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A Short Guide to Aikido Terms and Phrases

Beginning of class End of class Listen to pronunciation and explanation here:

Onegai - Domo Arigato
Shimasu Gozaimashta

Irimi Moving forward, facing partner’s Watch the following short video for some
centre demonstrations:
tenkan Moving by sweeping the back leg
around and changing direction 180*
Irimi- tenkan Perform an irimi step followed by a

Nage= the one who applies the technique Uke= the one who receives the technique

Basic positions and movements

Hanmi= ready position,
Tachi Waza= standing with one foot
standing clearly forward.
Ai- hanmi=
standing in ‘harmonious’
or ‘cross’ position with
both uke and nage having
the same foot forward.
Uke is standing,
nage is kneeling Gyaku- hanmi=
standing in ‘mirror’
position with uke and nage
meeting on the same side.
Waza= Katate Dori= Nage
Both kneeling grasps one wrist

The most common ‘attacks’

Yokomen Uchi=
Shomen Chopping with the blade of
Uchi= the hand towards the
Chopping with temple or side of neck. The
the blade of the angle should be roughly
hand towards the same as the line of the
the forehead nage’s gi.
(follow with
whole body)
The angle is
straight up and
To see some basic attacks and teqniques from shomen uchi and Yokomen uchi – watch this video with Yamada
Tsuki= Men Tsuki=
(pronounced Uke punches towards a
“ski”) Uke point beyond and through
punches nage’s head
towards a point
beyond and
through nage’s

Ryote Dori= Morote Dori=

Nage offers Nage offers one hand, and
both hands, and Uke grasps it with both
Uke grasps hands
them both

Ryote Dori= Nage grabs the
Nage offers one offered wrist and
hand, and Uke
comes around to
grasps it with
grab the second
the opposite
hand, then wrist from behind
moves around
and behind to
grab the other
Fundamental techniques:

Irimi-Nage from Shomen-uchi

from katate

Ikkyo (first
technique) from

For a highly recommended look at these basic techniques see Yamada Shihan in this video:

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