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Joint Task Force Southern Baltic Briefing Card Service Members Involved in Political Rally ay Background: U.S. Army soldiers were seen protesting in uniform at an organized political rally in Poznan, Poland. They were reportedly holding signs disapproving the Law and Justice party. End state: As a result of our communication efforts, our audiences will know that we remain apolitical while continuing to support the U.S. mission in Poland. Public statement: The views and actions of the service members involved in the political rally , in Poznan, Poland do not reflect the official policy or position of Joint Task Force Southern Baltic, Departmeft of Defense, or the U.S. government. Themes: ‘© NATO commitment © Solidarity Lit Go: © Readiness Ca as te, Senior Leader Quotes: 4 Ts dee “These soldiers stand alone in their opiniofs regarding thei political affiliation and beliefs." 7 ra-l © Commander of Joint FasK Force Souther Baltic U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Marie Duggan Messages and talking points: MI. Joint Task Force Southern Baltic aims to solidify its commitment to NATO's mission through the proper and responsible actions of our service members. ‘PI. By conducting combined exercises and training, U.S. and Polish forces work collectively towards integrating Poland’s military capabilities into NATO’s unified force. ‘TP2, Joint Task Force Southem Baltic leadership maintains consistent communication with NATO leadership to ensure parallel mission objectives with regards to Poland. ‘TP3. This is our first year with a permanent and rotational presence in Poland, and we are + pes working hard to ensure our objectives are met without disruption. MB2, Joint Task Force Southem Baltic is committed to deterring U.S and Polish adversaries. TPI. We remain neutral with respect to all Polish political parties and views. Part of our 4 pee mission is to ensure no outside entity or government threatens Poland’s independence. ‘TP2. We are working alongside our Polish allies to strengthen their capability to 4 pee counteract adversary influence. ‘TP3. Poland and the U.S. will conduct combined exercises to manage global asymmetric M7 threats. M3. The U.S. is here to support our allies, and we respect each of their ability to govern. / ‘TP1. U.S. forces will work with local officials to address concerns surrounding service prev ° members’ political involvement. TP2. The task force is making a new effort to provide culture and diversity training to all je =p / personnel. We will remind all personnel that we are guests in a host country and must respect locals and their views. Anticipated questions with responses: QU. Does the U.S. military believe they have the right to participate in the local politics of Poland? RI. No, The U.S. military is an apolitical arm of the U.S. government and is here to support our allies, We support our allies ability to govern themselves, and do not have any intent to challenge the sovereignty of the Polish government. Our primary goal is to foster a stronger relationship with Poland, and we are committed to that, Q2. Is there any education for service members regarding history and conflict within the Polish political system? If'so, did these service members understand the cultural ramifications of their actions? R2. The task force units did conduct cultural education training prior to the deployment, and LT will continue to remediate service members who have failed to intemalize the information provided. As we continue to make ourselves better culturally, we maintain our readiness to support NATO and the Polish military. love Q4. There is evidence HS acting violently at the rally and consuming an inappropriate amount of alcohol. Is this something the U.S. Military condones while outside of the continental U.S.? R4, We're still looking into the legitimacy of those claims with local law enforcement, but will ide additional informati have it. provide aditiona information once Weave i. po ae Coordination: ton ref ‘AFFOR HQ 7 JFLCC PA = IBKO 305th MPAD - JBKO d. ya a ° 3rd MEB . z 31st MEU ond~ bibs rm NPASE Prepared by: Joint Task Force Southern Baltic Public Affairs Office, Team IF/Lt. Kimberly Kin IF yu me fi Fat on” + oY Weer 7 In thes hon pests ~falle fe schol ree of ), ” een coral

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