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Centre for Modern Architecture Studies in Southeast Asia (MASSA)

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Architecture


Weightage: 40%
Submission date: Week 13 (Friday, 20 November 2020)
MLO 3 - Produce documentation / authority submission information relevant to the identified stages of work.

Image: The News Team (2017) Drawing [Image]


Working Drawings are an integral part of the construction industry and the Architect’s means of communication
with various levels of authorities, clients and consultants. This assignment introduces students to the process of
Building Plan submission and the preparation of the working drawings. Students are expected to demonstrate a
working knowledge of construction, technology, materials and structural system in preparing the working
drawings. Students must take into account the functionality of spatial requirement in relation to by-laws and
regulations, ergonomics, environmental concerns and other issues to ensure a good, healthy, safe and
comfortable living environment for the users.

Integrated Project (ARC60904): August 2020 – Assignment 2b 1|P a g e


The objectives of this assignment are as follows:

 To develop an awareness of the general nature, principles and procedures of law and legislation, including the Uniform
Building By-Laws (UBBL) and local fire regulations.
 To develop an understanding of working drawing conventions and formats through application.
 To develop an awareness of construction requirement consistent with design and building performance.

Learning Outcomes

Students are expected to be able to:

 Understand the general nature, principles and procedure of law and legislation, particularly UBBL & local fire
regulations; and its relationship to working drawings
 Apply visual communication methods (working drawings and terminologies) to clearly and effectively convey design
 Produce a complete set of Building Plan submission that complies with UBBL & local fire regulations and
authorities’ requirements.

Tasks - Methodology

1. Conduct a research and establish a basic understanding of statutory requirements from the authorities,
UBBL and fire safety guidelines and to implement the requirements into Architectural Design Project.
2. Conduct a research and establish a basic understanding of the structural system, materials and other
relevant technology and to apply the understanding into the design project
3. Based on item (1) and (2), translate the design project into a complete set of architectural working
drawings (for Building Plan submission), utilizing all the formats and conventions of working drawing as
they applied in local authority & contemporary architectural practice.
Submission Requirements

A complete set of A1 working drawings comprising the following:

 Cover sheet to include Names and Student ID, tutor’s name, list of drawings and TU logo
 Site Plan (1:200), Key Plan (1:1000) and Location Plan (nts)
 Floor plans including roof plan (1:100 scale), with finishes indication and room area ‘box’ in every room
 Two (2) sections (1:100 scale)
 Minimum two (2) elevations (1:100 scale)
 Doors and Windows schedules (1:50 scale)
 Natural light and natural ventilation calculation schedule
 Fire protection (Bomba) layout plans (scale 1:100). This is a separate set of floor plan drawings.
 Calculation : Occupant load and fire escape staircase exit width

All drawings must comply with the conventional format of working drawings, including:
 Title Block (comprises project title, drawing number, revisions, scale, students’ names and ID & other relevant
 Project title, scale and north point
 Grids, dimensions, section lines and annotations
 Excellent line quality. Different line thicknesses, weights and types communicate different ideas and information.
 Label your file using this format ‘YOUR NAME_ assignment 2’ and submit the file in PDF to

Integrated Project (ARC60904): August 2020 – Assignment 2b 2|P a g e

Assessment criteria

The assessment for this assignment shall be based on the following criteria:
 Completeness of submission
 Format and conventions of drawings
 Clarity and level of information conveyed (drawings, schedules & annotations)
 Appropriateness and understanding of applied construction, materials and services
 Adherence to By-Laws and Fire Safety Regulations


1. Ching, D.K. (2011). Building Construction Illustrated. John Wiley & Sons.
2. Chudley, R. (2011). Construction Technology. 5th Edition. Pearson and Prentice Hall.
3. Chudley, R. & Greeno, R. (2008). Building Construction Handbook Low Priced Edition. Routledge.
4. Foster, S.J. and Harington, R. (2000). Structure and Fabric, Part 2. Longman
5. Lyons, A. (2004). Materials for Architects and Builders. 2nd Edition. Oxford, Elsevier Butterwort-
6. Malaysia, L.O., Malaysia, & Lembaga Penyelidikan Undang-Undang. (2010). Uniform Building By-
Laws 1984[(G.N. 5178/85]. Petaling Jaya , Selangor: International Law Book Services.
7. Muttoni, A. (2011). The Art of Structures- Introduction to the functioning of structures in Architecture.
Oxford, EPFL Press.
8. Ramsey, C.G. (2000). Architectural Graphic Standards Student Edition: An Abridgement of the 9 th
Edition. Wiley.

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:

……………………………. ……………………………. …………………………….

Ar. Nurul Alia Ahamad Ar. Zahari Zubir Mohd. Adib Ramli
Module Coordinator Stream Coordinator Programme Director
Professional Studies
Office: Academic Suite C9 Office: Academic Suite C9 Office: Academic Suite C9
Date: 17 August 2020 Date: 18 August 2020 Date: 18 August 2020

1. The Project Brief is to be distributed to the students in the first week of the semester.
2. Any changes to the Project Brief shall be communicated (in writing) to the Programme Director and the approved revised
version must be communicated to the students.

Integrated Project (ARC60904): August 2020 – Assignment 2b 3|P a g e

Tutorials for ASSIGNMENT 2b

Name & Student ID: Tutor:

Date/Week Discussion/Tutorial
By Tutor

 Site Plan (1:200) o Excellent

 Key Plan (1: 1000) o Good
21 October  Location Plan (nts) o Adequate
 Floor Plans (1:100) o Poor
 Roof Plan (1:100) o No Show

Week 9

o Excellent
o Good
28 October  Sections (1:100)
o Adequate
 Elevations (1:100)
o Poor
o No Show

Week 10

o Excellent
 Doors & Windows Schedule (1:50) o Good
4 November
 Natural light and natural ventilation calculation schedule o Adequate
o Poor
o No Show

Week 11

o Excellent
 Calculation of Exit Width, Travel Distance & Dead-end o Good
11 November Limit o Adequate
 Fire- Protection Plans & Calculations o Poor
o No Show

Week 12

Integrated Project (ARC60904): August 2020 – Assignment 2b 4|P a g e

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