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Business Plan Checklist/Template

Business Plan template

Project Project Name: (copied from NPDI) Project Number: (copied from NPDI)
Nombre del Proyecto

 Market size (in volume and value-NNS) and evolution (Tamaño de Mercado en Valor
 Category segmentation (types, formats etc) and trends (Segmentacion por tipo, format,

Market Y-2 % Y-1 % Y % Y+1 % Y+2

Category 1
segment of cat.1
Category 2
segment of cat.2
Category 1
segment of cat.1
Category 2
segment of cat.2

Implications (Implicaciones)

 Competitor environment dynamics (market share and estimated PFME- channel /

category strategy) Escenario Competitivo y Presupuesto asignado de Marketing . Y-2 (2
meses previos lo que vendia la categoria) Y año 0 y Y+1 (Un año despeus de la venta)

Category Y-2 Y-1 Y Y+1 Y+2

segment of cat.1
Competitor 1
Competitor 2
segment of cat.1
Competitor 1
Competitor 2


Business plan template – January 2011 p1

Business Plan Checklist/Template

Business plan template – January 2011 p2

Business Plan Checklist/Template

 Channel evolution (Ventas y Evolucion del Canal)

Y-2 Y-1 Y
Number of
Number Number Number
Type of outlet NWD NWD NWD targeted
stores stores stores
Planned shopping
Ad-Hoc convenience
Speciality food & drink
Speciality non food

*Se debe incluir la cantidad de Puntos de venta que se cosnideran vender. El foco del canal para tener un objetivo
annual, trimestral, mensual y hasta seminal.


 Regulatory evolution

vs. existing products in related category (Precio de productos existente y comparable con la propuesta nueva dentro
de la compañia.

New New Nestlé New vs. Nestlé
existing New vs. (C)
Product vs. (A) existing (B) (B) existing (C)
Consumer price per unit
Consumer price per 100g*

vs. competition in related category (Competencia relevamiento de precios)

New Competitor New Competitor New vs. Competitor

New vs. (C)
Product (A) vs. (A) (B) (B) (C)
Consumer price per unit
Consumer price per 100g*

Justification for price premium ( or

discount) : Justificacion de Precios

* or appropriate benchmark unit

Business plan template – January 2011 p3

Business Plan Checklist/Template

Size of consumer target group X Category penetration (%) = # of buyers. A
(Numero de personasl del (Porcentaje de (Total de
grupo objetivo) Penetracion) CompradoreS)
Units bought per purchase X Weight / unit = quantity per purchase B
(Unidad de compra) Unidad de Gramaje y (Cantidad Comprada)
Trips to shopping X Closure rate = Buying frequency C
Viajes al punto de venta para Porcentaje de compra. Frecuencia de
comprar Compra

Target volume = A x B x C

Key factors influencing penetration rate

(what is investement needed to achieve):
Principales elementos que influyen la
penetracion del Mercado.
Key factors influencing closure rate
(what is investement needed to achieve):
Principales elementos que influyene en
el porcentaje de compra.

Source of volumes :
leveraging or fuelling category growth.
Apalancamiento o atractivo del
crecimiento de la categoria.
volumes taken from competitors
Volumenes estimados que se van a
robar a cada competidor.
cannibalization of own product
Canibalizacion de productos propios
switch / substitution
within or from another category
Cambios, Sustituciones o cambios con
referencia a otra categoria.

Business plan template – January 2011 p4

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