Preposition Review

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Complete the following sentences by applying an appropriate ​preposition​ or ​article​ in the

blank. In some places, more than one answer may be possible. If no preposition or article
is possible, leave the line blank.

1. In addition _______ owning her own apartment, Lorena studies English _______ Fulbright.

2. My family lives ________ 57 Chestnut Street. We have lived there _________ 1995.

3. Please come home __________ once.

4. My brother has been _________ the navy _________ 10 years.

5. Even though we do not make ________ lot _______ money, we manage to get ________ with
what we have.

6. Only three students ________ this class were born _________ November.

7. _______ President Trump has been criticized a lot lately __________ political opponents.

8. Would you like to come along __________ us when we go _______ Mindo?

9. What is ___________ best movie you have ever seen?

10. When we went to _______ Supermaxi, we bought ______ apples, ________ oranges,
______ bottle of vodka, and _________ umbrella.

11. Would you object __________ going to _______ Ramon´s party _________ Saturday?

12. While you are taking _________ quiz, we are _________ a party having __________ good

13. Daniel usually sits ____________ the corner of the classroom.

14. Would you prefer to have __________ honest friend who tells you _______ truth no matter
how much it hurts or ______ friend who tells white lies to make you feel good all the time? 

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