Facultad de Ciencias de La Computación Nombre Completo: Claudia Leticia Condo Apaza

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Facultad de Ciencias de la Computación

Nombre Completo: Claudia Leticia Condo Apaza

A: Complete the blanks with DO or DOES.

1.- Do people use desktop computers to travel 

 2.- Why Does a student use laptop computer?          

3.- Do you use a netbook computer?

4. What Does the program tell the computer to do?

 B: Read the text to answer the following questions

Desktop computers are traditionally the most popular computer systems. On the other
hand, laptop computers are portable, lightweight computers with a thin screen and
are very popular with people who travel a lot. Because of their small size and
appearance, they are also referred to as notebook computers. The screen folds down
onto the keyboard when not in use. They can operate on batteries.

Less powerful versions of notebook computers are called netbooks and are used
mainly to access the internet. Netbooks are portable computers, smaller and cheaper
than laptops.
B1: Read the paragraph and write two senetnces in the comparative form and two in
the superlative form from the reading.

1. (Comparative) Desktop computers are the most popular computer systems than
laptop computers

2. (Comparative) Netbooks are portable computers smaller and cheaper than laptops

3.(Superlative) Laptops computers are cheapest than desktop computers

4.(Superlative)  Netbook computers are smallest than Notebook computers

B2: After reading answer the questions below.

1. Describe a laptop computer according to the reading.

Laptop computers are portable lightweight computers with a thin screen and are very
popular with people who travel a lot

2. Why are they referred to as notebook computers?

Because of their small size and appearance

3. What are the netbooks used for?

Less powerful versions of notebook are called netbooks and are used mainly to access the

4. What are netbooks like?

Netbooks are portable computers, smaller and cheaper than laptops.

5. What type of computers are netbooks?

Portable computers

C: Compare four people  in a paragrph.  Susan, Rodrigo Roberto and Peter. Use the
superlatives of the following adjectives: Short, tall, intelligent, less hardworker and
famous.  The paragraph should have five senetnces.

Susan is shorter than Rodrigo and Roberto is taller than Peter, Rodrigo is more intelligent
than Roberto and Susan is most famous than Peter, Peter is taller than Susan and Rodrigo is
shorter than Roberto, Roberto is most famous than Peter and Rodrigo is taller than Susan

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