Terminology Washington Karate PDF

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Hayashi-Ha Shito Ryu

General Terms:
Karate – Empty Hands Tachi Kata – Stances:
Dojo – Training place Musubi Dachi – Closed Stance
Soke – Founder/Grand Master Heiko Dachi – Shoulder/Ready Stance
Hanshi – Grand Master Zenkutsu Dachi – Front Stance
Sensei – Instructor Nekoashi Dachi – Cat Stance
Sempai – Senior (higher belt) Shiko Dachi – Sitting Stance
Kohai – Junior (lower belt) Kokutsu Dachi – Back Stance
Dohai – Equal (same belt) Kamae Dachi – Fighting Stance
Ossu – A word showing respect
(literally “push patience”) Tsuki – Punches:
Hajime – Begin Chudan Zuki – Mid-section Punch
Yame – Stop Jodan Zuki – Upper Level Punch
Karate-Ka – Karate student Niren Zuki – Double Punch
Karate-gi – Karate uniform Gyaku Zuki – Reverse Punch
Mawatte – Turn around Oi Zuki – Moving Straight Punch
Kihon – basics Morote Zuki – U Punch
Kata – Form (pre-arranged pattern of
defensive and offensive techniques Uke – Blocks:
against multiple imaginary opponents) Gedan Barai – Down Block
Kumite – Sparring Age Uke – Rising/Upper Block
Soto Uke – Outside Block
Gishiki- Ceremony: Uchi Uke – Inside Block
Keiotsuke – Attention Shuto Uke – Knife hand Block
Rei – bow
Seiza – Kneeling position Keri – Kicks:
Mokuso – Meditation Mae Geri- Front Kick
Shomen ni – To “the front” Mawashi Geri – Roundhouse Kick
Soke ni taeshite – Toward Soke Yoko Geri – Side Kick
Naotte – Return to original position Ura Geri – Back Kick
Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu – Please train us Uramawashi Geri – Hook Kick
Domo Arigato Gozaimashita – Thank you very much
Otagai Ni – to each other Uchi – Strikes:
Tettsui Uchi – Hammerfist Strike
Kazu – counting: Shuto Uchi – knife hand Strike
1. Ichi 6. Roku Haito Uchi – Ridgehand Strike
2. Ni 7. Shichi Shotei Uchi – Palm Heel Strike
3. San 8. Hachi Empi (hiji Ate) – Elbow Strike
4. Shi/Yon 9. Kyu Uraken – Backfist Strike
5. Go 10. Jyu Hiza Geri – Knee Strike/Kick

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