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vocabulary quiz lesson 3The Case unwelcome guest part 1 2017

1. Sam Miller once joked that the reason grandparents and grandchildren _____________ so well is that they have a
common enemy.
to turn up to jolt to wheel to get along

2. A: So, I’ll do the research, and you prepare the presentation. Is that okay?
B: yes, I think we’re _____________________________
Turning red dolling up seeing eye to eye hitting it off

3. She __________________ with Dean and soon the two of them set out on a cross-country adventure.
Dolled up made a fuss hit it off came to a head

4. The children have grown very ____________________ our neighbors, and are upset now that they
are moving away.
 fond of upcoming wealthy ostentatious

5. On one side of the inner court, to which a finely ornamental doorway gives access, is a large hall with
a ___________ ceiling of stone, 20 ft.
creepy vaulted quaint laden

6. We hope that many of you will come to meet old friends who will come to attend ________________ in the church .
bold footstraps abbey evensong
5. The town-hall, built in 1881, contains several ___________________  windows, two of which were the
gift of citizens of Amsterdam and Hamburg, in gratitude for services ...
rescue sleds gills slopes stainedglass

6. It was _________________coincidence that Mary and I were on the same train.

sheer scary disheveled mere

7. ________________ he left school at 16, he still managed to become prime minister.

And Nevertheless Even though However

8. When I arrived at school, my uniform was  ______________ ;my hair was a mess.
infamous due disheveled upcoming

9. Germany's most  _____________ leader, Hitler's policies were responsible for the slaughter of 6 million Jews.
cold somber ostentatious infamous 

10. The funeral was a ________________occasion.

craggy dazzling somber enraged

11. His films have been criticized for being _____________ violent.

overly loudly somewhat excitedly

12. I ___________________ and could not hear the conversation.

Jolted posed recalled was out of earshot

12. I have many pleasant  _________________ of the time we spent together.

vines wax models pews recollections
13. Do you  ____________________ when you go to a special occasion or event?
step into doll yourself up see eye to eye get along well

14. Shawna isn't very ______________-seafood, so she didn't want any sushi.
quaint pew on the eve of fond of

15. There was a lovely  _____________ of the lake from the bedroom window.

scene fishbowl view fuss
16. Of course I'll be at your wedding. _________________________________________ .

I think everything will come to a head next month.

I wouldn't miss it for the world.
I have fond memories of it.
I think everything will come to a head next month.

17. The palace and the Upper Alhambra also contain baths, ranges of bedrooms and summer rooms, a whispering
gallery and labyrinth, and  ___________ sepulchres.
Yuck infamous wealthy vaulted

18. Drinking and driving is  ____________  stupidity, and it puts others needlessly at risk.
majesty mere custom sheer

19. For my sister and I, the big  __________ at Christmas was always to figure out what my parents were giving us before
we actually opened the presents.
bay fuss thrill evensong

20. She didn't  _______________having met me before, but I was sure I'd seen her at a friend's party.
wheel recall flood line

21. We never made a ___________ over birthdays in our house. We just had a simple dinner, with a small cake, and a couple of
small presents.
Tiredness cricket stack fuss

22. My report card was really horrible last __________ because all I did was go to parties and stuff, and I never did my
Custom eve fuss Term

23. It's a really exciting project - I can't wait __________________________________ .

to sink my teeth into it. To smooth things over to come to a head to make a fuss about it

24. The  _________________ you made about her haircut really hurt her feelings.
cricket sense of humor term remark

25. Living in a cold climate is difficult for some people; _______________ , there are many fun winter activities, such as
sledding, that you can't do in a warm climate.
on the other hand even though besides nevertheless

26. My co-workers all have _______________________ – that’s why they get along so well.
View from narrow minded vaulted common ground

27. I finished reading the book,  ___________________it was very long.

On the other hand as though even though  nonetheless

28. Please don't  __________________ something that does not concern you.

refer to wheel step into flood

29. The household of the murdered young man were ________________ when his killer received only 5 years in prison. 
enraged laden over the top infamous
30 .Sometimes the news is so _______________ I turn off the television.
Outgoing amusing reluctant somber
31. When you get to _________________ , you'll have to fill out a declaration for anything you bring back from abroad.
common ground sheer syrup  customs

32. He is always looking for a new ______________  and has tried surfing, bungee jumping, parachuting, rock-climbing and
cliff diving.
Recollection remark pews thrill

33. My dogs ______________ whatever attention I can give them.

work lap up reply miss

34 I'm not __________________ fond of cat.

overly considerably significantly tenderly

35. She didn't ____________ having met me before, but I was sure I'd seen her at a friend's party.
Jolt bury recall chat

36. One of the tasks of being a flight attendant is _______________the laden food cart through the isles as he /she tends
the passengers aboard the aircraft.

To wheel to whip to post to reply

37. I was really nice of my friends ____________________ when I went shopping for my prom dress.
To come across as to come along to smooth things over to step into

38. When the alarm clock went off , it __________ Mike ______ his profound sleep.
jolted - out of got --- teeth into smoothed things --- over jolted --- out of

The case of the Unwelcome vocabulary quiz 2 lesson 3

fond of jerk wealthy laden dolled up ostentatious quaint

a_____________________ adj. heavily loaded with something, or containing a lot of something

b_____________________ adj. having a lot of money, possessions

c_____________________ adj idiot
d ___________________  means strange and unusual in an old-fashioned and charming way.
e ______________________ adj. dressed in formal or ostentatious clothing etc. as if for a special occasion   .
f ________________ adj. attractive and different in an old-fashioned way
g If you are “ _______________ ” something, it means you like it a lot.
h. _______________ intended to attract notice and impress others in an extreme and unnecessary way ,display of wealthy

1. The thanksgiving table was _________________ with delicious dishes.

2 My boss is a total ____________ ; he gets mad for nothing, and always blames everyone else for his own mistakes.

3. As I walked through the __________ shop, I felt as though I was transported back in time.
4. . *Her uncle is quite _____________ , and has offered to pay for her to go to England to learn English.
In my opinion, health is more important than wealth because if you're sick, you can't enjoy your life, no matter
how much money you have.

5. My style is more relaxed . I don't have to be so ______________ all the time., 

6. Their style of living is very _______________________ . They have a mansion and lots of expensive cars.

7. Dana is very _________________ her new little brother, but still gets a little jealous of him from time to time.

disheveled enraged at first infamous creepy somber self-conscious

a.The definition of ______________________ is a person who is overly concerned about his own actions and appearance and with what others think of him.
b. ________________ adv. at the beginning of a situation or period of time

c.The definition of ____________________describes a person who has done terrible things and is known for a bad reputation.

d._______________ adj  producing a sensation of uneasiness or fear

e._____________ adj. serious, sad, and without humor or entertainment.

f.___________ adj. Very angry

g._________________ (of people or their appearance) very untidy , not neat

8 .He was shy _______________________ . Then he became more friendly.

9. The serial killer was _____________________ all over Canada

10. I love good mysteries but even more, I adore a good, ___________________ horror movie.

11. When I saw the doctor’s _____________ expression, I knew my diagnosis was not a good one.

12. After the twenty-four hour plane ride, all of the passengers looked tired and ____________

13.Most models are so _______________ , because you're being judged every day.
14. The parents of the murdered young man were _____________ when his killer received only 5 years in prison. 

Customs mere spoiled brat abbey stained glass recollections thrill whipped butter
a____________________   used to  emphasize that something is not  large or important .

b_____________________ is the place where your bags are checked for illegal goods when you go into a country at the

c._______________________ A person, normally a child who was raised by his/her guardians in a way that the spoiled person gets almost
anything he/she wants.

d.___________________ (n) monastery, convent . a church with buildings attached to it in which monks or nuns live

e.________________ : glass of different colors used for making pictures and patterns in windows, especially in a church.

f._________________ a sudden strong feeling of excitement and pleasure, or the thing that makes you feel this way.
g.___________________ something you remember from the past
h.______________ A form of butter aerated with nitrogen to make it more spreadable.
15. After your luggage have being inspected at the ______________ , you can leave the airport.
16. She said she would be gone for at least an hour, but she returned after a ____________40 minutes.
17. The _______________ started crying when his father said he was not going to take him to the park.

18. An _____________is a place for nuns and priests to live and worship whereas a cathedral is built as a place of worship.

19. She placed warm rustic bread, ____________________ , and water before her.
20. Another unique aspect of __________________ is that it's enhanced by daylight, which changes with the weather, the season, and the
time of day. When a glass panel is shot through with a strong ray of light, you can see the colors
floating off the top of the panel, and this is what makes it such a moving, and almost mystical, art form.

21. Her _______________ of the accident is very different from mine .

to jolt into/out of something On the eve of something to step into to get along well to see eye to eye

a. If  people _________________________ , they like each other and are friendly to each other .

b ________________________________ "the night before,

c. If two people__________________________ , they agree with each other

d. _______________________ to  involve  oneself  in  some matter; to intervene  in  an affair  or  dispute. 
e If someone is __________ into or ___________ something, they are given a sudden shock which forces them to act.
22. I’m extremely lucky with fate as it relates to my mother-in-law and father-in-law. We ________ very __________ .

23. My mother-in law is always _____________________ my marriage. That's why we don't get along well.

24. He spent the autumn at Venice, and was well enough on Christmas  ______________to conduct his early symphony
(composed in 1833) at a private performance given at the Liceo Marcello.
25. My sisters don't __________________ with me about the arrangements.

26. The cold water thrown in her face was what it took to _________ Mary __________  her deep sleep. At the sound 

overly somewhat even though

a.________________ adv. too, very

b._______________ adv. More than a little but not very .

c._____________ has a similar meaning  to 'although', but is more emphatic.

29. We left home __________________ later than we intended because it took a while to eat breakfast.

30___________________ children do not study grammar, they master English very quickly.

31. The planet Mars has a surface which is ____________________ similar to that of our moon.

Lesson 3 vocabulary quiz part 3

1.Your neighbor might be planning to vote for a candidate you dislike; however, if you do a good enough job
arguing in favor of a different candidate, she might ____________________________ her vote.
behave long cope with reconsider

2. When we go to Grandma's house, I expect you children to  ___________________________ ; don't run around screaming

and jumping on the furniture like last time.

behave reserve differ guard

3. English grammar can be very complex at times, so it's better not to worry too much about ____________________________

all the rules.

Tending longing drawing conclusions understanding

4. I wish you would show a little more  __________________________ about our upcoming wedding.

Enthusiasm understanding sarcasm aloofness

5. I bought my ex-girlfriend a huge __________________________ of flowers in a vain attempt to win her back.

Bouquet recollection lifetime overstatement

6. A _______________________ of lifting one's shoulders in our culture means I don't know.

Pew vaulted customs Gesture

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