Process Analysis Essay

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Aliyah Gortarez


Advanced Composition

16 November 2020

A Pathway To A Healthier Lifestyle: The Process of Starting A Fitness Journey

Antoie Allen, A famous fitness star, once said, “A fitness journey is like grabbing a rose

from a thorn bush with your bare hands; You might feel pain, but that will be nothing in

comparison to the joy of reaching your goal!”(Quotlr 1). This simile is a powerful one and also

runs true in the eyes of many fitness stars, professional athletes, and personal trainers. Nothing of

value comes easily, there are mountains that must be climbed and obstacles to overcome in order

to achieve the joy of grasping a beautiful rose. Fitness journey’s are becoming popular in the eye

of social media. With reality stars like Khloe Kardashian sharing her fitness journey on

Instagram, many begin to seek starting their own journey to obtain a healthier look and overall

improved lifestyle. Starting a fitness journey is not as intimidating as it may seem. Anyone is

capable of starting off their journey on the right foot; no matter the size, goal, weight class, or

experience. Following a sequence of steps will ensure a solid starting point for a fitness journey.

The process of beginning a fitness journey is a complex one that requires commitment and

intricate planning.

Overview of Starting a Fitness Journey:

The objective of a fitness journey is to be an overall healthier person. With a successful

fitness journey comes an improved lifestyle, confidence, and inner strength. The execution of the

following steps will portend the outcome of the fitness journey, so it is crucial that no steps are

neglected. The steps to completing this process starts with setting goals and setting a healthy
diet. Then, creating a workout plan that will allow for the achievement of the goals previously set

and creating a well thought out schedule. Finally, finding a suitable gym and a solid support


Special Terms of a Fitness Journey:

To better understand this process, there are terms that will be necessary for understanding

in order to grasp a majority of these steps. An aerobic exercise is a form of exercise that

involves cardiovascular conditioning. Examples of aerobic exercise could be activities such as

speed-walking, cycling, running, or swimming. Anaerobic exercise is another form of exercise

that involves frantic bursts of energy and are typically performed at maximum effort for short

periods of time. Examples of this include: jumping, sprinting, or heavy weight lifting. A few

dietary terms will be significant to following this process. According to Stopani, Protein plays a

huge role in a good diet. Protein is a macronutrient that is essential to building muscle mass

along with serving as a major fuel source for the body (Stopani 3). Protein is commonly found

in products like meat, eggs, and nuts. Carbohydrates are biomolecules that also help fuel muscle-

building and generate energy. Stopani also mentions that carbohydrates are broken up into two

groups; simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates are classified as processed foods such as

sodas and candy, while complex carbohydrates are unrefined products that are made up of

starches such as sweet potatoes and oatmeal (Stopani 5). These carbohydrates will be important

to incorporate into one’s diet to ensure a balanced meal.

Sequence of Steps for Starting a Fitness Journey:

The first step to starting a fitness journey is to identify main goals to accomplish. One’s

goal could be a specific amount of weight loss, to build more muscle, to maintain muscle mass,

or to just adopt a healthier overall lifestyle. This step is going to set the foundation for the fitness
journey. It will allow for the participant to see the bigger picture and plan ahead for the journey.

It is of enormous importance that this goal is suitable and realistic for a participant in order to

steer away from the chances of disappointment. Starting small with weekly goals and increasing

the stakes for long term goals. It is extremely important that goals are created in order to have

motivation and power to complete the process. Without this step the fitness journey will be

pointless because there will be no true purpose behind it. Writing the goals down on a piece of

paper and reminding oneself as to what the purpose of the journey is will keep the participant

motivated and in-check. The next step is to set an appropriate diet for the fitness journey.

Understanding the science and math for one’s specific circumstances is absolutely necessary.

Whether a participant is looking to gain weight or lose weight, protein is a major necessity in any

diet. Protein will allow one to obtain the necessary nutrients that will give one the energy to

follow through the workouts and the rest of the day. Incorporating the correct carbohydrates into

the diet is also of major significance,staying away from simple carbohydrates that could cause

one to gain unhealthy weight and jeopardize their overall health. Complex carbohydrates are

another must for having energy and filling one’s body with healthy fats and nutrients. It is often

recommended that “ more than 15 percent to 20 percent of total carbohydrates should come

from refined sugars. That's about 250 calories' worth in a 2,500-calories-a-day diet.” (Wuebben

70). Finally, fruits and vegetables are going to be a huge help on a fitness journey. They are

packed with vitamins and antioxidants that will keep the body healthy and prepped for a

successful fitness journey. Setting up pre-planned meals for the week is also a fantastic idea if

one desires to stay ahead. This step is necessary for the success of a fitness journey because it is

important to not only focus on the exteriors of a healthy lifestyle but the interior as well. Without

this step, the fitness plan would never be executed because one’s diet will either sabotage or be
the key to success of a fitness journey. The next step is usually one of the more challenging in

this process and that is creating a personal workout routine. This step requires the most research

on the participants end. It is necessary to incorporate stretching into the workout routine no

matter what the goals are. Stretching serves many beneficial purposes, “Stretching not only

helps you perform your best, it's the key to staying injury-free. Stretching before and after sports

lengthens your muscles and increases the range of motion in your joints.” (Globus 13). Choosing

an appropriate aerobic activity to obtain a rise in heart rate will be helpful in starting up the

workout. Then, one should follow up with a series of anaerobic exercises to strengthen the

desired area of focus for the day. It is important that when dealing with these forms of exercises

that the participant starts out small. A way to figure out if the weight is excessive or inadequate

to one’s liking is by noticing the control one has over the weight, “If you lose control over the

weight before you've finished the number of repetitions you were striving for, you went too

heavy. If you were able to complete all repetitions but felt like you could have done several

more, you went too light.” (Hyson 68). Finding the perfect in between will allow for a participant

to build muscle efficiently along with inhibiting the chances of strains or tears of the muscles. To

help make this step easier, it is recommended that one sets up a schedule for the week. Finding

days where one will focus on the upper body, lower body, and core throughout the week will

allow each area of the body to have a priority so no muscles are neglected. Incorporating a

minimum of one rest day within the week will allow the body to heal and prevent the

provocation of overworked muscles.The next step is optional but highly recommended, finding a

suitable gym. Some may decide to workout in the comfort of their own home, but finding a gym

that makes one feel welcomed will ensure a successful start up for a fitness journey. Look for a

gym that is not only convenient in accessibility, but also look for a gym that fits one’s personal
circumstances. To elaborate, some may find gyms intimidating when they are filled with highly

experienced members that may deter participants from going, that is why this step is much more

important than one may initially believe. “To boost your odds of becoming a regular, it’s

important to choose a facility that suits your schedule, your goals, and your personality.”

(Schlosberg 281). Finding a gym where one will feel comfortable and judgement free will allow

for success and build up one’s confidence. The final step to starting a fitness journey is to

surround oneself with people who will support a participant’s fitness journey. Jillian Michales, a

famous personal trainer, mentions that, “One of the top reasons people site for abandoning a

fitness goal is lack of support.” (Michales 1). Support can come from anyone and can make a

huge difference on a fitness journey where one may find themselves doubting their capabilities.

This step should not be neglected, without this step the stakes are much higher that one could

dismiss their fitness journey due to lack of confidence. Having a support system will galvanize

one into continuing a triumphant journey, allowing one to find the inner strength and will-power

to carry on with the fitness journey.

Examples of Beginner Workouts:

The first beginner workout is bench presses. This workout focuses on the chest and

triceps and is a fantastic exercise to add into a workout plan. Murphy explains, to perform this

workout one will lie faceup on a flat bench with feet flat on the floor. Grasping the weighted bar

with the hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, one will lift the bar off the rack and

position it directly over the chest, with the arms fully extended. Slowly lower the bar to the chest,

then forcefully push it back up until arms are straight (Murphy 8). This will ensure that no

muscle strains occur and allow for measurable progress overtime.

Next, squats are an outstanding exercise that will focus on the quads, glutes, and

hamstrings. These will be a perfect addition to a workout plan to see results in a fitness journey.

To perform a squat, Murphy advises that one should stand erect with feet shoulder-width apart.

Then, one will arch the back and slowly descend until the thighs are parallel to the floor. The

participant will finally push through the feet to return to standing position (Murphy 9). For an

extra challenge, weights can be incorporated.

Another example would be standing dumbbell overhead presses. This focuses on the

shoulder muscles. Murphy advises participants to stand erect with feet shoulder-width apart and

grasp a dumbbell of the appropriate weight in each hand above shoulder level with the

participant’s palms facing each other. Keeping the back straight, one will press the weights

overhead to full-arm extension. Then finally, one will lower the weights back to the shoulder

level (Murphy 11). This will prevent any injury; ensuring fantastic results over time.

Next, standing barbell curls work the biceps. Murphy gives specific instruction to grasp a

barbell with an underhand grip, hands shoulder-width apart, in front of thighs. Keeping the back

straight and the elbows tucked into the sides, curl the bar to the shoulders. Pause briefly, then

slowly lower the bar back down to thighs to mitigate the strain of the muscles (Murphy 12).

Finally, Planks are a fantastic way to work the core and should be incorporated into the

fitness journey. To perform a plank, one will transition into a push-up position with the forearms

on the floor, elbows will be bent at 90 degrees. Murphy reminds participants that only the

participant’s toes and forearms should be the support (Murphy 20). Next, one should hold this

position for a comfortable amount of time. Increasing the amount of time each week will ensure

better results.

Results of Starting a Fitness Journey:

Using this process to start a fitness journey will result in many benefits. A healthier

overall lifestyle is the most rewarding result. One will begin to see exceptional muscle growth in

as little as two weeks. Goals will begin to be completed as time goes on. Weight loss or muscle

mass gain are the main results of a successful start up of a fitness journey, obviously depending

on personal goals. By completing the process, one will notice an increase in smooth digestion,

higher levels of energy throughout the day, and most importantly an increasingly fit body.

Keeping track of one’s progress throughout the fitness journey will allow the participant to see

even the slightest improvements on a week to week basis. In no time, one will find themselves

living a productive and fulfilled lifestyle.

In conclusion, beginning a fitness journey can become an intimidating process. By

following the sequence of steps, one is guaranteed a smoother transition into a new and healthy

lifestyle. Setting short-term and long-term goals to focus on and Setting the appropriate diet to

replenish and feed the muscles will ensure a great start. Creating a personal workout routine and

starting small will prevent injury along with seeing the best results. Finding a suitable gym that

matches one’s personality and makes one feel judgement-free will guarantee comfort and

success. And of course, surrounding oneself with people who will offer support will allow the

fitness journey to continue and keep one going strong.

Works Cited

Globus, Shiela. “Stretching to Stay in the Game.” Current Health 2, vol. 30, no. 6, Feb. 2004, pp.

13–15. EBSCOhost,


Hyson, Sean. “Fitness 101.” Men’s Fitness, vol. 21, no. 1, Feb. 2005, pp.

68–113. EBSCOhost,


Michales, Jillian. “How To Start Your Fitness Journey Off Right.” Jillian Michaels

Fitness, Jan. 2018.


Murphy, Myatt. “Beginner’s Luck.” Joe Weider’s Muscle & Fitness, vol. 72, no. 1,

Jan. 2011, pp. 66–78. EBSCOhost,

Quotlr. “Fitness Image Quote”, 2020,

Schlosberg, Suzanne and Liz Neporent. Fitness For Dummies. Vol. 4th ed, For Dummies, 2011.



Stoppani, Jim, and Chris Aceto. “Eat For Strength.” Joe Weider’s Muscle & Fitness, vol. 71, no.

9, Sept. 2010, pp. 104–108. EBSCOhost,


Wuebben, Joseph, and Mike Carlson. “Make Sugar Work for You.” Men’s Fitness, vol. 18, no.

Apr. 2002, p. 70. EBSCOhost,


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