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1 Rescue
Ex 1
1H 2F 3G 4E 5A 6C 7D 8B
1 emergency beacon
2 coastguard
3 emergency signal
4 satellite
5 flares
6 inflate
7 life raft
8 winch
Ex 3
1 an emergency beacon
2 a sinking fishing boat
3 the fishermen's
4 a signal
5 a helicopter
6 one of the red flares
7 the fishermen
8 the coastguard station

2 Transmission
2 in a fuel tank, which exploded
3 at Boston where the weather was fine
4 by another pilot, who was flying
5 at Boston airport, from where he contacted
6 in the area, which lies off the coast
7 by divers, who were guided to it
8 to the shore, from where it was taken away

3 Operation
Ex 1
1 place C
2 place F
3 place A
4 place H
5 place G
6 place D
7 place B
8 place E

Word list
Ex 1
1 satellite signal
2 low-altitude orbit
3 radio frequency
4 operating range
5 air-sea rescue
6 safety device
7 rescue team
Ex 2
1 emergency beacon
2 radio signal
3 ground station
4 satellite signals
5 national centre 6
rescue centre
7 rescue team
Ex 3
I antenna
3 beacon
4 lever arm
5 magnet 6 flare

1 Future shapes
Ex 1
1 composite
2 aerospace
3 carbon fibre
4 fuselage
5 aircraft
6 plastic
7 deck
8 report
9 construct
10 bridge
11 engineer
2 Solid shapes
Ex 1
1F 2C 3A 4B 5E 6G 7D
Ex 2
1E 2C 3D 4B 5A
1 uses
2 is used
3 is loaded
4 is heated
5 rotates
6 melts
7 coats
8 is coated
9 is cooled
10 cools
11 shrinks
12 is removed

3 Hollow shapes
Ex 1
-ing: blowing, casting, cooling, heating, melting
-ion: ejection, expansion, extrusion, inflation, rotation
-ment: movement
-er: roller
-ure: closure
no change: transfer
Ex 2
air pump, heater, thermoplastic sheet
Review Unit A
Ex 1
1 crashed
2 It
3 raced
4 where
5 went
6 They
7 which
8 which
9 fell
10 took
11 hit
12 the
13 burst
14 flew
15 ignited
Ex 2
1k 2e 3f 4a 5l 6i 7c 8j 9b 10g 11h 12d
Ex 3
1 completes
2 captures
3 avoid
4 studies
5 discovers
6 are transmitted
7 are received
8 converted
Ex 1
1 have closed
2 Has there been
3 collided
4 has caught
5 did this happen
6 received
7 Have you discovered
8 have not had
9 have you drilled
10 We have drilled
Ex 2
1 would only undertake
2 could be
3 would the government want
4 did not know
5 would it choose
6 was
7 would take
8 would be
9 would be
10 struck
11 would only plan
12 was
2 Sequence
Ex 2
1 Once
2 Then
3 When
4 Assoonas
5 After
6 After
7 However
8 Now

3 Sequence
1 are stabilised
2 deploying
3 orient
4 ejects
5 detonated
6 propelled
7 restraining
8 jettisoned
Ex 2
1b 2g 3d 4e 5c 6f 7h 8a

1 oil rig
2 jet fighter
3 crew capsule
4 launch abort system
5 abort engine
6 attitude-control engine
7 jettison engine
8 ejection system
Ex 2
broke burnt

1 Engineer
Ex 2
1. 1 am working
2 specialises
3 spend
4 am doing
5 complete
6 am having
7 don't have
2.1 work
2 work
3 stay
4 am developing
5 are starting
6 have
7 am starting

2 Inventor
1 device
2 hand-held
3 roughly
4 barrel
5 pulse
6 bullet
7 recoil
8 recoil
Ex 3
1 The line on the 230 model is longer than the one on
the 75 model.
2 The line on the 230 model is less thick than the one
on the 75 model.
3 The breaking strength of the 230 model's line is 2000
N, while on the 75 model it is 1500 .
4 The 230 model has a cylindrical projectile, whereas
the 75 model has a plastic ball.
5 The 75 model has a shorter range than the 230 model.
6 The 230 model has a greater recoil than the 75 model.
3 Interview
Ex 2
1 Which job are you interested in?
2 How long have you worked there?
3 What are your responsibilities in your current job?
4 Exactly what kind of business is your company in?
5 How long did you work at Farley Marine?
6 What was your job description there?
7 How long did your course last?
8 Why do you want to leave Horton Engineering?
Ex 3
for: three weeks, seven years, a week, six months, a month, two hours, 20 minutes,
five days, a long time
since: 2011 , yesterday, last week, January, 8 o'clock, Monday, 12th May, lunchtime

1machine gun
2 bullets
3 barrel
4 target
5 recoil
6 Gene guns
7 helium
8 pulse
9 genetic
10 membrane
11 cell
12 prototype
13 inaccurate
14 tissue
15 modified
16 accuracy

(section 1)
Ex 1
Take-off: I, d, f, c, a
Landing: e, h, j, b, g
Ex 2
1 catapults
2 shuttle
3 tow bar
4 vertical drop line
5 runway centre line
6 coloured lights
7 flight deck
8 tail hook
9 arresting wires
(section 2)
1 apprentice technician
2 blog activity / page
3 business activity/ experience / plan / qualification
4 career plan
5 company car
6 curriculum vitae
7 engineering degree /experience / qualification 8 job description
9 leisure activity
10 work experience / plan
Ex 2
1 more confident
2 but
3 older
4 more experienced
5 faster
6 greater
7 worked
8 for
9 has worked
10 for
11 has been
12 since
13 left
14 ago
15 hasn't worked
16 since
17 but
18 have you received
19 more positive
20 better
21 while
22 while
23 Have you checked
24 but
25 less impressive

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