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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X-Northern Mindanao
Division of Lanao del Norte

Grade V
Fourth Periodical Examination

Item Placement


No. of Items
1. Describe how rocks turn into soil ( S5FE-IVa-1 ) 5 3 8 1-5, 31-33

2. Investigate extent of soil erosion in the community and its effects on 2 2 4 6-7,46-47
living things and the environment (S5FE-IVb-2)

3. Communicate data collected from the investigation on soil erosion 3 3 8-10


4. Observe the changes in the weather before, during and after a typhoon 3 3 11-13

5. Describes the effects of a typhoon in the community 5 2 7 14-18,34-35


6. Describes the effects of the wind, given in a storm warning signal 5 1 8 19-23,48

7. Infer the pattern in the changes in the appearance of the moon 2 5 7 24-25,36-40

8. Relate the cyclical pattern of the moon to the length of the month 5 3 8 26-30,41-43


9. Identify star patterns that can be seen at a particular times of the year 2 2 2 44-45, 49-50

30 15 5 50
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region X-Northern Mindanao
Division of Lanao del Norte

Fourth Periodical Examination

Name Section Score

I. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It refers to the process of breaking rocks into pieces.

a.) weathering b.) erosion c.) deposition d.) compaction
2. It is a mixture of weathered rock, decayed organic matter, mineral fragment and water which take thousands
of years to form.
a.) wind b.) rocks c.) precipitation d.) soil
3. Which process can bring about chemical weathering?
a.) oxidation b.) roots of trees c.) freezing water d.) wave action
4. By what process are surface materials removed and transported from one location to another?
a.) weathering b.) erosion c.) deposition d.) cementation
5. What type of soil erosion accomplishes the greatest change on earth?
a.) water erosion b.) glacial erosion c.) splash erosion d.) wind erosion
6. What type of soil erosion accomplishes the greatest change on earth?
a.) water erosion b.) glacial erosion c.) splash erosion d.) wind erosion
7. Which of the following is a factor that affects soil erosion?
a.) deforestation b.) reforestation c.) contour farming d.) strip cropping
8. All of the following are methods to conserve soil except one. Which is it?
a.) terracing b.) contour farming c.) intensive farming d.) str ip cropping
9. Which of the method of soil conservation is similar to terracing, but on a smaller scale?
a) deforestation b.) contour farming c.) strip cropping d.) intensive farming
10. All of the following are the main agents of erosion except ________
a.) wind b.) water c.) glaciers d.) farming
11. Which of the following events are associated with thunderstorm?
a. ) heavy rainfall and hail b.) thunder and lightning c.) microburst d.) all of the above
12. In the Northern Hemisphere, winds around a low pressure system circulate ________.
a. ) clockwise b.) counterclockwise c.) upwards in the vertical d.) very fast
13. Where do typhoons usually form?
a. ) over cold oceans b.) over warm oceans c.) over cold continents d.) over warm continents
14. A low-pressure system is also referred to as a _________
a. ) cyclone b.) anticyclone c.) cold front d.) thunderstorm
15. A high-pressure system is also referred to as a _____________.
a. ) cyclone b.) anticyclone c.) warm front d.) thunderstorm
16. All of the following are weather disturbances in the Philippines except ______
a.) thunderstorm b.) tropical cyclone c.) earthquake d.) ITCZ
17. Thunderstorm most commonly occur ________
a. ) when warm moist air is heated b.) on sunny days c.) in the early evening d.) all of the above
18. What makes water muddy after a heavy rain?
a.) the pebbles picked up by the water b.) the rainwater turned brown in color
c.) the gravel and the sand carried by the water d.) the fine dust particles dissolve in water
19. When does tropical depression occurs?
a. ) when wind speed reaches 118km/hr b.) when wind speed are at 60 km/hr or less
c. ) when wind speed are at 60-118 km/hr d.) when wind speed are more than 200 km/hr
20..The following are weather conditions before a cyclone except one. Which is it?
a.) air is dry and cold b.) relative humidity is high c.) scattered rain shower d.) flashfloods
21. What usually happens in the surrounding when public storm signal number 1 is raised?
a. ) branches and twigs of small trees might be broken
b.) trees are uprooted
c.) landslides and flashfloods occur
d.) widespread disruption of electricity and communication
22. When wind speed reaches more than 200 km/hr, what could possibly happen?
a. ) coconut, rice and corn fields may suffer severe damage b.) coconut trees maybe uprooted and destroyed
c.) houses made of light materials maybe partially unroofed d.) scattered rain shower maybe observed
23. The following events may happen when public storm signal number 4 is raised except ______
a. ) damage to affected areas maybe severe b.) buildings and bridges are destroyed
c.) total blackout may occur due to severe damage in electricity d.) nipa and cogon houses are partially destroyed
24.. If the moon is smaller than a quarter, we call it a _______ moon.
a. ) full b.) half c.)crescent d.)gibbous
25. If the moon is bigger than a quarter, we call it a _______ moon.
a. ) full b.) half c.)crescent d.)gibbous
26 When the moon is not visible, it is called ____________
a. ) new moon b.) first quarter c.) full moon d.) waning moon
27. When the moon is getting smaller, it is a _________ moon.
a. ) waxing crescent b.) waning gibbous c.) crescent d.) gibbous
28. When the moon is getting bigger, it is a _________ moon.
a. ) full b.) waxing crescent c.) waning crescent d.) new
29. What occurs during a full moon when Earth is between the sun and the moon?
a. ) lunar eclipse b.) solar eclipse c.) high tide d.) low-tide
30. What occurs during a new moon when the moon is between the sun and the Earth ?
a. ) lunar eclipse b.) solar eclipse c.) high tide d.) low-tide
31. Why is loam soil good for plants?
a.) Because it is black b.) Because it is brown
c.) Because of minerals from dead plants and animals d.) Because it’s the top
32. How does soil form?
a.) It form from pieces of broken rocks and particles of dead plants and animals
b.) It form from ashes of erupting volcano
c.) It form from ocean and seas
d.) It form from erosion and weathering of rocks
33. When is wind an agent of soil erosion?
a.) When it breaks rocks into pieces
b.) When it carries rock pieces to other places
c.) When it stops picking up rocks
d.) When it presses down on rocks
34. What should you do when public storm signal number 3 is raised in your place?
a. ) play outside with friends and neighbors
b.) have a party on the beach with family and friends
c.) watch movies with family and friends
d.) seek safer place to stay if your house is near flood prone area
35.Which of the following activity is done during typhoon?
a.) prepare first aid kits, foods and supplies
b.) have safe water to drink in covered container
c.) listen to radio or watch tv for weather updates
d.) clean the surroundings and fixed broken water lines
36. What star color is the hottest?
a. ) blue b.) orange c.) red d.) yellow
37. What is the coldest star?
a. ) blue b.) orange c.) red d.) yellow
38.Our sun is a ________ star.
a. ) blue b.) orange c.) red d.) yellow
39. It is a group of stars that form patterns in the sky.
a. ) constellation b.) galaxy c.) universe d.) Milky Way
40. Which is a zodiac constellation?
a. ) Big Dipper b.) Sagittarius c.) Cassiopeia d.) Orion
41. How many times the moon rotates on its axis?
a.) once b.) twice c.) thrice d.) always
42. Every how many days the moon revolves around the sun?
a.) every 30 days b.) every 29 days c.) every 28 ½ days d.) every 27 1/3 days
43. About how many hours after a new moon, you can see only a small potion if the lit side of the moon and a lot of the dark side?
a.) 24 hours b.) 18 hours c. 12 hours d.) 8 hours
44.Why do stars twinkle?
a.) because light bends when it passes through dust and gas in the earth’s atmosphere
b.) because of its spin, size and temperature
c.) because light changes color as it reach the earth’s atmosphere
d.) because the earth is moving fast
45.Why are constellations important?
a. ) They are used to praise God
b.) They tell mariners and navigators general directions.
c.) They brighten the night sky with their beautiful patterns.
d.) They used to tell fortune of people.
46. How can trees prevent erosion?
a.) The roots hold the soil firmly together
b.) The trees block the way of running water
c.) The roots absorb the water at once
d.) The roots secrete acid, attacking the rocks.
47. Which of the following statement does not belong to preventing and reducing soil erosion?
a.) Teraccing methon in farming
b.) Contour Framing
c.) Kaingin farming
d.) Strip cropping
48. What public storm signal # 4 tells?
a.) Houses made of light materias may be destroyed.
b.) Is very dangerous because great damage can happen in affected palces.
c.) The wind can cause moderate damage in places that are affected.
d.) School classes are suspended.
49. Why do stars twinkle?
a.) because light bends when it passes through dust and gas in the earth’s atmosphere
b.) because of its spin, size and temperature
c.) because light changes color as it reach the earths atmosphere
d.) because the earth is moving fast
50. Why are constellations important?
a.) They are used to praise God
b.) They tell mariners and navigators general directions
c.) They brighten the night sky with their beautiful patterns
d. They used to tell fortune of people

1. A 21.A 41. A
2. D 22. A 42. B
3. A 23.D 43. D
4. B 24. C 44. A
5. A 25. D 45. A
6. A 26. A 46.C
7. A 27. B 47. D
8. C 28. B 48. A
9. B 29.A 49. B
10. D 30. D 50. A
11. D 31. C
12. B 32. B
13. B 33. B
14. C 34. C
15. C 35. C
16. C 36. D
17. A 37.C
18. C 38.B
19. B 39.D
20. D 40.C

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