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Determining the Economics of Design of a Bypass Cooling System for

Reciprocating I-C Engine Cogeneration an Engine 6.21
6.1 Hot-Water Heat-Recovery System
Diesel Generating Unit Efficiency 6.7 Analysis 6.26
Engine Displacement, Mean Effective Diesel Fuel Storage Capacity and Cost
Pressure, and Efficiency 6.8 6.27
Engine Mean Effective Pressure and Power Input to Cooling-Water and Lube-
Horsepower 6.9 Oil Pumps 6.29
Selection of an Industrial Internal- Lube-Oil Cooler Selection and Oil
Combustion Engine 6.10 Consumption 6.31
Engine Output at High Temperatures Quantity of Solids Entering an Internal-
and High Altitudes 6.11 Combustion Engine 6.31
Indicator Use on Internal-Combustion Internal-Combustion Engine
Engines 6.12 Performance Factors 6.32
Engine Piston Speed, Torque, Volumetric Efficiency of Diesel Engines
Displacement, and Compression Ratio 6.34
6.13 Selecting Air-Cooled Engines for
Internal-Combustion Engine Cooling- Industrial Applications 6.37
Water Requirements 6.14
Design of a Vent System for an Engine
Room 6.18



Determine if an internal-combustion (I-C) engine cogeneration facility will be ec-

onomically attractive if the required electrical power and steam services can be
served by a cycle such as that in Fig. 1 and the specific load requirements are those
shown in Fig. 2. Frequent startups and shutdowns are anticipated for this system.

Calculation Procedure:
1. Determine the sources of waste heat available in the typical I-C engine
There are three primary sources of waste heat available in the usual I-C engine.
These are: (1) the exhaust gases from the engine cylinders; (2) the jacket cooling
water; (3) the lubricating oil. Of these three sources, the quantity of heat available
is, in descending order: exhaust gases; jacket cooling water; lube oil.

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FIGURE 1 Reciprocating-engine cogeneration system waste heat from the exhaust, and
jacket a oil cooling, are recovered. (Indeck Energy Services, Inc.)

FIGURE 2 Low-speed Diesel-engine cogeneration. (Indeck Energy Services, Inc.)

2. Show how to compute the heat recoverable from each source

For the exhaust gases, use the relation, HA ⫽ W(⌬t)(cg), where WA ⫽ rate of gas
flow from the engine, lb / h (kg / h); ⌬t ⫽ temperature drop of the gas between the
heat exchanger inlet and outlet, ⬚F (⬚C); cg ⫽ specific heat of the gas, Btu / lb ⬚F
(J / kg ⬚C). For example, if an I-C engine exhausts 100,000 lb / h (45,400 kg / h) at
700⬚F (371⬚C) to a HRSG (heat-recovery steam generator), leaving the HRSG at
330⬚F (166⬚C), and the specific heat of the gas is 0.24 Btu / lb ⬚F (1.0 kJ / kg ⬚C),

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the heat recoverable, neglecting losses in the HRSG and connecting piping, is
HA ⫽ 100,000(700 ⫺ 330)(0.24) ⫽ 8,880,000 Btu / h (2602 MW).
With an average heat of vaporization of 1000 Btu / lb (2330 kJ / kg) of steam,
this exhaust gas flow could generate 8,880,000 / 1000 ⫽ 8880 lb / h (4032 kg / h) of
steam. If oil with a heating value of 145,000 Btu / gal (40,455 kJ / L) were used to
generate this steam, the quantity required would be 8,880,000 / 145,000 ⫽ 61.2
gal / h (232 L / h). At a cost of 90 cents per gallon, the saving would be $0.90(61.2)
⫽ $55.08 / h. Assuming 5000 hours of operation per year, or 57 percent load, the
saving in fuel cost would be 5000($55.08) ⫽ $275,400. This is a significant saving
in any plant. And even if heat losses in the ductwork and heat-recovery boiler cut
the savings in half, the new would still exceed one hundred thousand dollars a year.
And as the operating time increases, so too do the savings.

3. Compute the savings potential in jacket-water and lube-oil heat recovery

A similar relation can be used to compute jacket-water and lube-oil heat recovery.
The flow rate can be expressed in either pounds (kg) per hour or gallons (L) per
minute, depending on the designer’s choice.
Since water has a specific heat of unity, the heat-recovery potential of the jacket
water is HW ⫽ w(⌬tw), where w ⫽ weight of water flow, lb per h (kg / h); ⌬tw ⫽
change in temperature of the jacket water when flowing through the heat exchanger,
⬚F (⬚C). Thus, if the jacket-water flow is 25,000 lb / h (11,350 kg / h) and the tem-
perature change during flow of the jacket water through and external heat exchanger
is 190 to 70⬚F (88 to 21⬚C), the heat given up by the jacket water, neglecting losses
is Hw ⫽ 25,000(190 ⫺ 70) ⫽ 3,000,000 Btu / h (879 MW). During 25 h the heat
recovery will be 24(3,000,000) ⫽ 72,000,000 Btu (75,960 MJ). This is a significant
amount of heat which can be used in process or space heating, or to drive an air-
conditioning unit.
If the jacket-water flow rate is expressed in gallons per minute instead of pounds
per hour (L / min instead of kg / h), the heat-recovery potential, Hwg ⫽ gpm(⌬t)(8.33)
where 8.33 ⫽ lb / gal of water. With a water flow rate of 50 gpm and the same
temperature range as above, Hwg ⫽ 50(120)(8.33) ⫽ 49,980 Btu / min (52,279 kJ /

4. Find the amount of heat recoverable from the lube oil

During I-C engine operation, lube-oil temperature can reach high levels—in the
300 to 400⬚F (149 to 201⬚C) range. And with oil having a typical specific heat of
0.5 Btu / lb ⬚F (2.1 kJ / kg ⬚C), the heat-recovery potential for the lube oil is Hwo ⫽
wo(⌬t)(co), where wo ⫽ oil flow in lb / h (kg / h); ⌬t ⫽ temperature change of the oil
during flow through the heat-recovery heat exchanger ⫽ oil inlet temperature ⫺ oil
outlet temperature, ⬚F or ⬚C; co ⫽ specific heat of oil ⫽ 0.5 Btu / lb ⬚F (kJ / kg ⬚C).
With an oil flow of 2000 lb / h (908 kg / h), a temperature change of 140⬚F (77.7⬚C),
Ho ⫽ 2000(140)(0.50) ⫽ 140,000 Btu / h (41 kW). Thus, as mentioned earlier, the
heat recoverable from the lube oil is usually the lowest of the three sources.
With the heat flow rates computed here, an I-C engine cogeneration facility can
be easily justified, especially where frequent startups and shutdowns are anticipated.
Reciprocating Diesel engines are preferred over gas and steam turbines where fre-
quent startups and shutdowns are required. Just the fuel savings anticipated for
recovery of heat in the exhaust gases of this engine could pay for it in a relatively
short time.
Related Calculations. Cogeneration, in which I-C engines are finding greater
use throughout the world every year, is defined by Michael P. Polsky, President,
Indeck Energy Services, Inc., as ‘‘the simultaneous production of useful thermal

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energy and electric power from a fuel source or some variant thereof. It is more
efficient to produce electric power and steam or hot water together than electric
power alone, as utilities do, or thermal energy alone, which is common in industrial,
commercial, and institutional plants.’’ Figures 1 and 2 in this procedure are from
the firm of which Mr. Polsky is president.
With the increased emphasis on reducing environmental pollution, conserving
fuel use, and operating at lower overall cost, cogeneration—especially with Diesel
engines—is finding wider acceptance throughout the world. Design engineers
should consider cogeneration whenever there is a concurrent demand for electricity
and heat. Such demand is probably most common in industry but is also met in
commercial (hotels, apartment houses, stores) and institutional (hospital, prison,
nursing-home) installations. Often, the economic decision is not over whether co-
generation should be used, but what type of prime mover should be chosen.
Three types of prime movers are usually considered for cogeneration—steam
turbines, gas turbines, or internal-combustion engines. Steam and / or gas turbines
are usually chosen for large-scale utility and industrial plants. For smaller plants
the Diesel engine is probably the most popular choice today. Where natural gas is
available, reciprocating internal-combustion engines are a favorite choice, especially
with frequent startups and shutdowns.
Recently, vertical modular steam engines have been introduced for use in co-
generation. Modules can be grouped to increase the desired power output. These
high-efficiency units promise to compete with I-C engines in the growing cogen-
eration market.
Guidelines used in estimating heat recovery from I-C engines, after all heat loses,
include these: (1) Exhaust-gas heat recovery ⫽ 28 percent of heat in fuel; (2) Jacket-
water heat recovery ⫽ 27 percent of heat in fuel; (3) Lube-oil heat recovery ⫽ 9
percent of the heat in the fuel. The Diesel Engine Manufacturers Association
(DEMA) gives these values for heat disposition in a Diesel engine at three-quarters
to full load: (1) Fuel consumption ⫽ 7366 Btu / bhp 䡠 h (2.89 kW / kW); (2) Useful
work ⫽ 2544 Btu / bhp 䡠 h (0.999 kW / kW); (3) Loss in radiation, etc. ⫽ 370 Btu /
bhp 䡠 h (0.145 kW / kW); (4) To cooling water ⫽ 2195 Btu / bhp 䡠 h (0.862 kW / kW);
(5) To exhaust ⫽ 2258 Btu / bhp 䡠 h (0.887 kW / kW). The sum of the losses is 1
Btu / bhp 䡠 h greater than the fuel consumption because of rounding of the values.
Figure 3 shows a proposed cogeneration, desiccant-cooling, and thermal-storage
integrated system for office buildings in the southern California area. While directed
at the micro-climates in that area, similar advantages for other micro-climates and
building types should be apparent. The data presented here for this system were
prepared by The Meckler Group and are based on a thorough engineering and
economic evaluation for the Southern California Gas Co. of the desiccant-
cooling / thermal-energy-storage / cogeneration system, a proprietary design devel-
oped for pre- and post-Title-24 mid-rise office buildings. Title 24 is a section of
the State of California Administrative Code that deals with energy-conservation
standards for construction applicable to office buildings. A summary of the study
was presented in Power magazine by Milton Meckler.
In certain climates, office buildings are inviting targets for saving energy via
evaporative chilling. When waste heat is plentiful, desiccant cooling and cogener-
ation become attractive. In coupling the continuously available heat-rejection
capacity of packaged cogeneration units, Fig. 4, with continuously operating re-
generator demands, the use of integrated components for desiccant cooling, thermal-
energy storage, and cogeneration increases. The combination also ensures a rea-
sonable constant, cost-effective supply of essentially free electric power for general
building use.

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FIGURE 3 Integrated system is a proposed off-peak desiccant/evaporative-cooling configu-

ration with cogeneration capability. (Power and The Meckler Group.)

Recoverable internal-combustion engine heat should at least match the heat re-
quirement of the regenerator, Fig. 3. The selected engine size (see a later procedure
in this section), however, should not cause the cogeneration system’s Purpa (Public
Utility Regulatory & Policies Act) efficiency to drop below 42.5 percent. (Purpa
efficiency decreases as engine size increases.) An engine size is selected to give
the most economical performance and still have a Purpa efficiency of greater than
42.5 percent.
The utility study indicated a favorable payout period and internal rate of return
both for retrofits of pre-Title-24 office buildings and for new buildings in compli-
ance with current Title-24 requirements (nominal 200 to 500 cooling tons). Al-
though the study was limited to office-building occupancies, it is likely that other
building types with high ventilation and electrical requirements would also offer
attractive investment opportunities.
Based on study findings, fuel savings ranged from 3300 to 7900 therms per year.
Cost savings ranged from $322,000 to $370,000 for the five-story-building case
studies and from $545,000 to $656,000 for 12-story-building case studies where
the synchronously powered, packaged cogeneration unit was not used for emer-
gency power.
Where the cogeneration unit was also used for emergency power, the initial cost
decreased from $257,000 to $243,000, representing a 31 percent drop in average
cost for the five-story-building cases; and from $513,000 to $432,000, a 22 percent

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FIGURE 4 Packaged cogeneration I-C engine

unit supplies waste heat to desiccant regenerator.
(Power and The Meckler Group.)

dip in average cost for the 12-story-building cases. The average cost decrease shifts
the discounted payback period an average of 5.6 and 5.9 years for the five- and 12-
story-building cases, respectively.
Study findings were conservatively reported, since no credit was taken for po-
tential income resulting from Purpa sales to the serving utility at off-peak hours,
when actual building operating requirements fall below rated cogenerator output.
This study is another example of the importance of the internal-combustion engine
in cogeneration around the world today.
Worldwide there is a movement toward making internal-combustion engines, and
particularly diesel engines, cleaner-running. In general, this means reducing partic-
ulate emissions from diesel-engine exhaust gases. For cities with large numbers of
diesel-powered buses, exhaust emissions can be particularly unpleasant. And some
medical personnel say that diesel exhaust gases can be harmful to the health of
people breathing them.
The approach to making diesel engines cleaner takes two tacts: (1) improving
the design of the engine so that fewer particulates are emitted and (2) using cleaner
fuel to reduce the particulate emissions. Manufacturers are using both approaches
to comply with the demands of federal and state agencies regulating emissions.
Today’s engineers will find that ‘‘cleaning up’’ diesel engines is a challenging and
expensive procedure. However, cleaner-operating diesels are being introduced every

*Elliott, Standard Handbook of Power Plant Engineering, McGraw-Hill, 1989.

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A 3000-kW diesel generating unit performs thus: fuel rate, 1.5 bbl (238.5 L) of
25⬚ API fuel for a 900-kWh output; mechanical efficiency, 82.0 percent; generator
efficiency, 92.0 percent. Compute engine fuel rate, engine-generator fuel rate, in-
dicated thermal efficiency, overall thermal efficiency, brake thermal efficiency.

Calculation Procedure:
1. Compute the engine fuel rate
The fuel rate of an engine driving a generator is the weight of fuel, lb, used to
generate 1 kWh at the generator input shaft. Since this engine burns 1.5 bbl (238.5
L) of fuel for 900 kW at the generator terminals, the total fuel consumption is (1.5
bbl)(42 gal / bbl) ⫽ 63 gal (238.5 L), at a generator efficiency of 92.0 percent.
To determine the weight of this oil, compute its specific gravity s from s ⫽
141.5 / (131.5 ⫹ ⬚API), where ⬚API ⫽ API gravity of the fuel. Hence, s ⫽
141.5(131.5 ⫹ 25) ⫽ 0.904. Since 1 gal (3.8 L) of water weighs 8.33 lb (3.8 kg)
at 60⬚F (15.6⬚C), 1 gal (3.8 L) of this oil weighs (0.904)(8.33) ⫽ 7.529 lb (3.39
kg). The total weight of fuel used when burning 63 gal is (63 gal)(7.529 lb / gal) ⫽
474.5 lb (213.5 kg).
The generator is 92 percent efficient. Hence, the engine actually delivers enough
power to generate 900 / 0.92 ⫽ 977 kWh at the generator terminals. Thus, the engine
fuel rate ⫽ 474.5 lb fuel / 977 kWh ⫽ 0.485 lb / kWh (0.218 kg / kWh).

2. Compute the engine-generator fuel rate

The engine-generator fuel rate takes these two units into consideration and is the
weight of fuel required to generate 1 kWh at the generator terminals. Using the
fuel-consumption data from step 1 and the given output of 900 kW, we see that
engine-generator fuel rate ⫽ 474.5 lb fuel / 900 kWh output ⫽ 0.527 lb / kWh (0.237
kg / kWh).

3. Compute the indicated thermal efficiency

Indicated thermal efficiency is the thermal efficiency based on the indicated horse-
power of the engine. This is the horsepower developed in the engine cylinder. The
engine fuel rate, computed in step 1, is the fuel consumed to produce the brake or
shaft horsepower output, after friction losses are deducted. Since the mechanical
efficiency of the engine is 82 percent, the fuel required to produce the indicated
horsepower is 82 percent of that required for the brake horsepower, or (0.82)(0.485)
⫽ 0.398 lb / kWh (0.179 kg / kWh).
The indicated thermal efficiency of an internal-combustion engine driving a gen-
erator is ei ⫽ 3413 / ƒi(HHV), where ei ⫽ indicated thermal efficiency, expressed as
a decimal; ƒi ⫽ indicated fuel consumption, lb / kWh; HHV ⫽ higher heating value
of the fuel, Btu / lb.
Compute the HHV for a diesel fuel from HHV ⫽ 17,680 ⫹ 60 ⫻ ⬚API. For this
fuel, HHV ⫽ 17,680 ⫹ 60(25) ⫽ 19,180 Btu / lb (44,612.7 kJ / kg).
With the HHV known, compute the indicated thermal efficiency from ei ⫽
3,413 / [(0.398)(19,180)] ⫽ 0.447 or 44.7 percent.

4. Compute the overall thermal efficiency

The overall thermal efficiency eo is computed from eo ⫽ 3413 / ƒo(HHV), where
ƒo ⫽ overall fuel consumption, Btu / kWh; other symbols as before. Using the

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engine-generator fuel rate from step 2, which represents the overall fuel consump-
tion eo ⫽ 3413 / [(0.527)(19,180)] ⫽ 0.347, or 34.7 percent.
5. Compute the brake thermal efficiency
The engine fuel rate, step 1, corresponds to the brake fuel rate ƒb. Compute the
brake thermal efficiency from eb ⫽ 3413 / ƒb(HHV), where ƒb ⫽ brake fuel rate,
Btu / kWh; other symbols as before. For this engine-generator set, eb ⫽ 3413 /
[(0.485)(19,180)] ⫽ 0.367, or 36.7 percent.
Related Calculations. Where the fuel consumption is given or computed in
terms of lb / (hp 䡠 h), substitute the value of 2545 Btu / (hp 䡠 h) (1.0 kW / kWh) in
place of the value 3413 Btu / kWh (3600.7 kJ / kWh) in the numerator of the ei, eo,
and eb equations. Compute the indicated, overall, and brake thermal efficiencies as
before. Use the same procedure for gas and gasoline engines, except that the higher
heating value of the gas or gasoline should be obtained from the supplier or by



A 12 ⫻ 18 in (30.5 ⫻ 44.8 cm) four-cylinder four-stroke single-acting diesel engine

is rated at 200 bhp (149.2 kW) at 260 r / min. Fuel consumption at rated load is
0.42 lb / (bhp 䡠 h) (0.25 kg / kWh). The higher heating value of the fuel is 18,920
Btu / lb (44,008 kJ / kg). What are the brake mean effective pressure, engine dis-
placement in ft3 / (min 䡠 bhp), and brake thermal efficiency?

Calculation Procedure:
1. Compute the brake mean effective pressure
Compute the brake mean effective pressure (bmep) for an internal-combustion en-
gine from bmep ⫽ 33,000 bhpn / LAn, where bmep ⫽ brake mean effective pressure,
lb / in2; bhpn ⫽ brake horsepower output delivered per cylinder, hp; L ⫽ piston
stroke length, ft; a ⫽ piston area, in2; n ⫽ cycles per minute per cylinder ⫽ crank-
shaft rpm for a two-stroke cycle engine, and 0.5 the crankshaft rpm for a four-
stroke cycle engine.
For this engine at its rated hbp, the output per cylinder is 200 bhp / 4 cylinders
⫽ 50 bhp (37.3 kW). Then bmep ⫽ 33,000(50) / [(18 / 12)(12)2(␲ / 4)(260 / 2)] ⫽ 74.8
lb / in2 (516.1 kPa). (The factor 12 in the denominator converts the stroke length
from inches to feet.)
2. Compute the engine displacement
The total engine displacement Vd ft3 is given by Vd ⫽ LAnN, where A ⫽ piston
area, ft2; N ⫽ number of cylinders in the engine; other symbols as before. For this
engine, Vd ⫽ (18 / 12)(12 / 12)2(␲ / 4)(260 / 2)(4) ⫽ 614 ft3 / min (17.4 m3 / min). The
displacement is in cubic feet per minute because the crankshaft speed is in r / min.
The factor of 12 in the denominators converts the stroke and area to ft and ft2,
respectively. The displacement per bhp ⫽ (total displacement, ft3 / min) / bhp output
of engine ⫽ 614 / 200 ⫽ 3.07 ft3 / (min 䡠 bhp) (0.12 m3 / kW).
3. Compute the brake thermal efficiency
The brake thermal efficiency eb of an internal-combustion engine is given by eb ⫽
2545 / (sfc)(HHV), where sfc ⫽ specific fuel consumption, lb / (bhp 䡠 h); HHV ⫽

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higher heating value of fuel, Btu / lb. For this engine, eb ⫽ 2545 / [(0.42)(18,920)]
⫽ 0.32, or 32.0 percent.
Related Calculations. Use the same procedure for gas and gasoline engines.
Obtain the higher heating value of the fuel from the supplier, a tabulation of fuel
properties, or by test.



A 500-hp (373-kW) internal-combustion engine has a brake mean effective pressure

of 80 lb / in2 (551.5 kPa) at full load. What are the indicated mean effective pressure
and friction mean effective pressure if the mechanical efficiency of the engine is
85 percent? What are the indicated horsepower and friction horsepower of the

Calculation Procedure:
1. Determine the indicated mean effective pressure
Indicated mean effective pressure imep lb / in2 for an internal-combustion engine is
found from imep ⫽ bmep / em, where bmep ⫽ brake mean effective pressure, lb /
in2; em ⫽ mechanical efficiency, percent, expressed as a decimal. For this engine,
imep ⫽ 80 / 0.85 ⫽ 94.1 lb / in2 (659.3 kPa).
2. Compute the friction mean effective pressure
For an internal-combustion engine, the friction mean effective pressure ƒmep lb /
in2 is found from ƒmep ⫽ imep ⫺ bmep, or ƒmep ⫽ 94.1 ⫺ 80 ⫽ 14.1 lb / in2 (97.3
3. Compute the indicated horsepower of the engine
For an internal-combustion engine, the mechanical efficiency em ⫽ bhp / ihp, where
ihp ⫽ indicated horsepower. Thus, ihp ⫽ bhp / em, or ihp ⫽ 500 / 0.85 ⫽ 588 ihp
(438.6 kW).
4. Compute the friction hp of the engine
For an internal-combustion engine, the friction horsepower is ƒhp ⫽ ihp ⫺ bhp. In
this engine, ƒhp ⫽ 588 ⫺ 500 ⫽ 88 fhp (65.6 kW).
Related Calculations. Use a similar procedure to determine the indicated en-
gine efficiency eei ⫽ ei / e, where e ⫽ ideal cycle efficiency; brake engine efficiency,
eeb ⫽ ebe; combined engine efficiency or overall engine thermal efficiency eeo ⫽
eo⫽ eoe. Note that each of these three efficiencies is an engine efficiency and cor-
responds to an actual thermal efficiency, ei, eb, and eo.
Engine efficiency ee ⫽ et / e, where et ⫽ actual engine thermal efficiency. Where
desired, the respective actual indicated brake, or overall, output can be substituted
for ei, eb, and eo in the numerator of the above equations if the ideal output is
substituted in the denominator. The result will be the respective engine efficiency.
Output can be expressed in Btu per unit time, or horsepower. Also, ee ⫽ actual
mep/ ideal mep, and eei ⫽ imep / ideal mep; eeb ⫽ bmep/ ideal mep; eeo ⫽ overall
mep/ ideal mep. Further, eb ⫽ emei, and bmep ⫽ em(imep). Where the actual heat
supplied by the fuel, HHV Btu / lb, is known, compute eieb and eo by the method
given in the previous calculation procedure. The above relations apply to any re-
ciprocating internal-combustion engine using any fuel.

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Select an internal-combustion engine to drive a centrifugal pump handling 2000

gal / min (126.2 L / s) of water at a total head of 350 ft (106.7 m). The pump speed
will be 1750 r / min, and it will run continuously. The engine and pump are located
at sea level.

Calculation Procedure:
1. Compute the power input to the pump
The power required to pump water is hp ⫽ 8.33GH / 33,000e, where G ⫽ water
flow, gal / min; H ⫽ total head on the pump, ft of water; e ⫽ pump efficiency,
expressed as a decimal. Typical centrifugal pumps have operating efficiencies rang-
ing from 50 to 80 percent, depending on the pump design and condition and liquid
handled. Assume that this pump has an efficiency of 70 percent. Then hp ⫽
8.33(2000) / (350) / [(33,000)(0.70)] ⫽ 252 hp (187.9 kW). Thus, the internal-
combustion engine must develop at least 252 hp (187.9 kW) to drive this pump.

2. Select the internal-combustion engine

Since the engine will run continuously, extreme care must be used in its selection.
Refer to a tabulation of engine ratings, such as Table 1. This table shows that a
diesel engine that delivers 275 continuous brake horsepower (205.2 kW) (the near-
est tabulated rating equal to or greater than the required input) will be rated at 483
bhp (360.3 kW) at 1750 r / min.
The gasoline-engine rating data in Table 1 show that for continuous full load at
a given speed, 80 percent of the tabulated power can be used. Thus, at 1750 r / min,
the engine must be rated at 252 / 0.80 ⫽ 315 bhp (234.9 kW). A 450-hp (335.7-
kW) unit is the only one shown in Table 1 that would meet the needs. This is too
large; refer to another builder’s rating table to find an engine rated at 315 to 325
bhp (234.9 to 242.5 kW) at 1750 r / min.
The unsuitable capacity range in the gasoline-engine section of Table 1 is a
typical situation met in selecting equipment. More time is often spent in finding a

TABLE 1 Internal-Combustion Engine Rating Table

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