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(Ancient Vedic & Modern Scientific Concepts)

112 = 14 streams × 8 gates

43 nerve segments (31 spine + 12 brnstm)
- 12 Cranial Nerves (+ Terminal Nerve 0
- 31 Spinal Nerves
- 7 Chakras (Universal 1 - 7)
- 1 Auric (Hamsa 8)
(transcending Yantra...)
- 4 Chakras (Omniversal 9 - 12)

Most organs receive impulses from both excitation (sympathetic) to increase activity and inhibition (parasympathetic)
to decrease activity.

ANS: Sympathetic + Parasympathetic

- Hypothalamus, autonomous func.

SNS = excitation = thoracolumbar outflow

- neuron flow from thoracic / lumbar (T1–L2)
PSNS = inhibition = craniosacral outflow
- neuron flow from cranial / sacral (CN3, CN7, CN9, CN10) (S2–S4)

Cranial Nerves (CN0, CN1-CN12) :

- 10th (CN X) = vagus, PSNS (heart,lungs,dt)

Spinal Nerves (C1-C8, T1-T12, L1-L5, S1-S5)

Brachial Plexus:
- SNs: C5-C8, T1

Sanskrit, 52 letters (16 vowels, 36 consonants)

Chakra Flowers = 50 + 2* petals

(1 Sanskrit letter assigned to each)
- Crown (& above): 1000* petals
- Brow Chakra: 2 petals
- Throat Chakra: 16 petals
- Heart Chakra: 12 petals
- Solar Plexus: 10 petals
- Sacral Chakra: 6 petals
- Root Chakra: 4 petals
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