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Final A


Question 1 (15%)
Let {ak }∞
k=1 be a converging geometric sequence. Denote:

Sn = ak
Let S1 = 432, S4 = 54. Find k=1 Sk

Question 2 (15%)
Prove that any finite set A = {xi }ni=1 of real numbers has a maximal term
(a term xi ∈ A that satisfy xj ≤ xi for any term xj ∈ A)

Question 3 (15%)
How many solutions does the equation 2 arctan(x) = x have ? A sketch will
not be enough. You need to justify your claim with theorems. Notice that
it can be proved without a sketch.

Question 4 (21%)
Let √ √
x2 +1) x2 +1)
f (x) = 3 · 22 sin( − 2 · 2sin( −1
a) What is the domain and the image of f (x) ?

b) If Z 6
f (x)dx = A, A ∈ R
find Z 6
3f (x)dx =?

c) q
9π 2
+4 Z 1
X= q f (x)dx and Y = f (x)dx
9π 2
+2 0

Which one is greater X or Y ?

Question 5 (14%)
ABC is a right isosceles triangle inscribed in a semicircle of radius 1 s.t. BC
is the diameter. DECB is a trapezoid that is also inscribed in the semicircle,
DE||BC. AC ∩ DE = F . ^F CE = 15◦ . Find the area of 4F CE

Question 6 (20%)
a) Find the equation of the plane that is parallel to the line
` : X = (2, 1, −2)+t[1, −1, 0] and includes the points A(0, 1, 2), B(−3, −3, 6).

b) The plane that you’ve found in part a) divides a sphere that is centred
around the origin and has radius 12 to two parts. Find the volume of
the part of the sphere that includes the origin

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