Physiology Week 10: 1. Anatomic Dead S Pace

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Physiology MCQs Week 10

1. Anatomic Dead S pace:

Answer A C an be measured by B ohr's method.

A nswer B D oes not alter with large inspirations.

A nswer C Is independent of posture of the subj ect.

A nswer D Is larger than the physiologic dead space in subjects with lung disease.

A nswer E C an be measured by Fowler's method

2. The Functional Residual Capacity is:

A nswer A The max imum volume of gas that can be ex haled after maximal
inspiratory effort.

A nswer B The volume of gas that can be ex haled after a tidal inspiration.

A nswer C The volume of gas that can be ex haled after a tidal ex piration.

A nswer D The volume of gas in the lung after forced ex piration.

A nswer E The volume of gas in the lung after normal expiration.

3. Pulmonary blood flow:

A nswer A Is mainly regulated by sympathetic control.

A nswer B Is mainly regulated by passive mechanisms with local

adjustments in response to 02.

A nswer C Is directly proportional to pulmonary vascular resistance.

A nswer D Is unaffected by posture.

A nswer E Is reduced by acetylcholine due to constriction of the smooth

muscle in the pulmonary circulation.
4. The dissociation of oxygen from haemoglobin:

Answer A Is facilitated by a fall in temperature.

AnswerB Is decreased by a rise in 2 ,3 DPG concentration in red cells

A nswer C C an result in Hb crystalising in methaemoglobinaemia

A nswerD D ue to increased PC 02 , is known as the B ohr effect

A nswer E Results in the two beta chains of the Hb moving closer

5. Carbon dioxide:

Answer A Is carried in the blood predominantly as carbamino-haemoglobin.

A nswerB Is more readily carried by ox ygenated blood.

AnswerC Is carried by the blood predominantly as carbamino compounds.

A nswer D Obeys Henry's law when dissolved in blood.

A nswerE Is two times more soluble than 02 .

6. With regard to S urfactant, which of the following statements is FALSE?

A nswer A C ontains phospholipids, proteins and carbohydrates.

A nswerB A ssists in keeping the alveolar dry.

A nswer C Is produced by the Type II alveolar cells.

Answer D Improves alveolar stability

A nswer E C ounteracts the adverse effects predicted by Poiseuille's law

7. Concerning the respiratory system, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Answer A The increased lung volumes in asthmatic patients reduce their

airway resistance.

AnswerB Most airway resistance occurs in medium-sized bronchi.

Answer C The elastic properties of the chest wall and lung balance each
other at the end of quiet inspiration.

Answer D C ompliance of the lung falls at higher lung volumes.

AnswerE The base of the lung ventilates better than the apex in normal

8. Concerning airways resistance, which of the following statements is TRUE?

Answer A D ynamic airways compression is not seen in normal

ventilation in normal lungs.

AnswerB A irways resistance rises at high lung volumes.

Answer C Helium, as a low density gas, reduces the tendency to

turbulence by increasing the Reynolds number.

Answer D Parasympathetic innervation mediates bronchodilation.

AnswerE A t low lung volumes, expiratory flow rate becomes effort


9. Haemoglobin:

Answer A In its ferrous form is known as methaemoglobin.

AnswerB In sickle cell disease has a dissociation curve more to the left.

Answer C Per gram can combine with 0 . 139 mls 02.

Answer D In stored blood is associated with increased 2,3 DPG.

AnswerE When deoxygenated has an increased ability to carry C02.

10. The oxygen concentration in blood (ml 02/100 ml) is given by:

Answer A (1.39 x Hb x Sat/I00) - 0.003 P02

AnswerB (0.003 x Hb x Sat/I00) - 1.25 PC02

Answer C (1.39 x Hb x SatllOO) + 0.003 P02

Answer D (1.39 x Hb x Sat/IOO) + 1.25 P02

AnswerE (1.39 x Hb x Sat/I00) - 1.25 PC02

11. On the 02 Dissociation curve (at ph 7.4, PC02 40 mmHg, 37 degrees C) which of the
following is FALSE?

Answer A P02 is 27 mmHg for 50% saturation

AnswerB P02 is 100 mmHg for 97 .5% saturation

Answer C P02 is 40 mmHg for 75% saturation

Answer D P02 is 60 mmHg for 75% saturation

AnswerE P02 is 50 mmHg for 80% saturation

12. Regarding gas transport to the periphery:

Answer A Reduced Hb is less acid and so facilitates the loading of blood

with C02

AnswerB C arbon monoxide shifts the 02 dissociation curve to the right

Answer C C loride shift results from the relative impe=eability of the red
cell membrane to HC03-

Answer D The Haldane effect describes the increased unloading of 02 at


AnswerE Less than 2% of the C02 carried in blood is in the dissolved

Answers Physiology Week 10

1. E

2. E

3. B

4. D

5. D

6. E
7. C
8. A
9. E
10. C
11. D
12. A

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