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Final Term Exam

Name: Md. Rana Khan

ID: 2019010001018
Semester: Summer 2020
Course Title: Marketing Research.
Course Code: MKT666.3 / MKT6166
Program: Masters of Business Administration.
Part B
Answer to the Question no. 02

1. Is the methodology appropriate for the research objectives? What are the disadvantages of
the sampling plan and method of questionnaire administration?
Yes, I think simple random sampling is appropriate for this research objectives. They choose
their customers as their sample size and to get the most out of this sample, random sampling
should be the best option for them. Because it helps researchers avoid an unconscious bias they
may have that would be reflected in the data they are collecting. And every customer has an
equal chance of selection.
Disadvantages of random sampling:
 It is a complex and time-consuming method of research.
 Researchers are required to have experience and a high skill level.
 It is easy to get the data wrong just as it is easy to get right.
 A large sample size is mandatory.
 Redundant and monotony.

They used the paper-pencil method of questionnaire. The disadvantages of the method of
questionnaire is given below:

 High costs for printing and possibly dispatch

 Large amount of work involved in transcribing the data
 Low response rate (in extreme cases only five per cent)

2. Review the questionnaire. What are its strong points? What areas or questions do you
believe need improvement? Does it seem to capture the relevant information needed to meet
research objectives?

Their survey questions are well structured. It reflects their research objective. It consists of 10
closed ended questions, 4 open ended question and 1 rating scale question.

The main objective of the survey is to understand why JC’s Mexican Restaurant is dropping
average weekly customers. To understand the reasons, question 5, 6 & 7 will play a vital role.
In my opinion they are the strong point of this questionnaire. Customers can rate what they think
about the restaurant and if the prices are convenient for them.

I think they could improve the questionnaire by adding one or two more open ended question.
They didn’t include any question about their employees. For example, “are you satisfied with our
employees? If not, why?”

To meet the research objectives, it seems to capture all the relevant information except they
didn’t include any question regarding if the customers want to visit the restaurant for future

3. Develop a profile of respondents of this questionnaire survey.

The profile of the respondents include age, sex, marital status, annual income.
For this questionnaire survey profile of respondents have been developed is given below:

Age of the Respondents: There are different types of respondents, of different age groups. The
respondents interviewed have been divided into five age groups, customers who are under 20,
21-30, 31-40, 41-50 and 51 above.

Gender of the Respondents: as it is Mexican restaurant and they have been serving both male
and female customer so for questionnaire survey both male and female will be the major

Marital status of the Respondents: There should be proper knowledge of the marital status of
the respondents because it is important to know whether they come with their partners or not. It
help restaurant owner understand that who their potential customer in questionnaire for the
respondents there will be options like married, divorced or single.

Income of the Respondents: It is necessary to understand the annual income of the different
types of the respondents in order to know the financial status of the respondents. It helps
restaurants owner to set their manure and to identify which income group visited their restaurant
most. In questionnaire there will be income range options for respondents from under 10,000
dollar to 70,000 or more.

Education level of the respondents: to know about the education level of the respondents who
visited their restaurant very often is important. There will be options like high school, college,
college degree or other. It is essential to know which group has the most visited customers by
knowing that restaurants can offer their menu and set up their pricing because different education
level of respondent have different taste and food choices.

4. Analyze the information presented and decide if customers are satisfied with the
restaurant’s offerings?

JC’s Mexican Restaurant had 91 responses to their survey. It’s a bit low for a simple random
sampling. From the survey it seems most customers want Fajitas option to be added in the menu.
Abound 56.8 percent of the respondent wants it included. 29.7 percent stated they don’t want any
changes. Customers already rank JC’s Mexican Restaurant as the best Mexican restaurant so
adding the item will not only help them attain the customers but also make the customer think
their opinions are important.

5. Are there significant differences among respondents on their satisfaction with the
restaurant based on age, gender, and income?

As we can see from table C6.5, most customers from all age group rates JC’s Mexican
Restaurant as excellent.

59.15% of the sample rated JC’s Mexican Restaurant as excellent.

16.38% of the sample rated JC’s Mexican Restaurant as good.

7.28% of the sample rated JC’s Mexican Restaurant as Fair.

JC’s Mexican Restaurant has least number of customers who are under 20 years, are at only
7.28%. Customer whose age are between the 21-30 years, are at 27.3%. And those who are aged
between 31-40 years, are at 12.74%. Customer whose age are between the 31-50+ years, are at
So we can conclude that adults enjoy JC’s restaurant more than the teenagers.

Part A

Answer to the Question no. 01

“Effects of leader intelligence, personality and emotional intelligence on transformational
leadership and managerial performance”
Today's leaders need to understand people at their core like never before. Leadership intelligence
relies on your ability to grow, learn and master new ways to lead people, and there are three
tenets to consider when boosting it: self-awareness, executive brain function, and response
Leadership skills are, in many contexts—the workplace, schools and classrooms, organizations,
and even within families—fairly recognizable. People who take initiative, who have a vision, and
who can strategize, plan, and accomplish goals to achieve their vision are considered good
leaders Emotional intelligence is the ability to comprehend, control, and develop your own
feelings, while also being able to understand and manage others’ feelings. Emotional intelligence
goes beyond the administrative nuts and bolts of being a great leader and emphasizes how
someone’s emotions affect others and how can someone use that knowledge to create positive
outcomes — both personally and with the people they manage.

Types of Methodology
The data has been collected from mid-level managers employed by a large Brazilian company in
the energy sector.
Sample size was 134 managers which is 32% of the total population. Their ages are between 29
to 73 years and 85 of them were men and 49 were women. Data collection on the first seven
variables was done by means of an electronic questionnaire to which all managers holding
positions at similar hierarchical levels in three main units of the company were invited to
respond. An access code was generated for each participant.
Primary data has been collected through questionnaire and secondary data has been provided by
company itself. Company estimates that about 25% of its staff could have been off duty during
the data collection due to training, temporary transfers and other types of absences, the total
number of available that fulfilled the above criteria varied from 6 to 26 members per team. This
study maintains Total confidentiality of answers was guaranteed for all participants, whether
they were managers or their subordinates.

These evaluations produce quantitative results. The personality of managers was evaluated with
the scale for the five factors. The items were evaluated on a five-point Liker scale.
The leadership traits of the managers were measured with the twenty questions that make up the
transformational dimension of the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire. For confidentiality
reasons, it was not possible to include in this study the computational formula and specific items
involved. Because this is a corporately endorsed measure of effective functioning and effective
leadership is considered vital for the achievement of collective purposes and effective
organizational functioning, variations in such a measure is likely also to capture variations in
effective leadership. In this study used gender, managerial experience and team size as control
variables since they could affect both transformational leadership and effectiveness in
managerial roles.

Data analysis
In this study covariance based sampling have been used to test the hypotheses presented in the
preceding sections, so that measurement error could be explicitly modeled. Due to limited
sample size.
In Table 1 where Descriptive statistics and Pearson correlations were given the means, standard
deviations, correlations and reliability of the variables investigated in this study. Generally, the
correlations exhibited a pattern reasonably consistent with the previously proposed hypotheses.
To assess the influence of individual differences on transformational leadership and managerial
performance. First they have examined the effects of the control variables like gender, team on
transformational leadership and managerial performance and then they also assessed the
incremental contribution of the five personality traits, intelligence and emotional intelligence,
testing the differences of the Chi-square result in each successive step. For the sake of
comparison in this study they also assessed a full model, where measurement error was not taken
into account.
In Tables 2 and 3 represent the path coefficients in each step and model fit indexes,
respectively. Transformational leadership was positively influenced by managerial experience.
Only managerial experience, conscientiousness and intelligence had statistically significant
effects, which varied little among leadership dimensions. A similar hierarchical procedure was
used to evaluate the impact of the addition of personality traits, intelligence and control variables
on the effects of emotional intelligence on transformational leadership and managerial
performance. The results are shown in Tables 5 and 6.
In the last stage, where the five personality traits were added, both path coefficients connecting
emotional intelligence to outcomes became non-significant. In this study they have also tested
whether emotional intelligence was linearly dependent on the five factors and intelligence by
evaluating a just identified model, where intelligence, the five dispositions and the controls
affected emotional intelligence directly.
Discussion and conclusion
Findings shows that When all the control and substantive factors are considered, intelligence and
conscientiousness are the individual differences that seem to matter for transformational
leadership and that had indirect effects on leadership effectiveness. This study investigates the
effects of intelligence, personality traits and emotional intelligence on transformational
leadership and the effective performance of leaders in the organizational context. Data were
collected from 134 midlevel managers from a large Brazilian company that operates in the
energy sector. Our findings suggest that leadership effectiveness, as measured by the
achievement of organizational outcomes, is a direct function of a leader's transformational
behaviors, and is an indirect function of individual differences that work through
transformational behaviors.
Managerial experience also had positive effects on both transformational leadership and
leadership effectiveness in managerial roles, while neuroticism had only negative effects on
leadership effectiveness. This study shows that when considered alone, emotional intelligence
seems to be statistically related to transformational leadership. Although in this study researcher
could not assess the reliability of the performance measure used by the company, it should be
noted that measurement errors in the endogenous repressors are absorbed in the disturbances and
orthogonal to the exogenous repressors, thereby not biasing coefficient estimates.


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