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cc c c c c PLDC

"A programming language is a language that is intended for the expression of computer
programs and that is capable of expressing any computer program"


× Readability - indicates how easy it is to read and understand programs written in a
given language

× a 

¦ ½

- a small language is easier to learn and master than a complex language
multiplicity can be a problem (providing many ways to do the same operation, e.g.
addition in C)
- the set of primitive constructs provided by a language can be
combined in relatively small number of ways to build control and data structures
¦    ½   - lack of control leads to poor readability (use of GOTO in early
¦       - adequate facilities to define data types and data structures
help in making a program more readable

× Writability - how easy it is to write a program in a given language

× What makes a language writable?

¦ ½


¦ ½     
- provide facilities to define complex structures or operations
that allows many details to be ignored

- provide powerful operators that allow one to write a program that can
do lots computations with only a small number of lines of code

Reliability - the program should perform to its specification under all conditions

× Cost -determined by three factors:

¦     - how long and how expensive it to write a program (depends

mainly on the language simplicity)?
  - how difficult is it to maintain the program (depends on language
simplicity, variety of compilers and ease of porting to other platforms)?

- how many errors are likely to occur and how difficult and expensive
would it be to fix them?

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