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Tiffany Byrd

TPACK Creating Assignment Template

C Subject Math
e Grade Level Kindergarten
w Learning Objective
d K.7 The student will recognize the attributes of a
g penny, nickel, dime, and quarter and identify the
e number of pennies equivalent to a nickel, a dime, and
a quarter.

P Complete this sentence by naming the technology tool and the creation activity:
a In this activity, my students are going to use Lucidcharts to create a sort coins by value,
and the name of the coin .

P Activity
The students will be introduced to coins and
a to meet the standard they will be able to
g identify the coins and their value as well as
o tell how many pennies are used to equal a
g nickel, dime, and quarter. The students will
y first be introduced to the lesson by the
teacher asking if the students can tell her
what each coin looks like and how much it is
worth. After discussing this with the students
the teacher then will show the children a
penny, nickel, dime and quarter she has on
hand. The children will be able to pass the
money around to get a good look at each coin
to help them identify them later on. During
class the teacher will print off a worksheet
that asks the student to cut and glue the coins
under the correct name as well as the correct
value. For an at home activity the student will
be required to do the organization chart with
the help of a parent to get on the website or

1. First for the at home project the child

will need a computer, tablet, or
phone. If the child does not have
access to these devices he/she will
complete the activity at school on the
given device. Either search the web
for this address
folder_id=home&browser=icon or
download the lucid chart app.
2. Once on the document the first page
will appear. The child will drag the
coins from the pigs belly to the correct
column with the correct name.
3. Once the child has completed step
two on the bottom left corner there
will be another tab labeled value click
that tab. Once on the tab the child will
drag the coins to the correct triangle
on the circle wheel according to their
4. After the child completes this step in
the bottom left there will be a tab
labeled pennies click this tab. On this
chart the child will drag the correct
amount of pennies that equal the
value of the coins on the page.
5. Once the child has completed all the
charts and activities please go over
the document with the child and then
share it to my email.

T Web 2.0 Technology Computer, or Tablet

ec http;//
I chose to use lucid charts. It is available through the website or the app
n store available on ios, android, and microsoft. This app cost $7.95 per
ol month.
o Link to the example product you
g made pretending to be a student

Mobile App Option Name: LucidChart

Price: Free trial or $7.95 per month

App Store: Itunes app store, google play, and

microsoft app store

Before you submit, delete the explanatory text (the text in small italics)

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