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The Blade of Vengeance

Paladin 11/Warlock 9

27 Point Buy gives you:

STR 13 (5) DEX 10 (2) CON 15 (9) INT 10 (2) WIS 8 (0) CHA 15 (9)

Choosing the Half-Elf race gives you:

● +2 Charisma, +1 Constitution, +1 Strength
● Darkvision, Fey Ancestry, Skill Versatility
● Proficiency in ​Perception, Survival
● Languages: Common, Elven

Choose the Urban Bounty Hunter Background:

● Feature: ​Ear to the Ground
● Proficiency with ​Insight, Stealth, Thieves’ Tools

Take one (1) level of ​Paladin

Paladin Level 1:
● Divine Sense, Lay on Hands
● Proficiency with ​Athletics, Intimidation

Take one (1) level of ​Warlock

Warlock Level 1:
● Otherworldly Patron: Hexblade
● Pact Magic
○ Cantrips: ​Booming Blade, Mage Hand
○ 1st Level Spells: ​Armor of Agathys, Shield

Take five (5) levels of ​Paladin

Paladin Level 2:
● Fighting Style - Dueling
● Spellcasting, Divine Smite
Paladin Level 3:
● Divine Health
● Sacred Oath: Oath of Vengeance
○ Oath Spells, Channel Divinity
Paladin Level 4:
● Feat: Elven Accuracy ​(+1 Charisma)
Paladin Level 5:
● Extra Attack
Paladin Level 6:
● Aura of Protection
Take eight (8) levels of ​Warlock
Warlock Level 2:
● Eldritch Invocations: Devil’s Sight, Fiendish Vigor
● Pact Magic
○ 1st Level Spells: ​Expeditious Retreat
Warlock Level 3:
● Pact Boon: Pact of the Blade
● Eldritch Invocation: ​replace​ Fiendish Vigor ​with​ Improved Pact Weapon
● Pact Magic
○ 2nd Level Spells: ​Invisibility
Warlock Level 4:
● Feat: Sentinel
● Pact Magic
○ Cantrips: ​Green Flame Blade
○ 2nd Level Spells: ​Hex
Warlock Level 5:
● Eldritch Invocation: Eldritch Smite; ​replace​ Devil’s Sight ​with​ Tomb of Levistus
● Pact Magic
○ 3rd Level Spells: ​Magic Circle
Warlock Level 6:
● Patron Feature:​ Accursed Specter
● Pact Magic
○ 3rd Level Spells: ​Fly
Warlock Level 7:
● Eldritch Invocation: Relentless Hex
● Pact Magic
○ 4th Level Spells: ​Banishment
Warlock Level 8:
● Ability Score Increase ​(Charisma +2)
● Pact Magic
○ Cantrips: ​Prestidigitation
○ 4th Level Spells: ​Dimension Door
Warlock Level 9:
● Eldritch Invocation: Sign of Ill Omen
● Pact Magic
○ 5th Level Spells: ​Banishing Smite

Take five (5) levels of ​Paladin

Paladin Level 7:
● Oath Feature: Relentless Avenger
Paladin Level 8:
● Ability Score Improvement ​(Constitution +2)
Paladin Level 9:
● 3rd Level Spells
Paladin Level 10:
● Aura of Courage
Paladin Level 11:
● Improved Divine Smite

When one target must die

Hex Curse + Vow of Enmity

Adv./Crit on 19-20

Round 1:
Hex Curse
L. Sword (1d8 + 1d8 + 8 + 6)
E Smite (6d8)
P Smite (5d8)

L. Sword (1d8 + 1d8 + 8 + 6)

P Smite (5d8)

Round 2:
L. Sword (1d8 + 1d8 + 8 + 6)
E Smite (6d8)
P Smite (5d8)

L. Sword (1d8 + 1d8 + 8 + 6)

P Smite (4d8)

39d8 + 56
95 - 368 (231.5)
Assuming No Crit and Not Fiend/Undead

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