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TPACK Template


Subject Math

Grade Level 1st Grade

Learning Objective 1.8 The student will determine the value of a collection of
like coins (pennies, nickels, or dimes) whose total value is 100
cents or less.
Pedagogy Planning

Complete the sentence below:

In this interactive white board activity, the children will touch the board to interact and
learn the value of coins and learn about the total value of 100 cents or less .

For example: In this interactive white board activity, the children will touch the board to
move and sort authors by time period and learn about literary genres.

Activity  The lesson will begin with talking about the

value of coins. The students will be split
according to there tables in groups of four. I
will pass each group out sets of real money
for them to be able too look and feel the
coins. I will tell them to discuss together
what coins they have and how many of
each. I then will give them all worksheets
that list penny, nickel, dime, and quarter on
it. The student then will be required to write
down what coins they have and how many
of each. After identifying how many coins of
each they have they then will be asked to
total the coins out and they should equal
less than 100 cents. Together as a class we
will discuss the results and there findings.
 Next we will turn to the interactive white
board to continue the lesson on coins and
100 cents or less. The class will be using a
premade lesson by classflow.
 Each group will have a chance to participate
in the white board. Each student will have a
chance within the group of answering the
questions. While the other students are at
there seat they will be rotating the money
originally handed out the bags with the
moneys in them each have labels and will be
written on the sheet to show how many
each bag has to keep them practicing. The
first activity will be the student will identify
and distinguish between the coins. Next the
students will be able to sort and classify the
coins/ The student then will be able to
create a pattern with using pennies, nickels,
and dimes. Last the student will be able to
make collections of pennies , nickels, and
dimes to equal 100 cents or less.s
 After this is completed we will complete a
short quiz on money identifying coins,
grouping them within groups of 100 cents or


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