Digital Signal Processing: Shenghua Zhou, Jing Lu, Pramod K. Varshney, Jianlai Wang, Hui Ma, Hongwei Liu

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Digital Signal Processing 98 (2020) 102635

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Digital Signal Processing

Colocated MIMO radar waveform optimization with receive

beamforming ✩
Shenghua Zhou a , Jing Lu a , Pramod K. Varshney b,∗ , Jianlai Wang c , Hui Ma a,∗ ,
Hongwei Liu a
National Laboratory of Radar Signal Processing, Xidian University, Xi’an 710071, China
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Syracuse University, NY 13244, USA
China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Transmit waveform diversity brings some advantages to colocated Multiple-Input Multiple-Output
Available online 16 December 2019 (MIMO) radars. Current waveform design techniques do not sufficiently exploit the degrees of freedom
from the receive end. In this paper, we devise waveform optimization criteria with the receive end
beamforming operation. With mutual correlation sidelobes suppressed at the receive end, some degrees
Colocated MIMO radar
of freedom can be released for a lower global sidelobe level. For transmit beampatterns with unequal
Receive beamforming
MIMO radar gains, two Peak Sidelobe Level (PSL) measures are discussed, one for identical range compression PSL
Waveform design and the other for the same distance to the noise level. Numerical results are given for beampatterns with
Peak sidelobe level mono-peak, two peaks with equal gains and two peaks with unequal gains, all indicating that the criteria
result in better sidelobe suppression.
© 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction [3,4], transmit antennas often transmit different waveforms. In this

case, most of the existing waveform families are not suitable and,
Design of transmit waveforms is an important problem in radar therefore, waveform optimization is an important topic in MIMO
systems. For radar systems that use high time-bandwidth-product radar research [5–7].
waveforms, range compression is a necessary operation, resulting According to the distance between radar antennas, MIMO radars
in undesired range sidelobes and making high-power target re- are generally categorized into two types, namely, distributed MIMO
turns prevent the detection of low-power returns in nearby range radars [3,8] and colocated MIMO radars [4]. Both kinds of MIMO
cells. Traditional array radars often transmit identical signals from radar have their advantages over their conventional counterparts.
different transmit antennas per Pulse Reperition Interval (PRI), gen- The former puts antennas widely separated in space and has a
erally with different phase offsets to steer transmit beams into better detection performance than conventional monostatic radar
different spatial directions. The signal is often chosen from wave- [9]. The latter puts antennas colocated in space like conventional
form families with low range sidelobes, such as Barker codes, phased-array radar and emits different waveforms with more de-
multi-phase Barker codes [1] and Px codes [2]. In Multiple-Input
grees of freedom. Moreover, colocated MIMO radar can identify
Multiple-Output (MIMO) radars with colocated antennas, however
more targets with the same number of transmit antennas and also
have flexible transmit beampatterns, including both directional [10,

This work is partially supported by the National Science Fund for Distinguished 6] and uniform transmit beampatterns. Meanwhile, it can also pre-
Young Scholars (No. 61525105), the Fund for Foreign Scholars in University Research vent hostile electronic countermeasurement (ECM) devices from
and Teaching Programs (the 111 Project No. B18039), the Fundamental Research deceiving MIMO radar [11].
Funds for the Central Universities, the program for Cheung Kong Scholars and In-
All the advantages rely on transmit waveforms with good prop-
novative Research Team in university, Xidian University-Syracuse University Joint
Center for Information Fusion, the Postdoctoral Innovation Talent Support Program, erties. For distributed MIMO radars, transmit waveforms should
the National Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province (No. 2019JQ-289), the be orthogonal to each other [5] even at different mutual delays
New Teacher Innovation of Xidian University (No. XJS18002), and the National Nat- [12], in order to alleviate mutual interference. For colocated MIMO
ural Science Foundation of China (No. 61601340).
radar however, waveform optimization is much more complicated.
*Corresponding authors.
First, sidelobe level at the receive end is a complicated combi-
E-mail addresses: (S. Zhou),
(P.K. Varshney), (J. Wang), (H. Ma), nation of the sidelobes of transmit waveforms. Second, colocated (H. Liu). MIMO radar needs to match transmit beampatterns with specific
1051-2004/© 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 S. Zhou et al. / Digital Signal Processing 98 (2020) 102635

shapes [13]. Third, good waveform optimization depends not only returns, [Jk ]i , j = δi +k, j , δk, j is the Kronecker delta symbol defined
on optimization algorithm in use but also on how to construct the by
waveform design criterion. A fair amount of work exists on wave- 
form design for colocated MIMO radars with different optimiza- 0 k= j
tion tools, such as the mutual information based method [14], the
δk, j = (3)
1 else
quadratically constrained quadratic programming (QCQP) method
[15], the limited memory Broyden Fletcher Goldfarb and Shan- ar (·) ∈ C N r ×1 denotes the received steering vector, (·)T denotes
non (L-BFGS) algorithm [10], the sequential optimization method the transpose operation, Z = [z1 , · · · , z N c ]T ∈ C N c × N r denotes the
[16], the double least− pth minimax method [17], the sequential channel interference component, and zk , k = 1, · · · , N c stands for
quadratic programming (SQP) based method and the alternating the noise term at the kth snapshot.
direction method of multipliers (ADMM) based method [18]. The As [J−k ]i , j = δi −k, j = δ j ,i −k = δ j +k,i , we have
optimization tool in use is an important part of a good perfor-
mance but here we focus on how to construct better waveform JkT = J−k . (4)
optimization criteria.
In general, colocated MIMO radar waveform optimization in- With a range compression weight S/ N c , the output can be ex-
volves two tasks, namely, transmit beampattern matching and pressed in a vector form as
sidelobe suppression. It makes sense to exploit more degrees of    
freedom for optimization. Transmit waveform optimization should x = vec SH X / N c = β av ( f a ) + I ⊗ SH / N c z (5)
suppress sidelobe outputs of range compressors at the receive end,
wherein the receive beamforming operation can suppress mutual where (·)H denotes the conjugate transpose operation, vec(·) de-
correlation sidelobes between angular waveforms. Therefore, an at- notes the vectorization operation,
tenuation factor is developed and imposed over mutual correlation
sidelobes such that some degrees of freedom can be exploited. av ( f a ) = ar ( f a ) ⊗ Rs (k) at ( f a ) (6)
Meanwhile, instead of square shaped desired transmit beampat-
terns, three control points are used for each peak of transmit denotes the compound transmit-receive steering vector, z = vec(Z),
beampattern, with two for the first null points and one for the ⊗ denotes the Kronecker-product operation, I denotes the identity
peak position, transmit antennas with limited elements. In our matrix,
waveform design criteria, three groups of spatial directions are
defined, one for transmit beampattern matching, one for spatial Rs (k) = SH Jk S/ N c (7)
receive channels and one for possible spatial directions. The op- denotes the shifted waveform covariance matrix, and (·) H
eration can reduce the number of elements to suppress. If the the conjugate transpose operation.
receive array has a much larger aperture than the transmit array
From (4), it can be shown that
[19], only auto correlation sidelobes should be suppressed. We also
discuss two different definitions of the final sidelobe level in cases RH H T H
s (k) = S Jk S/ N c =S J−k S/ N c = Rs (−k) . (8)
where a desired directional transmit beampattern has two peaks of
unequal heights. Numerical results are given for transmit beampat- If channel noise interference is white or wideband in contrast
terns with monopeak, two uniform peaks and two unequal peaks, to receive-end bandwidth, different rows of Z are often assumed
all indicating that the attenuation factor has a significant positive to be independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.). We assume
effect on sidelobe suppression. that the covariance matrix is Rz = E(zk zkH ), k = 1, · · · , N c , where
E(·) denotes the expectation operation. Then
2. Colocated MIMO radar receive end processing  
E zzH = RTz ⊗ I (9)
2.1. Receive beamforming algorithms for colocated MIMO radar
and the interference component has the covariance matrix [20]
Consider a colocated MIMO radar with an N t -element linear    H 
transmit array and N r -element linear receive array. The waveform H H H
RZ = E I ⊗ S / N c zz I ⊗ S /Nc = Rz ⊗ Rs (0)/ N c . (10)
transmitted by the ith antennas is denoted by si ∈ C N c ×1 , i =
1, · · · , N t and denoted S = [s1 , · · · , s N t ] ∈ C N c × N t , where N c de-
notes the number of codes within each waveform, and C de- 2.2. Colocated MIMO radar receive beamforming
notes the complex plane. After coherent synthesis in space, trans-
mit waveforms will form different waveform signatures in space, A beamforming operation coherently combines signal x for a
termed as angular waveforms here and defined by high signal-to-interference-noise ratio (SINR) output. In practical
applications, receive beamforming is performed by a bank of re-
s ( f a ) = Sat ( f a ) (1) ceive beamforming filters [20]. Each filter is steered to a spatial
for spatial angular sector θ , where f a = 0.5 sin θ for linear ar- direction and is hence called a spatial receive channel here. The
ray, termed angular frequency, is defined to facilitate subse- weight of the spatial receive channel associated with angular fre-
quent derivations, and at (·) ∈ C N t ×1 denotes the transmit steering quency f a0 is denoted by ws ( f a0 ) and the output is an estimate of
vector. We can control the characteristic of angular waveforms the complex amplitude of target returns, i.e.,
through optimizing transmit waveforms S.
Signals received by the receive array can be written as β̂ ( f a0 ) = wH H
s ( f a0 ) x, s.t., ws ( f a0 ) av ( f a0 ) = 1. (11)
In practice, one may use another range compression weight,
X = β Jk s ( f a ) aTr ( f a ) + Z = β Jk Sat ( f a ) aTr ( f a ) + Z (2)
such as SRs−1 / N c if Rs is invertible, and then the constraint will
where β denotes the complex amplitude of target return, the pre- have a different form.
fix matrix Jk ∈ B N c × N c is a shift matrix, B = {0, 1} used to repre- The weights in [21,22] all have a Kronecker product structure
sent the signal mutual delay between range compressor and target as
S. Zhou et al. / Digital Signal Processing 98 (2020) 102635 3

R− T
z ar ( f a0 ) at ( f a0 ) If the window, denoted by wr , is imposed on ar ( f a0 ), the attenua-
ws ( f a0 ) = ⊗ . (12)
aTr ( f a0 ) R− T ∗
z ar ( f a0 ) aH
t ( f a0 ) Rs (0) at ( f a0 )
tion factor becomes

MIMO beamforming can form its weight with online data ρr ( f a0 ; f a ) = ar ( f a0 − f a )H wr / N r (23)
(adaptive) or without (quiescent). As Rz is generally

the MIMO Capon algorithm estimate it by R̂z = E XH X / N c . As and wr = 1 becomes a special case.
waveform optimization is generally too time-consuming to be per- From the application perspective, ρk ( f a0 , f a ), standing for side-
lobe level in spatial receive channels, should have a low level.
formed online, we use the MIMO least square (LS), which simply
However, conventional MIMO radar waveform optimization algo-
assumes R̂z = I, and the weight is
rithms typically suppress only ck ( f a0 , f a ) [10]. It can of course
1 reduce ρk ( f a0 , f a ), but it is different from ck ( f a0 , f a ). In our for-
ws ( f a0 ) = ar ( f a0 ) ⊗ at ( f a0 ) (13) mulation, we introduce an additional term ρr ( f a0 , f a ), which is
N r N t p ( f a0 )
generally less than one for f a0 = f a .1 Therefore, we will suppress
where we used the fact N r = aH
r ( f a0 )ar ( f a0 ), and sidelobes represented directly by ρk ( f a0 , f a ), which equivalently
imposes a weight over conventional sidelobe measures ck ( f a0 , f a ).
p ( f a0 ) = aH
t ( f a0 )Rs (0)at ( f a0 )/ N t (14)
denotes the transmit beampattern, a measure of spatial distribu- 2.3. Quantization of angular frequency
tion of transmitted signal power. If Rs (0) = I, then p ( f a ) = 1 for
f a ∈ [−0.5, 0.5], corresponding to the uniform transmit beampat- The angular waveform s ( f a ) varies continuously along with the
tern. The transmit beampattern here means transmit gain in con- angular frequency f a = 0.5 sin θ , but we do not have optimization
trast to the uniform transmit beampattern. tools available that are efficient for optimization with continu-
ous f a . Therefore, we have to quantize the angular frequency by
In spatial receive channel identified by f a0 , the output of the
putting them in a number of bins and representing each bin by
target return coming from spatial direction f a can be expressed by
a discrete angular frequency. If too many angular frequencies are
used, the optimization time cost may be huge, whereas if the num-
ρk ( f a0 ; f a ) = wHs ( f a0 ) av ( f a ) (15)
ber of selected angular frequencies is insufficient, sidelobes over
where the common amplitude term β is ignored since it does not other angular frequencies may increase greatly. In this case, we
affect the sidelobe level. Hereafter ρk ( f a0 ; f a ) are termed as side- define three groups of angular frequencies in this paper.
lobe outputs of the spatial receive channels associated with f a0 The first group of angular frequencies is defined for transmit
and input angular waveforms from f a . beampattern matching, denoted by f0 ∈ C N 0 ×1 , where N 0 denotes
For the beamforming weight of form (12), we have the number of angular frequencies used for transmit beampattern
matching. One can control the accuracy of beampattern matching
ρk ( f a0 ; f a ) = ρr ( f a0 ; f a ) rk ( f a0 ; f a ) (16) by adjusting the number N 0 . There are many measures of transmit
beampattern matching performance [6], especially for omnidirec-
where tional transmit beampatterns. In radar applications, we are often
aH −T interested in transmit beampattern with one or more peaks. For
r ( f a0 ) R̂z ar ( f a )
ρr ( f a0 ; f a ) = (17) such desired beampatterns, we can use three angular frequencies
aTr ( f a0 ) R̂− T ∗
z ar ( f a0 ) to localize the position of a narrow transmit beam, one for the
ck ( f a0 ; f a ) peak and two for the first nulls. For wider beams, we can use more
rk ( f a0 ; f a ) = (18)
p ( f a0 ) angular frequencies for each peak.
The second group of angular frequencies, denoted by fa ∈
stands for the receive beamforming attenuation factor, and
C N a ×1 , contains the angular frequencies to which spatial receive
channels are steered, where N a denotes the number of spatial re-
ck ( f a0 ; f a ) = aH
t ( f a0 ) Rs (k) at ( f a )/ N t . (19)
ceive channels deployed at the receive end. Each filter of the bank
If f a0 = f a , ρk , rk and ck turn out to be auto correlation side- aims at a specific angular frequency (spatial direction). Each spa-
lobes or range sidelobes. From (8), we have tial receive channel deals with returns from a space volume, such
that target returns within the volume can pass the filter, whereas
ckH ( f a0 ; f a ) = c −k ( f a ; f a0 ) (20) target returns beyond will be attenuated significantly. In practice,
the number of spatial receive channels to deploy depends on many
so both auto and cross correlation sidelobes are conjugate sym- factors, such as the maximum SINR loss acceptable.
metric. It is expected that target returns from all spatial directions will
In general, ρr < 1, indicating that target returns from directions have low sidelobe outputs in the spatial receive channels. The third
that are not of interest will be attenuated. The MIMO LS algorithm group of angular frequencies, denoted by fm ∈ C N m ×1 , includes
will output sidelobes all possible angular waveforms from different spatial directions,
where N m denotes the number of real target returns to simulate.
ρk ( f a0 ; f a ) = [ar ( f a0 ) ⊗ at ( f a0 )]H av ( f a ) (21) In general, angular frequencies in fm have a smaller spacing than
N r B ( f a0 ) those in fa and then N m ≥ N a .
and the attenuation factor for the MIMO LS algorithm can be ex-
pressed by 2.4. Peak sidelobe level (PSL) measures

1 The sidelobe level measures map all sidelobes via a positive

ρr ( f a0 ; f a ) = ar ( f a0 )H ar ( f a )/ N r = ar ( f a0 − f a )H 1/ N r (22)
Nr value. The Integrated Sidelobe Level (ISL) and the PSL are typi-
cal sidelobe level measures. We focus mainly on the PSL measure,
where 1 denotes an all-one vector.
It is common to imposes a window on the weight, such as
the Hamming window and the Chebyshev window. For colocated 1
For adaptive beamforming algorithms, it is not always the case but in general it
MIMO radars, one can impose the window directly on av or on ar . depends also on the interference background and the way to estimate Rz .
4 S. Zhou et al. / Digital Signal Processing 98 (2020) 102635

which, however, also has various definitions, different in the side- and RZ = Rz ⊗ Rs (0)/ N c , the noise covariance level output of the
lobes involved and the weights to combine them. spatial receive channel using weight (12) can be formulated as
We first define the PSL of transmit waveforms according to (7),    
by σ 2 ( f a0 ) = E(wHs ( f a0 ) I ⊗ SH / N c zzH I ⊗ SH / N c ws ( f a0 ))

PSLT = 20 log10 max |Rs (k)| (24) = wH

s ( f a0 )(I ⊗ Rs (0)/ N c )ws ( f a0 )
k∈ka 1
= −1
where | · | with a matrix entry denotes a matrix of absolute values N c p ( f a0 )aH
r ( f a0 )Rz ar ( f a0 )
of the entry and ka = {1, · · · , N c − 1}. 1
Now we define PSLs of the spatial receive channel with f a0 . = .
N c N r p ( f a0 )
Based on ck ( f a0 ; f a ), rk ( f a0 ; f a ) and ρk ( f a0 ; f a ), we can define
three PSLs by
With the range compression weight in use, the noise level of a
PSLAC ( f a0 ) = 20 log10 max |ck ( f a0 ; f a ) / p m | (25) spatial receive channel depends on the transmit gain of the spa-
f a ∈[−0.5,0.5] tial direction. The higher the gain, the lower the noise levels. If the
transmit beampattern is omnidirectional, the noise levels in spa-
PSLRC ( f a0 ) = 20 log10 max |rk ( f a0 ; f a ) | (26)
k∈km tial receive channels are close to each other. In this case, PSLAC or
f a ∈[−0.5,0.5] PSLRC are close to each other and can be deemed as equivalent.
and In the optimization process, PSLAC , without the division operation,
has a lower computational cost and is hence preferable. If the
PSLBC ( f a0 ) = 20 log10 max |ρk ( f a0 ; f a ) | (27) transmit beampattern is directional, spatial receive channels are
k∈km generally deployed only for the peaks and the noise levels in dif-
f a ∈[−0.5,0.5]
ferent spatial receive channels may be different if the peaks have
respectively,2 where km = {1 − N c , · · · , −1, 1, · · · , N c − 1}, and p m different amplitudes. Unbalanced transmit beampattern peaks may
in PSLAC ( f a0 ) is a constant to normalize sidelobe outputs. be used for instance in the cognitive mode when two targets un-
For PSLAC , the normalization factor p m should be properly se- der tracking need different powers for a more efficient use of the
lected. If we define p m = max p ( f a ) for f a ∈ [−0.5, 0.5], we need transmit energy. It is interesting to study how to balance the side-
to search for the peak of the transmit beampattern at each itera- lobe levels in the spatial receive channels.
tion, which will greatly reduce the efficiency of the optimization When we define PSLs to suppress in a waveform optimization
program. For simplicity, in the optimization process we normalize criteria, we have two strategies in hand, i.e. the same channel PSL
ck ( f a0 ; f a ) by p m = max p ( f a ) for f a ∈ fa , which may exceed one and the same distance to the noise level. Fig. 1 illustrates the dif-
if the receive beamformer does not point to the maximal trans- ference between the two PSL measures. The former disregards the
mit gain accurately. In the performance evaluation section, we set channel noise level and sets all channel PSLs equal to the same
f a ∈ [−0.5, 0.5], meaning that sidelobes from target returns in all value, by suppressing PSLRG and PSLBG . In this case, sidelobe lev-
spatial directions will be taken into account. The maximization els of some spatial receive channels may be over the channel noise
over f a ∈ [−0.5, 0.5] will be approximated by a sufficiently fine level, whereas sidelobe levels of other spatial receive channels may
sampling interval over the angular frequency. be below the noise level. The second strategy sets channel PSLs
Based on the channel PSLs, we can define global PSLs accord- based on the same distance to the noise level. Dividing (22) by
ingly by (31) and then after normalization, we find that suppressing (25)
can result in channel PSLs with the same distance to channel noise
PSLAG = max PSLAC ( f a0 ) (28) level. In this case, spatial receive channels associated with a higher
f a0 ∈fa transmit beampattern peak are required to have a higher channel
PSLRG = max PSLRC ( f a0 ) (29) PSL. Meanwhile, spatial receive channels may have sidelobe levels
f a0 ∈fa all above or below the noise level.
It should be noted that without specific information of targets
from different spatial directions, we implicitly assume that the
Radar Cross Section (RCS) of targets in different spatial directions
PSLBG = max PSLBC ( f a0 ). (30)
f a0 ∈fa are statistically the same. In some situations especially in cognitive
radar, we may obtain some information about either the prevail-
The global PSLs are obtained using certain combinations of ing conditions or radar targets and then we can set sidelobe levels
channel PSLs. in different spatial diversity channels according to this informa-
tion. This is how the cognitive radar operates. Cognitive radars can
2.5. PSL and noise level adjust their operation strategies according to the information ac-
quired online but will not be discussed any further.
It is rarely noticed that the PSL definition should consider the Multiplying PSLAC by the receive beamforming attenuation fac-
noise level for transmit beampattern with unequal peaks. In MIMO tor, we define another channel PSL and global PSL by
radars with directional transmit beampatterns with unequal peaks,
the relationship between channel noise level and sidelobe level PSLDC ( f a0 ) = 20 log10 max |ρr ( f a0 ; f a ) ck ( f a0 ; f a ) / p m |
needs to be considered. For the MIMO LS algorithm with Rz = I k∈km
f a ∈[−0.5,0.5]
Here the subscript ‘A’ stands for “Angular waveform sidelobes”, ‘R’ stands for PSLDG = max PSLDC ( f a0 ). (33)
“Range compression sidelobes”, ‘B’ stands for “after the Beamforming operation”, ‘C’ f a0 ∈fa
means that the PSL is associated with a specific spatial receive Channel, ‘D’ intro-
duced later stands for “the same Distance to the noise level” and ‘G’ stands for “the If we intend to suppress PSLDG , sidelobe levels in different spa-
Global PSL.” tial receive channels will have PSLs that have the same distance to
S. Zhou et al. / Digital Signal Processing 98 (2020) 102635 5

waveforms at k = 0 is difficult to suppress because they also de-

pend on the interval of angular frequencies in f0 . If the interval
of the selected angular frequencies is too small, there are many
terms to suppress such that the final sidelobe level may be poor.
Moreover, if Rs = I is desired, sidelobes at k = 0 are independent of
transmit waveforms and thus cannot be suppressed through wave-
form optimization. Even for directional transmit beampatterns, the
degree to which sidelobes can be suppressed is limited. Conse-
quently, we omit mutual correlation sidelobes at k = 0. Ignoring
sidelobes applies only for k = 0, we suppress only sidelobes at
shifted range bins.

2.7. Waveform optimization criteria

Fig. 1. Comparison of two PSL setting strategies. The PSL measures above were defined with continuous f a for
optimization, but no efficient optimization tool is available to solve
the channel noise level. It should be noted that we do not prefer this problem. Therefore, we formulate the waveform design criteria
one strategy to the other and will present results obtained under with f0 , fa and fm , all in the same form as
both strategies.
min max bd − diag(RA (0)), ea , em  (39)

2.6. Transmit beampattern matching
where  denotes the phase matrix of S, i.e., S = exp( j ), j de-
notes the imaginary part, ea denotes auto and mutual correlation
With angular frequencies in f0 , we construct a matrix
sidelobes with fa , em denotes mutual correlation sidelobes be-
RA (0) = AH tween fa and fm , and  ·  denotes a kind of complex matrix norm.
t (f0 ) Rs (0) At (f0 ) (34)
Intended transmit waveforms are constant-modulus and are
where constructed through S = exp( j ). The sidelobes and beampattern
mismatches can be combined in various ways through the norm
At (f0 ) = [at ( f 0 (1)), · · · , at ( f 0 ( N 0 ))] (35) operation. If  ·  stands for the 2−norm, ISL will be suppressed,
whereas we focus on the PSL, for which  ·  stands for the infin-
is a matrix of transmitted steering vectors at angular frequencies
ity norm. One may also build other generalized norms to combine
in f0 . The diagonal elements of RA (0) stand for the responses of
those terms, which will not be discussed.
the transmit beampattern at f0 . Nondiagonal elements stand for
In order to suppress either PSLAG and PSLRG (no receive beam-
their mutual correlation without mutual shift.
forming attenuation) or PSLDG and PSLBG (with receive beamform-
With a desired transmit beampattern denoted by bd ∈ R N a ×1 ,
ing attenuation), we need to construct ea and em with fa and fm .
the transmit beampattern mismatch can be expressed by
Without loss of generality, we assume that fa and fm have no
elements in common. Filling in different ea and em , we obtain dif-
bd − diag(RA (0)) (36)
ferent waveform design criteria.
where diag(·) with a square matrix entry denotes a vector of its If PSLBG is intended to be suppressed, we have
diagonal elements.
ea = vec [Ra (k) (diag(1/p(fa ))Wa )]k∈ka
A desired transmit beampattern describes the shape of the (40)
transmit beampattern but its power may have a mismatch with em = vec [Rm (k) (diag(1/p(fa ))Wm )]k∈km
real signal power. One may introduce an optimization parameter
where auto and mutual correlation sidelobes are
to remove the ambiguity, but as transmit power satisfies the power
conservation law, we can build a constraint on bd by Ra (k) = AH
t (fa ) Rs (k) At (fa )
Rm (k) = AH
t (fa ) Rs (k) At (fm )
1= p ( f a )d f a = a ( f a )Rs (0)a( f a )d f a
diag(·) with a vector entry denotes a diagonal matrix with the vec-
N0 tor entry in the diagonal, vec(·) denotes the vectorization operator,
≈ aH (f0 (i ))Rs (0)a(f0 (i )) = tr(RA (0)) (37) p(fa ) denotes the transmit beampattern gains at fa , and
N0 N0
i =1
[Wa ]i ,n = ρr (fa (i ); fa (n)) = ρr (fa (i ) − fa (n), 0)
1 (42)
≈ bd
[Wm ]i ,n = ρr (fa (i ); fm (n)) = ρr (fa (i ) − fm (n), 0)
Consequently, we eliminate the power ambiguity of the desired are matrices of receive beamforming attenuation factors.
transmit beampattern by normalizing bd so that If PSLDG are intended to be suppressed, we have

bd = N 0 . (38) ea = vec (Ra (k) Wr )k∈ka
em = vec (Rm (k) Wr )k∈km .
Normalization can avoid optimizing an additional power fitting
parameter and thus may lead to a better optimization result. For comparison purposes, we still consider two waveform op-
Nondiagonal elements of RA (0) stand for mutual correlation timization criteria without receive beamforming. In order to sup-
sidelobes between angular waveforms at k = 0. As sidelobes, they press PSLRG , we use
are also undesirable and should be suppressed. In [10], sidelobes
at k = 0 are taken into account in the waveform optimization cri- ea = vec [diag(1/p(fa ))Ra (k)]k∈ka
terion. If we are interested in PSL measures, sidelobes of angular em = vec [diag(1/p(fa ))Rm (k)]k∈km
6 S. Zhou et al. / Digital Signal Processing 98 (2020) 102635

and to order to suppress PSLAG , we use |sH (i )at ( f a0 )/ N t |2 ≤ s(i )2 · a( f a0 )/ N t 2 = N t (47)

ea = vec [Ra (k)]k∈ka where the equation holds if and only if s(i ) = exp( j ϕi )at ( f a0 ), the
(45) transmit beampattern
em = vec [Rm (k)]k∈km .

If the window wr is imposed on the receive beamforming oper-

p ( f a0 ) = |sH (i )at ( f a0 )|2 / N t N c ≤ N t (48)
ation, we obtain attenuation matrices for selected angular frequen-
i =1
cies, written as
with the equation holding if and only if s(i ) = exp( j ϕi )at ( f a0 ) for
[Wa ]i ,n = aH
r (fa (i ) − fa (n))wr / N r all i = 1, · · · , N c , i.e., S = saH
t ( f a0 ). In order to reach the maxi-
(46) mum peak gain in certain direction, S should be a rank-one ma-
[Wm ]i ,n = aH
r (fa (i ) − fm (n))wr / N r . trix. In other words, the colocated MIMO radar degenerates into
In (40) and (44), one needs to multiply Wa and Wm by 1/p(fa ) a phased-array radar. If we force S to reach the peak gain as the
for normalization but it may require lots of computations. We can phased-array radar, the problem degenerates into optimizing s for
replace this term by the expected transmit gain to save the com- S = saHt ( f a0 ) [2]. We reduce the maximal transmit gain slightly to
putation cost. In particular, for uniform transmit beampattern and extract some degrees of freedom and then continue run the opti-
directional transmit beampattern with uniform peaks, this term mization process for the mono peak transmit beampattern. In this
can be ignored as they are close for all fa . case, transmit waveforms are different and then a MIMO radar op-
Most waveform design criteria involving range sidelobe sup- eration mode is obtained.
pression of constant-modulus waveforms have many local minima In order to reduce the number of variables to suppress, we use
and thus it is very difficult to reach the global minimum. We find f0 = {0} here. If the transmit power is sufficiently gathered in the
that the minimax algorithm based on the SQP method [23] is ef- direction, transmit power allocated to other spatial directions, cor-
ficient in solving our optimization problems with a satisfactory responding to the sidelobe region, will be suppressed naturally.
performance and convergence speed. The matlab function in use Based on this concept, we do not suppress sidelobes of the trans-
is fminimax with option “Algorithm=SQP”. Each numerical result is mit beampattern. Meanwhile, the beam width of the mono peak
the best of solutions obtained by executing the Matlab function 5 is close to that of the phased-array radar. With transmit power
times with different initial values, i.e., the one with the lowest PSL focused in a direction, we can deploy only one space-time range
of the 5 iteration runs. Therefore, all the waveform optimization compressor pointing to the direction fa = {0}. Moreover, we run
problems in this context will be solved based on this algorithm the SQP program with different fm settings and it is interesting to
with the same parameters, so that a fair comparison can be made find that fm = {0} is sufficient to obtain satisfactory results, i.e., a
between different waveform design criteria. result that is close to each other. The reason will be introduced
At the current stage, we still ignore the effect of receive beam-
3. Numerical results
forming and run the optimization process with sidelobes in (45),
with a weighting factor of 5 imposed on the transmit beampattern
3.1. Simulation configurations matching term. The transmit beampattern is shown in Fig. 2(a),
together with the desired transmit beampattern and the beam-
In numerical results, waveforms for three kinds of transmit pattern of the phased-array radar. It can be seen that the two
beampatterns, i.e., mono peak, two uniform peaks and two un- transmit beampatterns have beampattern sidelobes close to each
equal peaks, will be optimized. Uniform transmit beampatterns of other, but the colocated MIMO has a lower peak and a higher
colocated MIMO radars are often criticized for their low trans- transmit-beampattern sidelobe level, as a result of the transmit
mit gain and a coherent accumulation operation is often required gain relaxation.
to improve the final SINR. If a target moves across a range bin, Phased-array radars often transmit constant-modulus wave-
the coherent accumulation may have insufficient time to gen- forms but angular waveform has amplitude modulation, as shown
erate a desirable SINR, or if we make coherent accumulation in Fig. 2(b) for angular waveforms at f a = 0 Hz and f a = 0.15 Hz.
across range bins, a sophisticated signal processing scheme is re- It can be seen that angular waveforms in different directions have
quired [24,25]. Colocated MIMO radars can transmit either uniform different signatures. As most of the energy is concentrated in direc-
or directional transmit beampatterns, corresponding to nearly- tion f a = 0, the amplitudes of angular waveform at f a = 0 Hz are
orthogonal or partially correlated waveforms. We first present 10 (the maximum gain) for most codes and the proportion will in-
some results on highly directional transmit beampatterns like crease if we impose heavier weights on the transmit beampattern
phased-array radars. Then directional transmit beampatterns are matching term.
considered, first with uniform peaks and then with different peaks. Range sidelobes of angular waveforms at f a = 0 Hz for two dif-
The antennas under consideration are transmit/receive dual func- ferent waveforms optimized with weights 1 and 5 on the transmit
tional antennas. The antennas array is linear and composed of beampattern matching term are shown in Fig. 2(c). To be fair, we
10 half-wavelength spaced antennas. Each waveform is composed also optimize a 128-codes constant-modulus waveform with the
of 128 codes. same optimization tool. It can be seen that the heavier the weight,
the lower the range sidelobe level.
3.2. Transmit beampattern with mono peak Angular waveforms in different spatial directions have differ-
ent range sidelobes, as shown in Fig. 2(d). Angular waveforms
away from f a = 0 Hz have much higher range sidelobes than those
Assume that the mono peak is located at f a = 0. For the around f a = 0 Hz. This is caused by our proper parameter settings
phased-array radar, the transmit gain p (0) in this direction is 10 for the optimization. Although we optimize with only f a = 0 Hz,
with 10 transmit elements. For the colocated MIMO radar, it can waveforms in all spatial directions have close waveform signatures
transmit high-directional transmit beampattern as well, but if the and thus all have closely low range sidelobes. Therefore, it is rea-
desired transmit gain in the direction is 10, the transmit waveform sonable to set angular frequencies f0 , fa and fm commonly with a
matrix S degenerates into a rank-one matrix, because single element of 0.
S. Zhou et al. / Digital Signal Processing 98 (2020) 102635 7

Fig. 2. Colocated MIMO radar with mono peak. (a) Desired and resulting transmit beampattern; (b) Angular waveforms at f a = 0 and f a = 0.15; (c) Range sidelobes of angular
waveforms at f a = 0; (d) Range sidelobes of angular waveforms from different directions; (e) Waveform signatures of phased-array radar in different spatial directions; (f)
Auto and mutual correlation sidelobes of the spatial receive channel at f a = 0 without Doppler concern.

Strictly speaking, a phased-array radar also transmits differ- Therefore, the performance loss caused by ignoring the difference
ent waveform signatures into different directions, but the differ- is trivial
ence is insignificant and can be omitted without performance loss Sidelobe outputs of all angular waveforms in the spatial receive
[26]. We go a step further to show the waveform signatures of a channel for f a = 0 Hz, corresponding to ck (0, f a ), fa ∈ [−0.5, 0.5],
phased-array radar transmitted into different directions in Fig. 2(e), are shown in Fig. 2(f). Although the angular waveforms in differ-
for f a = 0 Hz and f a = 0.2 Hz. From Fig. 2(e), there are blurs ent spatial directions have different signatures and range sidelobes,
near the code transition points. This is just a theoretical result their sidelobe outputs in the spatial receive channel have a low
and those blurs stand for high frequency components, which will level. This is because other spatial directions have a low transmit
be smoothed after passing band-pass circuits at the receive end. power gain that results in low sidelobes.
8 S. Zhou et al. / Digital Signal Processing 98 (2020) 102635

A heavier weight on the transmit beampattern matching term Results are shown in Fig. 3(e), wherein the transmit beampat-
can make the transmit power focused mainly into the peak di- tern is also presented. The sidelobe level depends heavily on the
rection. In this case, the rank of S is close to one and angular weight on the transmit beampattern matching. It can be seen that
waveforms transmitted into different spatial directions have sig- the fine spacing has sufficiently represented angular waveforms
natures close to each other. If the rank is one, all spatial directions from all spatial directions.
will have the same signature and the same range sidelobe level. Consider a receive array also with 10 half-wavelength spaced
Meanwhile, with close signatures, they have low mutual corre- elements and then calculate sidelobes after the receive beamform-
lation sidelobes at k = 0. Consequently, once the angular wave- ing operation with the MIMO LS weight as ar ( f a0 )/ N r , yielding
form at f a = 0 Hz has a low sidelobe level, other angular wave-
forms will inherent its low range sidelobes. This is the reason ρ ( f a0 , f a ) = max ρk ( f a0 , f a ). (50)
why we set fm = 0 but still obtain low mutual correlation side- k∈km
The attenuation factor is calculated according to (17). The result is
In particular, if the weight imposed on transmit beampattern
shown in Fig. 3(f). It can be seen that the cross correlation side-
matching tapers off, the transmit gain toward the direction will
lobes are efficiently suppressed after receive beamforming. It is
decrease but the sidelobe level will improve significantly. For in-
obvious that the sidelobe level over the angular frequency dimen-
stance, if we impose a weight 0.5, we can obtain a PSLDG =
sion is nonuniform. In addition to receive beamforming, sidelobes
−36.24 dB. As an extreme, if we totally remove the transmit beam- can reach a lower level. From Figs. 3(e-f), the sidelobe level is
pattern matching pursuit, we can obtain an angular waveform with mainly determined by auto correlation sidelobes, instead of mutual
a range sidelobe level lower than −120 dB, which has been intro- correlation sidelobes. Consequently, using the same concept as in
duced in [26]. [27], we ignore cross correlation sidelobes of angular waveforms
but focus merely on suppressing sidelobes around two mainlobes,
3.3. Transmit beampattern with two uniform peaks through setting fm = [−0.35, −0.25, 0.25, 0.35]T .
With a lighter weight 0.02 on the transmit beampattern match-
The receive beamforming effect will be considered subse- ing term, we run the optimization process with (43) and obtain
quently. Consider a desired transmit beampattern with two peaks Fig. 4(a) that shows sidelobe outputs of two spatial receive chan-
at fa = {−0.3, 0.3} Hz with the same gain. Other spatial regions nels stacked together, where the receive beamforming effect is not
are considered as sidelobes. In this case, PSL measures, both chan- taken into account. The optimized PSL is −25.4 dB, with a 1.2 dB
nel PSL (PSLAC , PSLRC and PSLBC ) and global channel PSLs (PSLAG , decrease in contrast to waveform design without receive beam-
PSLRG and PSLBC ), are close to each other. Therefore, we run the formng. Fig. 4(b) shows PSL over range for sidelobes in two receive
optimization process with (44) that has a low computational cost. channels, without the receive beamforming effect. Fig. 4(b) clearly
Here a desired transmit beampattern is described by a gain and indicates that range sidelobes are still mainly determined by auto
a beam width. For the N t elements array, the first null width is correlation sidelobes, though cross correlation sidelobes are not
1/ N t . Therefore, we set f0 = [−0.4, −0.3, −0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4]T Hz suppressed in the optimization criterion. Therefore, ignoring mu-
and bd = [0, 5, 0, 0, 5, 0]T . For the two peaks, the receive end de- tual correlation sidelobes does not lead to high-level mutual corre-
ploys two range compressors regarding fa = [−0.3, 0.3]T Hz and lation sidelobes and the setting is justified. Meanwhile, real range
real target returns are simulated by a 20-elements fm ranging from PSLs have two shallow notches around −0.3 Hz and 0.3 Hz, indi-
−0.475 Hz to 0.475 Hz, with spacing 0.05 Hz. cating that although quantization of the angular frequency through
With (44), we obtain a transmit beampattern shown in Fig. 3(a). a few angular waveforms will result in the sidelobe increase for
The resulting beampattern matches the desirable one well at the real target returns from all possible spatial directions, the degree
anchor points, i.e., f0 . The transmit power has been efficiently al- of increase can be controlled to an acceptable level by proper pa-
located into expected directions, resulting in low sidelobes of the rameter settings.
transmit beampattern. Waveform signatures in f0 are shown to- Attenuated by the MIMO LS algorithm, sidelobe outputs of more
gether with their sum in Fig. 3(b). It can be seen that their sum in angular waveforms in the two channels are stacked and shown in
the temporal dimension is close to a constant. That means that the Fig. 4(c), indicating that receive beamforming has made the mu-
transmit power switches between two directions, occupying nearly tual correlation sidelobes much lower than the auto correlation
all the time slots. sidelobes. The value of PSL over range can be found in Fig. 4(d).
Assume that two spatial receive channels are deployed to deal As receive beamforming does suppress auto correlation sidelobes,
with returns from two different spatial directions fa . Range com- the final PSL is identical to that before receive beamforming. In
pression sidelobes of angular waveforms at fm in two channels Fig. 4(b), mutual correlation between angular waveforms around
are stacked and shown together in Fig. 3(c). Two channel PSLs are two transmit beampattern peaks are comparable to the auto corre-
around −24.10 dB (three channel PSLs are close to each other). lation sidelobes, but in Fig. 4(d), it can be seen that mutual corre-
In practice, real target returns may come from any direction and lation sidelobes between returns in directions associated with the
Fig. 3(d) shows sidelobe outputs of angular waveforms from more two peaks have been efficiently suppressed, to an extent compara-
spatial directions, with a finer spacing of 0.01 Hz. It can be seen ble to mutual correlation sidelobes, i.e., around −45 dB. Therefore,
that sidelobes around fm are suppressed and the resulting PSLRC = the only obstacle for a lower global sidelobe level is auto correla-
−23.92 dB, with a 0.18 dB increase. Moreover, the final sidelobe tion sidelobes.
level is mainly determined by auto correlation sidelobes, which are Table 1 lists all sidelobe measures of designed waveforms in
much higher than cross correlation sidelobes. this section.
Sidelobe level in Fig. 3(d) is a bit higher than Fig. 3(c) of side-
lobes at optimization ticks. To show this fact more clearly, we 3.4. Transmit beampattern with two unequal peaks: Case I
calculate the PSL over the range for the sidelobes in Figs. 3(c-d),
excluding k = 0 parts, i.e., For directional transmit beampattern with identical peaks,
range sidelobe measures are close to each other. Noise levels in
two channels are close to each other as well. In the following, we
r ( f a0 , f a ) = max rk ( f a0 , f a ). (49) still consider desired transmit beampattern with two peaks but
S. Zhou et al. / Digital Signal Processing 98 (2020) 102635 9

Fig. 3. Transmit beampattern with two uniform peaks. (a) Desired and resulting transmit beampattern; (b) Angular waveforms at f a = −0.3 and f a = 0.3; (c) Range sidelobes
at angular frequencies for optimization; (d) Range sidelobes at the angular frequencies; (e) PSL over the range without receive beamforming; (f) PSL over range after receive

allocate different powers to the two peaks. In this case, noise lev- bd = [0, 75, 0, 0, 25, 0]T . Real target returns are from −0.475 Hz to
els in two spatial receive channels become different and then one 0.475 Hz with spacing 0.05 Hz by assumption.
needs to choose from those PSL definitions. The resulting transmit beampattern is shown in Fig. 5(a), in-
Assume that the two peaks of the desired transmit beam- dicating that the resulting transmit beampattern agrees well with
pattern are located at fa = [−0.3, 0.3]T Hz, with a power ratio the desired one. The resulting power ratio of two peaks is 3.3 : 1,
3 : 1. We first suppress PSLBG and run the optimization process a bit mismatch with the desirable one. As most of the power has
with (40), still with f0 = [−0.4, −0.3, −0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4]T Hz and been concentrated on two peaks, signal power in the sidelobe re-
10 S. Zhou et al. / Digital Signal Processing 98 (2020) 102635

Fig. 4. Transmit beampattern with two uniform peaks. (a) Optimized sidelobes in two spatial receive channels; (b) PSL over range for two channels without receive beam-
forming; (c) Sidelobe outputs in two channels with receive beamforming; (d) PSL over range for two channels with receive beamforming.

Table 1
PSL measures of optimization results.

Criterion parameters RB Channel 1/Channel 2/Overall, dB

peak ratio, N 0 , N a , N m Y/N ÷ Max gain ÷ Channel gain
Optimization, Real Optimization, Real
Eq. (45), Fig. 2 N −33.58/NA/−33.58,−33.58/NA/−33.58 −33.58/NA/−33.58,−33.58/NA/−33.58
1 : 0, 1, 1, 1 Y −36.24/NA/−36.24,−35.52/NA/−35.52 −36.24/NA/−36.24, −35.52/NA/−35.52

Eq. (44), Fig. 3 N −24.10/−24.10/−24.10,−23.92/−23.95/−23.92 −24.10/−24.10/−24.10, −23.92/−23.95/−23.92

1 : 1, 6, 2, 20 Y −24.10/−24.10/−24.10,−24.01/−24.03/−24.01 −24.10/−24.10/−24.10,−24.01/−24.03/−24.01

Eq. (43), Fig. 4 N −25.38/−25.38/−25.38,−24.99/−25.00/−24.99 −25.38/−25.38/−25.38,−24.99/−25.00/−24.99

1 : 1, 6, 2, 6 Y −25.38/−25.38/−25.38,−25.18/−25.23/−25.18 −25.38/−25.38/−25.38,−25.18/−25.23/−25.18

Eq. (40), Fig. 5 N −24.11/−24.11/−24.11,−24.05/−24.10/−13.58 −24.11/−13.59/−13.59,−24.05/−13.58/−13.58

3 : 1, 6, 2, 20 Y −38.05/−47.59/−38.05,−37.43/−45.16/−37.43 −38.05/−37.07/−37.07,−37.43/−34.63/−34.63

Eq. (43), Figs. 6(a-c) N −21.83/−21.83/−21.83,−21.82/−21.83/−21.82 −21.83/−11.16/−11.16,−21.82/−11.16/−11.16

3 : 1, 6, 2, 20 Y −44.27/−44.27/−44.27,−43.29/−42.23/−42.23 −44.27/−33.60/−33.60,−43.29/−31.56/−31.56

Eq. (43), Fig. 6(d) N −21.86/−21.86/−21.86,−21.85/−21.86/−21.85 −21.86/−11.02/−11.02,−21.85/−11.02/−11.02

3 : 1, 6, 2, 20 Y −44.49/−42.50/−45.19,−43.62/−42.49/−42.49 −44.49/−31.67/−31.67,−43.62/−31.66/−31.66

gions is controlled to a low level. Therefore, our mechanism to p ( f a0 )
form multiple peaks of transmit beampattern works well. ck ( f a0 , f a )/ p ( f a0 ) p ( f a ) = rk ( f a0 , f a ) (51)
p( f a )
For MIMO radar waveform optimization, the way to normal-
ize sidelobes ck ( f a0 ; f a ) is critical. Here PSLRC ( f a ) is normalized by with k ∈ km , f a0 ∈ f0 , and f a ∈ fm . It stems from a strict mathe-
p ( f a0 ) and PSLAC ( f a ) by p m . In practice, there is another common matical definition of waveform mutual correlation and will never
but unsuitable method to normalize sidelobes, given by exceed one.
S. Zhou et al. / Digital Signal Processing 98 (2020) 102635

Fig. 5. Transmit beampattern with two uniform peaks. (a) Desirable and resulting transmit beampatterns; (b) Mathematical definition of mutual correlation sidelobes ck ( f a0 , f a )/ p ( f a0 ) p ( f a ) for f a0 = 0 and f a0 = 0.15 stacked
together; (c) Range compression sidelobes rk ( f a0 , f a ) for f a0 = 0 and f a0 = 0.15 stacked together; (d) Angular waveform sidelobes ck ( f a0 , f a ), without receive beamforming; (e) Peak value over range excluding k = 0 for range
compression sidelobes, without receive beamforming; (f) Peak value over range excluding k = 0 for angular waveform sidelobes, without receive beamforming; (g) Range compression sidelobes with receive beamforming; (h)
Angular waveform sidelobes with receive beamforming; (i) Peak value over range excluding k = 0 for range compression sidelobes, with receive beamforming; (j) Peak value over range excluding k = 0 for angular waveform
sidelobes, with receive beamforming.

12 S. Zhou et al. / Digital Signal Processing 98 (2020) 102635

Fig. 6. Transmit beampattern with two uniform peaks. (a) Sidelobes of angular waveforms in two channels at optimization ticks; (b) Sidelobes of angular waveforms at more
angular frequencies; (c) Peak sidelobes over range in two channels; (d) Peak sidelobes over range for waveforms optimized with a Hamming window imposed on receive

For the waveforms at hand, the sidelobes in definition (51) are ures differ in the sidelobe outputs in the spatial receive channel re-
shown in Fig. 5(b), indicating that sidelobes are very high under garding f a = 0.3 Hz. The power ratio of the two peaks 3.3 : 1 here
this measure. This sidelobe definition overweights mutual correla- results in a 10.4 dB difference in the channel PSL at f a = 0.3 Hz.
tion sidelobes because transmit gains at fa , associated with spatial Auto correlation sidelobes in both figures are lower than mutual
receive channels, are always higher than those at fm that stands correlation sidelobes, because the waveform optimization criterion
for other spatial directions. In practice, targets from spatial regions has taken the receive beamforming effect into account but the op-
that are not of interest will also have low power returns in a sta- eration is not considered in Figs. 5(c-f).
tistical sense. That is the reason why we pay less attention on this In addition to receive beamforming with the 10-element re-
sidelobe definition. ceive array used in waveform optimization, sidelobes measured
Next, range compression sidelobes rk ( f a0 , f a ) are shown in
by ρk ( f a0 ; f a ) are shown in Fig. 5(g), and sidelobes measured by
Fig. 5(c) and angular waveform sidelobes ck ( f a0 , f a ) in Fig. 5(d),
ρr ( f a0 ; f a ) · ck ( f a0 ; f a ) in Fig. 5(h), where no window is imposed
both for k ∈ km , f a0 ∈ f0 , f a ∈ fm . For the spatial receive chan-
at receive beamforming.
nels regarding the lower peak, sidelobe level are different from
In Figs. 5(g-h), sidelobes at different angular frequencies are
Fig. 5(c) and Fig. 5(d), because two sidelobe measures impose
flatter than those in Figs. 5(c-d), as a result of waveform optimiza-
different weights over sidelobes outputs in the 0.3 Hz channel.
tion. The channel PSL is about −38 dB and the receive beamform-
From Figs. 5(b-d), it can be clearly seen that under different side-
ing results in a 12.7 dB drop of the PSL. Therefore, a well-designed
lobe measures, mutual correlation sidelobes are different. There-
fore, it is important to select reasonable sidelobe measures and it waveform optimization criterion can also result in a good wave-
is also the reason why we pay so much attention on PSL defini- form optimization result.
tions. Peak sidelobes over range excluding k = 0 for sidelobes in
Numerical values of sidelobe levels are shown in Figs. 5(e-f), Figs. 5(g-h) are shown in Figs. 5(i-j), respectively. The waveform
where Fig. 5(e) presents peak sidelobes over range excluding k = 0 optimization criterion with (40), tending to suppress PSLBG , gives
for range compression sidelobes in Fig. 5(c), and Fig. 5(f) presents rise to close sidelobe outputs in Fig. 5(i). If the sidelobes are nor-
peak sidelobes over range excluding k = 0 for angular waveform malized by peak gain as in Fig. 5(j), sidelobes in two different
sidelobes in Fig. 5(d). The resulting transmit beampattern is also spatial receive channels are not equivalent anymore. Specifically, at
presented for comparison purpose. It is obvious that the two fig- optimization points, the PSL in the 0.3 Hz channel is −47.59 dB,
S. Zhou et al. / Digital Signal Processing 98 (2020) 102635 13

about 10 dB lower than that in the −0.3 Hz channel. That is a attenuation factor results in a significant PSL drop to the optimiza-
significant difference. tion result. The Doppler problem is not considered but it is not
Waveform optimization with (40) tends to make different chan- difficult to generalize the criteria in case of Doppler mismatches.
nels yield the same channel PSL. The following part will discuss The SQP algorithm can be replaced by the L-BFGS algorithm and
waveform optimization results with (43), which tends to force PSLs the ADMM algorithm for a better performance output.
of different channels to have the same distance to the noise level.
Declaration of competing interest
3.5. For transmit beampattern with two unequal peaks: Case II
The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
On the same transmit/array, we optimize with (43), under the cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
same parameter settings as those used to obtain Fig. 5. The trans- influence the work reported in this paper.
mit beampattern is close to Fig. 5(a) and thus is omitted here.
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Jianlai Wang received the Ph.D. degree from the

Shenghua Zhou received the B.Eng. and Ph.D. De- Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, in 2011.
grees from Xidian University in 2005 and 2011, re- He is currently a Senior Engineer with the China
spectively. He is currently an associate professor in Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology, Beijing, China.
National Laboratory of Radar Signal Processing at Xi- His research interests include radar automatic target
dian University. His research interests include but are detection and signal processing.
not limited to distributed detection, colocated MIMO
radar and dual function radar.

Hui Ma was born in Hebei, China, in 1989. She re-

Jing Lu received the B.Sc. degree in engineering ceived the B.Sc. degrees in electronic and information
from Xidian University in 2018. He is currently pur- engineering, in 2009, and the Ph.D. degree in elec-
suing the M.Sc. degree in signal processing with the tromagnetics and microwave technology from Beihang
National Laboratory of Radar Signal Processing, Xid- University, Beijing, China, in 2015. In 2012, she was
ian University. His research interests include statistical a visiting Ph.D. student with the University of Birm-
signal processing, multi-frame detection, and quanti- ingham, Birmingham, U.K., where she continued as a
tative fusion detection. Research Fellow, since 2015, under the grants funded
by the European Space Agency. She is currently a Lec-
turer with the National Laboratory of Radar Signal Processing, Xidian
Pramod K. Varshney received the B.S. degree
University, Xi’an, China. Her research interests include multi-static radar,
(Hons.) in electrical engineering and computer sci-
passive radar, radar imaging, and signal processing.
ence and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical
engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign, IL, USA, in 1972, 1974, and 1976, respec- Hongwei Liu received the B.Eng. degree in elec-
tively. Since 1976, he has been with Syracuse Uni- tronic engineering from the Dalian University of Tech-
versity, Syracuse, NY, USA, where he is currently a nology, in 1992, and the M.Eng. and Ph.D. degrees in
Distinguished Professor of electrical engineering and electronic engineering from Xidian University, Xi’an,
computer science and the Director of the Center for China, in 1995 and 1999, respectively, where he is
Advanced Systems and Engineering. He served as an Associate Chair for currently the Director and a Professor with the Na-
the Department from 1993 to 1996. He is also an Adjunct Professor of ra- tional Laboratory of Radar Signal Processing. His re-
diology with Upstate Medical University, Syracuse. He has authored a book search interests include radar automatic target recog-
Distributed Detection and Data Fusion. His current research interests are nition, radar signal processing, and adaptive signal
in distributed sensor networks and data fusion, detection and estimation processing.

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