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Avian Pathology

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Modelling Aspergillus fumigatus infections in racing

pigeons (Columba livia domestica)

L. A. Beernaert , F. Pasmans , F. Haesebrouck & A. Martel

To cite this article: L. A. Beernaert , F. Pasmans , F. Haesebrouck & A. Martel (2008) Modelling
Aspergillus�fumigatus infections in racing pigeons (Columba�livia�domestica), Avian Pathology,
37:5, 545-549, DOI: 10.1080/03079450802382280

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Avian Pathology (October 2008) 37(5), 545549

Modelling Aspergillus fumigatus infections in racing

pigeons (Columba livia domestica)
L. A. Beernaert*, F. Pasmans, F. Haesebrouck and A. Martel

Department of Pathology, Bacteriology and Avian Diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ghent University,
Salisburylaan 133, 9820 Merelbeke, Belgium

In vivo modelling of aspergillosis in birds allows the evaluation of control measures and the study of host
pathogen interactions. In this study the impact of the use of different inoculation routes and
immunosuppression on the course of an infection with Aspergillus fumigatus in racing pigeons (Columba
livia domestica) was examined. A. fumigatus conidia were inoculated in the thoracic air sac, lung or trachea
in immunocompetent or immunosuppressed pigeon squabs. Immunosuppression was induced by three
dexamethasone injections before inoculation. Mortality in the A. fumigatus-inoculated groups varied
between 1/4 and 4/4. The highest and more acute mortality was seen in immunocompetent pigeons
inoculated in the thoracic air sac and in pigeons inoculated in the thoracic air sac or lung after
immunosuppression. Pigeons inoculated in the lung or inoculated intratracheally after immunosuppression
developed an aspergillosis infection with a slower course of disease and more prominent clinical symptoms.
Using microsatellite length polymorphism, it was confirmed that all mycoses were caused by the inoculated
strain except for one isolate in a dexamethasone-treated pigeon. In conclusion, inoculation in the lung is
selected as the preferred model for chronic aspergillosis in pigeons, and inoculation in the thoracic air sac as
the preferred model for acute aspergillosis. The use of immunosuppressed birds seems to be contra-indicated
due to the risk of opportunistic infections.


Avian aspergillosis is an infectious and non-contagious detection of strain-dependent differences of virulence.

disease caused by Aspergillus spp. These fungi are Although experimental infections with A. fumigatus have
ubiquitous and can be isolated from soil, air and been carried out in quails, starlings, pigeons, turkeys and
vegetation. The most commonly isolated species is chickens using different inoculation routes (intrave-
Aspergillus fumigatus but other Aspergillus spp., includ- nously, intratracheally, in the abdominal/thoracic air
ing Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus sac, intrapulmonary and using aerosol), there is an
glaucus and Aspergillus nidulans, can also play a role absolute necessity to compare these routes in one bird
(Okoye & Okeke, 1986; Barton et al., 1992; Perelman & species in order to select the appropriate model (Chute
Kuttin, 1992; de Wit et al., 1993; Oglesbee, 1997; Joseph, & O’Meara, 1958; Wright et al., 1960; Richard et al.,
2000). Mixed infections occasionally occur (Perelman & 1973, 1981; Richard & Thurston, 1983; Dyar et al.,
Kuttin, 1992). 1984; Van Cutsem et al., 1989; Julian & Goryo, 1990;
A. fumigatus is an opportunistic pathogen, causing Elmubarak & Fadlelmula, 1991; Peden & Rhoades,
clinical infections at high infection pressure or in 1992; Perelman, 1993; Kunkle & Rimler, 1996; Kunkle
immunosuppressed hosts. Phagocytic cells and normal et al., 1999; Atasever & Gümüssoy, 2004; Gümüssoy
et al., 2004; Femenia et al., 2007). It was therefore the
respiratory microbial clearance mechanisms are the first-
aim of this study to select an acute and a ch-
line defence against inhaled spores. Disease occurs when
ronic aspergillosis model in pigeons. For this purpose,
this intrapulmonary defensive mechanism becomes in-
A. fumigatus conidia were inoculated in the thoracic air
adequate and does not succeed in eliminating the
sac, lung or trachea of immunocompetent or immuno-
organism (Oglesbee, 1997). suppressed pigeons.
In vivo models allowing reproducing aspergillosis in
birds are very useful for studying hostpathogen inter-
actions and evaluating the effect of different control Materials and Methods
measures. Depending on the aims of such studies, a
Animals. In the first experiment, 18 clinically healthy adult racing
more acute or a more chronic model is required. A pigeons (Columba livia domestica) were divided into three groups of six
rather chronic infection model would be more suitable, pigeons. In the second experiment, 35 clinically healthy, 4-week-old to
for example, in studies assessing the efficacy of anti- 5-week-old pigeon squabs were divided into seven groups of four
mycotic treatment. The more acute model may allow the pigeons and one group of seven pigeons. The animals were free from

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: 32 9 264 74 42. Fax: 32 9 264 74 90. E-mail:
Received 16 April 2008
ISSN 0307-9457 (print)/ISSN 1465-3338 (online)/08/50545-05 # 2008 Houghton Trust Ltd
DOI: 10.1080/03079450802382280
546 L. A. Beernaert et al.

Salmonella spp. and endoparasites. During the experiment each bird DNA was extracted by the following technique. For each isolate, a
was housed individually at 20 to 228C and 31% to 55% relative humidity piece of mycelium was cut out from the agar plate. After melting the
with a 12-h photoperiod. The birds received a commercial pigeon diet agar, the mycelium was crushed manually in order to release DNA from
ad libitum and had free access to fresh drinking water. the cells. After centrifugation (16 100 x g, 2.5 min), the supernatant was
All experiments were performed with the permission of the Ethical used for polymerase chain reaction.
Committee of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Merelbeke, Ghent Primers were selected for the amplification of microsatellites A, B, C
University, Belgium (EC 2006/099). and D (Table 1). One primer per set was labelled with the fluorescent
dye 6-carboxyfluorescein for detection with an automated DNA
Experimental inoculum. The A. fumigatus strain used in this study was sequencer. The PCR amplification was performed in a 20-ml volume
isolated from a racing pigeon, which was losing weight for 4 weeks and containing 1.5 mM MgCl2, 100 mM dNTPs, 0.1 mM for each primer,
was presented with severe dyspnea. Five-day-old cultures of this strain 0.025 U/ml Taq DNA polymerase and 2 ml supernatant. Amplification
on Sabouraud dextrose agar (CM0041; Oxoid Ltd, Basingstoke, UK) was performed in an Eppendorf† Mastercycler ep system, with
were washed with 5 ml of 0.01% Tween 80 in Hank’s balanced salt denaturation for 5 min at 948C, 35 time cycles of 30 sec at 948C,
solution (HBSS) to harvest A. fumigatus conidia. The conidia were 30 sec at 598C, and 30 sec at 728C, and a final extension step at 728C for
washed three times in 0.01% Tween 80 in HBSS (3200 x g, 10 min at 30 min. Two microlitres of the PCR product was mixed with 12 ml
48C) and the suspension was adjusted to a concentration of 106 or 108 deionized formamide and 0.3 ml rox 500LIZ. This mixture was
A. fumigatus conidia/ml in HBSS by haemacytometer count. denaturated at 958C during 2 min and incubated on ice for 0.5 h. The
samples were further analysed by capillary electrophoresis (ABI 3100;
Applied Biosystems). A reference strain (CBS 143.89; Centraal Bureau
Experimental design. The first experiment was carried out in order to
voor Schimmelculturen, Utrecht, the Netherlands) was included in all
determine an appropriate infection dose. Three groups of six pigeons
analyses as an internal control.
were inoculated intratracheally either with 0.2 ml of a 106 or 108
A. fumigatus conidia/ml suspension in HBSS or with 0.2 ml HBSS. The
second experiment was carried out in order to examine the impact of
the use of different inoculation routes and immunosuppression on the Results
course of an infection with A. fumigatus. Seven groups of four pigeons
were inoculated either with 0.2 ml of a 108 A. fumigatus conidia/ml Clinical signs. Immunocompetent pigeons inoculated
suspension in HBSS (Groups 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8) or with 0.2 ml HBSS intratracheally showed no clinical signs in the first
(Control Groups 1 and 2) using one of the following inoculation routes: experiment.
intratracheal (Group 8), inoculation in the right thoracic air sac In the second experiment, a significant difference
(Groups 1, 4 and 6) and inoculation in the apical part of the right (PB0.01) between the average weight of immunosup-
lung (Groups 2, 5 and 7). The pigeons of three groups received three pressed and immunocompetent pigeons was observed on
dexamethasone injections (2 mg/kg intramuscularly every 48 h) before the day of inoculation. After inoculation, weight loss was
inoculation with A. fumigatus (Groups 6, 7 and 8). One group of
detected in the groups inoculated with A. fumigatus
pigeons (n7) only received three dexamethasone injections (Control
except for Group 6 (dexamethasone treated, inoculated
Group 3).
The animals were observed at least twice daily. The presence of
with A. fumigatus in the air sac) (Table 2). Dyspnea was
ruffled feathers, dyspnea, sneezing and stridor were scored blindly. Out only seen in A. fumigatus-inoculated pigeons, most
of ethical considerations, pigeons with severe dyspnea (open beak apparent in Group 5 (inoculated in the lung) and Group
breathing) or extreme weakness were euthanized. This was noted as 8 (dexamethasone treated, inoculated in the trachea).
‘‘mortality’’. In the first experiment at 22 days post inoculation (p.i.) Dyspnea was almost absent in Group 6 (dexamethasone
and in the second experiment at 7 days p.i., all remaining pigeons were treated, inoculated with A. fumigatus in the air sac) and
euthanized by an intravenous injection of 0.2 ml T61 (Intervet, Group 7 (dexamethasone treated, inoculated with A.
Mechelen, Belgium) in the vena basilica. At necropsy, macroscopic fumigatus in the lung) (Table 3). Sneezing was seen in one
lesions were described and samples were collected for mycological and
pigeon in Group 4 (inoculated in the thoracic air sac) on
bacteriological examination.
the fourth day p.i. and in one pigeon in Group 5
(inoculated in the lung) on the fourth and sixth days
Weight. All pigeons were weighted at the time of the first dexametha-
p.i. Stridor was noticed in the latter from the fifth day
sone injection, at the time of inoculation and at necropsy. Statistical
analysis was performed using a two-sample t test (Microsoft Office
p.i. onward and in one pigeon in Group 8 (dexametha-
Excel). sone treated, inoculated in trachea) on the fifth day p.i.

Clinical score. Every day, a score for tail hopping and abdominal Mortality. In the first experiment, no mortality was
breathing was given to each pigeon. These scores ranged from 0 to 1 observed in any group. In the second experiment, no
(0 absent, 0.2 barely visible, 0.4 mild, 0.6 moderate, 0.8 pro-
mortality was observed in the negative control groups,
nounced, 1highly pronounced). The sum of those two scores forms
the dyspnea score for a certain pigeon on a certain day. The presence or
except for two out of seven pigeons in Group 3
absence of ruffled feathers, as a general sign of sickness, was also noted (dexamethasone treated, not inoculated), which died
daily for each pigeon. due to a Streptococcus gallolyticus septicaemia. Mortality

Mycological and bacteriological examination. In the first experiment Table 1. Primer sequences for multiplication of microsatellites
samples of the trachea, lungs and air sacs, and in the second experiment A, B, C and D (Bart-Delabesse et al., 1998)
samples of the trachea, lungs, air sacs, heart, pericardium, liver, kidney,
brain, pectoral muscle and abdominal fluid, were inoculated on Microsatellite Primer sequences (5? to 3?)
Sabouraud dextrose agar plates and incubated at 378C at aerobic
conditions to isolate A. fumigatus. Growth of A. fumigatus was assessed
2 days after plate inoculation. Bacteriological examination was
performed on the livers of all pigeons using standard microbiological
isolation techniques.
Microsatellite length polymorphism. Microsatellite length polymorphism D AGGGATACGGCTACGGACAA
(MLP) was used to confirm that mycoses during this study originated AAAGCGTCTGTCAGCGTGTCT
from the inoculated strain.
A. fumigatus infections in racing pigeons 547

Table 2. Average total weight loss as a percentage of the initial muscle was noticed. The pathological findings of the
weight in pigeons, either inoculated with A. fumigatus or sham A. fumigatus-inoculated pigeons are summarized in
inoculated, at 7 days p.i. (or at euthanasia) Table 5. Necropsy showed lesions suggestive of asper-
gillosis in all A. fumigatus-inoculated pigeon groups.
Group Weight loss
The most pronounced lesions were noticed in the
respiratory tract and visceral organs. Air sac lesions
HBSS in right thoracic air sac (n4) 1.3a included the presence of granulomatous foci and
HBSS in right lung (n4) 3.6a clouding. Lung lesions included the presence of gran-
Dexamethasone (n7) 1.4 ulomatous and haemorrhagic foci. Lesions on the
A. fumigatus in right thoracic air sac (n4) 8.1 pericard included the presence of granulomatous foci
A. fumigatus in right lung (n4) 6.6 and a content of yellow fluid. Liver lesions included
A. fumigatus in right thoracic air sac after 0.011a granulomatous foci and congestion. A pale aspect of
dexamethasone injections (n4)
the kidneys, a large granulomatous focus in the brain
A. fumigatus in right lung after dexamethasone 8.9
injections (n4)
and the presence of a pale aspect and granulomatous
A. fumigatus in trachea after dexamethasone 12.4 foci on the pectoral muscles were also noticed occa-
injections (n4) sionally.

Negative weight loss valueweight gain. Mycological findings. In the first experiment, A. fumiga-
tus could not be isolated from trachea, lungs and air sacs
in the A. fumigatus-inoculated groups varied between 1/4 of any of the pigeons.
and 4/4, the lowest mortality occurring in Groups 5 and 8 In the second experiment, A. fumigatus was isolated
(inoculated in the lung; and dexamethasone treated, from different organs of all inoculated pigeons and could
inoculated in the trachea), and 100% mortality occurring not be isolated from organs of non-A. fumigatus-
in Groups 4, 6 and 7 (inoculated in the air sac; inoculated pigeons (Table 5).
dexamethasone treated, inoculated in the air sac; and
dexamethasone treated, inoculated in the lung). Mortal- Microsatellite length polymorphism. All isolated strains
ity was more acute in Groups 4, 6 and 7 (inoculated in the had the same MLP characteristics as the inoculated
air sac; dexamethasone treated, inoculated in the air sac; strain (A123B102C167D112), except for one strain
and dexamethasone treated, inoculated in the lung), than (A127B161C165D78). This strain was isolated from pale
in Groups 5 and 8 (inoculated in the lung; and kidneys of one pigeon in Group 7 (dexamethasone
dexamethasone treated, inoculated in trachea) (Table 4). treated, inoculated in the apical part of the right lung).
The strain isolated from the trachea of the same pigeon
had the same MLP characteristics as the inoculated
Pathological findings. Immunocompetent pigeons inocu-
lated intratracheally showed no macroscopic lesions at
In the second experiment, no lesions were observed
in the control groups with the exception of two out of
seven pigeons in Group 3 (dexamethasone treated, not Immunocompetent adult pigeons inoculated intratrache-
inoculated) that died of S. gallolyticus septicaemia. In ally showed no clinical signs, mortality or lesions at
these pigeons, a pale aspect of the liver and pectoral necropsy. A. fumigatus could not be isolated from the

Table 3. Average daily clinical scores for dyspnea and the presence or absence of ruffled feathers per day in pigeons, either inoculated
with A. fumigatus or sham inoculated

Day p.i. Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8

Dyspnea score
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0
3 0 0 0 1 0.48 a 0.2 0.5
4 0 0 0 0.1 0.25 a a 0.4
5 0 0 0 0.3 0.4 a a 0.7
6 0 0 0 a 0.2 a a 0.4
7 0 0 0 a 0.27 a a 0.67
Fraction of pigeons with ruffled feathers
1 0/4 0/4 0/7 1/4 1/4 1/4 2/4 0
2 0/4 0/4 2/7 3/4 1/4 a 3/4 2/4
3 0/4 0/4 0/5 1/2 0/4 a 1/1 2/4
4 0/4 0/4 0/5 1/2 2/4 a a 3/4
5 0/4 0/4 0/5 1/2 1/3 a a 3/4
6 0/4 0/4 0/5 a 0/3 a a 1/3
7 0/4 0/4 0/5 a 1/3 a a 1/3

Group 1, HBSS in right thoracic air sac; Group 2, HBSS in right lung; Group 3, dexamethasone; Group 4, A. fumigatus in right
thoracic air sac; Group 5, A. fumigatus in right lung; Group 6, A. fumigatus in right thoracic air sac after dexamethasone injections;
Group 7, A. fumigatus in right lung after dexamethasone injections; Group 8, A. fumigatus in trachea after dexamethasone injections.
All pigeons died.
548 L. A. Beernaert et al.

Table 4. Daily mortality in pigeons, either inoculated with A. fumigatus or sham inoculated

Day p.i. Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8

2 2 4 2
3 2 1
4 1 1
5 1 1 1
Total 0 0 2/7 4/4 1/4 4/4 4/4 1/4

Group 1, HBSS in right thoracic air sac; Group 2, HBSS in right lung; Group 3, dexamethasone; Group 4, A. fumigatus in right
thoracic air sac; Group 5, A. fumigatus in right lung; Group 6, A. fumigatus in right thoracic air sac after dexamethasone injections;
Group 7, A. fumigatus in right lung after dexamethasone injections; Group 8, A. fumigatus in trachea after dexamethasone injections.

tracheas or other organs of these animals. Apparently, immunosuppression. This coincides with delayed mor-
the pigeons were capable of clearing the infection even at tality in animals from both groups. Hence, the more
very high infection doses. This finding suggests that severe symptoms can probably be merely attributed to
clinically healthy pigeons are not prone to develop the slower course of infection. Both experimental de-
aspergillosis. This low susceptibility might be species signs can thus be used as a model for chronic aspergil-
dependent (Chaudhary & Sadana, 1988; Femenia et al., losis. Due to the more acute mortality in pigeons
2007) and age dependent (O’Meara & Chute, 1959; inoculated in the thoracic air sac and in pigeons
Femenia et al., 2007). Therefore, pigeon squabs (4 to 5 inoculated in the thoracic air sac or lung after immu-
weeks old) were used in the second experiment. nosuppression, these designs are more suitable as a
In the second experiment, A. fumigatus-inoculated model for acute aspergillosis. In this experiment mor-
pigeons developed mycosis. Because of the risk of tality was observed from the second day and within 5
contamination by airborne conidia, especially in the days p.i. In the models for acute aspergillosis four out of
dexamethasone-pretreated groups, we used MLP analy- four pigeons died within 5 days p.i., while in the models
sis to ensure that the mycosis was caused by the for chronic aspergillosis only one out of four pigeons
inoculated strain. Hereby, it was confirmed that all died on the fifth day p.i. These findings are in contrast
isolated A. fumigatus strains had the same MLP with A. fumigatus experimental infections in other avian
characteristics as the inoculated strain except for one species. In turkeys inoculated with A. fumigatus spores in
isolate of a dexamethasone-treated pigeon. Probably due the thoracic air sac, no mortality was seen in the first 4
to the dexamethasone injections, environmental, air- days p.i.; while quails and starlings inoculated with A.
borne A. fumigatus conidia caused a co-infection. This fumigatus spores intratracheally demonstrated mortality
finding emphasizes the role of immunosuppression in as soon as 2 to 3 days p.i. (Peden & Rhoades, 1992;
the development of avian aspergillosis. Clinical symp- Kunkle & Rimler, 1996; Atasever & Gümüssoy, 2004;
toms were present in all inoculated pigeons. However, Gümüssoy et al., 2004; Femenia et al., 2007). On the
the most obvious symptoms were noticed in pigeons other hand, pigeons inoculated with A. fumigatus spores
inoculated in the lung or inoculated intratracheally after intravenously showed similar results as the models for

Table 5. Pathological and mycological findings in pigeons inoculated with A. fumigatus

Organ Number of animals showing lesions (L) and number of animals from which A. fumigatus was isolated (I)a

Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8


Trachea swab 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 3 1
Left abdominal air sac 4 0 2 0 1 0 2 1 4 1
Right abdominal air sac 4 2 1 1 1 4 2 1 2 0
Left thoracic air sac 4 3 2 0 2 1 2 1 4 0
Right thoracic air sac 4 2 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 0
Left lung 2 3 1 2 2 4 0 3 4 1
Right lung 2 3 4 1 2 4 4 4 4 1
Pericard 4 2 1 1 3 2 2 1 0 0
Heart 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
Liver 4 4 1 1 4 4 3 3 1 0
Spleen 4 b 4 b
0 b 1 b 0 b
Kidney 2 0 0 0 3 3 1 1 0 0
Brain 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ascites 4 2 1 0 1 1 0 b 0 b
Pectoral muscle 2 1 1 1 4 2 3 0 1 0

Each group consisted of four animals. Group 4, A. fumigatus in right thoracic air sac; Group 5, A. fumigatus in right lung; Group 6,
A. fumigatus in right thoracic air sac after dexamethasone injections; Group 7, A. fumigatus in right lung after dexamethasone
injections; Group 8, A. fumigatus in trachea after dexamethasone injections. bNot determined.
A. fumigatus infections in racing pigeons 549

acute aspergillosis in this study (Van Cutsem et al., 1989; Dyar, P.M., Fletcher, O.J. & Page, R.K. (1984). Aspergillosis in turkeys
Elmubarak & Fadlelmula, 1991). Discrepancy with associated with use of contaminated litter. Avian Diseases, 28,
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Elmubarak, A.K. & Fadlelmula, A. (1991). Pathogenesis of Aspergillus
ibility for A. fumigatus infections and/or variability of
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pathogenicity of the A. fumigatus isolates used in the Medicine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 44, 2628.
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suggestive of aspergillosis were present in all A. fumiga- Towanou, N., Rakotovao, F., Granet, O.-I., Le Loc’h, G., Arné, P. &
tus-inoculated pigeons. In this study, as well as in general Guillot, J. (2007). Clinical, mycological and pathological findings in
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tract (Chaudary & Sadana, 1988; Peden & Rhoades, treatment with itraconazole. Journal of Veterinary Medicine B, 51,
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