1984 Sarajevo Winter Olimpics

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Sarajevo 1984 Winter Olympics

The event happened in 1984 in the capital of the former Socialist Republic of
Bosnia and Herzegovina, it was a winter multi-sport event held between 8
and 19 February 1984 in Sarajevo.
It’s the second winter games to be held in a Socialist state and a Slavic-
Speaking country. It was also the first time an Olympic game was held in the
Balkans since the first Olympic games in the Athens.

For a country to get elected to host the Olympic games they have to win the
top votes in the International Olympics Committee. In the 80th session on the
18th of May 1978, SFR Yugoslavia won by 3 votes over Japan.

Before the country can be in the vote it has to put its name on the vote list,
for it to get accepted they have to:
1. Prove that its big enough to handle the Olympic games, like
security, hotels for tourists and the athletes, all the housing for the
journalists and politicians. It also has to prove that it can transport
all these people through mass transport.
2. The country has to convince the residents that raising taxes to host
the games is good for the country
3. The country needs to maintain good to excellent media coverage to
keep everyone engaged, and carry the games.
What actually happened? This was the best handeld Olympic games till then,
according to The International Olympics Committee. Media coverage
amazing keeping everyone engaged and waiting to see the games, they
raised taxes by a bigger margin, and the public didn’t see a problem with it,
even thou the economy wasn’t all that great.
The West wasn’t expecting a lot from these games, but it turns out they
extremely underestimated Yugoslavia. From there point of view Yugoslavia
was too undeveloped to host the games, but they were astonished at the
whole venue.
The country also used the bobsleigh, witch was rarely used in the games.

The result of this was a MASSIVE boost in the countries economy because
the tourists saw the vistas and sight lines and wanted to live there, so more
jobs opened up and the economy grew, because they were pronounced they
were the best, the media were talking about it for some time, and the
country gained respect from the west.

The event to the West was important because they saw that under
developed countries could still host the games. To the ethnic people there
this was one of the most important events ever. The people there new that
they would now be seen by the Internatinal Community. The ethnic people
also now were positive that they could host games as big as that. They new
this would awaken sports, tourism and recreation to the whole country.

All in all this event was one off the most important events in the history of
the Country, they were also looking forward to the future, unfortunately the
future would be much more worse than they could ever imagine…

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