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Marketing Strategic Plan


Jose Eduardo Lievano Castiblanco


Alejandra Castelblanco
Camilo Eduardo Navarro
Jose Miguel Barragan
Juliana Rodríguez
María Alejandra Ulloa

University of Sabana

Marketing Fundamentals

2018– 1

1. Analysis of the situation – Medicalfly air ambulances


In 2011, the Medilaser group identified a great opportunity in the health sector. Patients in
remote locations did not have the necessary facilities to recover from their emergencies.
At the beginning of 2012, the dream of saving thousands of people living in remote places
materialized. Medical fly S.A.S. was created to offer transport and care for people in critical
condition at a national and international level.
1.1.1. Mission and Vision statement Mission
“we are the first Colombian company completely specialized in the medical air transport of
adults and children, in all levels of complexity, that has Beechcraft aircraft of last generation,
according to the characteristics of our territory, equipped with the highest biomedical
technology and with highly qualified and experienced human team of the country, which is
characterized by its professionalism and human warmth.” (MedicalFly, n.d.)
“In 2020 we will be the leading company in medical air transport, with presence throughout
the Colombian territory; Central and South America and Caribbean islands, characterized by
its quality, competitiveness, professionalism and human sense.” (MedicalFly, n.d.)

1.1.2. Corporate Objectives.

● MedicalFly seeks to connect the most vulnerable towns in Colombia in terms of
health care. (MedicalFly, n.d.)
● MedicalFly is after the recognition, within the sector, of being the most advanced in
terms of service portfolio and technology. (MedicalFly, n.d.)
1.1.3. Actual Corporative strategies.
● Be as punctual as possible.
● Be upgraded with the air fleet in terms of maintenance and technology.
● Integrate other related services to provide profits to companies that are in the same
corporative group.
● Ensure that any donated organ is able to be at any town in the country, within a
maximum of 2 and a half hours. (MedicalFly, n.d.)
1.1.4. Actual Company position in the market share.
MedicalFly has one of the fastest aircrafts in the sector (health) in Colombia. The Bombardier
Lear Jet 45 allows fast transportation of patients, organs or health staff which makes clients
prefer MedicalFly over other air medical service company. (MedicalFly, n.d.)

1.1.5. Service
● Basic, intermediate and medicalized air transfers: Adult, pediatric, neonatal,
organ transport. The patient is taken care of from the permanent beginning by a
complete medical equipment and all the material necessary to attend any incident that
could happen during the transfer.
● Specialized transfers for patients with special conditions: Isolation, burned,
coronary, polytraumatized.
● Transfers of pregnant mothers with high obstetric risk: We have pediatric doctors
and incubators with the latest technology for carrying out neonatal transport.
● Transfers to medical missions: National and international level (capacity for 5
passengers excluding crew members)
● Companion seats: If the patient has a companion.
● Waiting rooms: If someone is waiting at the destination. (MedicalFly, n.d.)
1.1.6. Distribution.
The distribution of MedicalFly was based on a strategic plan, made by the CEO Jaime
Navarro, taking advantage of his networking that he has made over the years.

● At the international airport El Dorado in Bogotá, the principal office of Medicalfly

is located, that fact means such a great advantage over other companies that are not
located as an operational place within an international airport.
● The operational center at Bogotá, has 4 main departments:
a. Administrative department: In Bogotá are located the business centers of the
most big and recognized entities within the financial and health sector.
b. Operational center: All communications between the control tower at El
Dorado, communications with the air fleet, coordination with land operator
and medical forces.
c. Medical department: At the main gate, where aircrafts arrive, there is a
whole medical operation and also an operational theater in case of an
emergency. (MedicalFly, n.d.)

1.1.7. Salesforce.
MedicalFly offers different medical services. The most important service that generates more
profits for the company is the translation of patients to attend them immediately and take
them to the hospital. Most of the sales are from B2B activities.

1.1.8. Communication.
The principal key of the company is basically the communication with the clients,
competitors and the national aircraft regulator, Aerocivil.

It is very important for the company to have a very good relation with the clients, that are in
the majority of the time corporate clients such as COMEVA.

1.1.9. Competitive advantages

● We have a highly qualified human team, specialized in aerospace medicine and with
a great commitment and human sense, which will allow the patients we transport and
their families to have an integral support, safety and a warm human treatment that is
required at especially difficult times like an illness of a loved one.
● We have more than 10 years of experience in the health sector, and we have 200
intensive care beds throughout the country, in the cities of Bogotá, Tunja, Neiva,
Pitalito, Mocoa and Florence, with the best specialist doctors of each region and the
highest technology, this allows timely resolution and comprehensive management in
the most complex pathologies of patients.
● Due to our excellent characteristics, we have operations throughout the Colombian
territory, and internationally in Central America, the Caribbean Islands, the Bahamas
and the South of the United States.
● We have an excellent human resource, with high experience and optimal training in
prehospital care.

● We also have high technology resources for the transport of stable and critical
patients, both in pre-established situations, as well as in emergency or disaster
● We offer our service of basic, intermediate and intensive care transfers 24 hours a
day, 365 days a year.
● We have advanced life support equipment and certificates under international
standards that guarantee patient stability for survival during transport, avoiding
complications and reducing sequelae.
2. Current Business Portfolio Analysis.
2.1.Marketing Analysis. SWOT Analysis of the Medical Fly air ambulances.


It is a company with long experience in the health sector.

Aircraft and equipment of last generation (high technology). High cost of service
The air health service is little known in Colombia which
High quality service
means low demand.

The response time for medical emergencies is very short.

Thanks to the fact that it belongs to the Medilaser group,

patients have a service portfolio which avoids unnecessary


Air ambulances sector is growing more than 4% per year. The competition offers a service at a lower cost

Inter-administrative agreements with state and public entities The company is not reaching a potential market where
that allow expanding the service network their competitors are actually taking advantage off.

Climatic and meteorological conditions that affect landing

and taking off.

Table 1. SWOT analysis. Own elaboration

3. Marketing Environment Analysis.
3.1.Macro environment Analysis
3.1.1. Political: legislation, MedicalFly has a great impact with the political
factor since it must adapt what is dictated in political matters especially in
health and aeronautics. Also, some of these things can affect their
functioning, so they will have to comply with them and react quickly to
continue providing their services.
3.1.2. Economical: instability of dollar, MedicalFly has a large fleet of aircraft it
is necessary to use a large amount of fuel and that it is affected in the
closing rate per day, so it is of vital importance that they have strategic
suppliers in a way that allow the company to buy fuel at a stable price
without noticing the instability of the dollar.
3.1.3. Social and cultural: In Colombia the air ambulance service is not well
known since this service is relatively new in the market of the same
country, for which the society is not very familiar with this service since
its culture is based on the traditional terrestrial ambulances.
3.1.4. Technological: Thanks to its large fleet and its capacity, it is very
important to make investments in new equipment and aircraft that allow to
reduce the time of transfer, in addition to the competitive advantages
offered by these.
3.1.5. Environmental: It is necessary for MedicalFly to be friendly to the
environment, so they must take into account the fuel they use, in the same
way that preventive maintenance is carried out on aircraft in a way that
prevents them from emitting more than the necessary amount of CO2. In
addition to this, they must ensure that the waste they generate is treated
appropriately to avoid ecological disasters.
3.1.6. Legal: They must be governed by the laws to operate in accordance with
the Ministry of Health and additionally the Civil Aero, so that they comply
with the necessary, in order to operate and not present any inconvenience
related to normal operation.

3.2.Micro environment
3.2.1. Suppliers.
MedicalFly has suppliers of the same Medilaser corporate group (MegaFarmas, JeroSalud),
those companies offer pharmaceutics and orthopedic equipment.
3.2.2. Publics.
Both private and public sector that require medical attention services across the country and
the Caribbean islands and U.S.A.
3.2.3. Competitors.
Currently the direct competition of MedicalFly is Sarpa ambulancias Ltda, Solair air
ambulances SAS and air ambulances of Colombia SAS.

Air ambulance service for the transfer of medicalized or critically ill patients, adults,
pediatrics and neonates
It has 5 aircraft, pressurized Lear jet 35-A and Jetstream 32 EP
Sarpa ambulancias Ltda UAEAC CDO-051 certificate

Certified by the Ministry of Health of Antioquia, code No. 050010883701.(Sarpa, s.f.)

Certificates through code 08796 of the Ministry of Health as IPS and the Certificate of
Operation CDO AA 0030 of the Colombian Civil Aeronautics
Solair ambulancias aéreas Aircraft that have the necessary characteristics to operate on short runways, allowing
SAS access to a large number of populations.
Aircraft equipped with the latest satellite navigation systems. In addition, they have the last
technology in meteorological radars that substantially increase flight safety.

Air ambulance service for aeromedicalized transfers at national and international level of
neonatal, pediatric, pregnant women at high risk, trauma, chronic diseases, patients in
Ambulancias aéreas de critical condition and transfer of organs.
Colombia SAS
It has Beechecraft equipment of type C90 and E90 completely pressurized and equipment
Cessna 206. (Ambulancias, s.f).

Table 2. Competitors MedicalFly SAS. Own elaboration

3.2.4. Market - Customers.
The main customers of Medicalfly are customers of the promoting health institutions (EPS)
and the most known associated health providers (IPS) in Colombia. However, any person of
the community can be taken this service. These are:
● Private sector: National and international individuals (with clinical history and judicial
issues up to date).
● CCF024 EPSS ARS Family compensation fund Huila COM familiar Huila.
● EPS013 EPS SaludCoop.
● EPS015 Salud Colpatria.
● EPS Medimas.
● National Army of Colombia
● EPS016 Coomeva EPS SA.
● EPS037 nueva EPS SA.
● UT-001 Caja salud EPSS UT.
● ESS208 indigenous health promoting entity Anás Wayuu.
(MedicalFly, n.d.)

Graphic 1. Matrix BCG MedicalFly


Characteristics Ambulancias aéreas de SARPA ambulancias MedicalFly

Colombia S.A.S Ltd.

Neonatal, pediatric, Neonatal, pediatric, Neonatal, pediatric, transfer

pregnant women at high adult, burned, of organs, burned,
risk, major trauma, binomial mother and polytraumatized, pregnant
Services chronic diseases, patients son, women at high risk, waiting
(46%) in critical condition and single-chamber room and transfer to medical
transfer of organs. transvenous missions.
patients with special
insulation and

Cessna 421 and 206 Lear Jet 35 Beechcraft C90 GTI (x2)
Beechecraft C90 and E90 Jetstream 32 EP Bombardier Lear Jet 45
Fleet Embraer 120 ER
(24%) 2 airplanes 3 airplanes
5 airplanes

Colombia, South America. Colombia, South Colombia, South America,

Coverage America, Central Central America, The
(30%) America, The Caribbean
Caribbean, Florida

Table 3. Benchmarketing. Own elaboration

4. Definition of the marketing problem to solve.

Medicalfly’s problem is based on the fact the company isn’t reaching a potential market
where their competitors are actually taking advantage of. It means MedicalFly is losing part
of the market.
a. General Objective
• Meet the needs of new customers located in remote places, where it is not possible to
use aircraft, in order to expand our portfolio of services, and generate new beneficial
profits to the company.

b. Specific Objectives
• Become a nationally recognized company for offering medical services in critical
areas through medical assistance.
• Reduce significantly the risks of death or illness of people living in remote places
through medical assistance.
• Be pioneers in tracking technologies for the provision of aerospace medical services
in remote locations without internet access.
• Increase efficiency when offering our service, which requires the shortest possible
time since our customers call us.
• Have a trained team to fly and care for patients in remote and high-risk areas.

Differentiate MedicalFly from other medical companies that offer air assistance, by having
an Internal active communication with customers decreasing the time a person spends in
calling and being served, and offering all the possible services that need effective and fast
transportation within the healthcare sector.


7.1. Segment description & process (Geographic, Demographic, Psychographic,
In the segmentation process the variables for consumers markets were evaluated as shown in
the following table.

Segmentation Target marketing
(Segmentation variable) (Future customers)

Geographic Colombia 49.568.305

More than 90% indicate

that it is very important
Behavioral 44.611.475
to have an immediate
health service.

22,2 % of mens and

Demographic 1 (Age) womens are between 25 11.004.164
and 39 years.

33,17 % of mens and

Demographic 2 (Age) womens are between 40 16.441.807
and more than 90 years.

Colombians who are in

the stratum greater than
or equal to 5 (upper
Psychological (Social class) 10.310.207
class), which would be
20,8% of the Colombian
30% of the total
population of
Psychological (Lifestyle) 14.870.492
Colombians are

4,62 % of men and

women of upper class
Demographic-Psychographic 2.288.866
with age between 25 and
39 years.

6,9% of men and women

of upper class with age
Demographic-Psychographic 3.419.896
between 40 and more
than 90 years.

1,39 % of landowners of
Demographic-Psychographic upper class with age 205.998
between 25 and 39 years.

2,07% of landowners of
upper class with age
Demographic-Psychographic 307.791
between 40 and more
than 90 years.

Table 4. Segmentation. Own elaboration

Graphic 2. Segmentation and Graphic 3. Segmentation and
targeting marketing with age targeting marketing with age
between 25 and 39 years. Own between 40 and more than 90
elaboration. years. Own elaboration.
Own elaboration. Own elaboration.

7.2.Definition of the potential market (Quantitatively)

In Colombia there are 49,568,305 million inhabitants, of which 22.2% and 33.17% of the
total population belong to men and women with an age range of 25 to 39 years and from 40
to over 90 years respectively. 20.8% of the total inhabitants belong to a higher social class;
that is, people who have a social stratum greater than or equal to 5; 4.62% have an age
between 25 and 39 years and 6.9% have an age between 40 and more than 90 years. On the
other hand, 30% of Colombians are owners of which 1.39% are between 25 and 39 years old
and belong to the upper class and 2.07% are between 40 and more than 90 years old and
belong to an upper class. To conclude, our potential market is Colombian men and women
of high social class landowners who do not have a structured health system and who care
about their health, this potential market is divided into two age ranges of 25 to 39 years and
40 to more than 90 years with strata greater than or equal to 5. In the first age range are
inherited, professionals with high and stable income jobs and upper-class people who suffer
accidents. Finally, in the second age range there are high class adults who begin to have
frequent illnesses as a consequence of age. Approximately our future customers would be

513,789 people (205.998 between 25-39 years and 307.791 between 40 and more than 90
years.) (Estadística, n.d.)

7.3.Final target market

7.3.1. Attractiveness measurement (Benchmarking)

25-39 years old 40-more than 90 years

Landowners old Landowners (Health
(Accident level) problems)

Trained team 3 2

Attend our customers in the

2 3
shortest time possible

Offer medical services in

2 2
critical areas

Reduce the risks of death or

illness of people living in 1 3
remote places

Table 5. Benchmarketing. Own elaboration

7.3.2. Consumer Profile(s) 1 (in terms of accident level)


13 2 (in terms of health problems):

7.3.3. Differentiation - Competitive advantage and value proposition

MedicalFLy is differentiated by four principal values: coverage, availability, speed, quality.

● Coverage:
Due to our excellent characteristics we have the operation at the level of the whole Colombian
territory, and internationally in Central America, Caribbean islands, Bahamas and the United
"As an added value we have more than 200 Adult, Coronary, Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive
Care Units throughout the national territory"
● Availability:
We carry out basic, intermediate and medicalized air transfers, specialized transfers for
patients with special conditions, pregnant mothers of high obstetric risk, we carry out
transfers to medical missions at national and international level with capacity for 5
● Speed:
We have an excellent human resource, with extensive experience and optimal training in
prehospital care. We also have high technology resources for the transport of stable and
critical patients, both in pre-established situations, as well as in emergency or disaster
We offer our service of basic, intermediate and intensive care transfers 24 hours a day, 365
days a year.
We have advanced life support equipment and certificates under international standards that
guarantee patient stability for survival during transport, avoiding complications and reducing
● Quality:
To provide greater safety to our patients, we acquired last generation aircraft, from the
Beechcraft® King Air C90 GTI line, which are aircraft with excellent characteristics, which
can land on short runway (1,000 meters), with jet-type avionics, with great autonomy.

Flight, fully equipped with the best biomedical technology approved and certified by national
and international control entities such as the FAA, FDA, Civil Aeronautics of Colombia,

Invima, among others, which will provide our users (patients and companions) with

7.3.4. Positioning Statement (of the plan) & Chart

Graphic 4. Positioning. Own elaboration.

In the previous graph you can see the positioning of MedicalFly and its competitors
(Ambulancias aereas de Colombia and SARPA ambulancias Ltd.). Ambulancias aereas de
Colombia S.AS is our weakest competitor in terms of coverage and availability since it has
2 aircraft and coverage only in South America. On the other hand, SARPA ambulancias Ltd
has greater coverage than MedicalFly and has greater availability of aircraft.

Graphic 5. Positioning. Own elaboration.
In the same way it happens in the graph 5 where Ambulancias aereas de Colombia S.A.S in
terms of speed and coverage returns to make the competitor with less positioning. The
positioning of SARPA ambulancias Ltd. as mentioned above predominates in the value of
coverage with respect to MedicalFly, however, in terms of speed MedicalFly is better


8.1.Brand strategy
“Whenever you need, wherever you are, there we are”
Currently medical companies in Colombia that offer medical assistance, do not have a totally
fast or efficient system when it comes to knowing when a person is in danger and where they
That is why MedicalFly found the need to offer a service based on the effectiveness when it
comes to picking up a patient located in remote areas and in the efficiency of time (speed).
Always keeping the focus on the welfare of our customers, since there are lives that we are
saving through the use of this new service.

8.2.Brand scheme (Brand Plan)

9.1.Idea generation
• Advertise clinic hours, visiting specialists on electronic signs or posters in town
(banks, community buildings).
• Patient Portals, the idea of organizing all the patient’s health information in one place
online. Patients could log on to their own secure portal, access and share their medical
records, check lab results, renew prescriptions, deal with insurers, and communicate
with doctors and nurses.
• Have an annual comprehensive “wellness consult” with MedicalFly doctors.
• Have a wellness or health market as part of a neighborhood farmers market.

• Have a global online MedicalFLy marketplace. It includes products such as
healthcare services with costs; ads from providers; and consumers can comment, rate
the services and have information on doctors as well.
• Open a Maternity Center in rural community, there are loads of pregnant women who
cannot afford standard hospital for the delivery of their children- which is why they
opt for maternity centers.
• Start publishing MedicalFly magazines and journals that have useful and helpful
contents in our magazines to attract good advertising deals from stakeholders in the
healthcare industry and also from other industry.
• Virtual visits, current systems do allow doctors to capture various health data, like
blood sugar, blood pressure, and heart rate, while video conferencing with a patient.
• Create an app that tracks medications being taken and administered
• Offer medical test results back quicker, which will reduce anxiety and stress of our
• For every 12 months of affiliation, in which the consumer does not use the service,
the client will not make the corresponding payment for the following month.
• The member will participate in a lottery annually, which awards a general
consultation for his family.
• In case of death of the patient MedicalFly assumes funeral expenses.
• During the treatment of your illness, MedicalFly will provide a nurse for your care.
• For greater ease, the consumer can contact MedicalFly to make use of the service
through the application where he will only click.
• In each payment the member will participate in the draw whose prize is the non-
payment of the current month.
• Free diagnostic consultation for the member.
• Accumulation of points per miles traveled (5 points / mile travelled).
• For every 100,000 miles traveled, the customer can redeem the points in authorized
• For every 5 years of affiliation you will get a trip on the exclusive XX aircraft.
• The customer will have special discounts in the service if he/she redeems miles.
• Access to VIP lounges at the airport while customers wait for the ambulance.
• Transport special medications for patients located in remote places (insulin)
• Be able to do simple surgical procedures where the clients are located
• Offer therapy services for our clients and their families
• Support special events (private and public events)
• Transport the client’s doctor where the client is located to attend him/her
• Provide the family of the patient a night in a hotel while the wait for him/her, clients
will get this benefit after 1 year of affiliation
• MedicalFly will be located in places of high accident risk so they can act immediately
• MedicalFly will use a drone to know how’s the place where the patient is located
• Buy larger planes and train to take care of more than one patient per flight.
• Make trips internationally.
• Offer discounts and benefits to customers through a special membership.
• Make agreements with all medical centers in Colombia and abroad.
• Adapt tracks in the main municipalities of Colombia that do not have airports for easy
• Use aircraft that do not pollute the environment.
• Implement a kind of operating room for emergency surgeries.
• Create bases in the main Colombian municipalities and abroad for greater national
and international coverage.
• Hire more specialized doctors in each field of medicine to attend to any urgency
• Implement an adequate space in the air bases to attend to patients at high risk.
• Implement a special runway for the air ambulances so that they have priority when
landing when they have a passenger in serious conditions.
• To offer business visits to universities and schools.
• Transportation of doctors which have high demands nationally.
• National and international distribution of clinical resources across the country and
• Medical Insurance for wealthy people that live far away from high complexity health

• Transportation of injured soccer player in Colombia to the city of Bogotá.
• Capacitation services to doctor, nurses, and paramedics in aerospace procedures.
• Generate vacancies for brand new pilots for pilot’s schools.
• Generate patents in the medical aerospace industry.
• Create a tracking method, like a GPS system that allows MedicalFly locate our
customers, when they are in danger.
• Record the experience of customers throughout the experience and offer the video so
the people can see what saved their lives.

9.2. Idea Screening

9.3. Concept development testing
Evidence of the marketing research (a must) (survey)

9.4. Relation with Business opportunity & strategy

Due to the implementation of a GPS, we can expand our coverage in order to have more
market share and gain more customers

9.5. Service Development

9.5.1. Sketch

Graphic 6. Sketch. Own elaboration.

9.5.2. Product Levels:

● Core Benefit of the Product: This device will show the exact location of
the patient, this will make it offer a better service to the user.
● Generic Product: This product is of high quality, does not need internet,
which means that it can be used anywhere, it is an easy to use device, it is
of an appropriate size.
● Expected Product: With this device the user will be able to take immediate
care and prevent sequelae of his illness.
● Augmented Product: This product, besides being exclusive, is innovative,
offers an excellent service to users and solves the need for an instant
medical service.
● ·Potential Product: This product may have a greater coverage, meaning
that from anywhere in the world, this device will serve without internet
coverage, which means that anyone can use it, wherever it is.
9.5.3. Description
MedicalFly is a company that offers a 24-hour assistance service, our customers will have a
tracking device, a GPS, which is responsible for sending the exact position in which the
individual is located when he activates the "emergency button". MedicalFly will
automatically receive the current location of the patient and the nearest airport and
immediately start the tracking and collection of the affected client. Time is crucial and very
valuable in our service, that is why efficiency over time is fundamental to meet the
satisfaction of our customers' needs.
10.1. Description of the Pricing Strategy

The membership will cost 350,000 Colombian pesos, which will cover the total cost of the
device. The communication center at MedicalFly will have a software of high technology
that will be able to receive the signals of each client's GPS device.
We offer the customers two main payment options for the GPS according to their preferences.
The customer will be offered two payment options: annual and monthly:
• Annually will have a price of $19´000.000 COP including the maintenance and
delivery of the device.
• Monthly will have a cost of $2´172.000 COP including the maintenance and delivery
of the device.
The price of the service offered by MedicalFly will be adjusted with the Cost-plus Pricing
strategy, that is, the total cost is calculated which is determined by the sum of the fixed costs
plus the variable costs and at said cost a desired benefit is added, that is, a percentage of profit
or a profit margin. This price strategy was selected for the following reasons:

• Ensures that all production costs and overhead costs are covered before calculating benefits

• Guarantees a constant and consistent rate of profit generation, that is, that is constantly
maximizing them.

However, this strategy is no way to determine if potential customers will buy the product at
the calculated price. Therefore, a survey was conducted aimed at our target market, asking if
they would be willing to pay the final price. For the sample, 29.72% of the people surveyed
in the development testing were taken as reference, given that said percentage complies with
all the characteristics of the final target. Obtaining as a result that 75% is willing to pay
$19´000.000 COP annually and the remaining 25% is not willing to pay such value. In this
way it can be concluded that the percentage of profit is 20%. Some costs that will be incurred
are fixed costs (80%): office expenses, administration and sales, maintenance of aircraft and
facilities, payment of administration labor and depreciation of equipment and plant and the
variable costs (20%) are: first aid and fuel expenses.

In summary,

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡 = 𝐹𝑖𝑥𝑒𝑑 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 + 𝑉𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡

$ 10.433.333 = $ 8.346.667 + $ 2.086.667


𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑒 𝑃𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒 = 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡 + 𝐷𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡

12.520.000 = $ 10.433.333 + $ 2.086.667

10.2. Product mix pricing strategy

The strategy product mix pricing is Captive product pricing because the GPS device must be
used with the main service offered by MedicalFly, without the use of the GPS device
MedicalFly would not have the signal or the means of communication to know that the
customer needs to use the service. In conclusion without the GPS device the service would
not work.

10.3. Break-even Point analysis

Once the price has been determined, the break-even point is calculated as shown below:

Graphic 1. Break-even Point

According to graph 1, the equilibrium point, or the units that we should sell to avoid incurring
losses or gains (that is, the total costs are equal to sales), is 61 services per month. In addition,
an analysis was made to determine how much the utility is if it is increased and the number
of services per month is reduced by 20% and by 50% as shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Increase and decrease of units.

11.1. Place strategy

The main target of the GPS device has different meetings, industrial conventions, where news
and technology regarding their productive sector are shared. In those places in which most
of the attendees would fulfill the characteristics of the target, Medicalfly would attend there
and get the target to know the advantages of having the service as Ethernet connection may
not be available in their residences. So, the strategy is reduced to get the people know what
they need in places and occasions where they are gathered as they may not have access to
virtual media.
Note: A mathematical algorithm is to be used to measure the quantity of devices that are
going to be available in the conventions, those calculations take into account variables such
as the probability of the number of likely buyers and the actual capability of service at
MedicalFly which is calculated applying the Queue Theory, taking the forecasted average of
income clients´rate and dividing it by the average of the service rate in function of the
average destinations services across Colombia.

[] is the service time´s usage percentage.
[(1-)] is the leisure time percentage.
[] is the income clients´ rate.
[] is the service rate.
Note: - It is based on a dynamic calculation process in function of time.
- The income client´s rate refers to the B2B model clients, as those users represents the
majority of the sells and mainly keep the air fleet afloat.

11.2. Justification of the place strategy planned

The target people are very unlikely to have ethernet connection in their residences and even
a proper newspaper delivery system.
11.3. Actual Placement:
MedicalFly has a conventional marketing system regardless the MedicalFly belonging to the
Medimas group.
In the company there is a person that constantly communicates, for the B2B business model,
with the Health sector that includes both IPS and EPS entities giving information such as
availability and patients’ status. For the B2C business model, where the GPS device is
offered, MedicalFly requires two main suppliers; the first one is the manufacturer of the GPS
devices, and the other one is the logistic delivery center (Servientrega, with an average
national delivery cost of 8000 COP) that transports the device at the moment of the sell or

11.4. Supply Chain Scheme

The service is sold at the Selected convention place, then the GPS tracker and caller is given
to the customers. If the service is required the operational staff at Medicalfly would receive
the SOS calling, and consequently would deploy the service. That focusing on the
opportunity of the direct channel which is the one of selling the air ambulance service to
wealthy landowners. With the indirect channel which is the one of getting sales through the
EPS entities, only requires being updated with the evaluations methods of the EPS that are
given by Medicalfly.

Note: Equipment, air fleet, pilots, doctors, paramedics, and sellers, are part of the

11.5. Market Channels:

MedicalFly has both marketing channels, both direct and indirect. Direct, that is, Customer
Marketing Channels, since the airline ambulance company has direct contact with the
customer. At the moment the client decides to use the MedicalFly service, the company in
person communicates with him and offers the GPS service, therefore we have a direct
communication with the consumer.
On the other hand, it also has the Business Marketing Channel since MedicalFly has an
agreement with the EPS and these pass to the patient. For example, a user of an EPS urgently
needs a surgery, but in his city, they do not have the necessary instruments to carry out their
surgery, the EPS contacts MedicalFly and it makes its service available to them.

11.6. Budget of the place strategy

It could be managed by two main ways or both:
1. By a sponsorship, in which the cost varies relying on the negotiation.
2. By acquiring the right of a space in the convention. The average price for a 4 days’
time convention is around 12’000.000 COP.
so, depending on the choice, the budget for promotion for each convention is:
budget= {0,....,(12´000.000+negotiation terms+travel expenses).

<= (12´000.000+negotiation terms+travel expenses)


12.1. Promotion Objectives

Get the potential people, our target, to know about the new service and how do they and their
families benefit from it.
12.2. Promotion strategy according to your creativity
As MedicalFly cannot be known as a fatalistic entity because of the image that already has
within the B2B model, the promotion that suits best to the company for the service is a
personal face to face encounter where selling agents aware the potential clients of the actual
necessity that they actually experience and how MedicalFly gives a premium solution

12.3. Justification of the chosen promotion tasks/tools

In the place description, it is mentioned that the target for this new service is located in rural
zones that suffers from lack of ethernet connection or a proper newspaper delivery system;
That and the fact that the company already has an image to the target of the already
implemented service.

12.4. Budget of the promotion strategy

the budget for promotion for each convention is:
budget= {0,....,(12´000.000+negotiation terms+travel expenses).
<= (12´000.000+negotiation terms+travel expenses)

13. MEASUREMENT PLAN (+/- 0.5 on your project marks)

Annexed 1

Estadística, D. A. (s.f.). Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística. Obtenido de

MedicalFly. (s.f.). MedicalFly. Obtenido de

SARPA. (s.f.). SARPA. Obtenido de http://

Ambulancias. (s.f.). Ambulancias aereas Colombianas. Obtenido de


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