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Krishna Gamble Great Phone Interivew messages Krishna Gamble ‘Mon, Nov 23, 2020 at 11:03 AM To: Judith Marlowe , Michael Cody ALCON: Natalia Ojewska just did a phone interview with Lt Kimberly King. Great interview, very clear and pleasant speaking voice. She was able to answer questions and give appropriate responded to questions that could have been testy. Great sound bites ift was recorded (| was calling for RTQ, but she was able to field the questions). ‘She had facts, figures, messages and talking points in all of her responses and she sounded genuine. Kudos to her, her instructors and her mentor(s) Warm regards, Krishna M. Gamble Contractor, Lewis-Price Associates (Teleworking) Public Affairs & Communication Strategy Directorate US. Defense Information School Fort Meade, MD 20755 301-677-7398 (office) Michael Cody ‘Mon, Nov 23, 2020 at 11:13 AM Krishna Gamble , Mark Stultz Mark Stultz taught her hot ‘Thank you very much for sharing. var Mike (voted tox hdon) Mike Cody Instructor Public Affairs and Communication Strategy Directorate Phone number while teleworking: 443-413-3440 Krishna Gamble Mon, Nov 30, 2020 at 2:40 PM To: Tina Lexica Warm regards, Krishna M, Gamble Contractor, Lewis-Price Associates (Teleworking) Public Affairs & Communication Strategy Directorate U.S. Defense Information Schoo! Fort Meade, MD 20755 301-677-7398 (office) thing Gs Practice Exercise: Media Engagement Rubric (TV interview (live or recorded), Print Interview, Skype Interview, Radio Interview) Unsatisfactory 50% Below Expectations 70% Meets Expectations 85% Exceeds Expectations, 100% Planning 20% Media Engagement does not demonstrate use of RPIE process / Fails to plan effectively to engage media / and/or / selects inappropriate medium / Missing evidence of metrics to gauge media reach (TV ratings, social media impressions, or publication sales) Media engagement shows inadequate use of RPIE process / andlor / Engagement choice reflects ineffective planning / Insufficient evidence of metrics to gauge media reach (TV ratings, social Media engagement reflects adequate use of RPIE process / Engagement choice reflects adequate and appropriate planning / Adequate evidence of metrics to gauge media reach (TV ratings, social ~ publication sales) Media engagement reflects successful use of entire RPIE process / Engagement choice reflects effective and thoughtful planning / Incorporates evidence of metrics to gauge media reach (TV ratings, social media impressions, or publication sales) Content 20% Three or more of the following issues are present: Violates SAPP 3 / Provides unclear or ineffe messaging / Missing relevant supporting materials and/or materials are inadequate / Missing a clear command message/s / and/or command message/s does not support end-state ‘Two or more of the of the following issues are present: Missing relevant supporting materials / Missing or inadequate opening & closing statements / Missing or unclear message/s with appropriate talking points / Unclear or inaccurate responses / Attempts to provide command message/s, but were inconsistent, repetitive, irrelevant or unrelated to the end-state Content adequately contributes to the activity’s effectiveness: Proper support materials / Adequate opening & closing statements 1 Adequate support message/s with appropriate talking points / Provides adequate command message/s that were memorable, concise, relevant, and in support of the end-state Content leads to an effective and appropriate media engagement / Includes support materials that > enhance engagement / Clear and relevant opening & closing statements / Includes support message/s with strong talking points / Provides command message/s that were memorable, concise, relevant, and in support of | the end-state ° Delivery and Presentation 20% ‘One or more of the following issues are present: Inappropriate or unprofessional attire / Inappropriate language / Uses hostile,or inappropriate tone / Does not use effective active listening / Does not adapt style to the engagement medium / Ends interview unprofessionally Dress is appropriate / May appear awkward / May struggle with appropriate tone and or body language at times / Active listening could use improvement / Attempts to adapt style to engagement type but may be inadequate / Attempts to conclude interview professionally, but may be awkward or abrupt Dress is professional / Shows adequate composure / Appropriate tone and body language is consistent throughout / Reflects active listening skills / Adequately adapts style to engagement medium / Adequately concludes interview Dressis polished and, professional /Shows © exceptional composure throughout! Tone is confident with an even pace and cadence throughout / body language contributes to the effectiveness of the presentation/ Clearly adapts style to engagement medium, 1 Concludes interview smoothly and professionally|| Response to Questions/Follow Up 20% Best practices for Post-interview media engagement were not evident such as: Miscues, not thanking the media, not confirming air or publication date/time, not providing follow-up contact information J andlor / Responses to questions were unclear, inrelevant or showed a lack of preparation or professionalism ‘Two or more of the following issues were present concerning best practices for media engagement follow-up: Multiple miscues were present such as: Not thanking the interviewer and media crew / Not confirming media air or publication date/time / Not providing follow-up contact information J and/or | Responses to ‘questions were unclear, irrelevant or showed a lack of preparation or professionalism Adequately implements best practices concerning media engagement follow-up with minor lapses: No miscues* were present such as: Thanks the interviewer and, crew / Confirms media air or publication date/time / Provides follow-up contact information’/ and/or / Responses to questions are adequate and reflect preparation and professionalism Confidently implements all best practices concerning media engagement follow-up such as: Enacts all professional follow-up techniques including thanking interviewer and crew / Confirmsmedia air or Publication date / Provides follow-up contact information J Responses to questions are clear, portray accurate significant information, and reflect significant preparation and professionalism u Justification of | Did not provide a justification Selection for the response format \\ vv selection it 15% inappropriate for engagement Justification is present, but it provides a superficial or Unclear reasoning / and/or / Media format selection is not appropriate for engagement Provides an adequate and logical justification for media format selection and uses an appropriate format selection for the purpose of engagement Provides a detailed and logical justification for media format selection and uses the best format selection for the purpose of engagement /) English Usage Has errors that obscure the meaning of content, add 5% N | Ay confusion, and show a lack of professionalism Has errors that don't interfere with meaning or represent a major distraction, but do show a lack of professionalism Has minor grammar, spelling, or writing mechanical errors / Is professional her Language is polished and professional q8

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