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» i FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY eo g Join Task Foree Souther Baltic Public Afirs 3 Li. Kimberly Kin € FP iyattt ese spao@alli Zs e Sage ee eles date Doe 20 wo Nate thy the, rene vary BAPE RON DF Un fevestmd alee SURFACE WARFARE OFFICER PIN beter she 6 bow Surface Warate Officer quali th sional Surface ie Officer to develop and master the core competencies necessary to excel Commanding Officer of a warship.” ~Viee Adm. Richard Brown, Commander, Navs x ‘a introduction —The yah to ami surface ware ofcer,or SW, i longstanding navy TE" tradition. introduced in 1975, the gold rendering of waves breaking at the bow ofa ship crossed wi the swopHf Ts commissioned naval officer has come to signif the highly sled merabers Sg oof this naval community. Altnough just a symbol, the SWO pin eacompasse, for some, nearly uo yeas of aie RDOWIEEEE, egg bungee test Background For junior og to bagome eligible to recive aSWO pin ia baad for 13 ele qualifations Each ualieston iowldge statis evaluated separly before the ocr eto re Only commanding officers of commissioned or pre-commissioned ships have | a spatiiet SHO Although captains have the ability to shape te ial qual ‘wafthey seit the process to achieving board status fora junior offic nor her, “ ‘aot PE Lm The san tance, off sash whe xy ASWO pin is typically obtained oyer a 24 month a sopit largely because it is SLE" simultaneously worked on wile totic manages et fale jb. Aliugh caring 2 pin 8S isthe priory, th pel junior cris additonal managing a wak cetr of 20-5 peo, : aa SS) cane san pao SHO mre nes oi Ti Rey collisions in the 7* fleet Newinsdruction fis allowed for an extended time perioto acquire a ‘SWO officer pin rather’ than the previous 24-month hardline requirement. The new instruction also changes the standard for who can ear a SWO pin. Non-SWO designated officers used to have the oportunity to obtain a SWO pin if they completed the requisite qualifications. That standard as been changed to allow for SWO esignated junior officers to have more time devin hips nd a8 ive senior SWOs the opportuni to mann thir qualifications, westile what peapl sty, a we mere mt “FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY intr 8 float

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