Sandeep Godasi IB HUBS

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Project Report on


November 2020

Submitted by:
Sandeep Godasi

Executive Summary
Sample Set
Key findings for categories
Problems Identified
Analysis and Insights

In this report there is a detailed explanation of the pros and cons of

the Education system, While getting to know about the education
system, I was stunned to realize the obstructions looked by
individuals. The report predominantly comprises the difficulties
looked at by Students, Parents, Graduates, and Working experts
and furthermore the encounters they got from it. Furthermore, there
are many high points and low points looked by them. The report has
an itemized clarification of each point. At the point when I
experienced the review, I learned numerous new things and the
torment that individuals have experienced at the hour of instruction.

In this research my main objective is to know the problems faced by

people and issues faced by them in their career growth.
The issue isn't with one age. Everybody at one point has confronted
difficulties in the course of their life. I have experienced various
classes like students, guardians, graduates, and working experts,
some have the ability and need more cash to get educated. They
have the enthusiasm to learn and have dreams to accomplish, yet
monetarily powerless. School students have significant issues with
school timings and there is a need for the common sense of learning
and they are sitting a long stretch of time ceaselessly in a room
encompassed by four dividers.

Coming to graduated students, this is a totally unique situation. Here

students have the expertise and furthermore functional information,
Most usually, graduates confronted reservation framework issues
and college lab rotaries.

I have done my survey with all categories and come to know the
positives and negatives of the education system. The analysis is
done through category wise and my key finding to some of those
liabilities faced by people is for example when we consider
school students practical learning should be implemented. A
lifeless mechanical system of teaching in overcrowded schools
and colleges imposed by far from competent teachers on
students whose only interest is to get through exams has been
bane of our education. Actual exercises like playing hours ought to
be expanded with the goal that the unwinding will be there and
projects, for example, Meditation, Yoga e.t.c.., ought to likewise get
actualized. Likewise for graduates who are not into employment.
They should know their advantage and experience a vocation by
picking a sight way with persistence. They ought to trust in difficult
work and they should attempt to learn or refresh to advancements
and attempt until they succeed.

As far as India is concerned, it is a Democratic country. Education

is primary of every child in democratic society. It is the future of our
country. Education should develop the spirit of the individual and
the scientific attitude. The scope of literacy is limited to reading,
writing and computation of members, Whereas education is
applying, practicality e.t.c..,

Firstly, I have divided into different categories like school students,

college students, parents, graduates, working professionals and went
through research about the problems faced in their time of
education. . I talked with them and realized their problem areas.
Sooner or later as expected, various individuals have various issues
with this. On account of understudies, enormous working hours and
absence of common sense of learning.

When coming to graduates, the reservation system gave them a

tough call. Moreover, every individual has confronted issues in their
instructive life.
So to get away from this, I have arranged a total report on various
classifications quickly in that there are problem areas looked at by
them and difficulties they have experienced and the upsides and
downsides and the exercises or encounters they gained from it and
the guidance they provided for the future.

And furthermore as far as anyone is concerned, I have

recommended some key points or solutions for their issues in a
logical way. I have come to know the real issues and gave a few
recommendations and clarified in an itemized way.

Sample Set

● Pain points :-

The Below mentioned pain points are the most common

pain points of school students.

● Lack of Teaching and Facilities of government schools.

● Unhygienic washrooms in school.


● Lack of Teaching and Facilities of government

schools :-

The Required facilities of students in government schools are

extremely poor.
EXAMPLE 1 :- In government schools, 3 to 4 subjects have been
educated by one Teacher without having total information in those
subjects. Teachers are basically going to the class without offering
talks to the students. Because of that, students got humiliated and
didn't comprehend the talk, and had zero information. So students
can't compose the test with complete information. Some students
fail due to this phenomenon.

SOLUTION :- In government schools, the administration should

enroll teachers based on their most extreme information on that
specific subject. They should enlist educators for every single
subject. This will be exceptionally useful for the students to acquire
information for every single subject.

EXAMPLE 2 :- In government schools, Washrooms are not looked

after cleanliness. Students are enduring an excessive amount of
terrible stench and afterward, students are confronting some medical
problems as well. Government schools likewise have an absence of
washroom accessibility for some students.

SOLUTION :- In government schools, Washrooms ought to keep

up very cleanliness. Latrines should be cleaned every day to
decrease awful stench and stay away from students' medical
problems. And furthermore, keep up most extreme no of washrooms
dependent on students..
● Lack of sports in some schools

EXAMPLE :- In certain schools, the Games time frame isn't

directed according to the schedule. In the interim, teachers are
taking the games time frame and teaching the lessons to the

SOLUTION :- In schools, Games assume a significant function for

students. Games are fundamental actual movements for students.
Along these lines, students need to mess around. Teachers ought not
to take classes in the games time frame.

● School trips and extracurricular activities.
EXAMPLE :- At the point when students are going on school trips
and doing some extracurricular exercises. They improve
innovativeness, thinking, and psychological wellness.

The chart represents how school students feel in the education


● Pain points :-

The Below mentioned pain points are the most common

pain points of college students.

● Lack in practicality/need in practicality.

● Not giving much priority to sports and extracurricular.


● Lack in practicality/need in practicality :-

EXAMPLE 1 :- In numerous Scenarios, the Education framework
lacks reasonableness. Students can't be ready to see appropriately.
The fact of the matter isn't passing on to them in the correct way.
They are instructing in a hypothetical way as opposed to educating
in a down to earth way.

SOLUTION :- Initially, they should stop coddling and quit

instructing in a hypothetical manner. They should expand or clarify
the themes by taking models basically. So the subjects
straightforwardly go into their mind and they can learn in a
pragmatic way and learning can be made by utilizing this method.

● Not giving much priority to sports and extracurricular

EXAMPLE 2 :- These days there is no need/time for sports and
extracurricular exercises. These are a few exercises that give help
from the pressure to understudies. In any case, they're not in any
manner offering time to these. Various individuals have various
interests. Some have an interest in Dancing and some in playing that

SOLUTION :- Going to the arrangement, Interests ought to be

supported and they should consider it ability and should give
consolation and rivalries are to be held. With the goal that their
ability comes out and certainty level increments. So they can zero in
on their inclinations. Furthermore, Sports are a lot expected to keep
solid and fit and furthermore for unwinding. In this way, sports
hours ought to be expanded.


● Lack of English teaching.

EXAMPLE :- The principle challenge looked at by students is that

the teachers are not showing the students in English. They are
clarifying in their native language. Here the issue emerges, They
can't lope up and need relational abilities. This is influencing their

SOLUTION :- As we as a whole realize everybody ought to have a

base hold on communicating in English these days. So the teachers
ought to clarify the substance in English so Students will become
accustomed to it and communicate in English ought to be directed
and regardless of whether they are talking incorrectly, they ought to
appropriately address the Students.


● Teachers won't show any difference between students that

all are treated without any partiality.
● Maintains good discipline and a cool environment.
● Clarifies each and every student/individual doubts.
● There is a healthy competition among students.
Here colleges the faculties/managements encourage the new
Ideas of students.
The chart represents how college students feel in the education


● Pain points :-

The Below mentioned pain points are the most common

pain points of Parents.

● Lots of pressure for not paying fees on time and increasing the
fee year by year.
● Long/Prolonged school timing hours.


● Lots of pressure for not paying fees on time and

increasing the fee year by year :-
EXAMPLE 1 :- Most of the parents confronted the issue with
respect to the expense structure and not paying the fees on schedule.
They are reprimanding/censuring students for this and not
permitting them to compose tests moreover. Students become
intellectually feeble with respect to this.

SOLUTION :- The charge structure ought to be changed so that the

average person ought to manage So that each student can go to class
and fill in their profession. Also, they ought not to pressure students
to not pay charges on schedule. They ought to counsel parents with
respect to this issue. They ought to straightforwardly chat with
parents and get explained. They ought not to rebuff youngsters in
such a way by not permitting them to compose tests. This ought to
be carefully restricted.

● Long/Prolonged School timing hours:-

EXAMPLE 2 :- Long planning hours for students are directed, with
the goal that routine is upset, additional classes are expanding step
by step. They can't deal with much weight. Late-night classes are
making numerous issues.

SOLUTION :- Right off the bat, morning classes ought to be

empowered. So they will have a new brain and points will be
perceived in less time. Late-night classes will cause numerous issues
like they can't arrive at home on schedule, the normal time will be
upset and all that will change.


● Lack of General knowledge in school.

EXAMPLE :- Deprivation in general knowledge that is no proper

sharing of current affairs and real-time issues/topics.

SOLUTION :- General information ought not to be instructed as a

subject. It ought to be so that the students should know current
realities and current situations that are going on around them. They
should actualize in such a way by asking one student for each day to
share a point that is identified with either political/continuous
circumstances e.t.c... With the goal that they can get familiar with
another theme and gradually become more acquainted with what's
going on.

● Keeps up great control and furthermore, they show

discipline by looking after it.
● Takes great consideration of every single student with the
most extreme tolerance.
● Keeps up a charming air/climate.
● Shows great conduct and how to live in the public eye.
The chart represents how Parents feel in the education system
● Pain points :-

The Below mentioned pain points are the most common

pain points of Graduates.

● In recent times Reservation is a major problem faced by many

● Lack of practical knowledge and more knowledge on the


● In recent times Reservation is a major problem faced by

many graduates :-
EXAMPLE 1 :- Students are confronting numerous issues
concerning the booking as indicated by the alleged Caste/Religion
e.t.c. Consider a situation where the capable individual gets a decent
position cannot get a seat in their inclination however the individual
who gets a huge position will get a seat in a presumed school. Here
the fantasies of Students are disappearing. This prompts harm to
their profession.

SOLUTION :- Initially, this ought to be halted. No reservations

ought to be offered by standing/religion. Reservation is to be offered
by ability as it were. That is the right technique. By executing this
the ability emerges from the Students who are keen on a specific
branch/course can substantiate themselves and take the nation to
another level.

● Lack in Practical knowledge and more focus on

theoretical knowledge:-
EXAMPLE 2 :- Students are confronting issues with encouraging
that the instructors are clarifying in a hypothetical way. So the
understudies can't comprehend, pick their substitutes like bunking or
skipping classes, not going to classes consistently. With the goal
that it influences their future. Furthermore, next because of the
frenzied timetable. They are not giving a lot of need for their
interests. Everybody has various interests, they should focus on their
abilities, yet there is no time developing that particular way/field.

SOLUTION :- The administration should change the framework.

They ought to for all intents and purposes tell understudies by doing
tests e.t.c., so they can obviously comprehend and can apply those
things to rethink new things. This would be extremely useful. On the
off chance that they clarify for all intents and purposes, even the
sub-optimal students can get subjects and the disappointment rate


● No Time for Sports.

EXAMPLE :- In the current situation, the administration isn't

arranging any games hours and there is no degree to demonstrate the
person's ability.

SOLUTION :- Coming to sports and extracurricular exercises they

should design a timetable likewise so they can have some actual
activities and get invigorated. Besides, the abilities ought to be
energized. Each individual has an alternate interest. They ought to
be supported so they can fill in a profession and arrive at heights.


● They empower student thoughts.

● Students get enough opportunity to investigate their
● In the event that they take any branch, there is development
in each field. In the event that they take the branch in the
equipment area, they can go to the product field likewise,
this is additionally an or more point.
● Participation is sent legitimately to guardians so the
students will be in the correct way.
● Here the students will come to know the attitudes of
different students and they will comprehend what life is !!!

The chart represents how graduates feel in the education system


● Pain points :-

The Below mentioned pain points are the most common

pain points of Working Professionals.

● No updated syllabus.
● Focusing on ranks.
● Lack of practical knowledge.
● Conflicts Between parents/teachers.
● Moral and ethics.


● No Updated Syllabus:-
EXAMPLE 1 :- The prospectus isn't refreshing to the present. They
are following the books and schedule from past ages so that there is
no sync of what's going on.

SOLUTION :- The schedule ought to be refreshed and books

ought to be changed appropriately to the present with the goal that
they become acquainted with what's going on around them and they
can without much of a stretch identify with it and can go ahead in

● Lack of Practical Knowledge:-

EXAMPLE 2 :- Lacking reasonable information, that implies they

are all the more after, on the most proficient method to get the most
elevated positions and how to get popularity yet, they are not
focusing on how they can give better educating. Hypothetical
clarification can't go into the mind, regardless of whether it goes, it
won't keep going for much time.
SOLUTION :- So they should quit educating hypothetically, and
begin instructing for all intents and purposes by doing tests before
them so that point goes into their brain legitimately and they will
recollect for quite a while. Lab hours ought to be expanded so they
will become more acquainted with how things are done basically.


● Reservation system problem.

EXAMPLE :- A large number of them confronted issues with

respect to the reservation and not giving enough significance to
sports/extracurricular exercises and not leading workshops.

SOLUTION :- Initially, the idea of the reservation is to be taken

out so the capable individuals will get seats in their decision.
Furthermore, they can satisfy their dreams, and develop to higher
positions. Next, sports ought to be paid attention to and required.
Timings ought to be changed and they should give equivalent
significance to sports and energize exceptional gifts like some have
an interest in moving, some in playing instruments. So they ought to
empower them by keeping rivalries and student workshops to be
directed. With the goal that's what they realized they can apply to it.

● In the wake of educating, the teacher will reexamine the

subject, and the next day they will solicit anyone from the
students to clarify what the past class is about.
● Correspondence of students increments.
● Communication among students develops.
● There is a lovely and nice climate.
● The opposition will be there among the students.
● A clarification is done through PowerPoint e.t.c.,
The chart represents how Working Professionals feel in the
education system

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