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overview [molecular diagnostics | cytology | hematology]

Clinical Significance of Cytogenetics in

Acute Leukemias
Jigar Shah, MD,1 Karl Theil, MD,2 Matt Kalaycio, MD1
1Department of Hematology and Oncology, 2Department of Clinical Pathology, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH
DOI: 10.1309/03CVN1JH4DA08M5M

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왘 The majority of acute leukemias novo AML but is rare in AML patients (WBC) count.16 Acute myeloid leukemia
harbor genetic abnormalities that can >60 years of age.2 This translocation re- with t(8;21) is associated with EML espe-
be visualized by cytogenetic analysis. sults in the fusion of the AML1(CBFα) cially when the blasts express CD56.17 In
왘 A plethora of evidence indicates that gene on chromosome 21 to the ETO a recent study, t(8;21) patients with blasts
these aberrations represent critical (eight twenty-one) gene on chromosome expressing CD56 had a significantly
early steps in a process that leads to 8.3-5 Although the mechanism of transfor- shorter CR duration and OS than patients
the disruption of hematopoiesis and mation by AML1/ETO is not completely with no CD56 expression.15 The presence
the development of leukemia. understood, one theory suggests that the of granulocytic sarcomas, especially
AML1/ETO fusion protein dominantly paraspinal masses, at diagnosis in
inhibits the ability of AML1 gene to di- patients with t(8;21) AML is a negative
In the past decade, karyotype analysis rect normal maturation and development prognostic factor at least after standard
of leukemic cells has improved our under- of hematopoietic cells.6 In AML patients induction chemotherapy and no site-di-
standing of acute leukemias. Cytogenetic with t(8;21), the marrow histology is rected treatment.17
studies of human leukemias have illustrated FAB M2 in >90% of cases, although oc- inv(16)(p13q22) and t(16;16)(p13q22):
that a large proportion of patients display casional patients may have FAB M1 or Acute myeloid leukemia with inv(16) or
acquired clonal chromosomal aberrations. M4 morphology.7,8 t(16;16) occurs in 10% of adult de novo
Additional study of these aberrations led to Frequent morphologic features of AML. These translocations result in the
molecular analyses allowing identification of t(8;21) AML include thin Auer rods, bone fusion of the CBFβ subunit at 16q22 to
genes implicated in the pathogenesis of marrow eosinophilia, abnormal granu- the smooth muscle myosin heavy chain
leukemias. Chromosomal aberrations have lopoiesis including hypogranularity, and gene (SMMHC, MYH11) at 16p13.18,19
also redefined the classification of acute the pseudo-Pelger-Huet abnormality.9 CBFβ is the heterodimeric partner of
leukemia and serve as prognostic indicators. Acute myeloid leukemia with t(8;21) typ- AML1, and together forms the transcrip-
The World Health Organization ically expresses high levels of CD34, tion factor designated as CBF. Although
(WHO) classification of hematopoietic human leukocyte antigen (HLA), HLA- the mechanism of transformation by
and lymphoid neoplasms was recently DR, and may aberrantly express the B CBFβ-MYH11 is not completely under-
published.1 The WHO classification em- lineage marker CD19.10 Additional cyto- stood, the fusion protein may also act as a
phasizes the basic principle of utilizing genetic abnormalities often involve loss dominant negative inhibitor of AML1
morphologic findings and incorporates of a sex chromosome, deletion of 9q21- function. Most cases of inv(16) AML
genetic, immunophenotypic, biologic, and 22, and trisomy 8.11 have French-American-British (FAB)
clinical features to define specific disease In general, AML characterized by classification M4Eo morphology,
entitites. In the WHO classification, recur- t(8;21) carries a favorable prognosis with although rare cases with FAB M1 mor-
ring clonal cytogenetic abnormalities are appropriate treatment. A Cancer and phology have been reported.9,20 An
considered diagnostic of acute leukemia Leukemia Group B (CALGB) study increased percentage of immature
regardless of blast percentage. This review showed that the use of high-dose cytara- eosinophils are found in most patients
presents current information on cytoge- bine (HiDAC) was associated with im- with inv(16) AML with a mixture of
netic findings in acute leukemias and de- proved outcomes in patients with CBF eosinophilic and basophilic granules in
796 fines the association of karyotype, clinical leukemia.12 Acute myeloid leukemia pa- their cytoplasm.21 The basophilic gran-
features, and natural history. tients with t(8;21) in particular benefit ules are larger, more irregular, and nu-
from repetitive cycles of HiDAC.13 merous than in normal immature
Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) Factors associated with poor eosinophils. The characteristic
outcome in t(8;21) AML include older immunophenotype in inv(16) AML pa-
Core-Binding Factor Leukemias age,14 lower cytarabine dose,12 tients includes high CD13 positivity and
t(8;21)(q22;q22) AML: t(8;21) is extramedullary leukemia (EML),17 CD56 increased expression of CD2, CD11b,
present in approximately 7% of adult de positivity,15 and high white blood cell CD11c, CD14, CD33, CD36, CDw65,

laboratorymedicine> november 2003> number 11> volume 34 ©

TdT, and HLA.22 Acute myeloid leukemia chromosome 15 to the retinoic acid re- to 90% of APL patients at diagnosis or
M4 with CBFβ-MYH11 has also been ceptor alpha (RARα) gene on chromo- shortly thereafter. The hemorrhagic com-
reported to express CD34 and CD117.23 some 17.34 Rare APL variants include plications of APL may be due to increased
Several reports have demonstrated PLZF/RARα fusion [t(11;17)(q23;q12)], fibrinolysis.37 Overexpression of annexin
that a number of AML-M4 patients origi- NPM/RARα fusion [t(5;17)(q23;q12)], II by APL cells in patients with t(15;17)
nally thought to have trisomy 22 (+22) as NuMA/RARα [t(11;17)(q23;q12)], and increases plasmin generation by t-PA
a sole chromosomal abnormality had in STAT5b/RARα (interstitial chromosome thereby contributing to the hemorrhagic
fact an undetected inv(16)(p13q22) as the 17 deletion), but all cases of APL appear diathesis of APL.37 All-trans retinoic acid
primary aberration.24-26 Trisomy 22 can to involve the transcriptionally active, significantly reduces cellular expression of
be found either as the sole additional ab- RARα gene. annexin II and plasmin generation. All-
normality or together with other changes The PML/RARα fusion protein acts trans retinoic acid also seems to normalize

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in about 40% of the cases of AML with as a dominant negative inhibitor of RARα plasma levels of fibrinogen and α2-plas-
inv(16).24 Trisomy 22 is the most com- function.35 In the absence of retinoic min inhibitor, thereby treating the hemor-
mon secondary cytogenetic abnormality acid, RARα/RXR-α heterodimers inter- rhagic diathesis in APL patients with
in patients with inv(16) but is rare in pa- act with N-CoR (nuclear corepressor) t(15;17).37 Bleeding typically begins to
tients with other primary aberrations.27 leading to transcription arrest. Transcrip- resolve within 5 to 7 days in APL patients
The correlation of FAB M4 AML with tional repression is achieved through the after the start of treatment with ATRA.
inv(16) may be higher than reported as it recruitment of histone deacetylase All-trans retinoic acid alone induces
is likely that cases initially found to have (HDAC), thus inducing histone deacety- remissions in patients with APL, but is not
a sole +22 may also harbor an undetected lation rendering chromatin inaccessible to by itself curative. In APL patients, ATRA
inv(16)(p13q22). The presence of +22 basal transcription machinery.36 All-trans improves OS and event-free survival
should alert the cytogeneticist and molec- retinoic acid (ATRA) releases the N- (EFS) when combined with conventional
ular biologist to the possibility of inv(16), CoR/HDAC complex and allows active chemotherapy (CT).38 Randomized trials
the latter being of important prognostic transcription to resume. All-trans retinoic demonstrate that the addition of ATRA to
significance in management of AML. acid overrides the dominant negative in- CT increases OS and reduces relapse risk
Acute myeloid leukemia patients hibition of RARα by PML/RARα by re- compared to treatment with CT alone.38-40
with inv(16) have a relatively high risk of generation of nuclear bodies with proper Several studies have now revealed that
central nervous system (CNS) leukemia. relocalization of PML and release of ATRA plus anthracycline as an induction
The CNS is also a frequent site of relapse HDAC, thus facilitating leukemic cell treatment produces as good a result as
in these patients. In 1 report, 33% of differentiation. ATRA plus standard CT, implicating a
AML patients with inv(16) had CNS Most patients with APL have multiple lack of benefit of cytarabine in t(15;17)
leukemia at diagnosis compared with 5% Auer rods, hypergranular blasts, and labo- APL.41-43 In contrast to other AML sub-
of patients with other types of AML.28 In ratory evidence of disseminated intravas- types, APL appears to respond more to
another report, 35% of AML patients cular coagulation (DIC). Hypogranular anthracyclines than to cytarabine.44-47
with inv(16) relapsed in the CNS at a me- variants without Auer rods also exist and The less common APL variants har-
dian of 19 months.29 Central nervous sys- may be confused with monoblasts. Both boring t(11;17)(q23;q12) or STAT5b/
tem relapses, however, appear less often hypo- and hypergranular variants are RARα appear to be resistant to ATRA ther-
in patients treated with HiDAC. strongly myeloperoxidase positive, making apy. Recent preclinical data indicate a po-
Large clinical trials have revealed the distinction clear cut. Disseminated in- tential beneficial role of arsenic trioxide in
that CBF leukemia patients, including travascular coagulation is present in 70% ATRA resistant APL.48-50 Arsenic trioxide
those with rearrangements of CBFβ, have
an excellent CR and 5-year survival rates
[T1]. These studies demonstrate superior
treatment outcome of CBF AML, with
>50% of patients still in CR after 5 years,
Large Clinical Trials of CBF AML

Study Patients, N CR, % Survival, %

compared with 32% and 15% for patients
with a normal karyotype or other kary- Grimwade30 122 98 69 (5yr)
otypes, respectively.12,30 Groupe Francais de 148 91 24 (5yr) 797
Retinoic acid receptor (RAR) Cytogenetique
leukemias: t(15;17)(q22;q12) is invari- Bloomfield12 84 89 50 (5yr)
ably associated with acute promyelocytic Schoch32 51 92 52 mo med
leukemia (APL), FAB M3, and accounts inv(16)
Grimwade30 57 88 61 (5yr)
for 15% of AML in adults <45 years of Marlton33 54 90 43 (2yr)
age. t(15;17) results in the fusion of the Bloomfield12 103 85 55 (5yr)
promyelocytic leukemia (PML) gene on Abbreviations: CR – complete remission, med – median, mo – months, yr – years

© laboratorymedicine> november 2003> number 11> volume 34

appears to cause cell apoptosis at higher DNA or with other DNA-binding Monosomy 5 (-5), del(5q),
concentrations, independent of the retinoid proteins, it appears to act as a transcrip- monosomy 7 (-7), and del(7q) along with
pathway, and causes leukemic cell differen- tion factor in regulation of differentiating complex karyotypes have been shown to
tiation at lower concentrations.51 Currently, pathways.59,60 11q23 translocations have occur frequently in an older patient popu-
arsenic trioxide is the treatment of choice been described in acute lymphocytic lation, usually preceded by a preleukemic
in relapsed APL, particularly in patients leukemia (ALL), AML, and lymphoma, MDS.64 Loss of 5q and/or 7q has also
exposed to ATRA within the preceding 12 and account for 5% to 7% of adult de been noted to occur in high frequency in
months. The role of arsenic trioxide as novo or secondary AML cases. In therapy-related AML and MDS due to
part of the post-remission phase of treat- leukemia patients previously treated with alkylating agents and/or radiation therapy,
ment is currently being studied.52 topoisomerase II inhibitors, the 11q23 and less often in de novo disease. These
The reverse transcriptase-polymerase translocation is identified in as many as cytogenetic abnormalities can be found in

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chain reaction (RT-PCR) has been an ef- 80% of patients.61 Therapy-related AML essentially any FAB subgroup. Auer rods
fective method to detect minimal residual tends to occur after a median of 30 to 34 are typically absent with -5, del(5q), and
disease (MRD) in APL patients in CR.53 months following topoisomerase II in- del(7q) AML.65 Very low CR rates (20%)
The majority of APL patients have unde- hibitor exposure; and in contrast to were noted in -7 and del(7q) AML, and
tectable PML/RARα by RT-PCR after in- leukemias caused by exposure to alkylat- in those patients with the coexistence of
tensive chemotherapy. However, a ing agents, AML secondary to topoiso- chromosome 7 abnormalities with -5 or
negative PCR does not guarantee the ab- merase II exposure presents as overt del (5q) at the Fourth International Work-
sence of relapse.54 A positive RT-PCR for leukemia without a preexisting MDS. shop on Chromosomes in Leukemia
PML/RARα after chemotherapy reliably The most common of the 11q23 (4IWCL).66 Monosomy 7 is associated
predicts subsequent hematologic relapse, translocations is the t(9;11)(p22;q23) in with hepatosplenomegaly, diabetes
whereas repeatedly negative results have adult AML, frequently associated with insipidus, fever, and infections.67 Intensely
been shown to be associated with long- acute monoblastic leukemia. t(9;11) cre- treated patients with -7 or del(7q) have
term survival in most patients.55 ates the MLL-AF9 fusion protein. Mrozek been shown to achieve high CR rates but
and colleagues62 suggested better CR with short median CR durations.
Other Leukemias rates, EFS, median survival (MS) in Prolonged continuous CRs are relatively
Trisomy 8 (+8): Trisomy 8 is the t(9;11) AML as compared to other 11q23 uncommon in patients with -5, del(5q), -7,
most frequent numerical aberration in AML [T2]. This CALGB study also del(7q), and complex karyotypes.66
AML. As a solitary aberration, +8 is demonstrated that a higher percentage of Younger patients with these poor progno-
found in 10% of adult AML but is present patients with t(9;11) maintained continu- sis karyotypes should be treated with bone
with other abnormalities in another 10%. ous CR when treated with HiDAC or bone marrow transplantation (BMT).
Trisomy 8 is most commonly associated marrow transplant as opposed to those pa-
with FAB M1, M4, and M5 morphologies tients treated with lower dose cytarabine Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
(in that order of frequency). Patients with who tended to have frequent relapses. t(9;22)(q34;q11.2): A shortened
+8 tend to have a slightly older age at Molecular studies have indicated that chromosome 22 resulting from a recipro-
presentation, lower WBC, and lower per- the MLL gene is rearranged more cal translocation involving the c-ABL gene
centage of peripheral blasts.56 A South- frequently than is revealed by from chromosome 9 and the BCR gene on
west Oncology Group (SWOG) study56 conventional cytogenetic studies.63 A par- chromosome 22 with resultant hybrid
assessed the impact of +8 on clinical tial tandem duplication of MLL gene has BCR-ABL gene on the derivative chromo-
presentation, treatment response, and sur- been reported in a few patients with nor- some 22 constitutes the Philadelphia (Ph)
vival in AML. Wolman and colleagues57 mal karyotype. Newer molecular chromosome. The Ph chromosome was the
demonstrated that OS for AML patients techniques such as fluorescence in situ first chromosomal abnormality to be as-
with trisomy 8 as a sole aberration was hybridization (FISH) and RT-PCR may be sociated with a specific malignant disease
similar to the OS of AML patients with required to identify these specific cytoge- in humans. It was discovered in 1960 by
normal karyotype. Acute myeloid netic abnormalities. Nowell and Hungerford68 as a distinct
leukemia patients with trisomy 8 in addi-
tion to CBF cytogenetic changes have
798 better OS.56,57
MLL gene involvement (11q23) in
t(9;11) Versus t(11q23): A Comparison of CR, EFS, MS

Outcome t(9;11) t(11q23) P

AML: MLL, also referred to as ALL-1,
HRX, or HTRX1, was first identified in CR, % 79% 57% 0.13
1991 at 11q23 by Zieminvan der Poel and Med CR duration 10.7 mo 8.9 mo 0.02
Med EFS 6.2 mo 2.2 mo 0.009
colleagues.58 The function of the MLL MS 13.2 mo 7.7 mo 0.009
protein is yet to be completely Abbreviations: CR – complete remission, med – median, mo – months, EFS – event free survival, MS – median survival.
understood; but by direct interaction with From Mrozek K. Blood. 1997;90:4532-4538

laboratorymedicine> november 2003> number 11> volume 34 ©

chromosomal abnormality in chronic OS was only 9.2 months for those who Allogeneic SCT is indicated in
myeloid leukemia (CML). In 1970, Propp had CR, compared to only 3.6 months for younger patients with Ph positive
and Lizzi69 reported the first case of ALL non-responders.79 Furthermore, the time ALL.78,80 Relapse rates after SCT tend to
with classic Ph in a high percentage of to progression overall was only 2.2 be high ranging from 40% to 80% and
marrow cells. The Ph chromosome is ob- months. Therefore, imatinib may have disease recurrence after SCT tends to
served cytogenetically in 95% of CML benefit for rapid control of relapsed dis- have a particularly poor prognosis in
cases, 1% to 2% AML cases, 5% of chil- ease, but the response will not be adults.78,80 A different clinical behavior
dren, and 15% to 30% of adults with ALL. sustained and allogeneic stem cell trans- has been demonstrated for Ph positive
It is the most common cytogenetic abnor- plant (SCT) is required for cure. ALL expressing p190BCR-ABL compared
mality in adult patients with ALL.70,71
Breakpoint locations on chromosome

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9 appear consistently at the 5’ of ABL
exon a2, whereas several breakpoint clus-
ter regions have been identified along the
BCR gene on chromosome 22. Depend-
ing on which breakpoints are involved on
chromosome 22, various-sized segments
from the BCR gene are joined with the
ABL gene subsequently resulting in
chimeric protein products with variable
molecular weights and presumable func-
tion (p190, p210, p230). The p190BCR-ABL
is predominantly associated with ALL,
while p210BCR-ABL is mostly associated
with CML. The p190BCR-ABL is a more
active tyrosine kinase than p210BCR-ABL
and is found to be expressed in 80% of
pediatric ALL cases, as opposed to only
50% of Ph positive adult ALL cases.72,73
Ph-positive adult ALL patients tend
to be older, with higher WBC and blast
counts and more frequent lymphadenopa-
thy and splenomegaly than Ph negative
patients.74-76 These patients tend to have a
pre-B phenotype. Ph positive ALL pa-
tients have been found to have increased
expression of CD10 [common ALL anti-
gen (CALLA)]. In CD10 positive cases,
BCR-ABL identifies a group of patients
with short remission duration and poor
disease free survival (DFS).77 Even with
intensive chemotherapy programs, Ph-
positive ALL has a dismal prognosis in
children and adults with short remission
duration and survival times.
Cellular proliferation of BCR-ABL
positive ALL cells can be inhibited selec-
tively with a selective inhibitor of the Abl 799
tyrosine kinase, imatinib mesylate.78 A
phase II trial recently evaluated imatinib as
a single agent in relapsed Ph positive ALL.
The results indicate that 29% of Ph posi-
tive ALL patients achieve a hematologic
remission while 17% obtain a complete
cytogenetic remission. However, median

© laboratorymedicine> november 2003> number 11> volume 34

Clinical Outcomes for Patients with t(4;11)(q21;q23)

Outcome UKALL XA Adults82 TIWCL Adults83 TIWCL

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MDFS 4 mo 2 mo 5 mo of DNA rearrangements in the AML1 and ETO
DFS 24% at 3 yr 0% at 5 yr 0% at 5 yr loci and of an AML1/ETO fusion mRNA in
Abbreviations: CR – complete remission, MST – median survival time, MDFS – median disease-free survival, DFS – patients with t(8;21) acute myeloid leukemia.
disease-free survival, mo – months, yr – years, NA – not applicable, UKALL XA – United Kingdom Acute Lymphoblastic Blood. 1993;81:883-888.
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Transcriptionally active chimeric gene derived
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gene on chromosome 8 in t(8;21) leukemia cells.

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