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DIRECTIONS: Answer the following questions in paragraph form (3-4 sentences) per question. Your
document should follow MLA format and be a
minimum of two pages.


1. What are you planning on doing as a life-long career?

I plan on becoming a doctor, but I have not decided what exact type of doctor. It will take a lot
of school which I am also planning to do to get me to my career. I see myself in the medical field,
so I am going to pursue a career in that field.

2. What career do you see yourself in five years?

I see myself still at Sterling Estates since I have a good position up there and more than likely get
better benefits than any other job in the next 5 years. This job will most definitely help pay for
college and other life expenses. Sterling has helped me become a young adult, so I do not plan
on leaving them anytime soon.

3. What interests do you have to support your goal?

Going to school is my main interest since it will get me to my future career. Working with the
elderly was not my first interest but it has showed me how to help those of a different geriatric
as well as care for them which will go hand in hand with my occupation. Helping people is a
huge interest of mine, I like to take care of people and make sure they are in good health.

4. What skills do you already have that might support your goal? Example: Computer skills, i.e.
I have skills in computer sciences which will be needed when using the newer technology in the
medical field. I already know a lot about human anatomy so continuing this career will be a little
easier than expected. Communication skills have come in handy while working at Sterling, this
will help because I have to talk to different demographics as a doctor and I know how to speak
to all age groups.

5. What knowledge do you already have to support your goals? Example: understand the
educational requirements to be an accountant.
I know that I will have to start out by getting my bachelor’s degree. After that I must acquire my
medical degree. The main issue with the career with be my state of residency since I do not
know where I want to permanently live.

6. What Career Pathway are you currently pursuing?

I have done with physical therapy with the seniors. I have also given covid tests to my residents.
Feeding my residents has also been apart of my short term career.


1. What are your plans after graduating from high school? Going to college and starting my classes.
Make sure I picked the right career. After high school I want to obtain my MD.
2. What degree or educational program do you wish to pursue?
I want to acquire my bachelor’s degree very soon. This will also bring me closer to getting my medical
degree. The main goal after obtaining those degrees is getting my doctorate so you can call me Dr.
3. What is the highest level of education you believe you will need to fulfill your career goals?

High School
Military Training
On-the-job Training
2-Year Technical College
2-Year State College
4-Year College or University
Master’s Degree
Other (please specify)

4. Where are you planning to continue your education?

I do not plan on leaving the state of Georgia anytime soon so I will be attending college and
other college programs here. If I do leave the state it will only be a state or so away. For the
most part Georgia has all the requirements and programs I need.

5. Have you met the requirements to begin your chosen degree or educational program?
I have not, I am still more worried about graduating high school. I do plan on looking at college
next semester to get accepted. I have also looked at the classes I need to take and how
expensive it with be.

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