PMS Design Philosophy

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TITLE: Engineering Standard Power Management System 2. INTERNAL 3.2 3.3 DESIGN PHILOSOPHY AND GENERAL REQUIREMENTS General The PMS shall be provided to facilitate the control, monitoring and data acquisition functions of the electrical power network. It shall offer common hardware and operator interface to ensure that data, whether originating from the PMS or a third party control system, is presented to the operator in a seamless and consistent manner. The system shall be based on well proven, integrated industrial information technology and provide for future expansion without disturbing the operation of the existing system. It shall have the following general features: ‘+ Operator interface displays of single line representation of the whole electrical network ‘inreal time; * Operator interface control to openiclose individual electrical switches at distribution levels as required; * Maintain the safety and stability of the overall power network; = Operator interface to Generator control; ‘© Data acquisition, trending and reporting of alarms and status of the electrical network; «Protection relay configuration, parameter setting and resetting; ‘Protection event capture and fault recording for protection relays; ‘* Sequence of Event recording; and ‘= Supervisory control of major elements of the power network under normal and ‘emergency operation conditions. Performance Requirements/Goals The design and selection of equipment and components shall be based on achieving a minimum expected lifetime of twenty-five (25) years and shall be easily upgradeable without incurring excessive cost. ‘The design of the PMS shall minimise the risk of short circuits, loss of synchronization and shall ensure personnel and operational safely at all times. The system shall be designed such that partial or complete failure of the PMS will not result in the loss of availabilty of electrical network and must not stop operation of any part of the facilities. Protective function shall operate autonomously. PMS watchdog alarm shall be provided to indicate a possible problem with the PMS itself. All components shall be of @ quality and reliability commensurate with the requirement to perform protection, control, monitoring and safety functions on power network ‘components in continuously operating industrial facilities, The PMS shall comply with all requirements of Engineering Standard Programmable Systems Domain Security Requirements (Amendments to WIB M2764-X-10), W10008J5636299. Project Specific Parameters Initial project development stages shall further define the PMS functionality, necessary interfaces, level of operator access, level of operator contro! and alarm management necessary for the preparation of a project specific functional equipment specification. Page 7 of 17 WOODSIDE APPROVED 21/01/2014 - W1000SE8520826 Rev 0 Engineering Standard Power Management System 2. INTERNAL, 3.4 35 3.6 37 It shall also include any necessary instalation, ambient and power supply conditions available. The system shall be designed such that a single point of component failure cannot cause loss of electrical control. In the event of a fault, system breakdown or loss of power, the functions concerned pass into a defined state or are taken out of service safely. The system shall be designed to provide redundancy at various levels. As a minimum, ‘Controllers? servers, storage; communications’ and power supplies shall have redundancy Fail-over redundancy designs shall be bumpless, immediate, and automatic without effect to control, operator display, calculations, data acquisition, or any other normal functions. All fail-overs shall be annunciated to the operator. Operation shall not be interrupted in order to replace a redundant component. ‘Sub-assemblies, such as the Central Processing Unit (CPU), hard disks, mass storage systems, communication interfaces etc., of the individual system shall be hot swappable such that the failed sub-assemblies can be replaced online. The redundancy required shall be fully extended into design of the communication interfaces and media Future Development ‘Any new generation of the equipment, including software developed subsequent to delivery, shall be compatible with the design of the original equipment, and it shall be relatively easy to extend, modify, upgrade or adapt the original equipment or software to incorporate such new developments, ‘Spare parts and software support for the original equipment will remain available for the duration of the expected lifetime of the facility Reliability Failure rate, including all component failures, shall be less than 0.50 % over the lifetime of the units. The system, including all system critical components, shall have a ‘Between Failure (MTBF) of not less than one hundred thousand (100,000) hours, The design of the PMS shall be such that the Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) shall be minimised. This means that suitable plug-in assemblies are required. Conventionally wired modules are not acceptable, All systems shall be designed to achieve an MTTR of not more than eight (8) hours. ‘Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) The entire PMS shall be suitably screened to optimize EMC. This shall include installation, ‘emission and immunity ‘Any electromagnetic disturbance generated by the PMS and individual components shall not exceed a level which would affect the correct operation of other susceptible equipment. In addition, the PMS shall have an adequate level of intrinsic immunity to external electromagnetic disturbance to enable it to operate as intended The PMS shall be immune to Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) ‘The system shall be tested and comply with the requirements of the EMC, International Electro-technical Commission, IEC 61000 series of standards. Page 8 of 17 WOODSIDE APPROVED 31/01/2014 - Win00568620826 Rev , TITLE: Engineering Standard Power Management System 4, PMS FUNCTIONALITY The system shall be capable of the following functions. 4.1 Operator Access ‘Operator control and access to the PMS shall be available from: + APMS Engineering Work Station (EWS), typically located in the facility control room; + A.PMS operator station, typically located in the facility control room: * Access points at each local electrical room and substation to enable connection of a portable computer loaded with the required PMS software; * An external or remote operations centre; and + A Process Control System (PCS) operator station via communications link to the PMS. The level of monitoring and control via the PCS operator station shall be dependent on operational philosophy. 4.2 Electrical Network Control and Monitoring . ‘The PMS shall provide the operator with a number of displays representing the real-time status of the electrical power network in single line diagram form, ‘A main facility overview shall offer a dynamic display of the power network main electrical measurements and alarms. This overview display shall allow the operator to zoom into more detailed displays of individual areas of the electrical network. The detailed displays covering specific parts of the network, typically individual electrical substations, shall display the electrical network with a higher level of detail. These displays shall allow the operator to interface with those items available for PMS control as well as having access to more detailed monitoring information ‘The PMS shall allow the operator to remotely control the opening and closing of all switchgear with the general exceptions of the following: * Switchgear associated with process loads that are controlled by the PCS; and Generator circuit breakers controlled by their generator Unit Control Panel (UCP). The PMS shall consider spinning reserve by constantly monitoring the difference between the actual power generated and the potentially available maximum power from the available generators. It shall provide all appropriate alarms and actions should spinning reserve requirements or associated functions require them, The PMS shall include large load monitoring to consider the effect of starting any of the required large electrical loads on the electrical network. It shall provide the operator with a real-time list indicating which loads can be started under the current operating conditions and those that should not be started to avoid overioading the network, It shall be capable of automatically inhibiting the start of any motors where necessary ‘The PMS shall be capable of being interfaced seamlessly with the facility PCS to allow ‘monitoring and control functions to be performed from the PCS console. Status and control signals shall be capable of being transferred between the PMS and PCS. 4.3. Generator Control and Monitoring Generator functionality shall be implemented directly in the generator UCPs. This local control system will ensure that, should the PMS fail; each generator unit will continue normal operation following the set-point values issued by the PMS prior to failure. Page 9 of 17 2. INTERNAL, WOODSIDE APPROVED 31/01/2014 - W1000SE8620826 Rev 0 & Engineering Standard Power Management System 2. INTERNAL 44 ‘Access to the generator UCP shall be available from three locations: The generator UCP, the PCS consoles (via the PMS) and from the PMS workstation, ‘The PMS shall provide the means to provide supervisory control inputs to the generator UCP and receive appropriate feedback signals for efficient and safe operation of the ower generation network. This functionality should include, but not be limited to: ‘© Generator start/stop; ‘+ Mode control, depending on electrical network configuration. Mode control shall include changing of modes between droop, isochronous, MW control, MVAR control and base load operation, ‘+ Raise/lower voltage and frequency set points; ‘+ Raise/lower voltage and frequency to enable generator synchronization. PMS operator work stations shall include all screens, information and controls required for manual synchronization of generator feeder circuit breakers; © Liquidigas fuel selection; ‘+ Generator combustion chamber transition control [for gas turbine generators with dry low nitrogen oxide (NOX) burners}; * Spinning reserve requirements. Load Shedding ‘The PMS shall provide monitoring and stability control of the entire electrical power network. In the event of a condition that may impact network stability the PMS shall initiate a priority load shedding sequence of pre selected loads. This is to mitigate cascade generator tripping, under frequency, production upset and possible total blackout. Load shedding may occur due to the following reasons: ‘+ Sudden loss of a generating capacity; ‘+ Sudden loss of a bus-tie or interconnecting feeder, ‘+ Gradual increase in load leading to a network overload; and/or ‘+ Network under frequency. Selection of priority of loads for load shedding shall be software implemented. It shall be possible to assign these from the PMS Console or PMS EWS, ‘The PMS shall constantly calculate and update load shedding calculations for the network at the time and for any other possible electrical islanded networks that may occur as a result of any switchgear operation, Load shedding shall have primary fast acting and secondary backup schemes. The fast acting scheme shall respond with a maximum response time of 120ms, including switchgear operation time. Following a load shed event, appropriate automatic changeovers and motor restarts shall be blocked to prevent network overloading, ‘After restoration of units, the electrical power network shall be manually restored to its normal state. Loads tripped via the automatic load shedding and loads blocked by the load blocking system shall require a manual reset operation through the PMS. The PMS will provide to PCS information on blocking signals issued/removed and available spare ‘generation capacity to assist in this process. Shutdown of the load shedding system will not cause disturbances such as tripping to any running loads. Page 10 of 17 WOODSIDE APPROVED 3101/2014 - W10005E8520826 Rev 0 TITLE: Engineering Standard Power Management System 2. INTERNAL, 45 46 47 48 49 There shall be a load shedding simulation function that shall enable testing of the load shedding schemes without initiating any actual loss of loads. Training Simulation ‘The PMS shall have the capability to provide a simulation environment to allow training in the principles and practices of its functions. It shall allow simulation activities of all PMS functions in a real time environment to allow operators to study preventative, corrective and restoration actions for various power network conditions, Equipment Interfaces The PMS shall be interfaced to all necessary facility equipment. A detailed list of interfaces shall be developed during project definition phases. This list may include, but Tot be limited to: © Switchgear, ‘ ‘Intelligent Electronic Devices (IED) ‘+ Transformers and Tap Changers ‘Generators Unit Control Panels; ‘© Emergency Generators Unit Control Panels; + Variable Speed Drive Systems; ‘+ AC and DC Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) systems; ‘Battery monitoring systems; + Process Control Systems; + Remote Operating Centres; ‘+ Synchronising Panels; ‘+ Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) synchronisation; and * Asset management Systems. Communications with IEDs and other electrical devices shall be using Communication Networks and Systems in Substations, IEC 61850 compliant serial link Emergency Generator Control and Monitoring The PMS will be limited to the monitoring of the electrical operating status, parameters and alarms. Data Trending and Reporting ‘The PMS shall provide for the storage of historic data for review. Sufficient approved mass memory storage shall be provided for trend and history storage. It shall be fully programmable to allow for flexible creating of trends and reports and allow tag number search, variable sample rates, etc. It shall allow high speed trend recording initiated by programmable conditions such as opening or closing of circuit breakers. Alarm Management and Sequence of Events Recording The PMS shall incorporate an alarm and events system with alarm management and ‘sequence of events recording capabilities with a time stamp resolution of 1ms. Page 11 of 17 WOODSIDE APPROVED 31/01/2014 - Wi000SE8670826 Rev 0 J 2E.Engneerng Standacs Power Management System 2. INTERNAL It shall be provided with a master clock for recording of date and time on each event and alarm. The system shall send synchronization signals to other PMS equipment for ‘synchronized date and time. For absolute time, the PMS shall be capable of being interfaced to an SNTP time synchronisation service signal. A detailed list of alarms shall be developed between the Woodside Representative and the PMS supplier during the project development phases. ‘The alarms and events system shall, as a minimum, satisfy the following requirements: Present the operator with @ time-stamped list of alarms and events in priority and chronological order, ‘+ Each alarm/event shall include @ description which clearly identifies the disturbance that has occurred, uses consistent abbreviations and hes a consistent message structure; ‘+The presentation of alarms on the operator screen shall be configurable: colour, flashing, audible alarms, etc.; + Incorporate data logging and storage functions to allow the alarms to be saved for later reference or printed in real-time; ‘+ Management of alarm acknowledgements, group acknowledgment of alarms, highlighting of unacknowledged alarms after a period of time has elapsed, etc.; and ‘+ Management of alarm indication at individual substation annunciator panels, Page 12 of 17, WOODSIDE APPROVED 31/01/2014 - W10008E8520826 Rev 0

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