Invertebrate Lab 3: Kingdom: Protista Animal-Like Protists Protozoa

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Lab 3
Kingdom: Protista
Animal-like protists
1-Phylum: Sarcomastigophora

Is a phylum of the kingdom protista

• It is the largest phylum of animal-like protists.
• With over 18,000 species.
• They are unicellular.
• Locomotion by flagella, pseudopodia and cilia.
• Autotrophic (self-nourishing) or heterotrophic (obtaining
energy from organic compounds).
• Single type of nucleus.
• Sexual or asexual reproduction.
• Consists of three subphyla:
• 1- Subphylum: Mastigophora
• 2- Subphylum: Sarcodina
• 3- Subphylum: Opalinata
Subphylum Mastigophora
• Member of the Subphylum Mastigophora have one or more
flagella for locomotion.
• Subphylum Mastigophora is divided into two classes:
• 1- Class: Phytomastigophora
• 2- Class: Zoomastigophora

• The members of the first class possess chlorophyll
(autotrophic) and one or more flagella.
• The members of the second class lack chlorophyll and are
• Ex: Trypanosoma, Trichonympha, Giardia.
• 1- The body is slender elongated, spirally twisted,
• 2- Body is surrounded by pellicle which extends
outside and forms the undulating membrane.
• 3- Undulating membrane and flagellum both are used
for locomotion.
• 4- Nucleus is large ovoid near the middle portion of
the body.
• 5- Trypanosomes are parasites in the blood of many
• 6- Three species of Trypanosoma infect human and
cause trypanosomiasis (Sleeping sickness).
2-Phylum: Apicomplexa

• All members of this phylum are parasitic.

• Locomotory organelles are absent except in
reproductive stages.
• Single type of nucleus.
• Ex: Eimeria, Isospora, Monocystis, Toxoplasma,
1. Plasmodium is an intracellular
blood parasite
2-It reproduce in the liver cell and
Red blood cells (RBC)
3-It causes malaria
4-Its transmitted by female anopheles
5-Some stage : ring stage , amoeboid
Classification of Plasmodium

• Kingdom: Protista
• Group: Animal-like protista
• Phylum: Apicomoplexa
Some species of palsmodium
P vivax cause of tertian fever
P falciparum cause of malignant tertian fever
P malaria cause malaria
P ovale cause tertian fever

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