Cte Marketing Syllabus

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Marketing 101 Syllabus

Instructor: Miss. Harris

Room: 106
Phone: 209-308-056
Email: harr4576@vandals.uidaho.edu
Office hours: After school Monday, Wednesday, and Friday OR by appointment

Course Description
This course is to give students an introduction into marketing concepts. Over the course
of semester students will learn what marketing entails, how to build customer
relationships, targeting customers, how to divide customers into segmentations, and how
to make a marketing plan. Students will learn how to use these concepts in a real
marketing position.

Class Rules
1. Be on time to class and be ready to learn
2. Keep all electronics put away, unless I ask for them to be used
3. Trash goes in the trashcan
4. No food or drinks besides water
5. Raise your hand before you speak
6. Do not cheat, plagiarize, or copy
7. Be polite and use appropriate classroom language

1. Put forth your best effort
2. Be prepared for class
3. Follow directions
4. Help keep a positive work environment
5. Be respectful of your teacher, the classroom, other students, and yourself
6. Be responsible for your own learning and actions
7. Stay focused, participate in class discussions, and ask questions when needed
8. Turn your work in on time

Course Calendar/Plan
Course Introduction: going over
1: 8/24 syllabus and course calendar Syllabus quiz 8/26
Chapter 1: What is Marketing?

Chapter 2: Strategic Planning Group assignment coming

2: 8/31 9/2
up with a plan
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior: Quiz over about how
3:9/7 How People Make Buying consumers make their 9/10
Decisions decisions
Chapter 4: Business Buying
4: 9/14 Begin Chapter 5: Market Exam chapters 1-4 9/16
Segmenting, Targeting and

Group activity segmenting

Finish Chapter 5
5: 9/21 and targeting customers 9/24
Chapter 6: Creating offerings

Chapter 7: Developing and

6: 9/28 Managing Offerings Develop an offering 10/2

Chapter 8: Using Marketing

Decide what channels use
7: 10/5 Channels to Create Value for 10/8
would use

8: Chapter 9: Using Supply Chains to

Supply chain assignment 10/14
10/12 Create Value for Customers

9: Research article and make a

News Articles 10/23
10/19 report

Chapter 10: Gathering and Using

10: Research information on
Information: Marketing Research 10/29
10/26 customers
and Market Intelligence

Chapter 11: Integrated Marketing

11: Communications
Communications and the Changing 11/6
11/2 assignment
Media Landscape

Chapter 12: Public Relations,

12: Research article and make a
Social Media, And Sponsorships 11/13
11/9 report
News Articles
Chapter 14: Customer Satisfaction, Make a survey to see
Loyalty, and Empowerment customer satisfaction and 12/2

Chapter 16: Marketing Plan Develop a marketing plan 12/15

Chapter 16: Marketing Plan Develop a marketing plan 12/15

Textbook and Resources Needed

- Principles of Marketing (textbook)
- Articles from the newspapers (I will provide them when needed)
- Pen/pencils
- notebook

Discipline Plan
Offenses = Teacher Consequences
Academic dishonesty = Zero given; Parent contacted
Bullying = Counseling intervention; Parent conference
Minor classroom disturbances = Parent Contact
Violation of technology policy = Loss of computer privilege Parent conference
Minor disrespect = Parent Contact
Forging parent’s signature or altering a school document = Parent contact
Horseplay = Parent contact

Late Homework Policy

Late work will be accepted at 10% off each day it is not turned in. This will be the
starting number I will be grading the assignment. For example, if you turn in the work
two days late, I will start the grading at 80%.

Make-Up Work Policy

If a student misses class, it is his or her responsibility to check with me for any missed
assignments. The student will be given the number of days they missed to make up the
work. If the student misses a test, he or she will have one day to make it up.

Tardy Policy
Attendance will be taken at the beginning of every class. Students who are not in their
seat, when the tardy bell rings, will be considered tardy. Students who are more than 15
minutes tardy will be marked absent. All students will be expected to actively participate
in classroom discussions, activities, assignments, and homework. Class participation will
be considered a part of your grade in this course.

Grading Scale
A letter grade will be determined based upon the following: 90%+ is an ‘A’, 80.0%-
89.9% is a ‘B’, 70.0% - 79.9 % is a ‘C’, 60.0%-69.9% is a ‘D’ and 59.9% and below is a
‘F’. Grades will be determined as follows:

Connect Plus [textbook homework] 8% Assignments and Class Participation 8% Budget

Project 4% MOS Basic Excel Certification 8% Quizzes 6% Exam 1 20% Exam 2 20%
Exam 3 20% Online Final Exam 6% TOTAL 100%

Emergency Plan
Information to be provided over the phone in case of emergency:

1. Name and phone number, you are calling from

2. Exact location of emergency and directions (street names, buildings, landmarks,

entry   into building, specific areas, etc.)

3. Type of injury or illness

4. Condition of patient(s) and type of aid being provided

5. Number of people injured

6. Other information as requested and be the last one to hang up

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