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Writing to learn
Strategy Share #3
Somebody- Who is the main character/figure?

Wanted- What did they want (goal or

But- What was the problem or conflict?

So- How was the problem or conflict solved?

Then- What was the resolution?

First, read your groups assigned story. Then use the highlighter
tool to highlight important parts of the story using the color code
(the code is on your chart). After you have read and identified the
important information, fill out your SWBST chart and write a 4-6
sentence summary. Be ready to share with the class.

Group 1
Content area: History
Story link:

Group 2
Content area: Language Arts
Story link:
Somebody Wanted
(main characters) (wanted or tried to)
G Anne Frank, Edith, Otto, Margot, Adolf Wanted to become a famous writer.

R Hitler

O But So

(the problem/conflict) (solution to problem)

The Nazis thought they were better than To cope with being stuck in a small space
the Jews, so they put them in she wrote in her diary. They had to live in
concentration camps. Anne’s family was hiding for 2 years to be safe from the
1 hiding but were eventually found. Nazis.
Then (final resolution)

Anne Frank’s diary has been read by millions of people, but she died before she saw her
dream come true.
Group 1
Write your final summary here (4-6 sentences):
Title of story: The story of Anne Frank

In The Story of Anne Frank, Anne wanted to be a famous writer.

Unfortunately, the Nazis thought they were better than the Jews and put
them all in concentration camps. Anne’s family was in hiding at first,
where she wrote in her journal to cope with the situation, but was
eventually found and sent to a concentration camp. Her diary has been
read by millions of people, but she died before she had a chance to see
her dream realized.
Somebody Wanted
(main characters) (wanted or tried to)
G Romeo, Juliet They fall in love with each other and want

R to get married.

O But So

(the problem/conflict) (solution to problem)

Their families are enemies, and hate each They get married in secret.

Then (final resolution)

They kill themselves.

Group 2
Write your final summary here (4-6 sentences):
Title of story: Romeo and Juliet

In the story of Romeo and Juliet, Romeo and Juliet were in love, but
their families hated each other. Prince Escalus said they needed to stop
fighting or there would be consequences
How we would use this in our classroom
● Retelling vs summarizing. This strategy helps student learn to
identify key elements in the story and not just retell it, but
learn to choose important details to summarize what they have

● This strategy can be used in any content area, it is especially

useful for history to help identify important events and people.

● For language arts, this anchor chart is a good introduction to

teaching the elements of a story, problem/solution, identifying
differences between characters, and the main idea.
● Can be used during and after reading!
● Other adaptations- draw pictures, cause and effect, problem and
solution etc.

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