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Edstrohm 1

Shayla Edstrohm

Professor Sarah Lobsinger

Education 201

Classroom Project Reflection

22 November 2020


Throughout designing my ideal classroom, I found myself confronted with having to

adhere to practicality in favor of my preferences. For instance, as much as my educational

philosophy is against many traditional teaching norms, I still implemented a main instructional

area in the form of a chalkboard. The choice of a chalkboard is a little unconventional, especially

since it is so outdated, but I feel that not only does it reduce plastic waste, as it utilizes chalk

instead of markers that dry out quickly and are thrown away, but it also reflected my desire to

return to more traditional methods of teaching. I do understand the importance of incorporating

technology into the classroom, especially as it is such a large part of the lives of students today,

but I would incorporate it in other forms, such as individual laptops or devices that are provided

by the school, assuming school funding allowed for such a privilege. Understandably, some

students may not be able to afford or have access to current technology at home, and ultimately,

this is a topic I would love to learn more about through my experience once I become a teacher,

as well as something I would hope to remedy, as I feel that all children deserve equal

opportunities. In the instructional area, besides a chalkboard for lectures and instruction, there is

also a board for students to display their classwork and projects. The classroom features three

large tables with six seats instead of individual desks to promote more opportunities for team
Edstrohm 2

exercises and projects as well as easier discussion about assignments and coursework among

students. Natural daylight is incredibly important and the classroom features multiple windows,

and a couple are featured next to a large area of the room with floor seats in a circle next to large

bookcases to form a classroom library. This library would be a wonderful area for students to

engage in quiet reading time without feeling constricted by sitting at their desks all day. A more

open and relaxed area like this promotes more trust between the student and teacher, as the

teacher allows for the student to not be forced in their seat all day and the student feels more

confident with that freedom. Trusting relationships are essential between students and teachers

and allow for open communication, which reflects my educational philosophy quite well. The

classroom also features a welcome area across from the teacher's desk where students can place

their backpacks on hooks and access their own personal cubbies for missed work and for

announcements. This area also allows for students to greet each other and the teachers at the

beginning of the day and to say goodbye at the end of the school day. Overall, my goal with a

classroom would be to create an environment that allows feelings of freedom and independence,

allowing for students to follow routines without assistance and seek out resources without aid,

and that promotes student and teacher relationships by building trust. Additionally, social

development is incredibly important, especially in promoting inclusivity and diversity in the

classroom, and the layout is designed to promote more opportunities for students to engage with

one another.

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