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December 14, 2020

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Monday, December 14, 2020 – 6:00 p.m.
Red River High School Performance Hall, 2211 17th Avenue South, Grand Forks
(Enter at the Performance Hall Door #22)

The meeting will be broadcast live at Due to the COVID-19 public
health emergency, this meeting will be conducted with social distancing consistent with CDC
recommendations and as allowed under Governor Doug Burgum’s executive order suspending NDCC 44-
04-19. In-person attendees area required to wear face coverings at all times while in the building.



A. November 23, 2020

6:03 p.m. IV. CITIZEN COMMENTS (non-agenda items)

(Citizens wishing to address the school board are asked to complete a Citizen Comment Card and submit it
to the school board secretary before the start of the meeting. Citizens wishing to comment on non-agenda
items will be invited by the chairperson to speak during the Citizen Comments item. Citizens wishing to
comment on a specific agenda item will be invited by the chairperson to speak when that specific agenda
item is reached. Each person may speak for up to three (3) minutes and will not be recognized a second
time until all citizens wishing to speak have been heard. The chairperson reserves the right to limit the
discussion and the number of speakers. School Board members shall not engage in a response or enter into
a debate about any issue(s) brought before the board during this portion of the meeting. Citizens’
comments and concerns will be directed to the Superintendent of Schools, who will deal with them
according to policies adopted by the Board.)


6:09 p.m. A. Review School Board Norms
6:10 p.m. B. Distance Learning Update
6:25 p.m. C. Finance Committee Report
6:35 p.m. D. Budget Reduction Exercise


7:05 p.m. A. Policy Review Committee Report: Readings & Rescindment of Policies &
7:50 p.m. B. Consent Agenda: Open Enrollment Application
7:51 p.m. C. General Fund Financial Report
8:00 p.m. D. Approval of Curriculum Proposal

8:05p.m. VII. OTHER

A. Announcements
B. Board Requests for Future Consideration
(There should be no discussion concerning an individual item that is requested for future
consideration. The Board President and Superintendent will determine the best method of
response to board requests for future consideration.)
C. School Board Norms - How Did We Do?


Persons with disabilities who may need assistance to access or participate at the meeting should call the
superintendent’s office at 787-4880 at least 24 hours prior to this meeting.
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This meeting was held jointly with the Grand Forks Air Force Base School Board
November 23, 2020

The Grand Forks School Board met in regular session via Zoom on Monday, November 23, 2020, with
President Amber Flynn presiding.

Board Members Present: Doug Carpenter, Chris Douthit, Amber Flynn, Eric Lunn, Jeff Manley, and
Cynthia Shabb. Absent: Jacqueline Hoffarth, Shannon Mikula, and Bill Palmiscno.

Student Board Members Present: Evan Whalen. Absent: Alicia Dela Cruz.

Others Present: Dr. Terry Brenner, Superintendent of Schools; Scott J. Berge, Business Manager; Jody
Thompson, Associate Superintendent of Elementary Education, Catherine Gillach, Assistant
Superintendent of Secondary Education; GFAFB School Board Members Lewis Isassi, Ann O’Rourke,
Samantha Plemons, Branden Shepperd, and Michelle Shepperd; Colonel Cameron S. Pringle, Commander,
319th Reconnaissance Wing, GFAFB; Amiee Gillig, School Liaison Specialist, GFAFB; Brady Olson, Vice
President, Grand Forks Education Association; and Cindy Johnson, Executive Secretary.

Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. The Motherwell’s job performance.

meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. and the
Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Travis Thorvilson, Winship Elementary School
Principal, introduced Jennifer Modeen, a school
Approval of Agenda. It was moved by Lunn social worker and homeless liaison and who was
and seconded by Shabb to approve the agenda also in attendance, as the Certified Employee of
as written. Motion carried unanimously. Absent: the Quarter. Thorvilson spoke highly about Ms.
Hoffarth, Mikula, and Palmiscno. Modeen’s job performance.

Approval of Minutes. It was moved by Douthit Citizen Comments (non-agenda items). None.
and seconded by Lunn to approve the minutes
of the November 9, 2020, meeting as written. Review School Board Norms. Douthit read
Motion carried unanimously. Absent: Hoffarth, aloud the school board norms.
Mikula, and Palmiscno.
State of the Base – Colonel Cameron S.
It was moved by Carpenter and seconded by Pringle. Colonel Cameron Pringle, commander
Manley to approve the minutes of the of the Grand Forks Air Force Base 319th
November 16, 2020, meeting as written. Motion Reconnaissance Wing, gave a presentation on
carried unanimously. Absent: Hoffarth, Mikula, several areas of mutual support between the Air
and Palmiscno. Base and Grand Forks communities including
assistance with handing out school lunches and
Celebrating Success – Employees of the First school supplies during COVID shutdown and
Quarter Recognition. Kevin Ohnstad, Phoenix complimented the district on its response to the
Elementary School Principal, and Dr. Joel challenges caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
Schleicher, South Middle School Principal, He also highlighted mutual support in the areas
introduced Sherri Motherwell, a school nurse of severe weather and emergency notifications,
and who was also in attendance, as the Classified fire and security first responders, medical
Employee of the Quarter. Ohnstad and support, and family support.
Schleicher spoke highly about Ms.

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Amiee Gillig, Grand Forks Air Force Base School Association of Federally Impacted Schools
Liaison Specialist, highlighted her role as a (NAFIS) Fall Conference.
school liaison and social-emotional supports and
academic supports that are available through Consent Agenda. It was moved by Shabb and
her office. Gillig also spoke about the seconded by Manley to approve the consent
significance of a recent DoDEA Grant award. agenda as follows: Open Enrollment applications
as presented and Resignation of Angela
DoDEA Grant Presentation. District Grant Carpenter effective December 1, 2020. Motion
Writer Taunya Schleicher, Twining School carried unanimously. Absent: Hoffarth, Mikula,
Principal Shari Bilden, and Instructional Design and Palmiscno.
Coach Elizabeth Berger gave a presentation on a
grant through the U.S. Department of Defense Policy Review Committee Report: Reading of
Education Activity (DoDEA) that was recently Policies & Regulations. Shabb reported on
awarded to the district. The Project HEROS policies that following completion of their first
Power grant is designed to support the reading as written at the November 9, 2020,
academic achievement of military-connected school board meeting, are presented for their
students in science technology, engineering, and second reading and adoption. It was noted that
mathematics (STEM) at Twining Elementary and due to clerical error, a recommended language
Middle School. The grant award is $500,000. change that the committee made was not
included in the first reading of Policy DFAB. The
Annual Report for 2019-2020. Thompson, change amended the first sentence of the
Gillach, District Assessment Coordinator Jessie second paragraph so it reads, “The objectives of
Erickson, and Berge reviewed the annual report supervision are to observe teaching
for 2019-2020. Erickson spoke about the STEM performance, improve teaching performance
curriculum in the school buildings. She reported and student learning, encourage professional
that because of COVID, spring assessments were growth…”. This change is included in the draft
not completed. She reported on STAR that is presented for the second reading and
assessment data from the fall of 2019. Gillach adoption.
reported on advanced placement courses, dual
credit classes, teacher demographics, and ACT It was moved by Shabb and seconded by Lunn
scores. Thompson reported on student to complete the second reading of Policy ACF,
enrollment, average class size in grades K-5, and Whistleblower Protections Policy: Prohibition
district poverty rates. Berge reported on Against Retaliation as written and adopt it as an
revenue, appropriations, and mill levies. official policy of the district. Motion carried
unanimously. Absent: Hoffarth, Mikula, and
Curriculum Review. Gillach reported on the Palmiscno.
secondary curriculum review process. The
Secondary Curriculum Review Committee is It was moved by Shabb and seconded by
proposing to delete one course and add two Douthit to complete the second reading as
courses for the 2020-2021 school year. Proposed written of the following policies and adopt them
for deletion is Business Law and proposed for as official policies of the district:
addition is Business Communications and Senior • BA, School Board Ethics
Lifetime Fitness and Wellness. A proposal for a • DFAA Teacher Evaluation
Dual Credit Native American Studies course was • DIB, Review of Material in Teacher Personnel
postponed pending further course development Files
and is expected to be resubmitted the following • DFAB, Teacher Supervision (with noted
school year. The proposal will be brought forth amendment)
for action at its December meeting. • DGGA, Professional Development Plan
• GAAB, Curriculum Adoption
Impact Aid Funding Update. Berge gave an
• GABDA, Student Achievement
overview of Impact Aid funding and discussed
talking points from the 2020 National

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• GCAA, Grade Promotion, Retention, & total general fund revenues were $28,523,259
Acceleration and total general fund expenditures were
• HEBB, Cash in School Buildings $25,047,672, resulting in an excess of revenues
• HEBC, Fraud Prevention & Investigation over expenses of $3,475,587. Berge explained
• HEBD, Audits year-over-year variances in IDEA-B Special
Motion carried unanimously. Absent: Hoffarth, Education funding, the number of classified pay
Mikula, and Palmiscno. periods, COVID-related supply costs, and
equipment and furniture purchases that will be
It was moved by Shabb and seconded by reimbursed by ESSER funds.
Carpenter to complete the second reading as
written of Policy GAAC, Review & Complaints of It was moved by Shabb and seconded by Manley
Instructional & Resource Material and adopt it as to approve the General Fund Financial Statement
an official policy of the district. It was for the period July 1, 2020, through October 31,
determined that the amendment made at the 2020. Motion carried unanimously. Absent:
November 9 meeting, which was to change the Hoffarth, Mikula, and Palmiscno.
district review committee from a board-
appointed committee to a superintendent or Announcements. Dr. Brenner reminded all that
designee-appointed committee, is substantial tomorrow he will be on KNOX Radio at 10:00
and as a result, this policy should be considered a.m. and interviewing online with the Grand
for a new first reading. Shabb and Carpenter Forks Herald at noon.
amended the motion to complete the first
reading of Policy GAAC. Motion carried Board Request for Future Consideration.
unanimously. Absent: Hoffarth, Mikula, and None.
School Board Norms – How Did We Do?
It was moved by Shabb and seconded by Douthit reported that board members did well in
Douthit to complete the reading as written of following its meeting norms.
Board Regulation BA-BR1, School Board Ethics
Regulation, and adopt it as an official board Adjournment. There being no further business,
regulation of the district. Motion carried the meeting was adjourned at 8:04 p.m.
unanimously. Absent: Hoffarth, Mikula, and
Palmiscno. Approved ________________________________________

It was moved by Shabb and seconded by

Carpenter to complete the reading as written of
Amber Flynn, President
Board Regulation BA-BR2, Board Member
Internet and Social Media Use, and adopt it as
an official board regulation of the district.
Scott J. Berge, Business Manager
Motion carried unanimously. Absent: Hoffarth,
Mikula, and Palmiscno.

It was moved by Shabb and seconded by Lunn

to complete the reading as written of Board
Regulation GAAC-BR, Procedure for Reviewing
Complaints About Instructional/Resource
Material, and adopt it as an official board
regulation of the district. Motion carried
unanimously. Absent: Hoffarth, Mikula, and

General Fund Financial Statement. For the

period of July 1, 2020, through October 31, 2020,
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Grand Forks Public School District #1

School Board Meeting Norms

The purpose of establishing school board norms is to ensure that all individuals have the opportunity
to contribute in the meeting; to increase productivity and effectiveness; and to facilitate the
achievement of its goals.


1) Be prepared
2) Be on time
3) Value and respect each other
4) Exercise thoughtful deliberation and conversation
5) Be professional at the Board table and when visiting with the general public
6) Speak up when the norms are not being followed
7) Advocate on behalf of students and keep the community in mind


1) Lead by policy
2) Serve as advocates for K-12 public education
3) Entrust the day-to-day operations to the professionals; Let the administrators do their work
4) Assist community members and stakeholders in following the chain of command


1) Consider staff and District capacity in resources

2) Balance the meeting agendas so one meeting isn't heavier than the other

Board Approved 10.8.18

Mission Statement:
Grand Forks Public Schools will provide an environment of educational excellence that
engages all learners to develop their maximum potential for community and global success.
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Mission Statement
Grand Forks Public Schools will provide an environment of educational excellence that
engages all learners to develop their maximum potential for community and global success.

Mark Sanford Education Center Dr. Terry Brenner

PO Box 6000 (58206-6000) Superintendent of Schools
2400 47th Avenue South (58201-3405) Phone: 701.787.4880
Grand Forks, ND Fax: 701.772.7739

TO: Grand Forks School Board Members
FROM: Dr. Terry Brenner, Superintendent of Schools
SUBJECT: Distance Learning Update
DATE: December 15, 2020

At the time of this writing, we have been in distance learning mode for nine days since our move on
November 30. While we have had some internet frustrations both from campus and home environments,
by all accounts a majority of people, staff and parents, believe distance learning is a much better learning
environment compared to last spring. There is an acknowledgment that there is more pressure on parents
of primary students as a result of guidance needed in a home environment which can cause parental
frustrations at times.
A few highlights are as follows:
• Teachers appreciated the three days of distance learning preparation on November 23, 24, and 25.

• The percentage of students “attending class” is much improved as the overall schedule feels more like
school between 9:00 am-3:00 pm.

• Small groups of students coming to campus each day or every other day has better-maintained
connectivity between students, teachers, and support staff.

• Encore was able to accommodate all front line COVID-related health care workers who completed the
survey related to needing school-age childcare, an environment that allows those students to participate
in distance learning. Some paraprofessionals shifted from instructional supportive roles to a temporary
position in Encore.

• Child Nutrition bus routes delivering meals to a variety of neighborhood access points have been well-
It continues to be the District’s goal to resume face to face learning on Monday, January 4, 2021.
If there are any follow-up questions from board members, we will be happy to respond to those at our

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November 18, 2020

The Grand Forks School Board Finance Committee met on Wednesday, November 18, 2020, with Doug
Carpenter presiding.

Committee Members Present: Voting Board Members Doug Carpenter, Amber Flynn via phone,
Shannon Mikula via phone, and Bill Palmiscno; Dr. Terry Brenner, Superintendent of Schools; Scott J.
Berge, Business Manager; and Jody Thompson, Associate Superintendent of Elementary Education.

Committee Members Absent: Catherine Gillach, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education and
GFAFB School Board Liaison Ann O’Rourke.

Others Present: Cindy Johnson, Executive Secretary.


Call to Order. The meeting was called to order Approved _________________________________________

at 5:00 p.m. (Date)

Approval of Minutes. It was moved by ____________________________________________________

Palmiscno and seconded by Mikula to approve Doug Carpenter, Committee Chair
the minutes of November 2, 2020, as written.
Motion unanimously carried. ____________________________________________________
Scott J. Berge, Business Manager
Five-Year, Long-Range Financial Planning. Dr.
Brenner acknowledged that they have been
given the charge to the task of finding $3.2M in
budget reductions. He said that if the committee
wanted to talk about either rescinding,
modifying, or suspending the early retirement
policy for this year, it would have to be referred
to the Policy Review Committee, which meets on
December 2. He laid out a timeline for building
administrators and directors to look at their
programs, course content, class size, etc., and
come back with recommendations to the
Finance Committee.

It was moved by Flynn and seconded by

Palmiscno to refer discussion about possibly
rescinding, modifying, or suspending the early
retirement policy to the Policy Review
Committee. Motion carried unanimously.

The next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday,

December 8 at 5:00 p.m.

Adjournment. There being no further business,

the meeting adjourned at 5:08 p.m.

Finance Committee 11-18-2020

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Mission Statement
Grand Forks Public Schools will provide an environment of educational excellence that
engages all learners to develop their maximum potential for community and global success.

Mark Sanford Education Center Dr. Terry Brenner

PO Box 6000 (58206-6000) Superintendent of Schools
2400 47th Avenue South (58201-3405) Phone: 701.787.4880
Grand Forks, ND Fax: 701.772.7739

TO: Grand Forks School Board Members
FROM: Dr. Terry Brenner, Superintendent of Schools
SUBJECT: Budget Reduction Exercise
DATE: December 14, 2020

Commencing on Tuesday, December 1, District leadership engaged our entire Pre-K-12 administrative team in the
first step of our overall budget reduction exercise targeting an overall 10% reduction in our budget over the next two
fiscal years. While the Finance Committee directed administration to reduce the budget by $3.2 million next year,
there are additional pressure points suggesting the exercise must take more drastic measures such as:

• In his state of the budget address recently, Governor Doug Burgum suggested holding K-12 foundation
aid flat over the next biennium.
• Recent discussions with local legislators indicated a foundation aid appetite of zero in Year 1 and 1% in
Year 2.
Given the above, and with inflation index margins at approximately 2% in 2021, coupled with staff making moves
regarding steps only on the salary schedules (this does not include a percent raise through negotiations), we are really
faced with an 8-12% gap between revenue and expenses over the next two years. With a current expense budget of
approximately $112 million, realizing a $10 million reduction in expenses is going to be a heavy lift with 84-85
percent of our expenses tied to people. There is great trepidation with an anticipated general fund balance of $4.975
million at the conclusion of this fiscal year.

A successful referendum will certainly take some pressure off of the general fund related to construction/maintenance
costs, but it will not address operational expenses.

Business Manager Scott Berge and I will take you through the following slides that provides context to the budget
reduction exercise presently underway. Important to note is that this work will evolve over the next few months with
entry points for the school board, GFEA leadership and teacher leaders to provide feedback. In other words, we want
this process to be fully transparent and communicative.

Enclosure: Slide Deck

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Budget Reduction Exercise:

Gaining Pre-K-12 Administrators’ Insights
December 2020
December 14, 2020
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● Identify 10%
expense reductions
between present
and Spring, 2022
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● Align Expenditures with Strategic Plan Priority Areas:

○ Academics
○ Comprehensive School Mental Health System
○ Resource Management & Operational Planning

● Balance Budget by July 1, 2022

● Begin to increase/grow General Fund by 2023

Joint Administrative December 14, 2020
Budget reduction Page 12 of 89

budget reduction concepts presented to Joint Administrative

process School Board for budget reduction
feedback refinement.

Dec. January
Jan. 25 Jan. 26 Jan. 28
1-Jan.11 12-20

GFEA & Teacher Joint Will use

Leader feedback Administrative
meetings if
budget reduction applicable.
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Current Financial Condition

and Projections
Graph is fromDecember 14, 2020
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Governor’s Executive
Budget Presentation

A total 4% (Not Annual)

increase from 2017
through 2023

State revenue is
approximately ⅔ of
our total revenue
With deductions for local property taxes, open enrollment
tuition deductions, Federal Impact Aid deductions, etc., we
received $8,851 per student from ND last year. ND does not pay
$10,036 per student.
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Capital Projects
Expense Per

Grand Forks is funding

capital expenditures
from general funds;
other school districts
have additional dollars
available through
higher building fund
mill levies
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Costs Per
Maintenance per
student is in line with
other school districts;
West Fargo is an outlier
due to much lower
average age of buildings
Monthly expenses December 14, 2020
Page 22 of 89

during school year can

exceed $9 million.
A healthy fund balance
is a minimum of 15% of
annual expenses, or
approximately $17.25
General fund balance at 6/30/2021
would be $11.85 million higher (or
approximately $16.8 million in
total) had we not needed to pay
construction expenditures from the
general fund the last 7 years.
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And Expense
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Mission Statement
Grand Forks Public Schools will provide an environment of educational excellence that
engages all learners to develop their maximum potential for community and global success.

Mark Sanford Education Center Dr. Terry Brenner

PO Box 6000 (58206-6000) Superintendent of Schools
2400 47th Avenue South (58201-3405) Phone: 701.787.4880
Grand Forks, ND Fax: 701.772.7739

TO: Grand Forks School Board Members
FROM: Dr. Terry Brenner, Superintendent of Schools
SUBJECT: Policy Review Committee Report: Readings & Rescindment of Policies & Regulations
DATE: December 14, 2020

Please find below the recommendations of the Policy Review Committee.

1. Policy GAAC, Review & Complaints of Instructional & Resource Material

• Recommended for completion of its second reading as written and adoption as an official policy of the
• The new first reading of the amended policy was completed at the November 23, 2020, school board

2. Policy 4300, Early Retirement of Professional Staff Members

• Recommended to be rescinded.
• As one piece of the overall $3.2M budget reduction exercise the district is presently undertaking, District
Administration recommended to the Finance Committee to consider rescinding, modifying or
suspending this policy. The Finance Committee voted unanimously to refer the discussion to the Policy
Review Committee. The Policy Review Committee voted unanimously to recommend to the school board
to rescind this policy.
• Rescinding a policy requires one reading.

3. Policy DFA, Supervision & Evaluation

• Recommended for completion of its first reading as written.
• This policy is recommended by the North Dakota School Boards Association for purpose of COGNIA
(AdvancED) accreditation.
• Complementing Administrative Exhibit DFA-E, District Organizational Chart is provided for information.

4. Policy KBA, Relations with the Media

• Recommended for completion of its first reading as written.
• This policy, along with Board Regulations KBA-BR1, Relations with the News Media Regulations, and
Board Regulation KBA-BR2, Sports and Special Events Media Coverage, will replace the district’s current
Policy 1100, Public Relations and Media. KBA-BR1, KBA-BR2, and Policy 1100 are provided, however, the
recommended action for them will be brought forward at the same time as the second reading of Policy

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Policy Review Committee Report: Readings & Rescindment of Policies & Regulations
December 14, 2020
Page Two

5. Policy KAAA, Visitors in the Schools

• Recommended for completion of its first reading as written.
• This policy will replace the district’s current Policy 1101, Visits to the Schools.
• Complementing Administrative Regulation KAAA-AR, Visitors in the Schools Regulations is provided for

6. Policy ACCA, Sexual Offenders on School Property

• Recommended for completion of its first reading as written.
• This policy, along with Board Regulation ACCA-BR, Criteria for Granting Parent Offenders Privileges to
Enter School Property, will replace the district’s current Policy 1102. ACCA-BR and Policy 1102 are
provided, however, the recommended action for them will be brought forward at the same time as the
second reading of Policy ACCA.

7. Policy DEBC, Gifts to District Personnel

• Recommended for completion of its first reading as written.
8. Policy DEBD, Maintaining Professional Employee-Student Boundaries
• Recommended for completion of its first reading as written.
• The Committee requested Item #5 on Page 2 of the policy be highlighted as a reminder for discussion.
9. Policy DEBE, Employee Relations with Vendors
• Recommended for completion of its first reading as written.
10. Policy FECB, Gifts & Awards to Students
• Recommended for completion of its first reading as written.
• Together, Policies DEBC, DEBD, DEBE, and FECB will replace the district’s current Policy 1309, Gifts to
School Personnel. Policy 1309 is provided, however, the recommendation action for it will be brought
forward at the same time as the second reading of Policies DEBC, DEBD, DEBE, and FECB.

11. BBBB, School Board Committees

• Recommended for completion of its first reading as written.
• Together, Policy BBBB and Board Regulations BBBB-BR, Scope and Membership of School Board
Committees, and BBBB-BR1, School Board Liaison Assignments, will replace the district’s current Policy
8130, Standing, Advisory, and Temporary Committees. BBBB-BR and BBBB-BR1 and Policy 8130 are
provided, however, the recommended action for them will be brought forward at the same time as the
second reading of Policy BBBB.

12. FDH-BR1, Foster Care Student Transportation Procedure

• Recommended for completion of its one reading as written and adoption as an official board regulation
of the district.
• This is a required board regulation that complements Policy FDH, Students in Foster Care, which was
adopted on May 11, 2020.
13. FDH-BR2, Foster Care Student Transportation Dispute Resolution Procedure
• Recommended for completion of its one reading as written and adoption as an official board regulation
of the district.
• This is a required board regulation that complements Policy FDH, Students in Foster Care, which was
adopted on May 11, 2020.

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Policy Review Committee Report: Readings & Rescindment of Policies & Regulations
December 14, 2020
Page Three

14. ABDA-BR1, Website Accessibility

• Recommended for completion of its one reading as written and adoption as an official board regulation
of the district.
• The Committee requested a portion of the first sentence in paragraph 2 be highlighted as a reminder for
15. ABDA-BR2, Website Accessibility Concerns, Complaints, and Grievances
• Recommended for completion of its one reading as written and adoption as an official board regulation
of the district.
• Board Regulations ABDA-BR1 and ABDA-BR2 complement Policy ABDA, which was adopted on May 11,
• Administrative Exhibits ABDA-E1, Website Accessibility Complaint and Grievance Form, and ABDA-E2,
Website Accessibility Statement, which also complement Policy ABDA, are provided for information.


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December 2, 2020

A meeting of the Policy Review Committee was held via Zoom on Wednesday, December 2, 2020, with
Cynthia Shabb presiding.

Committee Members Present:

Voting Members: Jacqueline Hoffarth, Eric Lunn, and Cynthia Shabb
Nonvoting Members: Dr. Terry Brenner, Superintendent of Schools and Scott J. Berge, Business Manager

Committee Members Absent:

Nonvoting Members: GFAFB School Board Liaison Samantha Plemons

Others Present: Board Member Doug Carpenter and Cindy Johnson, Executive Secretary

Call to Order. The meeting was called to order the Finance Committee voted unanimously to
at 4:31 p.m. refer discussion about possibly rescinding,
modifying, or suspending the early retirement
Approval of Minutes. It was moved by Shabb policy to the Policy Review Committee. He said
and seconded by Hoffarth to approve the the administration is looking at a three-tier
minutes of October 29, 2020, as written. Motion system of reductions. The first tier is reductions
carried unanimously. Absent: Lunn. that are the farthest away from the classroom.
The second tier is reductions in programs. The
Lunn joined the meeting at 4:35 p.m. third tier is staff reductions. He acknowledged
that no matter what recommendations are
DFA, Supervision & Evaluation. This policy is brought forward, it will be emotional and that
recommended by the North Dakota School whatever cuts will be made now to make a large
Boards Association (NDSBA) for COGNIA impact on the district’s deficit will affect staff.
(AdvancED) accreditation.
Berge said that reductions will need to go
It was moved by Shabb and seconded by deeper than $3.2M because the $3.2M is without
Hoffarth to approve Policy DFA, Supervision & salary increases. The initial target that was
Evaluation as written and forward it to the discussed with principals and district leaders is
school board with a unanimous 10%. He said he did not expect to have to go to
recommendation to complete its required that level, but with $3.2M and the possibility of a
readings and adoption. Motion carried failed referendum and a flat per-pupil payment,
unanimously. he did not want to have to go through the
process again next year to find an additional $2-
DFA-E, District Organizational Chart was 3M in reductions. Berge explained the policy was
provided for information. implemented in the 1980s when the district had
a drastically reduced student population and
4300, Early Retirement of Professional Staff there was a need to incent teachers to leave the
Members. Dr. Brenner reported the Finance district. Student enrollment is relatively stable
Committee began discussing the district’s five- now. The difficulty is if the district pays out
year long-term financial planning. At its $3.2M to all who are eligible to retire this year,
November 18, 2020, meeting, as part of the cuts will have to be made elsewhere but there is
process to identify $3.2M in budget reductions,

Policy Review Committee 12-2-2020

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Page 31 of 89

not enough elsewhere to come up with that so forward them to the school board with a
the district will have to look at staffing cuts. unanimous recommendation to complete their
required reading and adoption. Motion carried
Discussion was held on whether the district was unanimously.
obligated to keep paying people who were
currently in the retirement system. It was KAAA, Visitors in the Schools. This policy,
thought that there was an implied contract with along with Administrative Regulation KAAA-AR,
those individuals. Visitors in the Schools Regulations, will replace
the district’s current Policy 1101, Visits to the
Discussion continued about the purpose of the Schools.
policy no longer existing.
It was moved by Shabb and seconded by Lunn
Berge said it would be more financially to approve Policy KAAA, Visitors in the Schools,
advantageous for a teacher or administrator to as written and forward it to the school board
work one more year than to retire because they with a unanimous recommendation to complete
could stay on the district’s insurance plan and its required readings and adoption.
receive one more year of wages which would
likely increase their TFFR payout. KAAA-AR, Visitors in the Schools Regulations,
was provided for information.
Discussion continued about the emotional
turmoil that is likely to happen during board ACCA, Sexual Offenders on School Property
discussion about possibly rescinding, modifying, and ACCA-BR, Criteria for Granting Parent
or suspending the early retirement policy. Offenders Privileges to Enter School Property.
Discussion also continued about the need for a Together these two policies will replace the
strong presence from the finance committee and district’s current Policy 1102.
the administration to explain the reasons for
action on the policy. It was moved by Shabb and seconded by
Hoffarth to approve Policy ACCA, Sexual
It was moved by Lunn and seconded by Hoffarth Offenders on School Property, and Board
to recommend to the school board to rescind Regulation ACCA-BR, Criteria for Granting Parent
Policy 4300, Early Retirement of Professional Offenders Privileges to Enter School Property, as
Staff Members. Motion carried unanimously. written and forward them to the school board
with a unanimous recommendation to complete
KBA, Relations with the Media; KBA-BR1, their required readings and adoption. Motion
Relations with the News Media Regulations; carried unanimously.
and KBA-BR2, Sports and Special Events
Media Coverage. Together, these three policies DEBC, Gifts to District Personnel; DEBE,
will replace the district’s current Policy 1100, Employee Relations with Vendors; DEBD,
Public Relations and Media. Maintaining Professional Employee-Student
Boundaries; and FECB, Gifts & Awards to
It was moved by Shabb and seconded by Lunn Students. Together these four policies will
to approve Policy KBA, Relations with the Media replace the district’s current Policy 1309, Gifts to
as written and forward it to the school board School Personnel.
with a unanimous recommendation to complete
its required readings and adoption. Motion It was moved by Shabb and seconded by Lunn
carried unanimously. to approve Policies DEBC, Gifts to District
Personnel, and DEBE, Employee Relations with
It was moved by Shabb and seconded by Vendors, as written and forward them to the
Hoffarth to approve Board Regulations KBA-BR1, school board with a unanimous
Relations with the News Media Regulations, with recommendation to complete their required
minor grammatical corrections, and KBA-BR2, readings and adoption. Motion carried
Sports and Special Events Media Coverage, and unanimously.

Policy Review Committee 12-2-2020

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It was moved by Shabb and seconded by

Regarding DEBD, Maintaining Professional Hoffarth to approve Board Regulations FDH-
Employee-Student Boundaries, a discussion took BR1, Foster Care Student Transportation
place about understanding this policy cannot be Procedure, and FDH-BR2, Foster Care Student
used against a teacher who is legitimately Transportation Dispute Resolution Procedure, as
teaching a human sexuality class. written, and forward them to the school board
with a unanimous recommendation to complete
It was moved by Hoffarth and seconded by Lunn their required readings and adoption. Motion
to approve Policy DEBD, Maintaining carried unanimously.
Professional Employee-Student Boundaries, and
forward it to the school board with a unanimous ABDA-BR1, Website Accessibility and ABDA-
recommendation to complete its required BR2, Website Accessibility Concerns,
readings and adoption. Motion carried Complaints, and Grievances. Regarding ABDA-
unanimously. BR1, Website Accessibility, it was determined to
amend the first sentence of the second
It was moved by Shabb and seconded by paragraph to read “All existing web content
Hoffarth to approve Policy FECB, Gifts & Awards produced by the District and new, updated, and
to Students, as written and forward it to the existing web content provided by third-party
school board with a unanimous developers, must conform to Web Content
recommendation to complete its required Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA
readings and adoption. Motion carried conformance, or updated equivalents, by no
unanimously. later than [insert date] the date required for
compliance with state and federal laws.”
BBBB, School Board Committees; BBBB-BR,
Scope and Membership of School Board It was moved by Hoffarth and seconded by Lunn
Committees; and BBBB-BR1, School Board to approve ABDA-BR1, Website Accessibility, as
Liaison Assignments. Together these three amended, and ABDA-BR2, Website Accessibility
policies will replace the district’s current Policy Concerns, Complaints, and Grievances, as
8130, Standing, Advisory, and Temporary written, and forward them to the school board
Committees. with a unanimous recommendation to complete
their required readings and adoption. Motion
Regarding BBBB, School Board Committees, it carried unanimously.
was determined to amend the second sentence
under Membership to read “Committee ABDA-E1, Website Accessibility Complaint and
members will be selected through appointment Grievance Form, and ABDA-E2, Website
by the Board President and Superintendent Accessibility Statement, were provided for
subject to approval by the Board.” information.

It was moved by Shabb and seconded by Lunn Next Meeting Date. The next meeting was
to approve Policy BBBB, School Board scheduled for Monday, January 18, 2021,
Committees, as amended, and Board beginning at 4:30 p.m.
Regulations BBBB-BR, Scope and Membership of
School Board Committee; and BBBB-BR1, School Adjournment. There being no further business,
Board Liaison Assignments, as written and the meeting was adjourned at 6:03 p.m.
forward them to the school board with a
unanimous recommendation to complete their Approved _________________________________________
required readings and adoption. Motion carried (Date)
FDH-BR1, Foster Care Student Transportation Cynthia Shabb, Committee Chair
Procedure and FDH-BR2, Foster Care Student
Transportation Dispute Resolution Procedure.

Policy Review Committee 12-2-2020

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COGNIA (AdvancED) Descriptor Code: GAAC


In order to consider the opinions of those persons in schools and the community who are not
directly involved with the instructional and resource material selection process, and to avoid the
possibility of a biased or prejudicial attitude influencing selection, a superintendent or designee-
appointed district review committee shall deal with formal complaints about and/or requests for
reconsideration of library and instructional materials.

This committee shall be responsible for reviewing all selection standards and procedures and shall
work with all departments in clarifying selection criteria.

All citizen requests for reconsideration of and complaints about instructional and resource
material will be processed through the District Review Committee.

A procedure for processing and responding to criticism of approved material shall be established
and followed. This procedure shall include the use of a formal signed "Request for
Reconsideration of Instructional Resources" form.

The District subscribes to the philosophy stated in the School Library Bill of Rights.

Complementing NDSBA Templates (may contain items not adopted by the Board)
• GAAC-BR, Procedure for Reviewing Complaints about Instructional/ Resource Material
• GAAC-E1, Request for Reconsideration of Instructional Resources
• GAAC-E2, Library Bill of Rights
• GAAC-E3, Access to Resources & Services in School Library Media Program
• GAAC-E4, Hatch Amendment Sample Letter

End of Grand Forks Public School District Policy GAAC................................................ Adopted:

December 14, 2020
Page 34 of 89
Policy 4300


A. Definition and General Provisions

1. Early retirement is a plan whereby teachers and administrators (defined as those persons
presently included in the list on page 5 of this policy) receive a predetermined payment if
they choose to retire early. The payment is a proportion of the current annual salary at
time of early retirement.

2. There is a maximum payment allowable for administrators. An administrator's early

retirement payment shall not be greater (but may be less) than the amount, which would
be allowable for the highest paid principal in the school district.

3. Early retirement is designed to be beneficial to both the professional staff member and
the school board.

4. Early retirement is fully voluntary, and no professional staff member shall be required or
coerced in any manner to retire early under the provisions of this policy. However, all
persons who desire early retirement and are eligible may make application. The school
board will consider all such requests. The school board may not be able to approve all
requests because of the availability of funds, excessive number of requests, or other
reasonable factors.

5. Professional staff members who have retired early under the provisions of this policy shall
not be eligible for employment in this school district, except that such staff members may
be hired as substitutes at the same daily wage rate paid any substitute, or as teachers in
special fields where qualified candidates are not available at regular pay under the current
teacher salary schedule. Early retirees hired as teachers will be subject to current TFFR
rules regarding re-employment subsequent to retirement.

6. The early retirement payment(s) for professional staff members who have retired early
under the provisions of this policy and who have been re-hired in a contracted position will
be suspended. Upon separation of employment the payment(s) will be reinstated.

7. Professional staff members who elect to avail themselves of this policy are personally
responsible for determining what effect early retirement will have on their coverage under
the Teachers' Fund for Retirement, Social Security, and any other programs for which they
may be eligible for benefits.

8. A properly completed application and subsequent approval by the school board of a

professional staff member's early retirement request shall constitute a legally binding
resignation and a waiver of the person's continuing contract and non-renewal rights.

9. All fringe benefits provided by the school district to professional staff members are
discontinued at the conclusion of the member's full-time employment with the district,
except that the termination date of fringe benefits may be extended to comply with the
provisions of the various group plans and companies providing coverage, so long as it
results in no additional expense to the district.

December 14, 2020
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Policy 4300

10. The school district's Human Resources office will provide information to interested
professional staff members on the various aspects of early retirement upon request.

11. This policy will terminate at the end of the 2022-2023 fiscal year.

B. Requirements

1. By August 15th of the year of retirement, the employee must attain the rule of 85 for the
Teachers’ Fund for Retirement of North Dakota. The employee must submit written
verification from the Teachers’ Fund for Retirement of North Dakota of the years of
creditable service effective on the date of retirement from the Grand Forks Public Schools
to document that the employee meets the eligibility standards.

2. Staff members who are eligible must have completed ten years of full-time (or equivalent
years of part-time) employment as a teacher / administrator in this school district to be
eligible for early retirement. Part-time is defined to mean half-time or more. The ten years
of service may, with school board approval, include authorized health restoration leave not
to exceed a total of two years. In addition, five of the ten years of service must be
continuous, full-time service immediately preceding the date of retirement.

C. Early Retirement Payment

1. Early retirement payment as provided in the policy will be paid in 4 equal payments
distributed over a 4 year period beginning with the effective date of retirement. The first
early retirement payment will be paid when the early retirement is effective. The remaining
three payments will be paid proportionately over the next three fiscal school years.

2. The early retirement payment provided for in this policy is based on a proportion of the
staff member's current annual salary at the time application is made. The current annual
salary is the contract amount a person receives on the district's salary schedule
considering years of experience and level of education. The current annual salary used in
making early retirement payment calculations shall not include amounts paid for extra
duty assignments and/or summer employment.

3. The formula for computing the incentive amount shall be as follows:

___% x $___ = $___ x ___% = $___

Years Final Incentive Reduction Amount
Service Contract Amount Factor Employee
District Amount Schedule % Receives
(*1) (*2)

(*1) The percentage granted for years of service in the Grand Forks Public Schools will be
as follows: 80% for 10-15 years of service; 85% for 16-20 years of service; 90% for 21-25
years of service; 95% for 26-30 years of service and 100% for 31 or more years of
service. Years of service shall be full-time service as defined under Requirements #2 on
page 2.

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Policy 4300

(*2) Year of Eligibility is defined as the year when the employee meets the rule of 85 for
the Teachers’ Fund For Retirement. If the employee applies for the Early Retirement Plan
after his/her first Year of Eligibility, the employee will receive a reduced incentive
amount, as determined by the following schedule:

Year of Retirement Reduction Factor

Year of Eligibility 100% of Incentive
Year of Eligibility + 1 90% of Incentive
Year of Eligibility + 2 80% of Incentive
Year of Eligibility + 3 70% of Incentive
Year of Eligibility + 4 60% of Incentive
Year of Eligibility + 5 50% of Incentive
Year of Eligibility + 6 40% of Incentive
Year of Eligibility + 7 30% of Incentive
Year of Eligibility + 8 20% of Incentive
Year of Eligibility + 9 10% of Incentive
Year of Eligibility + 10 0% of Incentive

D. Application Procedure

1. Professional staff members choosing to avail themselves of the district's early retirement
policy may make application at any time during a given school year, but the application
form (as provided by the personnel office) must be received in the superintendent's
office no later than January 15 of the calendar year in which the person plans to retire.
The school board will consider early retirement requests no later than February 15 of that
same year.

2. Any official school board action regarding early retirement requests shall specify the

a. Acceptance of staff member's resignation.

b. Effective date of early retirement.
c. Total dollar amount of early retirement payment, which will be paid by the school

3. Upon approval by the school board of an early retirement request, both parties shall enter
into a contractually binding written agreement which shall set forth all terms and
conditions of the early retirement including, but not limited to, the amount of payment,
the payment date(s) and a waiver of all continuing contract and non-renewal rights.

List of Administrators/Others
Associate Superintendent of Elementary Education
Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education
Business Manager
Chief Academic Officer
Director of Athletics
Director of Buildings and Grounds

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Policy 4300

Director of Child Nutrition

Director of Head Start
Executive Director of Special Education
Assistant Director of Special Education
Executive Director of Career and Technical Education
Accounting Supervisor
Director of Human Resources
Senior High Principals
Senior High Associate Principals
Middle School Principals
Elementary Principals
Middle School Associate Principals
Elementary Associate Principals
Social Workers
Occupational Therapists
Physical Therapists

Adopted 1-22-80
Amended 11-9-93, 6-8-99, 12-12-00, 1-9-01, 12-9-02, 11-8-04, 3-11-09, 10-13-14, 4-28-2020

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Page 38 of 89


The Board shall exercise administrative oversight over the Superintendent including evaluation of
performance. The Board delegates to the Superintendent administrative oversight of the Business
Manager. The Superintendent has supervisory responsibility over the business manager’s daily

The building principal shall assign each classified employee a direct supervisor. Teachers shall be
under the direct supervision of the principal or administrator assigned responsibility for their
department or program.

Each supervisor shall evaluate the work of each employee under his/her supervision. The
Superintendent shall establish evaluation procedures in accordance with any applicable laws and
shall assess evaluations submitted by supervisory personnel.

Complementing NDSBA Templates (may contain items not adopted by the Board)
• CAAB, Superintendent Evaluation Procedure
• DFA-E, District Organizational Chart
• DFAA, Teacher Evaluation
• DFAA-AR, Teacher Evaluation Procedure

End of Grand Forks Public School District Policy DFA ................................................... Adopted:

Descriptor Code
December 14, DFA-E

Page 39 of 89


Mi s s i on
Grow i n g t og et her t o en ri ch t he w orl d.









End of Grand Forks Public Schools Exhibit DFA-E………………………………………………………………………………………………………….........…………..Approved: 11/30/2020
December 14, 2020
Page 40 of 89
RECOMMENDED Descriptor Code: KBA


The news media represents public interest in reporting information concerning the Grand Forks
Public School District schools. It is therefore in the interests of both the education community and
the citizen-taxpayers of the Grand Forks Public School District that there is open communications
with the news media.

The Superintendent shall develop regulations to ensure that media access to district schools is not
unduly disruptive of the educational environment and complies with board policies and district

All representatives of the media shall be given equal access to information about the schools.
There shall be no exclusive releases.

Media Liaisons
Except as otherwise stipulated by policy, the Superintendent will be the district liaison with the
public news media. All contacts and releases concerning district policies and regulations, matters
of district-wide interest, or potentially controversial topics will be handled or cleared by the
Superintendent or designee.

Except as otherwise stipulated by policy, principals will be the primary contacts for their schools.
They will make available information about the school, its program, and operations, except as
prohibited by board policies, administrative regulations, or federal or state laws. If principals have
questions about releasing information, they will contact the Superintendent. Principals will inform
the Superintendent about media requests.

While the District may have regulations governing and limiting media access to schools,
information and images obtained by the media about/of regular education students are outside
the district’s ability to control and do not require parental permission to broadcast or print.
Parents who do not want their student interviewed or photographed by the media shall direct
their student accordingly. This portion of policy does not apply to special education students.
The District shall obtain parental consent before granting the media access to special education

The District shall establish rules regarding interviews of minors by the news media.

Staff Media Relations

When authorized by the Superintendent or building principal, staff members may respond in their
official capacity to questions from the news media. Speech made in a district employee’s official
capacity is governed by the district’s policy on employee speech.

Complementing NDSBA Templates (may contain items not adopted by the Board)
• DEBA, Confidentiality
• DEBF, Employee Speech
• FGA, Student Education Records
• KBA-BR1, Relations with the News Media Regulations
• KBA-BR2, Sports & Special Events Media Coverage

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RECOMMENDED Descriptor Code: KBA

End of Grand Forks Public School District Policy KBA ....................................... Adopted:


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Page 42 of 89


Any request to interview, film, videotape, photograph, or otherwise record students or district
personnel on district property or at a school-sponsored event shall be submitted to
Communications and Community Engagement Coordinator or Superintendent for approval.
Requests may be made by telephone or in writing, must include specific details regarding the
purpose and scope of the request, and should be submitted within a reasonable time in advance,
giving the District ample time to assess the request and, in the event that the request is approved,
notify relevant staff, students, and parents as deemed necessary.

The District reserves the right to grant or deny any request for access to school(s) from the news
media. Access will not be denied in an attempt to suppress a viewpoint but may be denied for at
least the following reasons. Access would:
1. Compromise the safety of students or staff;
2. Disrupt the educational environment, disrupt district operations, and/or impede the ability
of staff to perform their duties;
3. Breach confidentiality;
4. Be overly demanding on district resources.

When the Communications and Community Engagement Coordinator or Superintendent denies

an access request from the news media, the Superintendent or designee may be available for
comment on the topic that news media had requested to cover.

In the event that the Superintendent or building principal approves an access request, the
requesting news agency shall receive notice of any restrictions the Communications and
Community Engagement Coordinator or Superintendent has placed on access to students or
staff and/or videotaping/recording/photographing. Such restrictions shall be developed on a
case-by-case basis but shall not be made in an attempt to suppress a viewpoint. The news
agency shall agree to these restrictions as a condition of access.

In the event of an emergency, media requests to access students and/or staff on school property
and at school-sponsored events shall be denied. The Superintendent shall serve as the district
spokesperson and shall make him/herself available for comment as soon as practicable.

Rules Governing Media Access to Schools

If the Communications and Community Engagement Coordinator or Superintendent grants the
news media access to schools, the press is required to observe the following rules:
1. News media representatives must register in the school’s main office before proceeding
to other areas of the school building. Upon check-in, the building principal shall assign an
escort to the news media representative(s), who shall remain with the press the duration
of their stay on school property.
2. The press shall receive notice of and will be required to abide by all policies and regulations
related to visitors in schools with the exception of rules prohibiting visitors from
videotaping, recording, or photographing students/staff. The press will be bound by a
separate set of rules related to videotaping, recording, and photographing as delineated

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Page 43 of 89

3. If the Communications and Community Engagement Coordinator or Superintendent

approves an interview by the press of a minor on school property or at a school-sponsored
event, the reporter shall identify him/herself to the minor, relay the purpose of the
interview, and make the minor fully aware of what s/he is consenting to before beginning
the interview.

Violations of school policies/regulations or behavior that is disruptive may result in the building
principal or designee requiring such individuals to leave school property. Refusal to leave school
property when asked will be deemed to be a willful disturbance of school operations, and the
District will contact law enforcement to assist with removing the violator from school property or
the school-sponsored event.

End of Grand Forks Public School District Board Regulation KBA-BR1 ........................ Adopted:


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Page 44 of 89


The Board has both legal and implied obligations inherent in its in loco parentis relationship with
students while under the jurisdiction of the school. Therefore, the following requirements will be
observed in the telecasting or broadcasting of special events, including sports, performances, and
classroom and any other type of program:
1. Application for rights to broadcast or televise a school-sponsored event, whether "live" or
"delayed," must be approved by the appropriate district administrator or Communications
and Community Engagement Coordinator.
2. Broadcasts and telecasts shall be arranged and conducted without cost to the Grand
Forks Public School District or to individual schools within the District.
3. An application for a telecast or broadcast that is commercially sponsored must list the
sponsor(s) at the time that the application is submitted. There shall be no advertisement
of tobacco, beer, or other alcoholic beverages in connection with any radio broadcast or
telecast of any event originating in the Grand Forks Public School District and involving
teams or organizations representing the Grand Forks Public School District.
4. The District will retain the right of approval or rejection of the program ideas, formats,
plans, and sponsors of the broadcast or telecast.
5. A reasonable rights fee, the amount to be decided in each instance, may be charged for
broadcasting or televising an event originating in school facilities or involving a team or
group representing the District.
6. Any school production (play, musical, etc.) approved for televising must be cleared for
copyright use. If a televised school production is not copyrighted, it will remain the
property of the District.
7. Except for the specific rights granted under the signed rights agreement, the District will
retain all rights to the televised program. All TV programs, educational and otherwise, that
are produced "in house" will remain the property of the District.

Failure by a station to comply with the terms of this policy and its procedures shall be considered
due cause for the termination of all agreements between the station and the Board.

Tournaments and other events sponsored by the North Dakota High School Activities Association
(NDHSAA) are subject to the rules and regulations of the Association. The press will be referred to
NDHSAA when requesting to broadcast a NDHSAA event.

End of Grand Forks Public School District Board Regulation KBA-BR2 ........................ Adopted:

Grand Forks Public School District #1 December 14, 2020
School Board Policies
Page 45 of 89

Policy 1100

Public Relations and Media

An important role of the superintendent and staff in this joint enterprise is in the compilation and presentation of
accurate information about the problems, plans, and conduct of the schools, and in disseminating appropriate reports
through various communications media.

As executive officer for the Board and chief administrator for the public school system, the superintendent is
responsible for implementing the Board's public relations policies and assuming leadership in the school-community
relations program. All employees of the school system, instructional and non-instructional, should be involved in the
total public relations effort, and include leaders of the social, political, and civic segments of the community in active
support of the schools.

The superintendent is responsible for interpreting Board policies to the staff and to the public. He/she will require an
active and comprehensive informational program be conducted for the promotion of widespread understanding of the
educational program.

The superintendent will take precautions necessary to avoid exploitation of schools, school personnel, or school
children in the interest of commercial, ideological, or non-school organizations under the guise of creating good

The superintendent is encouraged to use all available media of communication to keep the goals, programs,
achievements, and needs of the school before the public. The superintendent may delegate authority to the district
administrative staff and the school principals, but the ultimate responsibility remains in the superintendent’s office.

Adopted 10-25-83
Amended 10-28-02, 10-27-03, 10-25-04

Mission Statement:
Grand Forks Public Schools will provide an environment of educational excellence that
engages all learners to develop their maximum potential for community and global success.
December 14, 2020
Page 46 of 89



This policy defines the following:
• School property is defined in NDCC 15.1-19-10(6)(b) as all land within the perimeter of the
school site and all school buildings, structures, facilities, and school vehicles, whether
owned or leased by a school district, and the site of any school-sponsored event or activity.

Visitor Expectations
The Board encourages parents and community members to visit district schools to become better
informed about day-to-day operations and observe the educational process. Because schools are
places of work and learning, visitors shall observe the following requirements when visiting district
schools, which are created to ensure the educational environment is not disrupted;
1. Visitors shall comply with applicable state law and district policy/regulations while on school
property. No person shall enter school property for unlawful purposes or for purposes
unauthorized by the Board. The District shall enforce state law on willful disruption of
schools. The Superintendent shall make a reasonable effort to keep the public informed
about district policies pertaining to visitors such as, but not limited to: drug, alcohol, and
tobacco use; sexual offenders; patron grievances; and other policies designed to maintain
2. Visitors are prohibited from engaging in disruptive conduct that is interfering or interrupting
the orderly operation/management of the District, or that is insulting, harassing, or
threatening toward district personnel or students. Visitors who engage in such conduct will
immediately be asked to leave school property;
3. Solicitors are not permitted on school property except when authorized in accordance with
state law and/or applicable district policy;
4. Visitors shall be prohibited from videotaping and/or otherwise electronically recording
district students and staff. This policy does not apply to visitors electronically recording
school-sponsored events not governed by copyright laws and non-school-sponsored
activities and events held on school property. The Board may also create an exception to
this policy for members of the press; and
5. Public visits to classrooms shall not be for the purpose of evaluating teachers, teaching
methods, or curriculum. Visitors who wish to observe a classroom shall schedule their visits
in advance according to administrative regulations. Visitors shall agree to follow this policy
and any administrative regulations governing classroom observation prior to receiving
classroom observation privileges.

Policy Violations
Individuals who violate any portion of this policy or applicable administrative regulations shall
receive a warning that they are in violation of a district policy/regulation and may be asked by the
Superintendent, building principal, or designee to leave school property. The Superintendent,
building principal, or designee shall ask visitors who violate district policy/regulations or willfully
disrupt school operations to leave school property. If an individual refuses to leave when asked,
school administration shall seek the assistance of law enforcement to remove the individual from
school property. The Board reserves the right to limit or restrict an individual’s ability to access
school property if their conduct is in violation of this policy.

December 14, 2020
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Complementing NDSBA Templates (may contain items not adopted by the Board)
• ABBA, North Dakota's Comprehensive Model School Policy for Tobacco Use
• ACCA, Sexual Offenders on School Property
• ACCA-BR, Criteria for Granting Parent Offenders Privileges to Enter School
• DEAA, Drug & Alcohol Free Workplace
• FFA, Student Alcohol & Other Drug Use/Abuse
• HCBB, Sales Calls & Demonstrations
• KAAA-AR, Visitors in Schools Regulations
• KACB, Complaints about Personnel
• KBA, Relations with the News Media

End of Grand Forks Public School District Policy KAAA ................................................ Adopted:


December 14, 2020
Page 48 of 89


Since schools are a place of work and learning, certain limits apply to visitors who enter onto
school property. For these reasons, the following regulations apply to visitors to the school:
1. Anyone who is not a regular staff member, volunteer, or student of the school will be
deemed a "visitor;"
2. Visitors to the school during the designated school day must report to the administrative
office upon arrival. Visitors are required to sign in and out of the building using the Visitor
Management System, or as otherwise directed, and to wear a visitor identification name
tag at all times while in the school or on school grounds. Administrators shall ensure that
signs are posted at every entrance to the school to notify visitors of this requirement;
3. Visitors attending school functions that are open to the public, such as parent-teacher
meetings, conferences, school programs, assemblies, graduations, and athletic events, are
not required to register;
4. Parents or members of the public who wish to observe a classroom while school is in
session are required to arrange such visits in advance with the classroom teacher(s). The
classroom teacher(s) shall notify the building principal of a requested classroom visit. The
approval of such visits is at the discretion of the building principal;
5. Young children who are not students at the District are not to be brought on school
property during the school day without administrative approval;
6. Students will not be permitted to bring brothers and sisters to school who are not enrolled
in the District except for special programs specified by the teacher;

7. Requests to bring out-of-town visitors to school must be submitted to the principal;

8. A request by a parent/guardian to have a provider in their employ visit the school to work
with a student during the designated school day shall be prohibited unless provided for by
the student's individualized education plan (IEP);

9. The building principal reserves the right to limit or schedule classroom visits or visitors to
avoid disruption to the educational program, normal operation of the classroom and
school while also ensuring the safety, security, and privacy of students;
10. Teachers are not expected to take class time to discuss individual matters with visitors.
Visitors who wish to discuss a matter with a teacher or employee are encouraged to do so
by appointment, phone call, or email;
11. Staff members may receive visitors in the staff lounge during a duty-free lunch hour or
after work hours but not during the school day; and
12. Instructional materials may be reviewed in the office after a request has been made to the
principal. Any objection to curriculum or instructional materials shall be made in
accordance with the district’s policy on instructional/resource material complaints
End of Grand Forks Public School District Administrative Regulation KAAA-AR........................
..................................................................................................................... Approved: 11/30/2020

December 14, 2020
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For the purpose of this policy:
• A sexual offender is defined in NDCC 12.1-20-25.
• A parent sexual offender is an individual who meets this policy’s definition of sexual
offender and who has either parental or legal guardianship rights to a child attending a
district school.
• A nonparent sexual offender is an individual who meets this policy’s definition sexual
offender and who has no parental rights or legal guardianship rights to a child attending a
district school.
• School property includes all land within the perimeter of the school site and all school
buildings, structures, facilities, computer networks and systems, and school vehicles,
whether owned or leased by the school district, and the site of any school-sponsored

1. Nonparent Sexual Offenders

A nonparent sexual offender is prohibited from entering a district school except:
a. When the nonparent sexual offender is a qualified voter and is entering school
property solely for the purpose of casting their vote.
b. To attend an open meeting as defined in NDCC chapter 44-04.
A nonparent sex offender who attempts to communicate electronically with a student
while the student is on school property will be considered on school property without
permission and will be in violation of this policy.

2. Parent Sex Offenders

Parent sexual offenders are prohibited from entering school property except for purposes
outlined in section one parts a and b of this policy and with the superintendent’s or
designee’s prior written approval in the following instances:
a. To transport their child to and/or from school. The parent sex offender will only be
permitted to transport their own child.
b. To attend a conference to discuss their student’s progress, placement, or
individual education program (IEP).
c. Under other circumstances on a case-by-case basis, as determined by the
Superintendent or designee.
A parent sex offender who attempts to communicate electronically with a student other
than their child while the student is on school property will be considered on school
property without permission and will be in violation of this policy.

3. Student Sex Offenders

The Superintendent or designee shall determine the appropriate educational placement
for student sex offenders except those identified as having a disability. When determining
educational placement, the Superintendent or designee shall consider such factors as the
safety and health of the student population. The Superintendent or designee shall develop
guidelines for managing each student sexual offender in district schools. If the
Superintendent or designee determines that, in the best interest of district schools, the
December 14, 2020
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student sexual offender should be placed in an alternative educational setting, the District
shall pay for the costs associated with this placement.
An IEP team shall determine the educational placement of a student sexual offender with a
disability. The student with a disability is entitled to all the due process procedures
available to a student with a disability under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
The IEP team shall develop procedures for managing each student sexual offender with a
disability that attends a district school. If the IEP team determines that the student sexual
offender should be placed in an alternative educational setting, the District shall pay for
the costs associated with this placement.

Juvenile offender registry information is not protected by FERPA. If the District receives a
public request to release juvenile offender registry information, the District shall consult
with law enforcement prior to disclosure to determine if any of the requested information
is confidential and prohibited from being released.

4. General Provisions
The Superintendent or designee will inform the appropriate principal and other relevant
district staff of the scope of the permission granted to each sexual offender.
Sexual offenders who receive permission to enter school property must immediately
report to the individual or location designated in the superintendent’s written permission
statement. The building principal shall assign a chaperone to accompany the sexual
offender while they are on district property. The only exceptions to these requirements
are when the Superintendent or designee grants permission to a parent sex offender to
transport their child and when a student sex offender receives permission to attend a
district school in which case the guidelines developed for this individual shall apply.

The Superintendent or designee may establish a system for identifying sexual offenders
and may inform known sexual offenders of this policy. It is not the intent of the District to
expand or modify the district's potential liability exposure through the implementation of
this notification system. The district's voluntary creation of this safety precaution shall not
be construed to create or assume any potential liability under any local, state, or federal
law or regulation. Lack of notification does not excuse sexual offenders from abiding by
the requirements and prohibitions in this policy.

The Superintendent or designee will contact law enforcement anytime a sexual offender
violates this policy and will immediately revoke any privileges granted to the sexual
offender under this policy.

Complementing NDSBA Templates (may contain items not adopted by the Board)
• ACCA-BR, Criteria For Granting Parent Offenders Privileges To Enter School Property

End of Grand Forks Public School District Policy ACCA ................................................ Adopted:

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The Superintendent or designee may consider the following criteria and/or other relevant
information when determining if a parent offender shall be granted privileges to enter school
property for any purpose beyond those rights afforded by state and federal law:
1. The risk level assigned to the parent offender by the Bureau of Criminal Investigation.
High risk and lifetime offenders will generally not be granted privileges to enter school
property in excess of those provided in law. When the Superintendent or designee deems
it necessary to grant a high risk or lifetime offender privileges, the privileges will be limited
in scope.
2. When available, the circumstances surrounding the crime/offense.
3. The age of the offender’s victim. Parent offenders who have committed a crime/offense
against a minor will generally not be granted privileges in excess of those provided in law.
When the Superintendent or designee deems it appropriate to grant these offenders
privileges, the privileges may be limited in scope.
4. The age at which the offender committed the crime/offense.
5. The duration of time that has passed since the parent offender committed the
6. The nature of the activity, event, or purpose for which the parent offender has requested
entry on to school property. The Superintendent or designee shall take into account the
level of supervision provided to district students and the level of supervision that the
District will be able to provide, if any, to the parent offender during the time the offender
has requested to be on school property.

The Superintendent or designee may solicit the input of law enforcement officials when
determining if a parent offender shall be granted privileges to enter school property beyond those
rights afforded in law. These privileges will be granted in accordance with the district’s sexual
offender policy and may contain restrictions and prohibitions. The Superintendent or designee
may at any time, with cause, revoke these privileges.

End of Grand Forks Public School District Board Regulation ACCA-BR ....................... Adopted:

Grand Forks Public School District #1 December 14, 2020
School Board Policies
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Policy 1102

Sexual Offenders On School Property

Definitions: For the purpose of this policy:

• A “sexual offender” is as defined in NDCC 12.1-32-15 and/or is required to register under NDCC 12.1-32-15.
• A “parent sexual offender” is an individual who meets this policy’s definition of sexual offender and who has
either parental or legal guardianship rights to a child attending a district school.
• A “nonparent sexual offender” is an individual who meets this policy’s definition of sexual offender and who
has no parental rights or legal guardianship rights to a child attending a district school.
• “School district property” includes all real property owned, leased or used by the school district and all school
buildings, structures and facilities thereon; computer networks and systems, and school vehicles, whether
owned or leased by the school district; and the site of any school-sponsored activity.
• “Superintendent” shall mean the school district’s superintendent or the superintendent’s designee.

1. Nonparent Sexual Offenders:

A nonparent sexual offender is prohibited from entering school district property except:

a. When the school building is being used as a polling place and such person is a qualified voter and is
entering school property solely for the purpose of casting his/her vote.
b. To attend an open meeting as defined in NDCC Chapter 44-04.
c. Under other circumstances on a case-by-case basis, as determined by the Superintendent.
d. A nonparent sexual offender who attempts to communicate electronically with a student while the student is
on school property will be considered on school property without permission and will be in violation of this

2. Parent Sexual Offenders:

Parent sexual offenders are prohibited from entering school district property except for purposes outlined in
Section 1., Parts a and b of this policy and with the Superintendent’s prior written approval in the following

a. To transport his/her child to and/or from school. The parent sexual offender will only be permitted to
transport his/her own child.
b. To attend a conference to discuss his/her student’s progress, placement, or individual education plan (IEP)
and/or 504 accommodation plan.
c. Under other circumstances on a case-by-case basis, as determined by the Superintendent.

A parent sexual offender who attempts to communicate electronically with a student other than his/her child
while the student is on school property will be considered on school property without permission and will be in
violation of this policy.

3. Student Sexual Offenders:

The Superintendent shall determine the appropriate educational placement for student sexual offenders except
those identified as having a disability. When determining educational placement, the Superintendent shall
consider such factors as the safety and health of the student population. The Superintendent shall develop
guidelines for managing each student sexual offender in district schools. If the Superintendent determines that,
in the best interest of district schools, the student sexual offender should be placed in an alternative educational
setting, the district shall pay for the costs associated with this placement.

An IEP/504 team shall determine the educational placement of a student sexual offender with a disability. The
student with a disability is entitled to all the due process procedures available to a student with a disability under
the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act/ Rehabilitation Act. The IEP/504 team shall develop procedures
for managing each student sexual offender with a disability who attends a district school. If the IEP/504 team
determines that the student sexual offender should be placed in an alternative educational setting, the district
shall pay for the costs associated with this placement.

4. General Provisions:
The Superintendent will inform the appropriate principal and other relevant district staff of the scope of the
permission granted to each individual sexual offender.

Mission Statement:
Grand Forks Public Schools will provide an environment of educational excellence that
engages all learners to develop their maximum potential for community and global success.
Grand Forks Public School District #1 December 14, 2020
School Board Policies
Page 53 of 89

Sexual offenders who receive permission to enter school property must immediately report to the individual or
location at the facility designated in the Superintendent’s written permission statement and present the written
permission to the designated individual. The building principal may assign a chaperone to accompany the
sexual offender while on school district property. The only exceptions to these requirements are when the
Superintendent grants permission to a parent sexual offender to transport his/her child and when a student
sexual offender receives permission to attend a district school in which case the guidelines developed for this
individual shall apply.

The Superintendent shall establish a system utilizing local law enforcement departments for identifying sexual
offenders residing in the district and informing them of this policy. Lack of notification does not excuse sexual
offenders from abiding by these requirements and prohibitions in this policy and state law.

The Superintendent will contact law enforcement anytime a sexual offender violates this policy and will
immediately revoke any privileges granted to the sexual offender under this policy.

Adopted 9-10-07
Legal Reference: NDCC 12.1-20-25 Sexual Offender Presence Near Schools Prohibited; NDCC 12.1-32-15
Offenders Against Children and Sexual Offenders

Mission Statement:
Grand Forks Public Schools will provide an environment of educational excellence that
engages all learners to develop their maximum potential for community and global success.
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District employees shall not accept anything of value from individuals or companies attempting to
sell/lease or selling/leasing equipment or materials to the District.

Complementing NDSBA Templates (may contain items not adopted by the Board)
• DEBE, Employee Relations with Vendors

End of Grand Forks Public School District Policy DEBC ................................................. Adopted:

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The Board requires employees, volunteers, and students to treat one another with respect and
professionalism. District employees and volunteers are legally and ethically obligated to exercise
good judgment and maintain professional boundaries at all times when interacting with students
on and off school property. Employees and volunteers must not intrude on a student’s physical and
emotional boundaries unless the intrusion is necessary to serve a legitimate health, safety, or
educational purpose. Any type of sexual conduct with a student is an inappropriate boundary

Inappropriate boundary invasions can take many forms. Employees and volunteers are expected
to be aware of the appearance of impropriety in their own conduct and the conduct of other
employees when interacting with students.

The board recognizes that employees and volunteers may have familial and pre-existing social
relationships with parents or guardians and students. Employees and volunteers should use
appropriate professional judgment when they have a dual relationship with students to avoid
violating this policy, the appearance of impropriety, and/or the appearance of favoritism.
Employees and volunteers shall pro-actively discuss these circumstances with their building
administrator or supervisor.

Activities that May Create an Impropriety or Appearance of Impropriety

Employees and volunteers should avoid activities that may create an impropriety or appearance of
impropriety. If these activities are unavoidable, they should be pre-approved by the appropriate
administrator. If not preapproved, the employee or volunteer must report the occurrence to the
appropriate administrator as soon as reasonably possible. Activities include, but are not limited to,
the following:
1. Being alone with an individual student out of the view of others;
2. Inviting or allowing individual students to visit the employee’s or volunteer’s home;
3. Visiting a student’s home;
4. Sending or soliciting email, text messages or other electronic communications to the
student, except when the communication relates to school business, and the building
administrator or supervisor has consented to such communications; and/or
5. Social networking with students for non-educational purposes.

Inappropriate Boundary Invasion

Examples of possible inappropriate boundary invasions by an employee or volunteer include, but
are not limited to, the following:
1. Any type of inappropriate physical contact with a student or any other conduct that might
be considered harassment under board policy AAC, Nondiscrimination & Anti-Harassment
2. Any conduct that would constitute sexual abuse of a minor under law;
3. Any activity that may lead to a sexual relationship such as dating, sending intimate
correspondence, and/or engaging in sexualized dialogue. This includes, but is not limited
to, banter, allusions, jokes or innuendos of a sexual nature with students;

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4. Any sexual relationship between an employee or volunteer and a current student, regardless
of their age, or a former student under the age of 18;
5. Showing pornography to a student;
6. Singling out a particular student or students for personal attention and friendship beyond
the professional employee-student relationship;
7. Socializing where students are consuming alcohol, drugs, or tobacco;
8. For non-guidance/non-counseling staff, encouraging students to confide their personal or
family problems and/or relationships. If a student initiates such discussions, employees are
expected to refer the student to appropriate guidance/counseling staff. In either case,
employee involvement should be limited to a direct connection to the student’s school
9. Sending students on personal errands unrelated to any educational purpose;
10. Disclosing personal, sexual, family, employment concerns or other private matters to one or
more students;
11. Addressing students or permitting students to address staff members with personalized
terms of endearment, pet names or otherwise in an overly familiar manner;
12. Maintaining personal contact with a student outside of school by phone, e-mail, text
messaging, instant messenger or Internet chat rooms, social networking websites, or letters
beyond homework or other legitimate school business without including the
13. Exchanging personal gifts, cards, or letters with an individual student;
14. Socializing or spending time with students (including but not limited to activities such as
going out for beverages, meals or movies, shopping, traveling and recreational activities)
outside of school-sponsored events, except as participants in organized community
15. Giving any student a ride alone in a vehicle in a non-emergency situation;
16. Unnecessarily invading a student’s privacy, (e.g. walking in on the student in the bathroom);
17. Any other conduct that fails to maintain professional staff/student boundaries.

Employees and volunteers shall discuss these issues with their building administrator or supervisor
whenever they suspect or question whether their own or another employee’s conduct is
inappropriate or constitutes a violation of this policy.

Individuals aware of any inappropriate boundary invasions or impropriety by an employee or

volunteer are expected to report such action promptly to the building administrator or the
Superintendent. Allegations of such inappropriate misconduct shall be investigated by the
Superintendent or designee in accordance with district policy.

All allegations of sexual misconduct shall be investigated by the Title IX Coordinator in accordance
with the procedures utilized for complaints of sexual harassment (see board policy AAC).

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If disciplinary action is deemed warranted at the completion of the investigation, the District shall
take appropriate action, up to and including termination of employment, in accordance with district
policy, the negotiated agreement, and law. When appropriate, such disciplinary action may include
reporting such activity to appropriate state licensing and law enforcement officials. Volunteers
who violate this policy may be prohibited from working or serving in district schools for an
appropriate period of time or permanently, as determined by the Superintendent or designee.

Policy Dissemination
The Superintendent or designee shall inform employees, volunteers, students, and
parents/guardians annually or upon acceptance of the position of the contents of this policy
through employee and student handbooks, posting on the district website, and/or by other
appropriate methods.

The District, at its sole discretion, may require independent contractors and their employees who
interact with students or are present on school grounds to receive this policy.

The District shall provide annual training to employees and volunteers regarding professional
employee-student boundaries.
Complementing NDSBA Templates (may contain items not adopted by the Board)
• AAC, Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy
• AAC-BR1, Discrimination and Harassment Grievance Procedure
• AAC-BR2, Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedure
• AAC-E1, Filing a State or Federal Discrimination and Harassment Complaint
• DED, Administrative Leave & Suspension
• DEBG, Electronic Communications with Students

End of Grand Forks Public School District Policy DEBD ................................................. Adopted:


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Employees are prohibited from endorsing a product on behalf of the District. Employees are
prohibited from making purchases on behalf of the District unless authorized by policy or board

Employees are authorized to make purchasing recommendations in accordance with the district’s
requisition procedure. Employees making such recommendations shall not:
1. Indicate district preference to suppliers/contractors for any product or service.
2. Perform any work or service for remuneration for a supplier/contractor except as
disclosures of conflict of interest are properly made.
3. Give preferential treatment to friends, relatives, or former district employees.
4. Disclose information about bids or confidential matters not approved for general release.
5. Take any other action in relation to suppliers and contractors that will impair an
employee’s ability to make purchasing decisions in the best interests of the District or that
will give one supplier/contractor an unfair advantage over another.

The district's purchasing activity is designed solely to serve the school system. Purchases will not
be made for individuals through the District or through the schools. All employees are required to
adhere to state law and district policy prohibiting vendor gifts to school employees.

Complementing NDSBA Templates (may contain items not adopted by the Board)
• DEBC, Gifts to District Personnel
• HCAA, Purchasing Agent
• HCAA-AR, Requisitions & Purchase Orders

End of Grand Forks Public School District Policy DEBE ................................................. Adopted:

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In compliance with North Dakota law, the District shall not spend public money for purposes other
than permitted by law. The District shall not award scholarships to students nor shall it, in any way,
reward students in a manner that would have a direct individual financial benefit. The District will
not use public funds to subsidize award and recognition programs created by parent, civic, or
booster groups.

District schools may offer award and recognition programs that enrich the school environment
and that conform to the restrictions in this policy.

End of Grand Forks Public School District Policy FECB ................................................. Adopted:

Grand Forks Public School District #1 December 14, 2020
School Board Policies
Page 60 of 89

Policy 1309

Gifts to School Personnel

It is understood that no school employee is to receive any commission, expense-paid trips, or anything of value from
individuals or companies who supply equipment or materials required in the operation of our public schools. The
operation of the schools includes the purchase of materials for repair and maintenance of the school plant, the
conducting of student classes, for materials and supplies used in school organizations such as clubs, senior class,
etc., or for any other comparable items. Exceptions to this policy may be granted with prior approval of the
Superintendent of Schools and the president of the school board unless prohibited by law.

Students and their parents will be discouraged from the routine presentation of gifts to district employees on
occasions such as holidays. If a student or parent feels a spontaneous desire to present a gift to a staff member, the
gift will not be elaborate or unduly expensive. The board shall consider as always welcome, and in most
circumstances more appropriate, the writing of letters to staff members expressing gratitude or appreciation.

The provisions herein shall not be interpreted as intending to discourage acts of generosity in unusual situations.

Adopted 6-4-68
Amended 11-10-92, 12-9-02, 12-8-03
Legal Reference: NDCC 15.1-07-18

Mission Statement:
Grand Forks Public Schools will provide an environment of educational excellence that
engages all learners to develop their maximum potential for community and global success.
December 14, 2020
Page 61 of 89


The purpose of committees will be to provide recommendations to the Board, unless a committee
is expressly delegated prior authority by the Board to act upon an issue, and this authority is
delegated using the procedure below.

Standing & Special Committees

The following shall be standing committees of the Grand Forks Public School District School
1. Agreement between Districts Committee
2. Classified Employees Meet & Confer Committee
3. Director Contract Bargaining Committee
4. Facilities Committee
5. Finance Committee
6. Health Insurance Committee
7. Policy Review Committee
8. Principal Contract Bargaining Committee
9. Self-Assessment Committee
10. Superintendent Evaluation Committee
11. Teacher Contract Bargaining Committee

The Board may create additional standing and special committees through a majority vote without
notice so long as the committee serves only an informational purpose. Committees that serve
additional functions shall be formed only upon a 2/3rds majority vote of the Board with notice.

Committee members shall serve for one year, commencing at the annual meeting. Committee
members will be selected through appointment by the Board President and Superintendent
subject to approval by the Board. The Board President shall announce the names of appointees to
the Board and receive board approval through a 2/3rds majority vote before the committee(s)
commence duties.

If a committee member is unable to fulfill the term of his/her committee assignment, s/he must
request a release from the Board President. The Board President may grant the release only if
s/he determines that release is appropriate and is able to find a replacement. If the board
member has extenuating circumstances such as, but not limited to, illness that prevents the board
member from serving, the Board President may recommend that the board member consider
resignation from the Board. If the Board President denies the request for release, the board
member will be expected to continue to serve on the committee. Failure to perform committee
duties for 60 consecutive days may be grounds for declaring a vacancy. The Board President
shall contact legal counsel to determine if this declaration is advisable prior to the Board declaring
such a vacancy.

Complementing NDSBA Templates (may contain items not adopted by the Board)
• BBBB-BR, Scope and Membership of School Board Committees
• BBBB-BR1, School Board Liaison Assignments
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End of Grand Forks Public School District Policy BBBB ................................................. Adopted:

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Standing Committees
Standing Committees are recognized by the Grand Forks School Board (GFSB) as having a
defined purpose and are defined by law and/or school board policy. They involve school board
members, administration, and staff, and are subject to open meeting laws regarding public notice,
public access, and written records. With the exception of the Health Insurance Committee, school
board committees are not empowered to make decisions for the board as a whole; rather they
serve to make recommendations for the entire board’s consideration. Board members indicate
their interest to serve annually in July; the school board president and superintendent of schools
make appointments mutually thereafter, subject to approval of the Board as per North Dakota
Century Code 15.9-1.28.

The scope and membership of the standing committees of the Grand Forks Public School District
School Board shall be as follows:
1. Agreement between Districts Committee. This committee arranges for education
services for the children of the Grand Forks Air Force Base; makes recommendations for
consideration and action by the GFSB and Grand Forks Air Force Base School Board
Voting Membership (dictated by the agreement): The president and vice president
of the GFSB and GFAFBSB.
Administrative Membership: Superintendent of Schools.
Typical Meeting Schedule: Meets once or twice a year in January or February.

2. Classified Employees Meet & Confer Committee. This committee participates in a meet
and confer process with District administration and representatives of the classified
employees; informs the full Board on the meet & confer process; makes recommendations
for consideration and action by the GFSB.
Voting Membership: Three (3) members of the GFSB.
Administrative Membership: Superintendent of Schools, Associate Superintendent
of Elementary Education, Business Manager, and Human Resources Director.
Typical Meeting Schedule: Meets once or twice a year.

3. Director Contract Bargaining Committee. This committee recommends to the GFSB a

list of proposals for contract negotiations with the recognized representative
organization; participates in contract negotiations sessions with the recognized
representative organization; informs the GFSB on the progress of contract negotiations
and seeks advice of the GFSB as the process moves forward; makes recommendations for
consideration and action by the GFSB.
Voting Membership: Three (3) members of the GFSB.
Administrative Membership: Superintendent of Schools and Business Manager.
Typical Meeting Schedule: Meets throughout the year as needed.

4. Facilities Committee: This committee-of-the-whole broadly plans, evaluates, and makes

recommendations in considering district facilities needs that affect the student teaching
and learning environment. It does not preclude decisions made by the administration that
are day-to-day operational practices or projects initiated by the administration.
Voting Membership: All members of the GFSB serve on this committee of the
Other Membership: One (1) member of the GFAFBSB.

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Administrative Membership: Superintendent of Schools, Business Manager,

Associate Superintendent of Elementary Education, Assistant Superintendent of
Secondary Education, Director of Buildings & Grounds, Executive Director of
Technology, and Executive Director of Special Education.
Typical Meeting Schedule: Meets throughout the year as needed.

5. Finance Committee. This committee reviews and provides guidance for the District's
financial matters. Makes recommendations for contracting for independent audit services
and reviews the draft audit reports for District #1 and District #140 prior to submission to
each districts’ school board.
Voting Membership: Four (4) members of the GFSB.
Other Membership: One (1) member of the GFAFBSB.
Administrative Membership: Superintendent of Schools, Business Manager,
Associate Superintendent of Elementary Education, and Assistant Superintendent
of Secondary Education.
Typical Meeting Schedule: Meets throughout the year as needed.

6. Health Insurance Committee. This committee operates subject to provisions of the

Teacher Negotiated Agreement (TNA). The committee selects the health insurance plan
administrator, develops plan details, manages the resources of the plan, defines
premiums, and reports to constituents.
Voting Membership (dictated by the TNA): Two (2) teachers, one (1) classified staff
member, one (1) principal, and one (1) District administrator.
Other Membership (dictated by the TNA): One (3) member of the GFSB serves in
an advisory capacity and the Business Manager and Human Resources Director
serve in an advisory capacity and as facilitators for meetings/other business.
Typical Meeting Schedule: Meets at least two times per school year.

7. Policy Review Committee (District #1): This committee reviews existing Board policies
and recommends updates for consideration and action by the GFSB.
Voting Membership: Three (3) members of the GFSB, one of which is the Board
president or vice president.
Other Membership: One (1) member of the GFAFBSB.
Administrative Membership: Superintendent of Schools and Business Manager.
Typical Meeting Schedule: Meets throughout the year as needed.

8. Principal Contract Bargaining Committee. This committee recommends to the GFSB a

list of proposals for contract negotiations with the recognized representative
organization; participates in contract negotiations sessions with the recognized
representative organization; informs the GFSB on the progress of contract negotiations
and seeks advice of the GFSB as the process moves forward; makes recommendations for
consideration and action by the GFSB.
Voting Membership: Three (3) members of the GFSB.
Administrative Membership: Superintendent of Schools, Business Manager,
Associate Superintendent of Elementary Education, Assistant Superintendent of
Secondary Education, and Human Resources Director.
Typical Meeting Schedule: Meets throughout the year as needed.

9. Self-Assessment Committee. This committee makes recommendations for the GFSB

self-assessment process to recognize current school board performance and work
toward continuous improvement.

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Voting Membership: Three (3) members of the GFSB.

Administrative Membership: Superintendent of Schools.
Typical Meeting Schedule: Meets once or twice a year.

10. Superintendent Evaluation Committee. This committee serves as liaison to other Board
members and provides opportunity for the superintendent to communicate and share
ideas between themselves. Evaluates the superintendent according school board policy,
the job description, and current year priorities and goals of the GFPS Strategic Plan, and as
per state statute; reviews the superintendent’s contract; makes recommendations for
consideration and action by the GFSB.
Voting Membership: Four (4) members of the GFSB.
Other Membership: One (1) member of the GFAFBSB.
Administrative Membership: Superintendent of Schools.
Typical Meeting Schedule: Meets in September to determine goals and objectives;
meets in October to conduct November 15 evaluation; meets in February to
conduct March 15 evaluation and to review the superintendent’s contract; meets in
June to review the year.

11. Teacher Contract Bargaining Committee: This committee recommends to the GFSB a
list of proposals for contract negotiations with the recognized representative
organization; participates in contract negotiations sessions with the recognized
representative organization; informs the GFSB on the progress of contract negotiations
and seeks advice of the GFSB as the process moves forward; makes recommendations for
consideration and action by the GFSB.
Voting Membership: Four (4) members of the GFAFB.
Administrative Membership: Superintendent of Schools, Business Manager, and
Human Resources Director.
Typical Meeting Schedule: Meets throughout the year as needed.

Temporary Committees
Temporary committees may be formed at any time the Board deems necessary. These
committees are recognized by the Board as having a defined purpose, generally serve for less
than one year to accomplish a specific task, are terminated when the task is complete, involve
members of the school board, administration, and staff, and are subject to open meeting laws
regarding public notice, public access, and written records. Temporary committees are not
empowered to make decisions for the board as a whole; rather they serve to make
recommendations for the entire Board’s consideration. Board members indicate their interest to
serve at the time the committee is formed or annually in July; the school board president and
superintendent of schools make appointments mutually thereafter.

End of Grand Forks Public School District Board Regulation BBBB-BR ........................ Adopted:

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The school board liaison serves as a link between the school board and the community. Board
members indicate their interest to serve annually in July. The School Board President and
Superintendent make assignments mutually thereafter.

Community Liaison
School board members may be appointed to serve as a link between the school board and a
particular community or program that provides a particular service, subject to the community’s or
program’s policies or bylaws. Community liaison appointments shall receive board approval
through a 2/3rds majority vote before commencing duties.

Liaison to the Grand Forks Air Force School Board

Per the Joint Powers Agreement between the Grand Forks Air Force Base Public School District
No. 140 and Grand Forks Public School District No. 1, the Boards will have an advisory non-voting
representative on each other’s school board to foster extended communication. They shall work
together to develop common plans and directions for the future operations of the Districts. All
members of the School Board share in this role. One board member is appointed per month for
August through May. The Superintendent shall announce the names of the liaison to the Grand
Forks Air Force Base School Board. The appointment of the liaison to the Grand Forks Air Force
Base School board is not subject to approval by the school board.

School Building Liaison

School board members are elected/appointed to represent the entire school district. They are not
elected/appointed to represent a specific school, area, or program within their school district.
However, school board members are assigned to a school or schools each year by the
Superintendent for public relations events, which are arranged through the building principal.

The purpose of the school building liaison position is to allow the school board member to gain,
firsthand, some school-level perspective and to serve a ceremonial function by putting a face on
the school board at school events or ceremonies. The building principal shall have the
responsibility to inform the school building liaison of opportunities for engagement while
considering the school board member’s schedule and availability. Suggested ways that a school
board member could represent the school are attendance at professional development events,
school picnics, open houses, activities, or other special events, attendance at a PTO meeting or a
Booster Club meeting, or attendance at the Cushman Classic. The appointment of the school
building liaison is not subject to approval by the school board.

School board members are also encouraged to visit schools. However, they should remember that
in their capacity as visitors they have no more authority than any other citizen. Board members
have authority only in regularly called meetings of the Board or when delegated specific tasks by
Board action.

End of Grand Forks Public School District Board Regulation BBBB-BR1....................... Adopted:
Grand Forks Public School District #1 December 14, 2020
School Board Policies
Page 67 of 89

Policy 8130

Standing, Advisory, and Temporary Committees

The board shall review its own internal operation annually, forming those standing committees and advisory
committees, which it deems necessary to effectively conduct its business for the school year.

Committees may be formed at the annual organizational meeting or at any time the board deems necessary.

Temporary Committees
The president shall appoint such policy and special committees as may be deemed necessary or advisable by the
board, subject to the approval by the board. The president shall be, ex officio, a member of each committee.

The duties of the committee shall be outlined at the time of appointment, and the committee shall be considered
dissolved when its final report has been made.

Adopted 9-23-75
Amended 11-22-88, 2-11-02, 2-9-04
Legal Reference: NDCC 15.1-09-28

Mission Statement:
Grand Forks Public Schools will provide an environment of educational excellence that
engages all learners to develop their maximum potential for community and global success.
December 14, 2020
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REQUIRED Descriptor Code: FDH-BR1


The Board has adopted the following transportation procedures to ensure collaboration with the
state or the local child welfare agency (CWA) to ensure the educational stability of a student in
foster care, including assurances that:
1. Foster care students remain in their school of origin, unless a determination is made that it
is not in their best interest; and
2. When a determination is made that it is not in the best interest to remain in the school of
origin, the child must be immediately enrolled in a new school.

Transportation Plan Process

1. A representative of the relevant CWA shall give clear notice to the District, as soon as
practical, that a student in foster care needs, or may need, transportation to a district
school that is the student’s school of origin. Such notice may be given in writing or verbally
directly to the district’s Foster Care Point of Contact.
When a student’s placement is outside of the boundary of their school of origin, the local
CWA shall promptly notify and collaborate with the District to convene a best interest
determination meeting.
2. When the District is notified that a student in foster care needs, or may need,
transportation to a district school serving as the student’s school of origin, the district’s
Foster Care Point of Contact, in consultation with others, will promptly 1 take steps to
determine best interest decision and establish an individualized transportation plan that
addresses how transportation will be arranged, provided, and funded for the duration of
time that the student is in foster care and attending the school of origin.
In the interim, the District and the local CWA must jointly develop and implement a plan to
provide temporary transportation to ensure the student’s educational stability.
The District must ensure that transportation is provided to a student in foster care even if
transportation is not offered to non-foster care students.
a. The District Foster Care Point of Contact shall establish and develop a
transportation plan for the student in consultation with a representative of the
local CWA, appropriate district staff (e.g., Superintendent, Title I coordinator,
school of origin transportation designee, coordinator for special education,
McKinney-Vento liaison), representatives from another school district (if
applicable), and may also include obtaining input from others who may be involved
in education or other decision-making for the student, such as the foster parent or
designated caregiver.
b. Multiple factors will be considered and addressed in the best interest
determination when determining transportation options for a student in foster
care, including, but not limited to: safety of the foster care student and other
students being transported; student age; length of commute; and distance. The
cost of transportation must never be a factor when determining best interest
determination. Information from the school of origin transportation designee

No more than five days from when notice was given to the District that a student in foster care needs transportation
is recommended.

December 14, 2020
Page 69 of 89
REQUIRED Descriptor Code: FDH-BR1

about these factors will be provided so that the best interest determination will be
comprehensive and will include consideration of cost-effective measures.
The following options must be considered to provide school of origin transportation:
i. An existing bus route can be used;
ii. An existing bus route can be modified slightly to accommodate the new
iii. Specialized transportation offered to other students can be accessed, such
as special education (IEP) or McKinney-Vento transportation;
iv. Existing special education transportation can be modified slightly to
accommodate the new address;
v. Arranging transportation by the foster parent/designated caregiver to the
school of origin or to a bus stop on a route to the school of origin;
vi. Coordinating with the district in which the student is living to provide
transportation to the District boundaries or an existing bus stop within the
vii. Public transportation; and
viii. Walking within a reasonable walk zone (based on safety, disability, age,
c. The transportation plan for the student must be in writing and include the following
information (see FDH-E1):
i. Student name;
ii. Contact information (address, phone and/or email)
iii. Current school district;
iv. A transportation strategy for providing transportation to and from the
school of origin on school days, inclusive of identifying the method(s) of
transportation, the person or entity responsible for providing the
transportation, and if applicable, the person or entity who is responsible for
making any specific arrangements that are necessary to the
implementation of any mode of transportation;
v. To the extent applicable, a description of how the student’s school-related
transportation will be funded, particularly when the planned transportation
involves additional costs as defined under applicable laws and regulations;
vi. A communication protocol that the District, CWA, and other relevant
persons, such as the student’s foster parent or designated caregiver, may
use in order to address any questions or concerns that arise with the
transportation plan, including considering possible adjustments to the
student’s transportation plan, and any relevant changes in the student’s
placement or foster care status that are relevant to the transportation plan.

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REQUIRED Descriptor Code: FDH-BR1

3. A student needing transportation to the school of origin must promptly receive

transportation in a cost-effective manner and in accordance with the local CWA’s
authority to use child welfare funding for school of origin transportation.
If there are additional costs incurred in providing transportation to maintain children in
foster care in their schools of origin, the District will provide transportation to the school
of origin if:
a. The local CWA agrees to reimburse the District for the cost of such transportation;
b. The District and local CWA agree to share the cost;
c. The District agrees to pay for the cost of such transportation; or
d. The school of origin, local CWA, school of residence and/or placing CWA share the
cost of such transportation.
4. The CWA in consultation with the District Foster Care Point of Contact and key partners,
as applicable, shall make the best interest transportation determination for the student in
foster care.
5. The CWA and/or the District Foster Care Point of Contact shall notify the foster parent or
designated caregiver of the decision. If transportation to the school of origin is in the best
interest of the student, the District Foster Care Point of Contact shall contact the school
of origin transportation designee to make the necessary arrangements.
Transportation must be provided for the duration of the student’s time in foster care as long as it
continues to be in the student’s best interest to remain in their school of origin. If a student exits
foster care before the end of a school year, the transportation arrangement shall be maintained
through the end of the school year to maintain the student’s educational stability if possible.

Dispute Resolution
The District and local CWA shall make every effort to expeditiously reach an agreement regarding
the method of transportation and/or the funding of any additional costs associated with providing
such transportation to the school of origin for a student in foster care at the local level. If the
District and local CWA cannot resolve a dispute about transportation method or cost, the
aggrieved parties shall notify the district’s Foster Care Point of Contact and follow the dispute
resolution procedure adopted by the District (see FDH-BR2).

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REQUIRED Descriptor Code: FDH-BR2


Dispute Resolution Procedure

When there is disagreement between the District and the local CWA in determining the method
of transportation and/or the funding of any additional costs associated with providing such
transportation to the school of origin, the District will attempt to pursue the following dispute
resolution procedures:

1. A meeting will be scheduled that involves the child welfare agency, District Foster Care
Point of Contact and other key partners, as applicable, with each applicable school district.
The parties shall attempt to self-mediate and resolve the dispute at the local level. By
mutual agreement, the parties may involve a third party to act as neutral mediator in this

2. If the attempt to self-mediate and resolve the dispute is unsuccessful, or if all relevant
parties mutually agree to proceed directly to this step, the aggrieved parties shall notify
the District Foster Care Point of Contact and follow the dispute-resolution procedure
created by the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction (NDDPI). The NDDPI shall be
considered the final decision-maker. All agencies must comply with the final
determination decision.

Interim Funding of Transportation

The District and the local CWA shall attempt to define a mutually-agreed-upon, interim funding
arrangement that shall be implemented for a defined period of time so that the student can
promptly receive transportation to the school of origin. In the absence of a voluntary interim
funding arrangement, and in order to promptly provide transportation while a dispute is pending,
the District will attempt to pursue an interim funding arrangement under which the District and
the CWA that is responsible for the placement and care of the child shall each pay an equal share
of the disputed additional costs of transportation on an interim basis until the funding dispute is

The final resolution of a funding dispute may require the full or partial reimbursement of funds
that were expended under an interim arrangement for the costs of additional transportation
during the intervening period of a funding dispute.

End of Grand Forks Public Schools Board Regulation FDH-BR2 ..................................Approved:


December 14, 2020
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With regard to the District website and any official district web presence that is developed by,
maintained by, or offered through third-party vendors and open sources, the District is committed
to compliance with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 and
Title II, so that students with disabilities, parents with disabilities, and members of the public with
disabilities are able to independently acquire the same information, engage in the same
interactions, and enjoy the same benefits and services within the same timeframe as those without
disabilities, with substantially equivalent ease of use; and that they are not excluded from
participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise subjected to discrimination in any district
programs, services, and activities delivered online.

All existing web content produced by the District and new, updated, and existing web content
provided by third-party developers, must conform to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
(WCAG) 2.0, Level AA conformance, or updated equivalents, by no later than [insert date] the date
required for compliance with state and federal laws. This regulation applies to all new, updated, and
existing web pages, as well as all web content produced or updated by the District or provided by
third-party developers.

The Superintendent or designee is responsible for periodically reviewing and evaluating new
material that is published by district staff and uploaded to the website for accessibility. Only district
staff who have received training on website accessibility may upload material to the website. The
Superintendent or designee shall assist any staff with publishing or uploading accessible material
should assistance be needed.

The Superintendent or designee is responsible for reviewing all areas of the district’s website and
evaluating its accessibility on a periodic basis, and at least once per quarter. Any department or
staff page with non-conforming webpages will be asked to correct the problem in a timely manner.

End of Grand Forks Public School District Board Regulation ABDA-BR1...................... Adopted:

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A student, parent or member of the public who wishes to submit a complaint or grievance
regarding a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 or Title II related to
the accessibility of any official District web presence that is developed by, maintained by, or
offered through the District, third party vendors and/or open sources may complain directly to a
school administrator. The initial complaint or grievance should be made using Exhibit ABDA-E1,
however, a verbal complaint or grievance may be made. When a school administrator receives the
information, they shall immediately inform the Technology Director.

Whether or not a formal complaint or grievance is made, once the District has been notified of
inaccessible content, effective communication shall be provided as soon as possible to the
reporting party to provide access to the information. The complainant should not have to wait for
the investigation of the complaint to be concluded before receiving the information that he/she
was unsuccessful in accessing.

Complaints or grievances should be submitted in writing, via email, or by completing Exhibit

ABDA-E1. To file a complaint or grievance regarding the inaccessibility of the District’s public
website content, the complainant should submit a description of the problem, including:
1. Complainant’s Name;
2. Complainant’s Address;
3. Date of the complaint;
4. Description of the problem encountered;
5. Web address or location of the problem page;
6. Solution desired; and
7. Contact information in case more details are needed (email and phone number.)

The complaint or grievance must be investigated by the District’s Technology Director or another
individual designated by the Superintendent. The complainant must be contacted no later than
five (5) working days following the date the website accessibility compliance coordinator receives
the information. The procedures to be followed are:
1. An investigation of the complaint must be completed within fifteen (15) working days.
Extension of the time line may be approved only by the Superintendent.
2. The investigator shall prepare a written report of the findings and conclusions within five (5)
working days of the completion of the investigation.
3. The investigator shall contact the complainant upon conclusion of the investigation to
discuss the findings and conclusions and actions to be taken as a result of the investigation.
4. A record of each complaint and grievance made pursuant to Board Policy ABDA must be
maintained by the District office. The record shall include a copy of the complaint or
grievance filed, report of findings from the investigation, and the disposition of the matter.

End of Grand Forks Public School District Board Regulation ABDA-BR2 ................... Approved:

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EXHIBIT Descriptor Code: ABDA-E1


Date of Complaint/Grievance: ____________________________________________________________

Complainant Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________________
Phone: __________________________________________________________________________________
Website address (or location) of accessibility problem: _______________________________________
Description of the problem encountered: ___________________________________________________
Solution desired: _________________________________________________________________________
Thank you for bringing this matter to the District’s attention. You may be contacted if more
information is needed to process your complaint/grievance. The investigation process is typically
completed within fifteen (15) working days from the date it was received.

Signature _______________________________________________________________________________

End of Grand Forks Public School District Exhibit ABDA-E1 .................. Approved: 11/30/2020

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EXHIBIT Descriptor Code: ABDA-E2


If you cannot fully access the information on any web page of this site, please let us know the
accessibility issue you are having by contacting the Superintendent or designee. We will try to
provide the information to you in an alternate format and/or make the necessary improvements to
make the information accessible. If you would like to file a formal grievance under Section 504 of
the Rehabilitation Act, you may contact our Section 504 coordinator.

End of Grand Forks Public School District Exhibit ABDA-E2 .................. Approved: 11/30/2020

December 14, 2020
Page 76 of 89

Mission Statement
Grand Forks Public Schools will provide an environment of educational excellence that
engages all learners to develop their maximum potential for community and global success.

Mark Sanford Education Center Dr. Terry Brenner

PO Box 6000 (58206-6000) Superintendent of Schools
2400 47th Avenue South (58201-3405) Department Phone: 701.787.4880
Grand Forks, ND Fax: 701.772.7739

TO: Grand Forks School Board
FROM: Dr. Terry Brenner, Superintendent of Schools
SUBJECT: Consent Agenda
DATE: December 14, 2020

Many items of a routine nature can be handled as one item rather than spending additional time on each
individual item. Therefore, the Consent Agenda has been developed for the school board’s use in order to
speed up the process of conducting its meetings. Items that may be listed on the Consent Agenda include:

Appointments (excludes administrative appointments)

Leave Requests (excludes requests for extension)
Open Enrollment Applications
Student Placements
Student Travel Requests

There should be no discussion concerning an individual item on the Consent Agenda. However, during the
approval of the school board meeting agenda, any board member may request an item be removed from the
Consent Agenda for further discussion. Once the school board meeting agenda has been approved, all items
listed on the Consent Agenda are handled as one item.

Items appearing on the Consent Agenda at the time of the publishing of this agenda packet with their
requested considerations are:

Open Enrollment Applications

Administrative recommendation is for approval.


_______________Providing Equal Opportunities in Education and Employment_______________

December 14, 2020
Page 77 of 89

Mission Statement
Grand Forks Public Schools will provide an environment of educational excellence that
engages all learners to develop their maximum potential for community and global success.

Mark Sanford Education Center Jody Thompson

PO Box 6000 (58206-6000) Associate Superintendent of Elementary Education
2400 47th Avenue South (58201-3405) Department Phone: 701.787.4882
Grand Forks, ND Fax: 701.772.7739

DATE: December 14, 2020
TO: Dr. Terry Brenner, Superintendent
FROM: Jody Thompson, Associate Superintendent of Elementary Education
RE: Open Enrollment Application

Pursuant to North Dakota Century Code and School Board Policy, administrative
recommendation is to approve the following open enrollment application(s) for the 2020-21
school year because a deadline waiver was requested due to moving:

Name Grade Level App Type Co. Dist. No. District Name
I.H. 4th Individual 18 061 Thompson


__________________________Providing Equal Opportunities in Education and Employment_____________________________

December 14, 2020
Page 78 of 89

Mission Statement
Grand Forks Public Schools will provide an environment of educational excellence that
engages all learners to develop their maximum potential for community and global success.

Mark Sanford Education Center Scott J. Berge, CPA

PO Box 6000 (58206-6000) Business Manager
2400 47th Avenue South (58201-3405) Department Phone: 701.787.4885
Grand Forks, ND Direct Phone: 701.746.2205, Ext. 7126 Fax: 701.772.7739

TO: Grand Forks School Board

FROM: Scott J. Berge, Business Manager

SUBJECT: General Fund Financial Statement

DATE: December 14, 2020


Pursuant to the North Dakota Century Code and School District Policy, attached is the General Fund Financial Statement
for Grand Forks Public School District #1 for the period of July 1, 2020 through November 30, 2020.

For the first five months of fiscal year 2020-2021, total general fund revenues were $41,836,365 and total general fund
expenditures were $34,822,239, resulting in an excess of revenues over expenses of $7,014,126.

Administrative recommendation is to approve the General Fund Financial Statement for the period of July 1, 2020 through
November 30, 2020 as presented.

_______________Providing Equal Opportunities in Education and Employment_______________

December 14, 2020
Page 79 of 89




2020-2021 2020-2021 BUDGET



A. Local Sources $ 28,171,042 $ 1,250,130 4.4% $ 26,920,912

B. State Sources 69,154,471 39,299,524 56.8% 29,854,947
C. Federal Sources 10,767,333 1,286,711 12.0% 9,480,622

TOTAL REVENUES $ 108,092,846 $ 41,836,365 38.7% $ 66,256,481


A. Salaries $ 74,145,495 $ 21,315,373 28.7% $ 52,830,122

B. Fringe Benefits 21,239,385 6,093,683 28.7% 15,145,701
C. Other Expenses 16,298,843 6,717,005 41.2% 9,581,838
D. Utilities 2,127,548 696,178 32.7% 1,431,370

TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 113,811,271 $ 34,822,239 30.6% $ 78,989,031

REVENUES OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES $ (5,718,425) $ 7,014,126

Property Taxes $ 20,520,538 $ 890,966 4.3% $ 19,629,572
Revenue in Lieu of Taxes 619,915 - 0.0% 619,915
Impact Aid 3,000,000 - 0.0% 3,000,000
Tuition 1,906,891 12,415 0.7% 1,894,476
Adult Ed Tuition 3,700 (24) -0.6% 3,724
Drivers Education 42,136 (200) -0.5% 42,336
Interest Income 375,000 23,720 6.3% 351,280
Bus Tickets 93,680 16,830 18.0% 76,850
ENCORE Fees 235,182 89,969 38.3% 145,213
SPA Activities 100,000 4,250 4.3% 95,750
Summer School Activities 14,000 - 0.0% 14,000
Rental Income 10,000 - 0.0% 10,000
Sale of Real Property 400,000 38,431 9.6% 361,569
Contributions / Donations 175,000 113,407 64.8% 61,593
Other Local 675,000 60,366 8.9% 614,634

TOTAL LOCAL REVENUE $ 28,171,042 $ 1,250,130 4.4% $ 26,920,912

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2020-2021 2020-2021 BUDGET


State Aid Formula Payment $ 66,900,000 $ 39,024,974 58.3% $ 27,875,026
Transportation 535,000 140,222 26.2% 394,778
Special Education 764,471 49,955 6.5% 714,516
Career & Technical Education 350,000 - 0.0% 350,000
Adult Education 115,000 19,572 17.0% 95,428
Medicaid Reimbursement 250,000 49,087 19.6% 200,913
Restricted State Aid - Northeast 75,000 8,196 10.9% 66,804
Restricted State Aid - Day Treatment 45,000 - 0.0% 45,000
Restricted State Aid - EL - - #DIV/0! -
Restricted State Aid - Other 120,000 7,519 6.3% 112,481

TOTAL STATE REVENUE $ 69,154,471 $ 39,299,524 56.8% $ 29,854,947

Title I, Part A $ 2,585,459 $ - 0.0% $ 2,585,459
Title II, Part A 704,019 116,681 16.6% 587,338
Title III, Part A 16,498 - 0.0% 16,498
Title IV, Part A 475,185 34,391 7.2% 440,794
ENCORE (21st Century CCLC) 631,133 - 0.0% 631,133
Head Start 2,755,270 552,162 20.0% 2,203,108
IDEA B - Special Education 2,327,303 501,052 21.5% 1,826,251
Preschool Program 85,821 - 0.0% 85,821
Indian Education Programs 84,953 7,895 9.3% 77,058
Carl Perkins 210,000 - 0.0% 210,000
Adult Education 112,320 - 0.0% 112,320
E-Rate Funding 47,424 - 0.0% 47,424
CARES Act 697,778 - 0.0% 697,778
Restricted Federal - Other 34,170 74,529 218.1% (40,359)

TOTAL FEDERAL REVENUE $ 10,767,333 $ 1,286,711 12.0% $ 9,480,622

TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE $ 108,092,846 $ 41,836,365 38.7% $ 66,256,481

Professional Staff $ 54,986,008 $ 14,842,526 27.0% $ 40,143,482
Paras / Classified Staff 16,459,487 6,212,564 37.7% 10,246,923
Add'l COVID-related Staff Costs 1,300,000 - 0.0% 1,300,000
Subs / Other 1,400,000 260,283 18.6% 1,139,717
TOTAL SALARIES $ 74,145,495 $ 21,315,373 28.7% $ 52,830,122

Health Insurance $ 8,419,357 $ 2,352,163 27.9% $ 6,067,194
TFFR (Employer Share) 6,445,325 1,803,716 28.0% 4,641,609
FICA (Employer Share) 5,172,159 1,539,378 29.8% 3,632,781
IRA/403B (Employer Share) 464,036 158,573 34.2% 305,463
Add'l COVID-related Tax/Ben. Costs 270,000 - 0.0% 270,000

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2020-2021 2020-2021 BUDGET


Disability Insurance 228,147 66,891 29.3% 161,256

Workers Comp 145,000 140,874 97.2% 4,126
Unemployment Comp 59,650 20,272 34.0% 39,378
Life Insurance 35,711 11,816 33.1% 23,895
TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS $ 21,239,385 $ 6,093,683 28.7% $ 15,145,701

Supplies $ 1,960,889 $ 927,731 47.3% $ 1,033,158
Other COVID-related expenses 1,525,000 - 0.0% $ 1,525,000
Equipment & Furniture 900,000 1,022,070 113.6% (122,070)
Textbooks / Curriculum Adoption 685,621 440,751 64.3% 244,870
Library Books & Materials 131,684 84,474 64.1% 47,210
Purchased Services 1,800,000 842,873 46.8% 957,127
Legal Services 50,000 750 1.5% 49,250
Student Transportation 1,537,996 400,257 26.0% 1,137,739
Field Trips 25,000 - 0.0% 25,000
Tuition 932,667 1,566 0.2% 931,101
Telephones 256,586 94,621 36.9% 161,965
Postage 62,450 12,632 20.2% 49,818
Printing 115,344 32,927 28.5% 82,417
Insurance 430,000 430,925 100.2% (925)
Rent 565,800 322,680 57.0% 243,120
Apple Lease - - #DIV/0! -
Service Agreements 618,468 393,500 63.6% 224,968
Construction Services 3,000,000 1,263,440 42.1% 1,736,560
Travel 105,134 341 0.3% 104,793
Car Allowances 121,138 4,332 3.6% 116,806
Gas & Oil 41,048 13,035 31.8% 28,013
Supervisor Meals 21,945 - 0.0% 21,945
Dues / Fees 875,000 427,859 48.9% 447,141
Service Awards / Employee Recognition 15,969 241 1.5% 15,728
Indirect Cost 46,104 - 0.0% 46,104
Transfer to Fund #61 475,000 - 0.0% 475,000
TOTAL OTHER EXPENSES $ 16,298,843 $ 6,717,005 41.2% $ 9,581,838

Water & Sewage $ 368,788 $ 142,690 38.7% $ 226,099
Natural Gas 551,836 49,496 9.0% 502,340
Electricity 1,206,924 503,992 41.8% 702,932
TOTAL UTILITIES $ 2,127,548 $ 696,178 32.7% $ 1,431,370

TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES $ 113,811,271 $ 34,822,239 30.6% $ 78,989,031

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2020-2021 2019-2020 2020-2021

ACTUAL ACTUAL YTD Change % Change Budget Growth over
2019-2020 Actual

A. Local Sources 1. $ 1,250,130 $ 1,402,909 $ (152,779) -10.9% 3.7%

B. State Sources 39,299,524 38,884,162 415,363 1.1% 4.5%
C. Federal Sources 2. 1,286,711 1,518,288 (231,577) -15.3% 10.3%

TOTAL REVENUES $ 41,836,365 $ 41,805,358 $ 31,007 0.1% 4.8%


A. Salaries $ 21,315,373 $ 20,535,080 $ 780,293 3.8% 5.5%

B. Fringe Benefits 6,093,683 6,002,083 91,600 1.5% 2.7%
C. Other Expenses 6,717,005 7,390,525 (673,520) -9.1% 0.1%
D. Utilities 696,178 643,267 52,911 8.2% 18.8%

TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 34,822,239 $ 34,570,954 $ 251,285 0.7% 4.4%

REVENUES OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES $ 7,014,126 $ 7,234,405 $ (220,279)

1. Timing difference on interest income payments; interest income will be significantly less this year due to declining interest rates
and account balances

2. Timing of Federal payments is inconsistent and variable from year-to-year

3. ND adjusted per pupil payments based on finalized data; I am working on discrepancies in transportation mileage, property tax in-lieu
county adjustments and some smaller adjustments. Lower summer school numbers and other impacts will likely result in $1-$1.5 million
decline in payments vs. budget estimates for this fiscal year.

4. City of Grand Forks $475,000 funding and approximately $700,000 CARES Act funding yet to be received for additional COVID-related
staffing costs

5. Supplies includes approximately $186,000 in COVID-related supplies

6. Equipment and Furniture includes approximately $590,000 in Chromebook and other purchases that will be reimbursed by ESSER Funds

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2020-2021 2019-2020 2020-2021

ACTUAL ACTUAL YTD Change % Change Budget Growth over
2019-2020 Actual
Property Taxes $ 890,966 $ 804,361 $ 86,605 10.8% 2.5%
Revenue in Lieu of Taxes - - - 0.0% 2.0%
Impact Aid - - - 0.0% 0.0%
Tuition 12,415 51,474 (39,059) -75.9% 3.0%
Adult Ed Tuition (24) 1,918 (1,942) -101.3% 0.0%
Drivers Education (200) 5 (205) -4100.0% 3.0%
Interest Income 1. 23,720 263,263 (239,544) -91.0% -24.2%
Bus Tickets 16,830 44,990 (28,160) -62.6% 0.0%
ENCORE Fees 89,969 104,250 (14,281) -13.7% 5.0%
SPA Activities 4,250 25,724 (21,474) -83.5% 46.6%
Summer School Activities - 60 (60) -100.0% 23233.3%
Rental Income - 2,870 (2,870) -100.0% 42.3%
Sale of Real Property 38,431 2,161 36,271 1678.8% 0.1%
Contributions / Donations 113,407 32,650 80,757 247.3% 92.7%
Other Local 60,366 69,182 (8,816) -12.7% 153.5%

TOTAL LOCAL REVENUE $ 1,250,130 $ 1,402,909 $ (152,779) -10.9% 3.7%

State Aid Formula Payment 3. $ 39,024,974 $ 38,212,140 $ 812,834 2.1% 5.2%
Transportation 3. 140,222 445,419 (305,197) -68.5% -27.9%
Special Education 49,955 55,324 (5,368) -9.7% -3.0%
Career & Technical Education - - - 0.0% -4.5%
Adult Education 19,572 1,280 18,292 1429.4% -38.2%
Medicaid Reimbursement 49,087 80,711 (31,624) -39.2% -8.0%
Restricted State Aid - Northeast 8,196 20,379 (12,183) -59.8% -8.0%
Restricted State Aid - Day Treatment - - - 0.0% 0.6%
Restricted State Aid - EL - - - 0.0% 0.0%
Restricted State Aid - Other 7,519 68,909 (61,390) -89.1% 1.2%

TOTAL STATE REVENUE $ 39,299,524 $ 38,884,162 $ 415,363 1.1% 4.5%

Title I, Part A $ - $ 205,848 $ (205,848) -100.0% 4.0%
Title II, Part A 116,681 56,189 60,492 107.7% 4.0%
Title III, Part A - - - 0.0% 4.0%
Title IV, Part A 34,391 - 34,391 0.0% 3.0%
ENCORE (21st Century CCLC) - 105,707 (105,707) -100.0% 2.0%
Head Start 552,162 500,234 51,928 10.4% 4.0%
IDEA B - Special Education 501,052 616,501 (115,448) -18.7% 2.0%
Preschool Program - - - 0.0% 4.0%
Indian Education Programs 7,895 7,751 143 1.8% 4.0%
Carl Perkins - - - 0.0% -5.8%
Adult Education - 20,651 (20,651) -100.0% 4.0%
E-Rate Funding - - - 0.0% 4.0%
CARES Act - - - 0.0%
Restricted Federal - Other 74,529 5,406 69,123 1278.6% 4.0%

TOTAL FEDERAL REVENUE $ 1,286,711 $ 1,518,288 $ (231,577) -15.3% 10.3%

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2020-2021 2019-2020 2020-2021

ACTUAL ACTUAL YTD Change % Change Budget Growth over
2019-2020 Actual

TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE $ 41,836,365 $ 41,805,358 $ 31,007 0.1% 4.8%

Professional Staff $ 14,842,526 $ 14,597,407 $ 245,119 1.7% 2.8%
Paras / Classified Staff 4. 6,212,564 5,679,677 532,887 9.4% 4.2%
Add'l COVID-related Staff Costs - - - 0.0%
Subs / Other 260,283 257,996 2,287 0.9% 37.2%
TOTAL SALARIES $ 21,315,373 $ 20,535,080 $ 780,293 3.8% 5.5%

Health Insurance $ 2,352,163 $ 2,364,836 $ (12,674) -0.5% 0.0%
TFFR (Employer Share) 1,803,716 1,737,781 65,934 3.8% 3.2%
FICA (Employer Share) 1,539,378 1,484,589 54,789 3.7% 3.4%
IRA/403B (Employer Share) 158,573 156,294 2,279 1.5% 3.0%
Add'l COVID-related Tax/Ben. Costs - - - 0.0%
Disability Insurance 66,891 65,058 1,833 2.8% 3.0%
Workers Comp 140,874 182,020 (41,145) -22.6% -22.0%
Unemployment Comp 20,272 - 20,272 0.0% -50.0%
Life Insurance 11,816 11,503 313 2.7% 3.0%
TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS $ 6,093,683 $ 6,002,083 $ 91,600 1.5% 2.7%

Supplies 5. $ 927,731 $ 844,610 $ 83,121 9.8% 0.0%
Other COVID-related expenses - - - 0.0%
Equipment & Furniture 6. 1,022,070 610,122 411,948 67.5% -28.3%
Textbooks / Curriculum Adoption 440,751 631,432 (190,681) -30.2% 3.0%
Library Books & Materials 84,474 83,244 1,230 1.5% -10.0%
Purchased Services 842,873 882,031 (39,159) -4.4% -23.5%
Legal Services 750 18,286 (17,536) -95.9% 16.1%
Student Transportation 400,257 347,872 52,385 15.1% 14.2%
Field Trips - 8,700 (8,700) -100.0% -4.6%
Tuition 1,566 118,486 (116,920) -98.7% 10.0%
Telephones 94,621 106,800 (12,178) -11.4% 1.0%
Postage 12,632 24,864 (12,233) -49.2% 3.0%
Printing 32,927 51,731 (18,804) -36.3% 0.0%
Insurance 430,925 391,337 39,588 10.1% 14.2%
Rent 322,680 239,821 82,859 34.6% 1.8%
Apple Lease - 210,669 (210,669) -100.0% -100.0%
Service Agreements 393,500 432,480 (38,980) -9.0% 3.0%
Construction Services 1,263,440 1,719,238 (455,798) -26.5% -17.0%
Travel 341 76,885 (76,544) -99.6% -20.0%
Car Allowances 4,332 4,453 (121) -2.7% -10.0%
Gas & Oil 13,035 15,235 (2,200) -14.4% 5.0%
Supervisor Meals - 21,153 (21,153) -100.0% 3.0%
Dues / Fees 427,859 550,965 (123,105) -22.3% -12.0%
Service Awards / Employee Recognition 241 110 131 118.6% 3.0%
Indirect Cost - - - 0.0% 0.0%
Transfer to Fund #61 - - - 0.0% 13.1%
TOTAL OTHER EXPENSES $ 6,717,005 $ 7,390,525 $ (673,520) -9.1% 0.1%

Water & Sewage $ 142,690 $ 137,142 $ 5,548 4.0% 13.1%
Natural Gas 49,496 42,561 6,936 16.3% 35.0%
Electricity 503,992 463,564 40,427 8.7% 14.3%
TOTAL UTILITIES $ 696,178 $ 643,267 $ 52,911 8.2% 18.8%

TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES $ 34,822,239 $ 34,570,954 $ 251,285 0.7% 4.4%

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General Fund Revenues












July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May June

FY 18-19 FY 19-20 FY 20-21

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General Fund Expenses











July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May June

FY 18-19 FY 19-20 FY 20-21

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General Fund Balances

$10.8 Million General Fund

Balance Decrease in two years








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Mission Statement
Grand Forks Public Schools will provide an environment of educational excellence that
engages all learners to develop their maximum potential for community and global success.

Mark Sanford Education Center Catherine Gillach

PO Box 6000 (58206-6000) Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education
2400 47th Avenue South (58201-3405) Department Phone: 701.787.4882
Grand Forks, ND Fax: 701.772.7739


DATE: December 14, 2020

TO: Dr. Terry Brenner, Superintendent
FROM: Catherine Gillach, Assistant Superintendent
RE: Approval of Curriculum Proposal

The secondary curriculum review process is completed. The Secondary Curriculum Review
Committee reviewed four course proposals for the 2020-2021 school year. Members of the
Curriculum Review Committee include:

• Catherine Gillach, Chair

• Eric Ripley, Director of CTE
• Kris Arason, RRHS Principal
• Amy Bartsch, Chief Academic Officer
• Mike Wilber, GFC Associate Principal
• Valerie Moch, RRHS ELA Teacher
• Kimberly Bailey, GFC Counselor
• Lorraine O’Shea, Secondary Curriculum Specialist

The following criteria are used to guide discussion on course proposals:

• Number of electives already offered in the department

• Best practices around engaged learning
• Similar content not already addressed in other curriculum areas
• Mandated course (i.e. state law)
• Collaboration between high schools staff regarding proposal
• Expansion of the AP or Dual Credit courses
• Staffing and Financial Impact
• Alignment with the strategic plan

Providing Equal Opportunities in Education and Employment

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2021 – 2022 Course Proposals:

Business Law – Deletion Approved

Rationale: While teachers and administration see a direct connection to the content in Business Law to
what students will experience in life, multiple students take the course to fill their schedule and not out of
want for learning content of Business Law. Students often found the content difficult to manage due to
having little life experience with the topics (legal issues, insurance, contracts, etc.). Due to the high-
level content and lack of interest from students, class enrollment numbers were historically low, and
often too low to offer a section.

Business Communications – Addition Approved

Rationale: In order to maintain course offerings at a level that allows students adequate options in the
Business Education curriculum, add additional opportunity to qualify for the ND Academic & CTE
Scholarships, offer unique classes to build communications skills, and offer courses that connect with
business needs reported by our Advisory Committee, Business Education asks that Business
Communications be added as a course offering to all GFPS high schools including Community High
School, GF Central High School and Red River High School. The course will be offered one semester
for .5 credits offered to grades *10-12.

Course Description: This course is designed to teach students to use oral and written communication in
a clear, courteous, concise, and complete manner on both personal and professional levels. Listening
skills, learning styles, and activities will be incorporated to provide the student with a solid base so they
are able to communicate effectively. Topics covered include but are not limited to—proper business &
personal letter writing; proper business & personal email writing; proper technology use in
business/personal; interviewing professionals in career interest areas, career research, and cyber
security awareness. Students will actively write and create products to use in real-life scenarios.

Senior Lifetime Fitness and Wellness – Addition Approved on Pilot Level

Rationale: In order to more fully prepare our students to make healthy decisions in life, this course was
created for seniors to give them the necessary information and practices to employ as adults. The course
will build off of learning in previous health and physical education classes with a greater focus on overall
wellness and transitioning between high school and adulthood. Students will leave the course wi
th a better sense of ways they can achieve wellness and the resources and practices availabl
e to them that can support that goal. The connection between physical activity and its impact on wellness
and improved mental health will be a key component. The course will be developed over the next few
years, and a required .5 PE credit for next year’s incoming class.

Course Description: This class is designed for seniors so they will understand the need for and assume
the responsibility of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Students will gain knowledge of current health
issues through classrooms and movement-based activities. These activities will include fitness and
wellness practices that will enrich their quality of life and preparedness post high school.

Dual Credit Native American Studies – Addition Denied

Rationale: The proposal to add a dual credit Native American Culture course that would study Native
culture from historical and modern contexts was denied / postponed pending further course development
including identified staffing, standards, and resources. The committee strongly encouraged
the applicant to work collaboratively with district personnel to refine the content and details of thi
s course and resubmit the following school year.

Administrative recommendation is to approve the above course additions for the 2021-2022 school

Providing Equal Opportunities in Education and Employment

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