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TPACK Creating Assignment Template

Content Knowledge

Subject History and Social Science

Grade Level 7th Grade

Learning Objective VUS.4 The student will apply social science

skills to understand the issues and events
leading to and during the Revolutionary
Period by
a) describing the results of the French
and Indian War;
b) evaluating how political ideas of the
Enlightenment helped shape
American politics;
c) explaining how conflicting loyalties
created political differences among
the colonists concerning separation
from Great Britain;
d) analyzing the competing factors that
led to colonial victory in the
Revolutionary War; and
e) evaluating how key principles in the
Declaration of Independence grew in
importance to become unifying ideas
of American political philosophy.
Pedagogy Planning

In this activity, my students are going to use Kahoot! to create Review questions from the
Revolution War and play against each other to see who earns the highest score on the game .
Activity The students will create ten review questions
regarding material from the Revolutionary war Unit.
Students will create questions using the tool Kahoot!
1. Create ten questions on the Revolutionary
War Unit using Kahoot!
2. Make your Kahoot! Set available to everyone.
3. After all students have completed creating
their questions, students will play kahoot!
Together. Students one at time will share
their set of questions withuse
class and

Web 2.0 Technology For this assignment, students will To

create ten review questions from the unit on the
Revolutionary War. When publishing your questions
make your questions viewable to everyone.
Link to the example product you
made pretending to be a student 4434-9f67-14e45d10f821

Mobile App Option

1. Kahoot! Has an app that can be used
tablets, laptops, and mobile devices. The
app is free and can be downloaded on major
platforms such as App Store, Google Play,
and Amazon app store.

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