition
10.stunning – extremely attractive or beautiful
11.breathtaking – very impressive, exciting, or surprising
12.take plunge – enter suddenly or unexpectedly
13.idle up – not having much activity
14.seize – take hold of suddenly and forcibly
15.showcase – exhibit, display
16.impromptu – done without being planned, organized
17.embody – be an expression of or give a tangible or visible form to
18.highlight – something (such as an event or a detail) that is very interesting, exciting, or
important : the best part of something
19.shot – a photograph
20.mile – 1.6 km
21.marines – one of a class of armed services personnel serving on shipboard or in close
association with a naval force
22.swell – a slow regular movement of the sea in rolling waves that do not break
23.barely – only just, almost not
24.uninhabited – an uninhabited place does not have anyone living there
25.cave house – a large natural hole in the side of a cliff or hill, or under the ground, made into
a place to live
26.ancestor – a person who was in someone's family in past times : one of the people from
whom a person is descended
27.jumble – a mass of things mingled together without order or plan
28.stacked – put or arranged in a stack or stacks
29.tumble down – fall into ruin
30.ravine – a deep, narrow gorge with steep sides
31.humbled – lower in dignity or importance
32.livestock – farm animals that are kept, raised, and used by people
33.overlooking – have a view of from above
34.quaint – attractively unusual or old-fashioned
35.stroll – walk on a leisurely way
36.patio – an open area next to a house that is usually paved
37.undeniably – unquestionably excellent or genuine
38.scattered – throw in various random directions
39.tuck away – capable of being folded and put out of the way
40.encompass – surround and have or hold within
41.pastry – usually sweet baked goods made of dough having a high fat content
Lesson 3.2. Home from home
1. Awful lot – very much
2. Awakening – an act or movement of becoming suddenly aware of something
3. Feet – 0,3m
4. refuge - shelter or protection from someone or something
5. spirit - a creature without a physical body that some people believe exists, such as an
angel or a dead person, who has returned to this world and has strange or magical
6. earthbound - unable to move away from the surface of the Earth
7. stilts - a set of poles that support a building above the ground or above water
8. insulator - a material or object which does not allow electricity, heat, or sound to pass
through it
9. first-hand – from the original source
10.cozy – giving a feeling of comfort, warmth and relaxation
11.primitive - belonging to a simple way of life that existed in the past and does not have
modern industries and machines
12.dwelling - a house, apartment etc. where people live
13.adorn with - to decorate something with (something)
14.figurine - a small model of a person or animal, used as a decoration
15.nomad - a member of a tribe that travels from place to place instead of living in one
place all the time, usually in order to find grass for their animals
16.chilly - chilly weather or places are cold enough to make you feel uncomfortable
17.gaudy - clothes, colors etc. that are gaudy are too bright and look cheap
18.naughty - a naughty child does not obey adults and behaves badly
19.dreary - dull and making you feel sad or bored
20.gloomy - dark, especially in a way that makes you feel sad
21.roomy - a house, car etc. that is roomy is large and has a lot of space inside it
22.jokey - not serious, and tending to make people laugh
23.poky - too small and not very pleasant or comfortable
24.shady - protected from the sun or producing shade
25.ready - if you are ready, you are prepared for what you are going to do
26.daily - happening or done every day
27.airy - an airy room or building has plenty of fresh air because it is large or has a lot of
28.overpopulated - if a place is overpopulated there are too many people living in it
29.metropolis - a very large city that is the most important city in a country or area
30.quaint - unusual and attractive, especially in an old-fashioned way
31.secluded - very private and quiet
32.scenic - surrounded by views of beautiful countryside
33.awe-inspiring - extremely impressive in a way that makes you feel great respect
34.sprawling - spreading over a wide area in an untidy or unattractive way
35.ramshackle - a ramshackle building or vehicle is in bad condition and in need of repair
36.supermodel - a very famous fashion model
37.miniskirt - a very short skirt
38.sub-zero - below zero in temperature
39.cooperate - to work with someone else to achieve something that you both want
40.bilingual - able to speak two languages equally well, or written or spoken in two
41.interact - if people interact with each other, they talk to each other, work together etc.
42.semi-retired - someone who is semi-retired continues to work, but not for as many
hours as they used to, especially because they are getting older and want time to do
other things
43.outlast - to continue to exist or be effective for a longer time than something else
44.bimonthly - appearing or happening every two months or twice each month
45.bicentenary - the day or year exactly 200 years after an important event
46.co-author - an author who writes with someone else as an equal or with less
47.co-pilot - a pilot who shares the control of an aircraft with the main pilot
48.interchangeable - things that are interchangeable can be used instead of each other
49.intercontinental - going from one continent to another, or happening between two
50.minicab - a taxi that you have to order by telephone, not one that you can stop in the
51.minimize - to reduce something that is difficult, dangerous, or unpleasant to the
smallest possible amount or degree
52.outsell - to sell more goods or products than a competitor
53.outplay - to beat an opponent in a game by playing with more skill than they do
54.semi-skimmed - semi-skimmed milk has had some of the fat removed
55.semicolon - a punctuation mark (;) used to separate different parts of a sentence or list
56.subtitle - the words printed over a film in a foreign language to translate what is being
said by the actors
57.subway - a path for people to walk under a road or railway
58.supernatural - impossible to explain by natural causes, and therefore seeming to
involve the powers of gods or magic
59.superpower - a nation that has very great military and political power
Lesson 3.3. Welcome to perfect city
1. loiter – to hang around somewhere for no good reason
2. dip – to move into and out of something
3. distraction – something that amuses or entertains you so that you do not think about
problems, work, etc.
4. clutter – a collection of things lying in an untidy mass
5. commuter – a person who travels some distance to work on a regular basis
6. amenity - something that makes a place comfortable to live in
7. infrastructure - he basic systems and structures that a country or organisation needs in order
to work properly, for example roads, railways, banks etc
8. congestion - the problem of too much traffic in a place
9. abandonment - the leaving of a building, car, boat etc by the people who owned or used it
10.toll - the money you have to pay to use a particular road, bridge etc
11.regeneration - the process of making something develop and grow strong again
12.hub – a center of activity
13.merit – a good quality or feature that deserves to be praised
14.demerit – a bad quality in something or somebody
Lesson 3.4. London

1. redolent – sweet-smelling
2. tailored - (about clothes) smart, fitted and well cut
3. commission – to give an order for or authorize the production of
4. diverse – showing a great deal of variety, very different
5. vastness – very great in size, amount, degree, intensity, or especially in extent or range
6. temperate – having a moderate climate which especially lacks extremes in temperature

7. prairies – a tract of grassland

8. upbeat – cheerful, optimistic
9. sense of longing – a strong desire for something or someone
10.indigenous - produced, growing, living, or occurring naturally in a particular region

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