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University of Mindanao Bansalan College

Criminology Department
CRI 313
Final Examination
1ST TERM, 1ST SEM., S.Y. 2020-21
Directions: Read the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the BEST answer. All forms of alteration and
erasure will be considered wrong.
1. It is the study that involves the correction and control of known criminals.
a. Correctional Administration b. Penology
c. Penitentiary Science d. Penal Science
2. A branch of administration of criminal justice responsible for correction and rehabilitation of those persons,
who are after observance of due process, was found violated penal law by competent judicial authority.
a. Correctional Administration b. Penology
c. Penitentiary Science d. Penal Science
3. Rehabilitation or correctional programs takes place inside correctional facilities or institutions such as
national penitentiaries and jails.
a. Correctional Administration b. Penology
c. Penitentiary Science d. Institutional Correction
4. The term correction at first, is synonymous to the term:
a. correctional b. punishment
c. penalty d. penology
5. This theory argues that since children and lunatics cannot calculate pleasure and pain, they should not be
regarded as criminals and be punished.
a. Neo-classical b. Positivist
c. Classical d. None of the above
6. It postulates that man is a rational being who acts with reference to the feelings of pain and pleasure.
a. Neo-classical theory b. Positivist theory
c. Classical theory d. None of the above
7. It assumes that criminal behavior is determined by biological, psychological, and social factors. It views
crime as a social phenomenon and attaches much importance to the criminal.
a. Neo-classical theory b. Positivist theory
c. Classical theory d. None of the above
8. The punitive reaction of the society towards criminals has been implemented in four principal methods.
Three of them are provided below, except one:
a. removal by the group by death or imprisonment b. physical torture
c. financial loss d. social degradation
9. Punishment is characterized by the following circumstances, except one:
a. must involve a pleasant feeling to the victim b. must be for an offense
c. must be imposed by authorities d. must be of an offender
10. It is described as an authorized imposition of deprivations of freedom or privacy or other goods to which
the person otherwise has right, or the imposition of burden, because the person has been found guilty of
a. Penalty b. Punishment
c. Penology d. Correction
11. A justification on punishment which is based on personal vengeance:
a. Protection c. Deterrence
b. Atonement d. Retribution
12. Punishment by means of hanging, burning, immersing in boiling oil and feeding to wild animals are forms
of what kind of punishment?
a. Flogging b. Banishment
c. Death d. Corporal Punishment
13. It is a branch of criminology dealing with jail management and administration of inmates.
a. Correctional Administration b. Penology
c. Penitentiary Science d. Penal Science
14. Explains that punishment should be rendered in order to protect the society from the harm of evildoers:
a. Deterrence c. Protection
b. Retribution d. Rehabilitation
15. An authorized imposition of deprivations of freedom or privacy or other goods to which the person
otherwise has a right because the person is found guilty of a crime:
a. Penalty c. Puniss
b. Fine d. Punishment
16. Houses both offenders waiting court action and those serving short sentences usually up to three (3) years.

a. Penitentiary c. Lock-up jail

b. Prison d. Ordinary Jail
17. A justification on punishment which is based on personal vengeance:
a. Protection c. Deterrence
b. Atonement d. Retribution
18. Considered as the father of Prison Reform:
a. Jeremy Bentham c. Charles Montesquieu
b. John Howard d. Robert Peel
19. It justifies punishment in order to appease a certain group of people:
a. Deterrence c. Expiation
b. Retribution d. Rehabilitation
20. Means a mild form of deportation to an island or elsewhere:
a. Destierro c. Exile
b. Relegation d. Banishment
21. The infliction of punishment by various groups of people either by stoning, flogging, or scourging:
a. Corporate Punishment c. Public Humiliation
b. Corporal Punishment d. Public Censorship
22. Vagrants and prostitutes were given work while serving their sentence on this correctional system:
a. Pennsylvania Prison System c. Bridewell System
b. Auburn System d. Panopticon Sytem
23. Punishment often isolates the criminal, leaves in him a stigma and develops in his person a strong
resentment of authority.
a. True c. False
b. Cannot be determined d. It depends if one take it seriously
24. Known as the ‘’Tier System’’ because cells were built vertically on five floors of the structure:
a. St. Michael System c. Pennsylvania Prison System
b. Auburn Prison System d. Elmira Reformatory
25. The general name for a prison as distinguished from a reformatory:
a. Penitence c. Penitentiary Science
b. Penance d. Penitentiary
26. One of the classifications of inmates in the BJMP is Special Inmates
a. True c. False
b. Cannot be determined d. It depends if it give special treatment
27. In order to be part in the process of correction, an offender must be imprisoned first.
a. Absolutely False c. True
b. Absolutely True d. False
28. Detainees are persons incarcerated under sentence.
a. Absolutely False c. True
b. Absolutely True d. False
29. A correctional institution that features training school type of institutional programs, social casework, and
extensive use of parole:
a. Pennsylvania Penitentiary c. Walnut Street Penitentiary
b. Bridewell Institute of England d. Elmira Reformatory
30. Penal management refers to the manner or practice of managing or controlling places of confinement as in
jails or prisons.
a. True c. False
b. Absolutely False d. Absolutely True
31. Correctional administration only involves institutional-based corrections such as jails and prison facilities.
a. True c. False
b. Absolutely False d. Absolutely True

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32. The leader of the Pilgrims’ Colony who brought the concept of humanitarian treatment of offenders to
a. Benjamin Rush c. William Penn
b. William Henry d. William Taft
33. Panopticon prison is the system which was the rival of the Auburn Prison System:
a. True c. Absolutely False
b. Absolutely True d. False
34. The one who established an agricultural colony for delinquent boys in France:
a. Charles Montesquieu c. Frederic Demetz
b. John Howard d. Pope Clement II
35. The process of punishing those who violates the Canon Law of the Catholic Church during the early
Christian Era:
a. Excommunication c. Banishment
b. Instigation d. Exile
36. The B.J.M.P. is under the administration of the:
A. Executive Department B. P.N.P.
C. D.I.L.G. D. D.O.J
37. Takes charge of financial matters especially in programming, budgeting, accounting, and other activities
related to financial services. It consolidates and prepares financial reports and related statements of
subsistence outlays and disbursements in the operational of the jail.
A. Budget and finance branch B. General services branch
C. Property and supply branch D. Mess services branch
38. Operation conducted by the BJMP wherein a prisoner maybe checked at any time. His beddings, lockers
and personal belongings may also be opened at anytime, in his presence, whenever possible. This practice is
known as:
A. Check and balance B. S.O.P.
C. Inventory D. Operation Greyhound
39. A person who is detained for the violation of law or ordinance and has not been convicted is a -
A. Detention Prisoner B. Provincial Prisoner
C. Municipal Prisoner D. City Prisoner
40. This branch takes charge of the preparation of the daily menu, makes foodstuff purchases, prepares and
cooks the food and serves it to the inmates. It maintains a record of daily purchases and consumption and
submits a daily report to the Warden.
A. General Services Branch B. Mittimus Computing Branch
C. Budget and Finance D. Mess services Branch
41. What is the type of Jails under the Supervision of the BJMP?
A. Provincial and sub-Provincial Jails B. City and Municipal Jails
C. Lock up Jails D. Insular Jails
42. Provincial Jails were first established in 1910 under the American Regime. At present, who supervises and
controls the said jails?
A. BJMP B. Provincial Government
C. DOJ D. Municipal or City Mayor
43. Which is a place of confinement for persons awaiting trial or court action and where the convicted
offenders serve short sentences or penalty of imprisonment?
A. Jail B. Lock-up
C. Penitentiary D. Detention Cells
44. Which is a warrant issued by the court bearing its seal and signature of the judge directing the jail or prison
authorities to receive the convicted offender for service of sentence or detention?
A. Mittimus B. Detention Mittimus
C. Sentence Mittimus D. Detention Warrant
45. The maintenance or care and protection accorded to people who by authority of law are temporarily
incarcerated for violation of laws and also those who were sentenced by the court to serve judgment is called

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A. custody B. safe-keeping
C. classification D. caring
46. Which of these refers to the assigning or grouping of offenders according to their sentence, gender, age,
nationality, health, criminal record, etc.?
A. None of these B. Custody
C. Security D. Safe-keeping
47. When an inmate is given a “shakedown” before admission, it means:
A. He has taken the process of identification, record, fingerprint and photograph
B. He has been examined for contraband
C. His commitment paper are delivered to record clerk
D. All of these
48. In jails or prisons, which of the following is a function of the Custodial Division?
A. Supervision of prisoners B. Escort of inmates or prisoners
C. Keeping of records D. None of the above
49. The putting of offenders in prison for the purpose of protecting the public and at the same time
rehabilitating them by requiring the latter to undergo institutional treatment program is referred to as:
A. Imprisonment B. Trial
C. Conviction D. Detention
50. As a rule, when a jailbreak, escape or riot is in progress or has just been perpetuated in the jail, the officer
at the control centers shall immediately:
A. sound the alarm B. locked prisoners in their respective cells
C. Notify the nearest police precinct D. call the warden or the director
51. In case of mass jailbreak, all members of the custodial force shall immediately issued firearms and assigned
to critical posts to:
A. plug off the escape routes B. to shoot the escapees
C. protect the other inmates D. to give warning shots
52. They were known as Bridewells, which started in 1553 and served as training schools for delinquent
youths, provided housing and support for older and poorer persons, and detained vagrants.
A. House of Corrections B. Workhouses
C. Common jails D. Penal colonies
53. It direct, supervise and control the administration and operation of all district, city and municipal jails to
implement a better system of jail management nationwide
A. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology B. Department of Justice
C. Bureau of Corrections D. Parole and Probation Administration
54. It exercise supervision and control over provincial jails.
A. BJMP B. Bureau of Corrections
C. Provincial Government D. Parole and Probation Administration
55. The law creating the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP)is
A. RA 8551 B. RA 9165
C. RA 6975 D. RA 4890
56. Who is tasked with the gathering and collecting of information and other data of every prisoner into a case
study to determine the work assignment, the type supervision and degree of custody and restriction under
which an offender must live in jail?
A. Classification Board B. Board of Custody
C. Diagnostic Board D. Treatment Board
57. One of the following is an admission procedure which involves the frisking of the prisoner.
A. Identification B. Searching
C. Briefing/Orientation D. minimum security prisoners
58. If the warden is taken as the hostage, for all intents and purposes, he ceases to exercise authority and the
next in command or the __________ officer present shall assume the command.

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A. Veteran B. Assistant
C. Most senior D. Custodian
59. Under the rules, the chairman of the classification board and disciplinary board for jails should be
A. Warden B. Assistant warden
C. Custodial officer D. Security officer
60. Under the jail rules, the following are authorized disciplinary measures imposable to inmate offender
A. Reprimand B. Cancellation of visiting privilege
C. Cancellation of food allowance D. Extra fatigue duty
61. Anything that is contrary to prison or jail rules and regulations are considered
A. Firearms B. Contrabands
C. Greyhounds D. Personal belongings
62. The enactment of Republic Act no. 6975 created the BJMP. It operates as a line bureau under the
Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG). This statement is:
A. partially true B. partially false
C. true D. false
63. The Jail Bureau shall be headed by a chief with a rank of Director General, and assisted by Deputy Chief
with the Rank of Chief Superintendent. This statement is:
A. partially true B. partially false
C. true D. false
64. The group having the responsibility of providing a system of sound custody, security and control of inmates
and their movements and also responsible to enforce prison or jail discipline is the:
A. Security group for jails B. Escort Platoon
C. Control Center groups D. Warden
65. Every violation of jail/prison discipline shall be dealt with accordingly. In extreme cases, where the violation
necessitate immediate action, the warden or the Officer of the Day may administer the necessary restraints
and reports the action taken to the Disciplinary Board. The statement is:
A. an SOP B. an emergency plan
C. a general rule D. not applicable to prisoners
66. Sablayan Penal Colony is established in:
A. Abuyog Leyte B. Mandaluyong, Rizal
C. Mindoro Occidental D. Zamboanga City
67. Jail is defined as a place of confinement for inmates:
A. under investigation, awaiting or undergoing trial, or serving short-term sentences
B. under investigation or serving short-term sentences
C. awaiting or undergoing trial and serving short-term sentences
D. awaiting or undergoing investigation and serving sentence not exceeding 3 years of imprisonment
68. The following are the functions of Jails, except one:
A. Determining individuals waiting to appear before the court, either for trial or for sentencing
B. Place of confinement for accused to stay in their pre-investigation and post-investigation
C. Holding offenders who have been sentenced and are awaiting transfer to prison
D. Holding those sentenced to less than 3 years of imprisonment
69. A facility that houses minimum custody offenders who are serving short sentences.
A. Jail Camp B. Jail Farm
C. Ordinary Jails D. Lockup Jails
70. Is the type of jail commonly used to detain a convicted criminal offender to serve sentences less than the 3
A. Jail Camp B. Jail Farm
C. Ordinary Jails D. Lockup Jails

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71. The head of the Bureau of Corrections is the
A. Director B. Secretary of the DND
C. Chief of Executive D. Prison Inspector
72. Which program plays a unique role in the moral and spiritual regeneration of the prisoner?
A. None of these B. Work programs
C. Education programs D. Religious programs
73. In the Philippines, the most common problem of the National Prison is
A. Excessive number of escapes B. Overcrowding
C. Disagreement about their mess D. Lack of adequate funding
74. This group consists of chronic troublemakers but not as dangerous as the super security prisoners. They are
not allowed to work outside the institution.
A. maximum security prisoners B. super security prisoners
C. minimum security prisoners D. medium security prisoners
75. The Bureau of Corrections is under the _____.
A. Department of Social Welfare and Development B. Department of Justice
C. Department of the Interior and Local Government D. Department of Health
76. The Head of Bureau of Corrections is also the
A. Chief of the Bureau of Corrections B. Director of the Bureau of Corrections
C. Superintendent of the Bureau of Corrections D. Warden
77. What is the primary purpose of imprisonment?
A. Rehabilitation and Reformation B. To stand trial
C. Punishment D. Socialization
78. Which is a warrant issued by the court bearing its seal and signature of the judge directing the jail or prison
authorities to receive the convicted offender for service of sentence or detention?
A. Mittimus B. Detention Mittimus
C. Sentence Mittimus D. Detention Warrant
79. The maintenance or care and protection accorded to people who by authority of law are temporarily
incarcerated for violation of laws and also those who were sentenced by the court to serve judgment is called
A. custody B. safe-keeping
C. classification D. caring
80. Which of these refers to the assigning or grouping of offenders according to their sentence, gender, age,
nationality, health, criminal record, etc.?
A. None of these B. Custody
C. Security D. Safe-keeping
81. The institution for dangerous but not incorrigible prisoners in the Philippines is the
A. NBP B. Medium Security Institution
C. Maximum Security Institution D. Minimum Security Institution
82. Under the prison service manual, the prescribed color of prison uniform for maximum security prison is -
A. Orange B. Brown
C. Stripe Orange D. Blue
83. When an inmate is given a “shakedown” before admission, it means:
A. He has taken the process of identification, record, fingerprint and photograph
B. He has been examined for contraband
C. His commitment paper are delivered to record clerk
D. All of these
84. In the New Bilibid Prison, all medium security prisoners are confined at the
A. NBP Main Prison B. Camp Bukang Liwayway
C. Camp Sampaguita D. Medium Security Prison
85. Under the prison rules, who is charged for the hearing of disciplinary cases in prison?
A. Classification Board B. Parole Board
C. Administrative Board D. Disciplinary Board
86. The Sablayan Penal Colony and Farm, a National Penitentiary in the Philippines under the BUCOR is located
in ____.
A. Palawan B. Zamboanga
C. Davao D. Occidental Mindoro
87. The following are the duties of the custodial force in prison, except:
A. Censor offender’s items B. Escort inmates

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C. Inspect security devices D. Conduct disciplinary hearing
88. An agency under the Department of Justice that is charged with custody and rehabilitation of national
offenders, that is, those sentenced to serve a term of imprisonment of more than three (3) years
A. BJMP B. Bureau of Corrections
C. Provincial Government D. Parole and Probation Administration
89. The New Bilibid Prison, the Correctional Institution for Women (CIW), Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm, and
Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm are all under this agency.
A. BJMP B. Bureau of Corrections
C. Provincial Government D. Department of Justice
90. Prisoners whose sentences are more than three years to capital punishment are considered
A. municipal prisoners B. provincial prisoners
C. city prisoners D. insular prisoners
91. The process of determining the needs and requirements of prisoners for assigning them to programs
according to their existing resources is called:
A. classification B. quarantine
C. diversification D. quality control
92. What law renamed the Bureau of Prison to Bureau of Correction during the Aquino administration in the
A. E.O 727 B. E.O 292
C. E.O 645 D. E.O 104
93. In 1936, the City of Manila exchanges its Muntinlupa property with the Bureau of Prisons originally
intended as a site for boys’ training school. Today, the old Bilibid Prison is now being used as the Manila City
Jail, famous as the :
A. May Halique Estate B. Tandang Sora State
C. New Bilibid Jail D. Muntinlupa Jail
94. Mr. Cruz was convicted of the crime of murder. After 10 days from the promulgation of the sentence, he
escaped from his place of confinement. He maybe
A. liable for evasion of service of sentence B. considered as an escaped prisoner
C. not liable for evasion of service of sentence D. All of these
95. Ms. Bantog was convicted for the crime of infanticide. After serving her sentence she committed again the
same crime. Ms Ines Bantog maybe considered as a
A. recidivist B. quasi-recidivist
C. habitual delinguent D. mentally retarded person
96. The Camp Sampaguita of the national Bilibid Prison houses
A. Super Maximum Security Prisoners B. Maximum Security Prisoners
C. Medium Security Prisoners D. Minimum Security Prisoners
97. One of the following is an admission procedure which involves the frisking of the prisoner.
A. Identification B. Searching
C. Briefing/Orientation D. minimum security prisoners
98. Filipino female national prisoners are confined at the
A. Mental hospital B. CIW
C. Manila City Jail D. Iwahig Penal Colony
99. An offender who surrenders from escaping because of calamity immediately 48 hours after the
pronouncement of the passing away of calamity shall be granted
A. 1/5 reduction of sentence B. ½ reduction of sentence
C. 2/5 reduction of sentence D. 2/6 reduction of sentence
100. What is the name of the prison institution situated in Zamboanga, named after Capt. Blanco of the
Spanish Royal Army?
A. Old Bilibid Prison B. Sablayan Prsions and Penal Farm
C. San Ramon Prison & Penal Farm D. Iwahig Penal

Prepared by: Checked and verified by:

Uzziel John V. Galagate Lalaine D. Madanlo, RCrim.,MSCrim.

Instructor Program Head

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Noted by:

Jenny T. Hernan, MAEd

School Director

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