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Bristlebot Building 

Do you think you could build a robot on the head of a toothbrush? Bristlebots are
simple, tiny robots that buzz around like bugs. They are easy to build and fun to play
with, and you do not need any previous experience with robotics to make one. You
can even build an obstacle course to challenge your bristlebot! Move on to the
Materials​ section to see what parts you need to build bristlebots, and the instructions
for step-by-step directions on how to build them.



● Coin cell battery 

● Vibration motor

● Toothbrush head with the handle cut off

● Small piece of double-sided foam tape

● Googly eyes

● Pipe Cleaner

● Tape

● Cardboard Strips

● Straws

● Bouncy Ball

● Butcher Paper

● Cardstock

● Paint



The Goal 
To create a bristlebot that can move independently for at least 5 seconds. After you
build your bristlebot, create an obstacle course to challenge your bristlebot and use
your bristlebot to create a unique piece of art!

Step 1​: ​Apply a piece of double-sided tape the opposite side of the bristles.

Step 2:​ Once the double-sided tape has been applied, you can mount the vibration
motor on top of it. Place one of the motor wires on the tape and keep the other
motor wire in the air. Make sure not to push the wire deep into the double-sided
tape. The reason for this is because you need the exposed wire to contact the
battery and it won’t be able to if pushed deep into the tape.



Step 3:​ Mount the coin cell battery on the double-sided tape with the negative side
facing down. Make sure it makes contact with the motor wire that is on the tape

Step 4:​ ​Once the motor and battery have been mounted, you can now add the pipe
cleaner legs. These legs are not just for decoration as they help stabilize the robot.
Bend the pipe cleaner legs down and around the toothbrush head, or wrap around

Step 5: ​This part is optional and not needed for the bristlebot to function properly.
Add eyes and any other robot decorations you want. This is a great way to show
your individuality and make your bristlebot unique!



Your Bristlebot is Complete! 

Now is the time to fire up your bristlebot and see if it works. Bend the motor wire and
push it between the button battery and the pipe cleaner. At this point, the bristlebot
should come alive and start moving around​.

Now, get creative! 

Build and Test an Obstacle Course 

Using the box that your supplies came in, along with additional materials from the kit
(and anything else you may find at home or in the classroom!), build an obstacle
course for your bristlebot. Consider building a maze that includes obstacles for your
bristlebot to get around, or building ramps for your bristlebot to travel down!



● Time how fast your bristlebot can move through your obstacle course.

● Compare how fast the bristlebot versus the bouncy ball moves through your
obstacle course. Which was faster?

Create Bristlebot Art 

Once your bristlebot is complete, you can use it to make custom robot paintings.
Since the bristlebot roams everywhere, it’s a good idea to do your painting inside a
box or protected area. Be sure to cover your work area with butcher paper before
you begin painting!

Dip the bristles into craft paint and let the bristlebot run wild on the cardstock to
create a one-of-a-kind, priceless painting. This is a great way to combine technology
with the arts – STEAM!



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