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Considering the syllabus of English 1, The English Chair suggests the following brief role-playing between

professors and the student for the English Colloquium. The objective is that the student can apply what
he has learnt throughout the course in a future possible situation.

Imaginary Situation: Job interview

P: Professors (playing the role of company owners)
S: Student ( playing the role of a job applicant)

Role Play (Please complete the blanks with your information)

P: Welcome to Classic Machinery Company, where we specialize in the finest machines in the world.

S: Thank you for this interview.

P: Our pleasure……… (student’s name), why are you applying a job with our company?

S: Honestly, I need a new job, and I admire your company, so here I am.

P: We understand. ………. (student’s name) tell us about yourself.

S: Well I am ……….. (student’s age) years old. I am from ………..,……….(city of origin, country).

P: We see. And tell us about your family.

S: Well, there are ………… (number) people in my family.

P: That’s great. And what do you currently do?

S: I currently study engineering and ………. ( mention any other activity in case you have, for example: and
I teach mathematics, part time)

P: How long have you studied engineering?

S: For …………… (number) months/ years.

P: Have you got any experience?

S: Yes, I worked for………….. (company or firm in case the Student worked before)/ Or… No I have not
much experience but I can learn. I can work with customers, I’m good with computers, I speak ……….
(languages that the student can speak, for example: Spanish and English) and I am really good at working
with others.

P: The working hours can be very long and stressful. You’ll have to work under pressure. Does that bother

S: Not at all. I like machinery and I can dedicate myself to work.

P: Ok, we’ll look over your CV and we’ll let you know our decision.

S: Alright. I look forward to your call. Thank you for your time.
A few days later…
P: We’d like to offer you the job. When can you start.
S: I can start next………….. (day).

P: Great. We’ll send you your employment contract tomorrow.

S: Thank you so much. See you soon.

For pronunciation practice, you can access and on which much of the dialogue above is based.

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